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Tribolugy Inrernafional Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 3’2-331.

0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
ELSEVIER 0301-679X’97/$17.00 + 0.00
PII: SO301-679X(96)00062-X

Fifty years of research on the

ar of metals
Peter J, Blau

Research on the wear of metals which took place over the past
half century has brought new understanding and advanced major
concepts of tribology. Such key work comprises a subset of a
much larger body of published studies which simply report wear
test results. The availability of new testing methods and
instruments have made possible the detailed study of the
microstructure, nanostructure, and compositions of contact
surfaces. The classical work of the earlier decades concentrated
on the mechanics of solid contact, understanding the true area of
contact, asperity plasticity, and transfer during sliding. Wear
science also witnessed the establishment of the conceptual
groundwork for such things as the critical angle for maximum
erosion rate by particles, the proportionality between hardness
and abrasive wear rate, and the nature of slip and stick in fretting
contact. Later decades brought forth instruments, like the
scanning electron microscope and the atomic force microscope,
whit!? have provided fascinating insights and detailed information
on surface structure. There have also been developments in
computational modelling of wear by finite element methods,
molecular dynamics, and fracture mechanics. Past trends in the
study of various forms of metal wear and future trends and
needs in wear research are discussed. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd

Keywords: wear, metals, alloys, wear research, surface roughness,

metallic wear, erosion, abrasion, fretting, impact wear, hardness,
delamination wear, sliding wear, wear modelling

Introduction more wear-resistant metals dates back far longer than

the 50 years addressed in this article. That longer-term
Wear is defined by the American Society for Testing perspective is amply described in the comprehensive
and Materials (ASTM)’ as ‘damage to a solid surface, book by Dowson’. The present paper focuses instead
generally involving the progressive loss of material,
on the progress of metal wear studies during the last
due to relative motion between that surface and a half of the 20th century, evolving understanding and
contacting substance or substances.’ Thus, any retro- modelling metal wear, the role of wear testing, and
spective look at research on the wear of metals must the important influence of new surface imaging and
concern not only sliding wear and abrasion, but more analysis techniques on progress in metal wear research.
broadly, a wide range of wear processes. Use of the
broad term substu~zcein the ASTM definition allows
To better appreciate the directions which wear research
wear to be produced not only by rubbing contact with took over the last few decades, it is necessary to
a solid surface, but also by particles, liquids, electric
understand the motivations for conducting such work.
arcs, or gas streams. Wear has been of concern to
Wear studies are generally conducted for one or more
users of metals for thousands of years. One need only
of the following reasons:
consider the importance of maintaining sharp hunting
knives, axes, and swords to realize that the search for (a) To understand the wear behaviour of a particular
family of materials.
Tribonwterials hformution Services, PO Box 4427, Oak Ridge, (b) To optimize or select materials for a particular
TN 3783 I-442 7, USA application (i.e., simulation and screening)
Tribology International Volume 30 Number 5 1997 321
Fifty years of research on the wear of metals: P. J. Blau

(c) To understand the effects of certain variables on ducted over the past 50 years has continued to be
a particular type of wear mode or process metals-oriented. For the last 20 of those years, a
(d) To support the development of predictive or continuing series of bi-annual International Conferences
descriptive models for wear in specific tribosys- on the Wear of Materials has been held in North
terns. America. Figure 1 indicates that over the last decade,
the proportion of Wear of Materials Conference papers
Testing is a vital component of wear research; however,
devoted to the wear of (bulk) metals and alloys
the generation of test data alone does not constitute
decreased by about a factor of two. This trend reflects
wear research. Publications containing wear data for
a growing interest in ceramics, polymers, composite
metals and alloys abound. Handbooks bulge with wear
materials, and coatings.
rates, wear coefficients, wear factors, and wear maps.
Journals and conference proceedings contribute still The different types of metal wear have not been equally
more. Yet, the number of significant contributions to researched. If one assumesthat the Wear of Materials
wear research, those which have led to significant conferences are indicative of the trends in wear
advances in basic understanding of wear, is much research over the last 20 years, then the subjects of
smaller. Unlike the approach taken in brute-force rank- the papers published in those conference proceedings
ing or screening studies, the goals of wear research become an indicator of the emphasis placed on studies
are to develop better, more accurate wear models, to of the various wear types. Wear of Materials Confer-
reveal the fundamental relationships between the struc- ence papers which addressed the wear of bulk metals
ture and properties of a surface and its wear response, or alloys (including surface-modified metals but not
and to use that understanding to develop improved metals used as substrates for non-metal coatings) were
wear-resistant materials and surface treatments for spe- sorted by type of wear. If a certain paper discussed
cific applications. two types of wear, it was listed in both categories.
As Kragelskii” pointed out that more than 50 years Figure 2 indicates that the majority of the metal wear-
ago, Russian researchers, Zaitsev, Konvisarov, Khru- related papers were concerned with sliding and abrasive
shov and Shchapov established that the wear resistance wear. The category ‘all other’ contains rolling wear,
qf a material depends to a large extent on its con- impact wear, galling, and spark erosion. Work on
ditions of use. Despite this early recognition, many abrasive wear seemsto have peaked between 1983 and
still regard wear as an intrinsic materials property. In 1987 when it about equalled the volume of work on
fact, it cannot be said that the wear resistance of any sliding wear, but trends in the other types of wear are
particular metal is either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ without also less clear.
providing the context under which that assessment To some extent, the trends shown in Fig. 2 are subject
was made. Furthermore, wear is most meaningfully to the influences of competing conferences held in the
represented in relative terms when used to make same year and to the relative successof the conference
material selections for a particular application. For paper solicitors whose interests may have lain in certain
metals, as for other engineering materials, relative wear areas of tribology. Nevertheless, the trends are interest-
resistance of a set of candidate materials can differ ing; especially in light of the estimate of Eyre” regard-
when different wear processes are involved. Czichos4, ing the relative percentages of wear problems in indus-
for example, showed that the wear resistance of four try. Published in 1976, the year before the first Wear
surface-treated metals ranked in opposite order when of Materials conference was held, Eyre’s paper esti-
subjected to abrasive and sliding wear. Therefore, when mated the followin g percentages of wear types in
considering historical progress in wear research on industry: abrasive wear 50%, adhesive wear 15%, ero-
metals, one must differentiate between the types of sion 8%, fretting 8%, and chemical wear 5%. If Eyre’s
wear processes, and consider research progress along estimates are correct, then the amount of effort devoted
those lines. There are a number of classification to the study of adhesive (sliding) wear and to abrasive
schemes for wear types, but in general, sliding wear”, wear, as mirrored in the Wear of Materials Conference
abrasive wear, erosive wear, fretting wear, impact wear, papers, seem to be disproportionately high and low,
and their variants which involve tribochemical effects respectively.
are commonly delineated.
One might speculate why there was relatively high
interest in sliding wear compared with other forms.
Trends in metal wear research Firstly, sliding wear is arguably more mechanistically
Peterson5 reviewed the development and use of tribo- complex than certain other forms of wear because it
materials and concluded that metals and their alloys involves not only the cutting and plowing included in
are the most common engineering materials used in abrasive wear, but also the adhesion of asperities, third-
wear applications. Grey cast iron, for example, has bodies (debris), subsurface crack initiation and growth
been in use as early as 1388. Thus, despite the growing (i.e., contact fatigue processes), the transfer of material
interest in ceramics and polymeric composites as engin- to and from the mating surfaces, subtle changes in
eering tribomaterials, much of the wear research con- surface roughness during running-in, tribochemical film
formation, and other processes. Secondly, sliding wear
testing machines are relatively easy to build, compared
*The term adhesive wear is covmonl~~ used to characterize sliding with, for example, impingement erosion, rolling con-
wear in which material is removed by the process qf monwntary
tact, impact or fretting testers. Therefore, materials
adhesilvz ,junction formation and ,fracture. This term limits the mech-
anism of material remove to a particular ow, md the more general researchers interested in beginning to study wear could
term sliding wear will be used in this paper. obtain their first set of data more quickly and with
322 Tribology International Volume 30 Number 5 1997
Fifty years of research on the wear of metals: P. J. Blau



77 ‘79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95


Fig. 1 The proportion qf International Wear of Materials Conference papers devoted to the wear of metals seems
to hal,e peaked in the mid 1980s and declined in recent years

77 79 01 03 05 87 89 91 93 95


Fig. 2 Based OH the International Wear of Materials Conference proceedings, sliding wear, erosive wear, and
abrasil.le M’ear research have dominated over the past 20 years

less design effort expended on the testing machines the study of wear was not the primary objective; rather,
themselves. In fact, some investigators began their wear testing was done in support of efforts in new
sliding wear studies by adapting phonograph record materials development. It is safe to say that there is
players, drill presses, and lathes with a minimal invest- much more research effort expended in developing the
ment 3f funds. Thirdly, the availability of funding processing of new materials, surface treatments, and
influences the type of wear research being done and coatings than there is in wear. It must be recognized,
there may have been more funding available for sliding therefore, that factors other than a desire to study wear
wear research than for other forms. for its own sake have motivated a number of research
Alloy and coating development efforts have also stimu- efforts which included the wear of metals.
lated ‘#ear testing and wear research. In such work,
Tribology International Volume 30 Number 5 1997 323
Fifty years of research on the wear of metals: P. J. Blau

The changing focus in wear research on abrasive wear behaviour. They addressed such issues
metals as dislocation density, crystalline structure, and defor-
mational energy stored in the material during abrasion.
As Dowson’s book suggests, the history of tribology They established important similarities between crystal-
is strongly linked to the history of transportation tech- lographic texture development during abrasion and
nology. The need to control friction and wear in those obtained during rolling of metal sheet. Friction
ground, sea, and aerospace propulsion systems was and wear data they obtained, along with calorimetric
clearly a historical impetus for wear research. Much data, helped them to estimate the energy stored in the
of the wear research in the 1940s and 1950s was material during abrasive processes. About the same
conducted by mechanical engineers and metallurgists time, fundamental investigations of crystallographic
to obtain design data for the construction of motors, effects on sliding friction and wear of single crystals
drive trains, brakes, bearings, bushings, and other types was also going on14. Later, a number of electron
of moving mechanical assemblies.The interest in space microscopy studies of abraded surfaces were published
exploration which grew in the late 1950s and expanded (e.g., Moore and Southwaitei5).
in the 1960s generated extensive studies of adhesion
and wear in VCICUO.The early 1960s also witnessed In addition to witnessing the beginnings of microstruc-
the establishment of a Gordon Research Conference tural studies on abraded surfaces, other experimental
on Friction, Lubrication, and Wear in the USA. It work in the mid-1960s was further exploring the issue
joined a series of scientific conferences which orig- of the relative hardness of the abrasive to the work
inated in 1931 to foster the exchange of forefront material. Nathan and Joneslh, for example, conducted
research findings. The Gordon Conference in Tribology extensive belt abrasion studies on metals and alloys.
continues to be held on even-numbered years. Five bonded abrasives ranging from glass to silicon
carbide were used. Unlike the linear proportionality
During the 1970s spurred on in part by developments put forth by earlier workers, they represented the abras-
in instrumentation and computing, interest in studying ive wear volume as being proportional to the logarithm
the fundamental aspects of wear grew among materials of the ratio of the abrasive hardness to that of the
researchers and surface physicists, and most of that metal. Except for soft metals, like tin and aluminium,
work focused on metals. In 1974, another important this relationship appeared to hold.
conference series, the Leeds-Lyon Conferences in Tri- Much of the early modelling work in abrasive wear
bology, was established. These conferences have served was concerned with two-body abrasive wear, that is,
as a forum for discussion of new developments in where the hard particles which are doing the cutting
wear research. By the mid-to-late 1970s Czichos’s and plowing are fixed on the opposing surface. Three-
systems approach7 proposed an organized system of body abrasive wear presents additional problems which
wear analysis based on energy partition during sliding. can complicate the modelling process. When abrasive
A German standard on the subject followed shortly grains are free to tumble (perhaps entrained in a fluid
thereafter’. In the 1980s and 1990s new surface-imag- or slurry) and to change their angles of approach and
ing instruments and computer-based techniques became penetration into the surface, the modelling situation
available to study wear. In the following sections key becomes more complicated. Comprehensive studies by
developments and concepts in metal wear of different Mulheam and Samuels” in Australia integrated abras-
types will be highlighted. ive removal mechanisms with metallurgical structure
during the machining and polishing processes. Much
Abrasive wear of this work, which took place in the 20-year period
between 1960 and 1980, is summarized in Samuel’s
Research work on abrasive wear had reached an important book on polishing’*. In that book, he uses
important milestone by the early 1940s. The work of transparent geometric shapes and plasticine modelling
Krushev and Babichev” established a linear pro- clay to illustrate how three modes of interaction can
portionality between the ratio of the hardness of pure be produced by third bodies on a soft surface: rolling,
metals to their relative abrasion resistance. Later, grooving to displace material, and chip cutting.
Larsen-Basse’Oshowed that similar data for steels could
Forty years after Krushev and Babishev published their
be subdivided into two lines of different slopes
work, Challen and Oxley’s work on slip-line field
depending on their Vickers hardness number. Other
investigators have refined the relative hardness analysis19 provided new methodology to analyse metal
deformation during abrasive contact. Abrasion models
approach still further (e.g., Mutton and Watson”).
for metals, developed in Japan and published in 1983”,
Further, as Moore” pointed out, different relationships
used slip-line field theory and incorporated such con-
appeared when that approach was extended to other
types of materials. The tendency of hard particles to siderations as the hardness ratio of the indenter to the
either cut chips or plow through and displace surface substrate, the abrasive tip angle, and a dimensionless
interfacial shear strength (ratio of the interfacial shear
material affects the manner and magnitude of abrasive
strength to that of the substrate). Also in 1983, Sasada
wear processes. In general, formulations for two-body
et al.” studied the effects of abrasive grain size on the
abrasive wear models contain the hardness of the
abraded surface and a characteristic angle of the sharp transition between adhesive wear and abrasive wear. By
the mid-1980s techniques like the ‘Uppsala pendu-
asperity(ies) producing the material removal.
lum”2.23 were being developed to study the energy of
During the late 1950s and early 1960s Alison et al. l3 grooving. In 1987, Zum-Gahr’” published an extensive
began to integrate the consideration of metallurgical review of grooving wear in materials which addressed
structure below the contact surface into analyses of many of the metallurgical aspects of abrasion.
324 Tribology International Volume 30 Number 5 1997
Fifty years of research on the wear of metals: P. J. Blau

One important problem with some of the single-grain- published his important book on The Hardfless of
based abrasive wear models is that they do not Metals. This short but influential work established an
explicitly account for the presence of adjacent grains, experimental and conceptual framework of understand-
embedment, and loading (infilling of the abrading sur- ing for deformation during indentation, work hardening,
face with debris). Many types of two-body abrasion elastic recovery, the influence of indenter shape, the
testing apparatus are designed specifically to avoid types and differences between hardness measurement
loading by moving the slider sequentially across a methods, and importantly for sliding wear science,
drum or disk to supply fresh abrasiveZ5, yet loading Tabor revisited the issue of true versus apparent contact
often happens in practice. The most obvious example area between solids.
of this phenomenon is in the grinding the metals by
abrasive wheels which must be dressed periodically to The following year, 1952, produced another important
keep the grains ‘free-cutting’. Grinding is essentially work in wear research of metals. Burwell and Strang34
displa’cement-controlled two-body abrasive wear of the are credited for formulating among the first widely-
work piece. Future opportunities for work in two- and accepted laws of adhesive (sliding) wear of metals.
three-body abrasive wear of metals might therefore They proposed that the following are usually involved
include studies of loading (two-body), multiple interac- in the wear of metals: (1) adhesion or galling, (2)
tions (two- and three-body), and grain fracture during corrosion, (3) the presence of loose abrasive material
abrasion (two- and three-body). The role of tribochemi- (third-bodies), (4) cutting or plowing, and (5) a number
stry in wet abrasion situations (two- and three-body of other factors such as fatigue and erosion. These
wear-corrosion synergism) is also a prime subject for basic concepts have largely stood the test of time, and
continuing study, as is the integration of what is known many of the wear theories and models which followed
about grinding with the field of abrasive wear research. that work have merely addressed the implications of
tlhose processes in one form or another.
In 1953, the same year that Sir Edmund Hillary first
Sliding wear climbed Mount Everest, arguably the world’s largest
The history of sliding wear research in metals cannot asperity, J. F. Archard published his wear model
be divorced from classical studies of friction because which stated a proportionality (k) between the volume
both involve the mechanics of solid contact. Fifty years of wear produced during sliding (V) and the applied
ago, Ragnar Holm was in the midst of conducting load (L), hardness (H), and sliding distance (s):
fundamental studies on the nature of solid contact in (V/s) = k L/H. This model is sometimes referred to as
Sweden. He published a signal work on electrical ‘Archard’s adhesive wear model’ despite the fact that
contact problem?, a book which was expanded and its derivation was not dependent upon the assumption
reprinted in 195827. Holm pondered the role of atomic- of adhesion. In a later paper, Archard and Hirst36
level itransfer and proposed a relationship between wear presented the results of an extensive series of experi-
volume loss per unit distance slid and the true area ments on sliding wear of metals and concluded:
of contact.
‘ . . when equilibrium surface conditions are attained
Comprehensive fundamental studies of the sliding wear the wear rates of materials are independent of the
and friction of metals were performed at the Cavendish apparent area of contact and suggeststhat wear rate
Laboratory in Cambridge, England for more than 50 is proportional to the applied load unless a change
years. That work began a few years before World in load causes the surface conditions to change.
War I& in Cambridge, continued between 1939 and These rules apply to both the mild and severe forms
1944 in Melbourne, Australia, and returned to Cam- of wear and have been observed for combinations
bridge thereafter. P. F. Bowden and D. Tabor were of materials for which the wear mechanisms are
highl:i-recognized leaders of that work, and their 1950 known to be of different kinds.’
book on friction and lubricationZ8 was influential in Thus, it was recognized that transitions in wear, such
the historical development of wear research on metals. as running-in and other transitions, were possible and
In Barwell’s bookz9, published in 1950, Bowden and that a better understanding of the causes for such
Tabo?’ wrote the following:
phenomena was needed. Nearly 30 years later, Arch-
‘Metal surfaces normally employed both in practice ard37 discussedthe implications of his and other simple
and in laboratory experiments on friction will gener- wear models, pointing out their limitations; especially
ally be very complex and will consist of (a) surface as regards the influences of sliding velocity, frictional
irregularities which are very large compared with heating, and sudden transitions in wear processes, a
molecular dimensions, (b) an oxide film, and (c) an subject discussed later in this paper.
altered or disturbed layer within the metal itself.’ The transfer of metal or films from one surface to
Holm’s contribution3’ in the same book reviewed the another during sliding has been the subject of numerous
relationship of hardness to sliding wear in the context studies. By the late 1940s radioactive isotopes were
of work hardening. becoming more readily available to researchers and
new means of studying the processesof transfer in the
Lancaster3” points out that much of wear research wear of metals were made possible. These techniques
conducted in the 1950s and 1960s was aimed at the are discussed by Rabinowicz3”. The transfer and build-
sliding of soft metals on harder counterfaces. In fact, up of deposits of material ahead of the sliding contact
the decade of the 1950s represented a most influential was the subject of the much-cited 1952 paper by
one in wear research in metals. In 1951, Tabor Cocks39. The following year, a conference on the
Tribology International Volume 30 Number 5 1997 325
Fifty years of research on the wear of metals: P. J. Blau

Mechanisms of Solid Frictiorz”, which contained a numerous photomicrographs as examples, various

number of papers on wear as well, was sponsored by forms of wear features whose causesrange from plastic
the US Air Force Materials Laboratory. A year later deformation to brittle fracture and fatigue. The second
Antler’l’ published a review of the transfer of metals publication resulted from a joint, American Society for
during sliding. He found transfer to be extremely Metals/The Metallurgical Society of AIME, symposium
important in the performance of switches, relays, edge- held on October 4-5, 1980, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
board connectors, and other electro-mechanical compo- The publication was edited by D. A. Rigney and titled
nents. His work for more than three decades reflected Fundamentals of Friction and Wear of Materialsil. A
an emphasis in that area of metallic wear behaviour. series of invited review articles addressedsliding wear,
the delamination theory of wear, abrasive wear, dislo-
In the decade of the 196Os, interest was growing in
cation concepts in friction and wear, fatigue, wear
applying new techniques of surface physics to the
and fracture mechanics, coatings, and other topics. In
study of adhesion and transfer, as it related to friction
particular, L. E. Samuels et al.‘* reviewed sliding wear
and wear of metals. Significant among that work was
mechanisms in light of extensive experimental evidence
the research of D. Buckley and his colleagues at the
from studies which included years of research on mach-
US National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
ining and polishing. It was during this rich period of
Lewis Research Center. Much of that work is summar-
sliding wear research that Trenie i Iwos, the Soviet
ized in Buckley’s 1981 book4*.
Journal of Friction and Wear, made its appearance
During the 1970s and 1980s there was quite a bit of in English translation53. Volume 1, Number 1 of that
research on the subject of selective transfer performed publication contained articles by Ishlinskii, Belyi,
in the former Soviet Union. The definition for selective Kraghelski, and other key Soviet researchers. The sub-
transfer (ST), as stated by GarkunovJ”, is as follows: jects of these papers addressed the wear not only of
metals, but also of polymers, lubricating films, and
‘a friction mode due to the spontaneous formation
friction materials.
in the contact zone of a nonoxidizing thin metallic
film that has low resistance to shearing and does Sliding wear continues to be a focus of tribology
not work harden. On the film there forms a polymer research, and there are still a number of areas of which
film which creates a second antifriction layer.’ offer opportunities in the research on the sliding wear
So intense was the interest in ST that various com- of metals. For example, models which incorporate sim-
missions and councils were organized in the mid-to- ultaneously-operating wear processes, the effects of
late 1970s to address the mechanisms and applications strain rates (sliding speed) on near-surface shear
of ST. At the same time, there was an interest in the strength, and third bodies must be developed and inte-
Soviet Union in ‘hydrogen wear’44. Hydrogen wear grated. In addition, better models for boundary-lubri-
was said to be produced due to the destruction of cated metal wear, containing not only the properties
hydrogen-containing materials at the sliding interface. of the solid but tribochemical effects as well, are
The excess hydrogen was surmised to diffuse into the needed. The area of wear transitions, discussed later in
surface of steels to accelerate subsurface cracking and this article, is another fruitful area for future research.
to lead to higher wear rates.
While Russian researchers were studying selective Erosive wear
transfer in the 1970s a team of workers at the Massa- In 1958 and 1960, Finnie published definitive papers
chusetts Institute of Technology, led by Nam P. Suh,
which established the cornerstone for understanding the
was developing what was to become known as the erosion of ductile metals by impingement of hard
‘delamination theory of wear’. Published in 1973J5,
particles 54s5 The important factors governing this form
this fatigue-based sliding wear model involved the
of erosion were identified as the particle velocity, angle
nucleation and propagation of subsurface cracks to
of incidence, and flux. Ductile metals were generally
form platelets which eventually detached from the wear
observed to experience a maximum in erosion rate at
surface as flat debris particles. Suh later stated that the
angles of incidence between about 15-30”, and it was
three mechanisms for the removal of elastoplastic solid
established that the erosion rate (mass loss per mass
material from a surface were: (1) asperity deformation of impinging particles) could be expressed as a constant
and fracture, (2) plowing, and (3) delamination. These
times the impinging particle velocity \I raised to the
are described in his 1986 book46.
power n (iz = 2-2.5 for metals). During the 1960s
Two publications appeared in the late 1970s which interest grew in the mechanisms of erosive wear in
summarize much of the work in sliding wear. The such applications as electrical power plants, mining
Proceedings of the International Wear of Materials equipment, and jet engines. Much of this work is
Conference, held in Dearborn, Michigan, in 1979, con- chronicled in a series of special technical publications
tained a number of papers on the subject of metallic published by ASTM56. In fact, it was largely the
transfer and sliding wear. For example, T. Sasada et interest in erosive wear and the successful symposium
aZ.47examined transfer, back-transfer, and the mechan- on ‘Erosion and Cavitation’ in June of 1961 that led
ical working of particles in sliding interfaces. Two to the development of the ASTM Committee (G-2) on
other teams of Japanese investigators revealed the Erosion and Wear. Establishment of the new committee
power of in situ experiments in the scanning electron was approved by the ASTM Board of Directors in
microscope by studying the formation of wear par- 196357. In 1985, the committee name was changed to
ticles58,“9. Vingsbo’s review paper50 considered the ‘Wear and Erosion’ to reflect a change in committee
classification of wear modes and describes, using emphasis from erosive wear to other forms.
326 Tribology International Volume 30 Number 5 1997
Fifty years of research on the wear of metals: P. J. Blau

Similarly as for sliding and abrasive wear, the 1960s became interested in the subject during his PhD studies
witnessed an increasing use of electron microscopy at Cambridge University in 1953-1955. A more recent
and metallurgical analyses in research on the various review of his and others’ work on the subject may be
types of metal wear. For example, Kosel et aL5* evalu- found in the ASM Handbook, published 20 years
ated the earlier work on erosion mechanisms by Finnie later66. Just a few years before Waterhouse’s first
(mentroned above) and Tilly59 in light of SEM and exposure to the subject, Mindlin”’ and Mindlin et ~1.~’
TEM observations of eroded surfaces of copper, nickel, published oft-cited papers which offered an elastic
and aluminium. They observed evidence for the contact analysis of the fretting problem. In 1954, God-
embedment of hard erodant particles (alumina) in the frey and Bailey69 studied the fretting behaviour of
surface, a gradient of subsurface damage, and the several metals and oxide compacts, recognizing the
presence of fatigue-like dislocation structures in the important role of third bodies in fretting. In 1956,
mater; al. Halliday and Hirst7’ published an important paper on
the role of particles in the mild steel fretting process.
In 1977, Sheldon6” published a study of the erosive Using an apparatus consisting of a short cylinder oscil-
wear of six pure metals (using silicon carbide particles lating in a V-groove, they concluded that fretting pro-
at fixed velocity and angle of impingement) which ceeded by a series of stages involving plastic flow, the
demonstrated a logarithmic relationship between their formation and breaking of junctions, the production of
erosion rates and Vickers hardness numbers. Further- loose particles, and finally, the scoring and tearing of
more, the lower erosion rates corresponded to greater the surfaces. Their second major finding was that the
differences between the Vickers hardness numbers of magnitude of the wear volume, the electrical contact
indivildual metals in their annealed and post-eroded resistance, and the friction coefficient during fretting
states The same year that Sheldon published that work, were all greatly dependent on the amplitude of
Preece and McMillanh’ prepared a concise review of vibration. Unlike sliding wear in which debris removal
erosicn. More recent reviews of the mechanisms of usually reduces the friction, fretting wear produced the
erosive wear may be found in the article by Kose16’ opposite effect when debris was removed. The decade
and in the 1992 book by Hutchings63. of the 1950s was an important one for research in the
Some of the most challenging research areas in erosive fretting wear of metals.
wear involve high temperatures, high velocities, and A recurrent theme in metal wear research involves the
corrosive environments, such as the conditions in relationships between hardness and wear. Sometimes
chemical plants, jet engines, and power generating hardness is not as important in wear as other factors.
plantss4. For several years, the US Department of For example, Japanese work7’ published in 1979 on
Energy, Fossil Energy Program, funded research on the fretting of steels, whose hardness varied by about
high-temperature erosive wear for such applications as a factor of three, revealed that hardness had much less
fluidized beds and the coal-fired diesel engine. effect on fretting behaviour than did the presence of
Erosive wear control is important to the function and third-bodies (wear debris). The importance of wear
appearance of many machines and consumer products. debris was studied by Godet and his colleagues for
Current research work on materials for high-tempera- many years and led to the development of a third-
ture erosion is focusing more on refractory coatings body approach to wear modelling7’. These studies were
and weld overlays than on bulk metals and alloys. supplemented by later experiments in the late 1980s
Despite the importance of erosive wear in industry, using transparent substrates which permitted the gener-
basic research on the fundamentals of metal erosive ation and motions of debris particles within fretting
wear, like that of other forms, seems to be declining contacts to be captured on video tape and analysed.‘
in favour of applied work in recent years. ‘Fretting maps’ have recently been used by Vingsbo
and Soderberg73 for displaying relationships between
such parameters as frequency and amplitude of slip in
Fretting wear fretting wear. These maps help display the synergistic
interactions of fretting variables.
Fretting wear, which typically occurs in clamped or
bolted mechanical joints, stacks of objects in transport,
and electrical connectors in vibrating machinery, Other forms of metal wear
invol-ves small-amplitude oscillations. It differs from
reciprocating sliding wear in the manner of debris Controlling and understanding the mechanistic pro-
trapping within the contact and also because the outside cesses in other forms of wear, such as impact wear
area gf a fretting contact may sometimes be slipping and rolling contact wear, are important in specific
while the central portion may be ‘sticking’. Fretting applications. The fundamental aspects of these forms
wear may also involve corrosion and the evolution of have been much less studied and modelled than those
oxidized debris, hence the term fretting corrosion. of abrasive, erosive, fretting, and sliding wear. In many
There is a continuing debate as to what amplitude cases, research on these forms have been more of an
of oscillation distinguishes fretting and reciprocating engineering nature which stressed the development of
sliding. The magnitude of this critical amplitude tends component design equations or empirical models from
to range between about 50 and 150 km. a mechanical engineering approach. Still rarer are stud-
ies of combined forms of metal wear. One example is
R. B. Waterhouse has been a major contributor to the work of Wayne et n1.74who studied the combined
fretting wear of metals in the past 50 years. According action of impact and sliding on iron and nickel-base
to his classic 1972 book on fretting erosion65, he first superalloys.
Tribology International Volume 30 Number 5 1997 327
Fifty years of research on the wear of metals: P. J . Blau

Research on wear transitions in metals research. Accurate prediction of the time to the onset
of scuffing or galling in operating metal components
Nearly 50 years ago, Burwel17” edited a collection of is a challenging area for future study as well.
papers on the subject of mechanical wear. Most of
them dealt with the wear of metals. Almen’s paper76
in that collection described the concept of running-in Development of new instruments and wear
wear. He pointed out that it consisted in the levelling research techniques
of asperities by plastic deformation and compression. In
fact, that roughness-basedconcept was well-established Wear models are usually based on assumptions about
before the 194Os, owing in large measure to the work the microgeometry of contacts, how forces are distrib-
of Abbott and Firestone77 who helped to advance the uted on contact surfaces, and how the materials react
ideas of bearing area curves and asperity truncation. to those systems of forces. Aside from the optical
microscope, one of the most influential instruments in
In 1956 Kerridge and Lancaster7* discussed the stages the field of wear modelling was the mechanical stylus
in the progression of severe metallic wear. Ten years surface profiler. Basic development work on the con-
later, Kragelskii79 devoted an entire chapter of his book cept for this type of instrument began in the 1920s by
on friction and wear to the subject of friction and wear the German investigators G. Berndt and G. Schmaltz
transitions, and in a later book with Dobychin and and foreshadowed the famous 1933 paper on ‘Specify-
Kombalov*O addressed the manner in which sliding ing Surface Quality’ by Abbott and Firestone, cited
surfaces can attain an equilibrium roughness. previously. The ability to produce surface profiles per-
mitted wear modellers to better quantify surface rough-
The idea that friction and wear can experience a series ness, and a number of roughness-basedcontact models
of evolutionary stages has been the present author’s emerged (see, for example, a pair of recent review
interest for a number of years, and in 1989, a book
papers by Greenwooda5).
focused on running-in and other transitions in friction
and wear was published8’. Much of that work was The growing availability of computers in the 1980s
based on the concept that surfaces undergo a series of and 1990s has had a major influence on all fields
changes in which the relative balance of wear processes of science and technology, including wear research.
(i.e., energy dissipation regimes) changes, as reflected Applications include wear sensing and monitoring, data
by changes in the frictional histories of the sliding acquisition during wear testing, information storage and
contact. It was hoped that by learning to interpret retrieval, and the modelling and simulation of surface
frictional records, the changing balance of interfacial micro-contacts. In the last 20 years, finite element
mechanisms could be determined and used to advantage methods have become a work-horse in tribo-engineer-
in controlling and understanding wear. Admittedly, a ing, predicting stress distributions and thermal profiles
problem with this approach is that one particular fric- in bearings, seals, engine parts, and other components.
tion-time curve shape cannot be uniquely attributed to
a unique combination of wear processesfor the general During the late 1970s and early 198Os, there was a
case, but rather depends on the specific tribosystem burst of interest in analytical and computer modelling
under analysis. Most recently, the concept of friction of frictional heating for application to bearings and
process diagrams, a means to portray mixtures of seals. Some of this work is summarized in the book
interfacial sliding contributions was introduced. The edited by Burtons6. Among other things, that work
construction and use of friction process diagrams are advanced the concepts of thermoelastic instability and
discussed elsewhere8’,83. the localization of surface thermal expansion to produce
thermal patches. Nearly a decade later, in 1987, Lim
Wear transitions are not limited to sliding wear. In fact, and Ashbys7 introduced the concept of wear mechanism
many forms of wear experience transitions, particularly maps in which dimensionless quantities plotted on
during the early stages of contact. For example, in orthogonal axes were used to represent contact pressure
solid particle impingement and cavitation erosion, sev- and sliding velocity-related parameters, respectively.
eral damage stages are distinguished: an incubation Regions dominated by various thermally-driven pro-
period in which there is zero or negligible erosion rate, cesseswere delineated and compared with data for the
the acceleration period during which the erosion rate wear rates of steels in pin-on-disk machines collected
increases to a maximum, the deceleration (attenuation) from the tribology literature. Eventually, a software
period, and the terminal period in which the final package called ‘T-MAPS’ was produced by Ashby’s
steady-state is reacheds4. These periods are caused Cambridge University research group. While quite use-
by such phenomena as initial surface conditioning, ful for predicting flash and bulk temperatures under
coldworking and hardening, and the embedment of simple geometric conditions of contact, the Lim-Ashby
impinging particles. representation involves assumptions about the number
of asperity contacts and fell short in accounting for
Research specifically focused on wear transitions in such effects as surface fatigue, third-bodies, and time-
metals has in general lagged wear research on metals dependent transitions in wear processes.
and other materials under steady-state conditions, and
this area represents a fertile ground for work in the Computer modelling of contacts on the atomic or
next 50 years because it addressesthe core issues of molecular scale is still in its infancy, being mainly
damage accumulation in surfaces and how wear modes confined to single-phase, single-crystal situations and
compete for domination. Such applications as auto- atomically-flat surfaces. The integration of continuum
motive brakes, which see widely varying conditions of materials properties with atomic interactions is a chal-
contact during use, will benefit from transitions lenge in this area of research. Computer models must
328 Tribology international Volume 30 Number 5 1997
Fifty years of research on the wear of metals: P. J. Blau

evolve to include the provisions to accommodate oxides processes in real-time within the contact zone, but the
and other surface films, third-bodies, and irregularities ability to do this for all but a few special cases (e.g.,
in the microstructures of engineering materials, among transparent specimens in special apparatus which does
others For example, the author is aware of no molecu- not necessarily simulate an application) is still the
lar dynamics computer model which predicts the thick- ‘holy grail’ of experimental wear researchers.
ness of the highly-deformed layer commonly observed
in etc?ed cross-sections of metal wear surfaces. Neither
does one predict the sliding-induced brick-like arrange- Summary and conclusions
ment of dislocation cells or deformation twins produced
in simple binary alloys of different stacking fault ener- Major advances have been made in three general areas
of metal research within the past 50 years: conceptual
gieP. There remains much to do in this area of
computer-aided metal wear research. advances, advances in instrumental techniques, and
advances in computation and dissemination of infor-
The principle of the scanning electron microscope mation. Research in the 1950s and 1960s produced
(SEM) was known since the late 1940s but the instrt- significant new concepts and formed the building
ment was not available as a commercial product until blocks of understanding in the areas of sliding, fretting,
about 1963. Materials researchers in wear mechanisms abrasive, and erosive wear. The research of Holm,
have grown to rely on the SEM as an indispensable Archard, Mindlin, Waterhouse, Finnie, Buckley,
tool because its high depth-of-field and wide range of Burwell, Strang, Kragelskii, Johnson, Greenwood, Wil-
usefu’. magnifications were highly effective for liamson, Soda, Bowden, and Tabor produced major
invesigating micro-scale wear surface features. Most advances in understanding and treating wear problems.
present-day wear research facilities own or have access Concepts of adhesion, the true area of contact, inter-
to a SEM. For at least 20 years, researchers have been facial transfer, critical angles for maximum abrasion
installing small sliding or scratch-testing stages inside and erosion, and the mechanics of contact of rough
their SEMs (e.g., Tsuya’“). In addition, SEMs have surfaces were all advanced during that period as well.
been teamed with energy-dispersive X-ray detectors Growing interest in tribosystem dynamics and third-
and other surface chemical analysis techniques to aid body effects grew in the 1960s and 1970s. The 1970s
in urderstanding the role of tribochemistry in metal witnessed increased use of electron optical instruments,
wea??. surface analysis instruments, thermal contact imaging
devices, and computer analysis of contact surface
Tens of thousands of SEM images of wear surfaces stresses and temperatures. The 1980s and 1990s saw
have been recorded over the last three decades, and the emergence of atomic probe instruments, wear maps
the complexity of the observed features has cast doubt of various types, and molecular dynamics computer
on the realism of wear models based on simple cones simulations of surface interactions.
or spheres. The conceptual question then arises: how
simply can one depict a wear surface and still develop Despite the development and gradual substitution of
a useful, physically-correct wear model? This question non-metallic tribomaterials and coatings in the transpor-
is still subject to debate. tation, manufacturing, mining, and other industries,
metals and alloys will continue to be used in wear
Atonic force microscopes which were commercialized
applications, and consequently will continue to present
in the 1990s have enjoyed growing use in tribology
new wear research challenges. In the 1990s the amount
research, and they may eventually have nearly as great
of basic research being conducted on the wear of
an impact on wear research as did the SEM in the
metals seems to be decreasing in favour of applied
late 1960s and beyond. Unlike the SEM and light
research on coatings and surface treatments (i.e., the
optics, that ultra-fine probe-tip technique is currently
field of surface engineering). One notable exception is
limited to relatively small areas of moderately smooth
the interest in metal matrix composites and self-
surfaces with asperity heights of a few micrometres or
lubricating alloys which are still prime candidates for
less. Other imaging techniques such as thermal wave
many light-weight engine and chassis components
microscopy”‘, confocal microscopy”, and scanning
(pistons, connecting rods, brake rotors, etc.).
acoustic microscopy93 are also making in-roads in
metai wear research, but except for a few specific With the present declining trend in support for basic
cases they have yet to demonstrate major advantages tribology research from national governments, it will
over other, older, well-established techniques of surface largely be up to the industrial sector to drive wear
and subsurface imaging. In 1967, Tabor wrote the research in the late 1990s. Thus one might expect that
following which equally applies nearly 30 years later: tribology research in the latter portion of the 1990s
‘In all this work, the physicist needs the tools and will be aimed toward product development, near-term
the techniques of his profession. But above all he problem-solving, hardware maintenance, and wear
needs physical insight and a sense of reality. With- sensing. We will see less effort directed toward the
out these attributes he will amass expensive equip- elucidation of the fundamental mechanisms of metal
ment and meaningless data.’ wear, but a greater emphasis on integrating interdisci-
plinary approaches to solving wear problems. One
In situ studies of wear processes have been aided by exception to the trend away from basic research on
the development of optical and infrared methods to metals is the emerging field of micro- and nano-
observe contact spots during sliding95,96. As new non- tribology which appears to have a growing following.
destructive techniques for imaging surfaces are But, like many of the endeavours of our dynamic
developed, it may eventually be possible to view wear technological age, its future also remains unclear.
Tribology International Volume 30 Number 5 1997 329
Fifty years of research on the wear of metals: P. J. Blau

Acknowledgements 21 Sasada T., Emori N. and Oike M. The effect of abrasive grain
size on the transition between abrasive and adhesive wear. Proc.
Hundreds of outstanding scientists and engineers have Int. Cotlf: on Wear qf Materials ‘83, Amer. Sot. of Mech. Engr.,
made contributions during the last 50 years of metal New York, 1983, 26-31
research. In this short article, it has been impossible 22. Bryggman U., Hogmark S. and Vingsbo 0. Mechanisms of
to recognize all of them, but only to select a few abrasive wear of steel investigated with the aid of pendulum
single pass grooving. Proc. Jnt. Corzj: on Wear of Materials ‘85,
which exemplify certain points. The author therefore Amer. Sot. of
Mech. Engr., New York, 1985, 324-331
apologizes to the noted tribologists throughout the
23 Vingsbo 0. and Hogmark S. Single-pass pendulum grooving -
world whose work he has failed to mention in this
A technical for abrasive wear research. Wear 1984. 100. 489-502
brief review.
24 Zum Gahr K.-H. Grooving wear. Chap. 5 In Microstructure
Finally, the comments of J. Williams, University of and Wear of Materials, Chap. 5, Elselier, Amsterdam, 1987,
Cambridge; I. Singer, Naval Research Laboratory; and 132-350
D. Cogdell, Caterpillar, Inc. as regards the origins of 25 Pin Abrasion Test, ASTM Standard Test Method G-132, Amer.
profilometry, are greatly appreciated. Sot. for Testing and Mat1 ‘s., West Conshohoken. Pennsylvania,
26. Holm R. Electric Contacts, Almquisf and Wiksells, Stockholm.
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Tribology International Volume 30 Number 5 1997 331

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