STPM Analysis Table Biology Paper 2 (2013-2019) : TERM 2: Physiology

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STPM Analysis Table Biology Paper 2 (2013-2019)

TERM 2 : Physiology
TOPIC : TOPIC 7 : Gas Exchange Past Year
Topic Learning Outcome 2013 2013(U2) 2014 2014 (U2) 2015 2015 (U2) 2016 2016 (U2) 2017 2017 (U2) 2018 2018 (U2) 2019 2019 (U2)
7.1 Gaseous a) outline the structure of human respiratory system, including the microscopic structure of the wall of an alveolus; 17' Q2
exchange in b) describe the structure of haemoglobin; 18' Q1

humans c) explain the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood; 13' Q2 15' Q1 16' Q20(a)
d) explain the oxygen dissociation curves of haemoglobin, myoglobin and foetal haemoglobin; 13' Q1 14' Q1 14'U2 Q1 16' Q1 16'U1 Q1 17' Q1 17'UQ1 19'UQ1
e) explain the Bohr effect and relate it to the oxygen dissociation curve. 16'U1 Q18(b) 19'Q16
7.2 Breathing cycle a) explain the control of breathing mechanism, including the role of chemoreceptor; 13'U2 Q1&Q2 14'U2 Q16 15'U2 Q2 16' Q2 18'UQ1 19'Q1 19'UQ2

b) define tidal volume, vital capacity, total lung capacity, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume and residual volume. 15' Q16 16' Q16 17'UQ2 18' Q2&Q3

7.3 Gaseous a) describe the structure and functions of stomata; 13' Q10 16'U1 Q2 19'UQ18(a)
exchange in plants b) describe the mechanism of opening and closing of stomata based on potassium ion accumulation hypothesis. 13' Q19(b) 14' Q2 14'U2 Q2 15' Q4 16'U1 Q18(a) 18'UQ2 19'Q2 19'UQ19(b)

TOPIC 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants

8.1 Transport system a) describe the structure of a mammalian heart;
b) define systole and diastole, and explain the sequence of events in a cardiac cycle including changes in pressure and volume in aorta, left atrium
in mammals and left ventricle;
13'U2 Q4 14' Q16 15' Q5 15'U2 Q3 16'U1 Q6 17' Q4 17'UQ4 19'UQ16

c) describe the initiation and regulation of heart beat; 13' Q3 18'UQ3 19'Q18(a)
d) explain hypertension, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction, and state their causes and preventions; 13' Q4&Q18(a) 13'U2 Q3 14'U2 Q3 17' Q18(a) 18'UQ18
e) describe the lymphatic system in relation to the blood circulatory system; 16'U1 Q3 17' Q18(b)
f) determine the direction of fluid movement at the arterial and venous ends of the capillaries by calculating the differences between osmotic
13' Q18(b) 14'U2 Q5 15'U2 Q1
pressure/solute potential and hydrostatic pressure.
8.2 Transport system a) explain the uptake of water and mineral ions from the soil by the root hairs involving water potential; 14' Q3&Q4 15'U2 Q4

in vascular plants b) describe the apoplast, symplast and vacuolar pathway of water movement through the root tissues; 13'U2 Q18(b) 15' Q2 15'U2 Q16 16' Q3 17'UQ3 18' Q18(a) 19'Q3

c) describe the root pressure, cohesion-tension theory and transpiration pull in relation to water movement from the roots to leaves; 15' Q18(a) 17' Q3 18' Q18(b)

d) explain translocation using the mass flow, electro-osmosis, cytoplasmic streaming and peristaltic waves hypotheses; 14'U2 Q6 17'UQ16 19'UQ4

e) explain the concept of source and sink, and phloem loading and unloading in translocation according to pressure flow hypothesis. 15' Q3 18' Q4 18'UQ4

TOPIC 9 : Control and Regulation

a) describe the organisation of the nervous system in humans; 18' Q5
b) explain the formation of resting and action potentials; 13' Q16 14' Q8 14'U2 Q7 17'UQ7&Q18(a) 18'UQ5 19'Q19(a)
c) describe the characteristics of nerve impulse;
d) describe the structure of synapse, and explain the role of neurotransmitters (acetylcholine and norepinephrine); 13'U2 Q5&Q6 15' Q7
e) explain and compare the mechanisms of impulse transmission along the axon and across the synapse; 15' Q17 19'Q19(b) 19'UQ3
9.1 Nervous system
f) describe the structure of neuromuscular junction and sarcomere; 17'UQ6
g) explain the role of sarcoplasmic reticulum, calcium ions, myofibril and T tubules in muscle contraction; 14' Q5 15' Q6
h) explain the mechanism of muscle contraction according to the sliding filament hypothesis; 17' Q8 18'UQ7
i) compare the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems; 13' Q5 15' Q18(b)
j) explain the mechanisms of drug action on nervous system and neuromuscular junction (cocaine and curare). 17'UQ18(b) 18' Q6
a) explain the mechanisms of action of steroid hormone and non-steroid hormones; 13' Q6 14' Q6 15' Q8 15'U2 Q5 16'U1 Q4 & Q15 18' Q8 18'UQ19(a) 19'Q4&Q6 19'UQ5
b) explain the roles of plant hormones in growth and development; 16' Q6 17' Q16 17'UQ5 18'UQ6 19'Q7
9.2 Hormones
c) explain the mechanism of phytochrome action and their roles in photoperiodism and flowering; 14'U2 Q8 15'U2 Q6 16' Q7&Q18 16'U1 Q9 17' Q6 18'UQ19(b) 19'Q17 19'UQ6
d) outline the application of plant growth regulators (synthetic auxin, synthetic gibberellins, and synthetic ethylene) in agriculture. 13'U2 Q7 14' Q18(a) 14'U2 Q18(b) 15' Q11 16' Q5 16'U1 Q10 18' Q7

TOPIC 10 : Reproduction, Development and Growth

10.1 Sexual reproduction a) outline spermatogenesis and oogenesis; 14'U2 Q18(a) 15'U2 Q11 17'UQ19(a)
in humans b) describe the passage and development of sperms from the testis to the oviduct for fertilisation; 18' Q11
c) describe the process of fertilisation and implantation; 13'U2 Q9 16' Q4
d) describe the roles of hormones in menstrual cycle and pregnancy; 13'U2 Q8 17' Q19(a) 18'UQ8 19'Q18(b) 19'UQ17
e) describe briefly the stages in embryonic development; 13' Q7&Q8 13'U2 Q17(a) 14' Q19(a) 14'U2 Q10 16' Q8 19'Q5
f) explain the roles of placenta, chorion, amniotic fluid and allantois in foetal development; 13' Q19(a) 13'U2 Q17(b) 14' Q7&19(b)
g) explain the process of parturition. 13'U2 Q17( c)
10.2 Sexual reproduction in a) outline double fertilisation; 16' Q9 17' Q10 19'Q8 19'UQ7
flowering plants b) describe the embryonic development in seed and formation of fruit. 14' Q11 15' Q9&Q19 16'U1 Q19(a),(c)
10.3 Seed a) explain the mobilisation of nutrients after imbibition in seed germination; 14' Q18(b) 15'U2 Q8 18' Q10 19'Q9 19'UQ8
germination b) state the external factors affecting germination. 16'U1 Q12&Q19(b)
10.4 Growth curves a) explain the types of growth curves (absolute growth curve, absolute growth rate curve and relative growth rate curve); 14'U2 Q11&Q17 19'UQ9
and patterns of b) explain with examples the patterns of growth (limited growth in humans, unlimited growth in perennial plant,
13' Q9 15' Q10 15'U2 Q7 16' Q19(a) 16'U1 Q8 17'Q14&Q19(b) 17'UQ19(b)
growth allometric growth in humans, isometric growth in fish and intermittent growth in insect);
c) explain the processes of ecdysis and metamorphosis in insects, and relate the role of hormones
15'U2 Q17 16' Q20(b) 17'UQ8 18' Q16 18'UQ9 19'Q10
(neurosecretory hormone, juvenile hormone and ecdysone) in these processes.
TOPIC 11 : Homeostasis
11.1 Importance a) explain the importance of homeostasis; 15'U2 Q18(a)

of homeostasis b) describe the homeostatic control system in mammals; 14'U2 Q9

c) explain the physiological and behavioural control in thermoregulation of endotherms. 14' Q9 17'UQ10 18' Q19(a) 19'UQ10
a) describe the structure of liver, and explain the roles of its components; 13' Q11 13'U2 Q11 17'UQ11 17'UQ9 19'Q14
11.2 Liver b) describe carbohydrate metabolism in the liver (glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis); 14' Q17(b) 15'U2 Q9 17' Q20(a) 17'UQ20(a) 18'UQ16
c) describe protein metabolism (transamination, deamination and urea formation) in the liver. 13' Q11 14'U2 Q12 17' Q20(b) 19'UQ19(b)
11.3 Osmoregulation in a) explain the process of ultrafiltration, reabsorption and secretion in the formation of urine; 13'U2 Q10 14' Q17(a) 15' Q13 15'U2Q18(b),(c ) 16'U1 Q14 Q17 17' Q11 17'UQ20(b) 18' Q9 18'UQ11 19'Q11&Q20(a) 19'UQ11

mammals b) explain the role of ADH and aldosterone, and the related hormones in regulating water, sodium and
14' Q10 15'U2 Q10 16' Q10&Q11 17' Q12 17'UQ12 18' Q19(b) 18'UQ10 19'UQ19(a)
potassium ions of urine;

c) explain the regulation of pH of tissue fluid.
11.4 Osmoregulation a) describe the role of stomata in regulation of water loss, and explain the importance of transpiration; 13'U2 Q18(a) 14'U2 Q19(a)
in plants b) describe the various types of plant adaptations to prevent water loss (halophytes and xerophytes). 13'U2 Q19 14'U2 Q19(b) 16' Q19(b) 16'U1 Q11
TOPIC 12 : Immunity
12.1 Immune system a) describe human lymphatic system, and explain its function in relation to immunity; 13' Q12 13'U2,Q12&Q20(a) 14'U2, Q20(a),(b) 18'UQ12
b) describe antibody (structure and function), antigen, epitope, and the development of B and T cells; 14' Q12 15'U2 Q13 16' Q12 17'UQ13
c) describe the roles of macrophages, B cells and T cells. 13' Q17(a),(b) 13'U2 Q13 14'U2 Q15&20( c) 19'Q12 19'UQ20(b)
12.2 Development a) explain cell-mediated and humoral immune responses; 13' Q13&Q17(d) 13'U2 Q14 16'U1 Q20(a) 17' Q7 18' Q12&Q17 18'UQ13& 20(a) 19'UQ20(a)

of immunity b) outline the antigen-antibody reactions (precipitation, agglutination, neutralisation, complement fixation). 13' Q17 ( c) 16' Q17 16'U1 Q5 17'UQ11&Q17 18' Q13 19'Q20(b) 19'UQ12

12.3 Concept of self a) explain the concept of self and non-self and relate this to tissue rejection in organ transplant; 13'U2 Q20(b) 14' Q13 15'U2 Q19 16' Q13 16'U1 Q13&20(b) 19'Q13
and non-self b) explain the mechanism of immune suppression (HIV infection).
12.4 Immune disorder a) describe autoimmune disorder (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)). 14'U2 Q13 15' Q14 15'U2 Q12 18'UQ20(b) 19'UQ13

TOPIC 13 : Infectious Diseases

13.1 Infectious disease a) explain what is meant by an infection and an infectious disease; 14' Q20(a) 14'U2 Q4 15'Q15&Q20(a) 18' Q20(a) 19'UQ14
b) outline the types of infectious agents. 14'U2 Q14 15' Q20(a) 16'U1 Q7 18'UQ15 19'Q15

13.2 Dengue a) describe the causes and symptoms of dengue; 13' Q20(a) 16' Q14 17' Q13 17'UQ14
b) explain the transmission of dengue; 13' Q20(a) 14' Q14 15' Q12
c) discuss the roles of social, economical and biological factors in the prevention of dengue. 13' Q20(b) 19'UQ15
13.3 Cholera a) describe the causes and symptoms of cholera; 13'U2 Q15 14' Q20(b)
b) explain the transmission of cholera; 13' Q15 14' Q20(b) 18' Q14 18'UQ17
c) discuss the roles of social, economical and biological factors in the prevention of cholera. 14' Q20(b) 15' Q20(b) 17'UQ15

13.4 Tuberculosis (TB) a) describe the causes and symptoms of tuberculosis (TB); 17' Q17(a),(b) 18' Q15
b) explain the transmission of TB; 14' Q15 15'U2 Q20(a) 17' Q17(c )
c) discuss the roles of social, economical and biological factors in the prevention of TB. 15'U2 Q20(b) 16'U1 Q15 17' Q17(d) &(e)
13.5 Malaria a) describe the causes and symptoms of malaria; 13' Q14 13'U2 Q16 15'U2 Q14&Q15 16' Q15
b) explain the transmission of malaria; 13'U2 Q16 17' Q15 18' Q20(a)
c) discuss the roles of social, economic and biological factors in the prevention of malaria.


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