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Coming to Wholeness Workshop Notes

What is “Awakening”?
“Awakening” just means the dissolving of separation. It can be dramatic or simple.
Because we have many separations, awakening is not usually a 1-time event.

Kinds of “Awakenings”:
There are as many kinds of awakenings as there are separations in people.

1. The “small i” integrates with “Large I”: Separate Self  Oneness

(Experiencing as the fullness of all-around Awareness)

2. Opening of the Heart--Intimacy with the 10,000 things.

(Awareness integrates with “This”)
“I am not separate from everything around me.”
Note: it is difficult for the heart to open when a lot of energy is being used up maintaining
small i’s.

3. And More… Dissolving of the Will; integrating wanting/needing; integrating

authority, etc:
(Doing to Being; Movement to Stillness) (Core Transformation works especially well
with this.)

Opening of the Heart:

When I first did this process, oftentimes as or after the melting phase, there would be a
voice saying “I love you.” It kind of startled me the first time it happened and I didn’t
know what it was. Then it kept happening. (This was 20 years ago or so, and I was doing
just the second half at that time—i.e. Consciousness going into whatever was noticed.) It
wasn’t a thought in the usual sense, and I certainly wasn’t “saying” it. But it was saying
itself. As if from the presence that is me, rather than from a conscious thinking mind.
Lesson: this process results in deep acceptance, love of the self. This is the same as
capacity to love in others. We can only love in others what we can love within ourselves.

Noticing and Working with the “Energy Centers”

Overall it works best to begin with wherever YOU experience a “center”, rather
than beginning with someone’s conceptual description of a chakra or any other system. It
can be easy to make “too big” of a deal about the energy centers. It can sound very cool.
Then this coolness becomes another layer of separation imposed on experience. We can
go around thinking we’re surely making lots of progress now because it sounds so cool,
while the main thing we’re doing it creating another separate ‘I’ who does cool things.
This said, it can be interesting to bring attention to one “chakra” at a time, and
notice what is there. These are areas where there are more nerve cells—our “brain” is
actually distributed throughout our body more than was originally recognized. So by
attending to these areas we can notice any sense of a “center” here. If there is a separate
center noticed, you can do the process with it.

©2012 -2013 Connirae Andreas handout for the Coming to Wholeness 2-day video training
Freedom = Nothing needs to be avoided.

Noticing Attempts to Avoid feelings/sensation

Our coping mechanisms can be directly experienced as movement:
When experiencing a feeling/sensation, be aware if there is any movement (of the
I? Of consciousness?) in any direction away from that feeling/sensation. If so, notice the
direction of the movement away. The direction of attempted “escape.” Do you tend to
“pull back” from it? To “rise above” it? Etc.
Notice the movement itself (the location & direction), and do the process with
this. (i.e. the sensation of the pulling away in a direction)
As this desire to get away from something anticipated to be unpleasant or
intolerable dissolves, there can be the noticing of what was thought to be necessary to
avoid. And now there can be a natural relaxing in/as THAT. The interesting thing is that
once things are experienced this way, it is discovered it is all OK. The “suffering” was
literally in the avoidance of directly experiencing just the sensation as awareness. The
suffering was in all the meanings and avoidances.
If you attempt to dissolve the feeling/sensation without first attending to the
tendency to move away (including and dissolving this tendency), it isn’t likely to work
very well. The tendency to move away is the outer layer.

Buddhist psychology includes the idea of working with both avoidances and
attachments. However the practice hasn’t included (to my knowledge) the recognition
that these can be simply and directly experienced as movement in a location. The
Wholeness Process gives us a way to directly experience these and integrate/dissolve

©2012 -2013 Connirae Andreas handout for the Coming to Wholeness 2-day video training

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