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The Mid-Autumn Festival

中秋节节中国的传统节 日 之 一,每年农历 8 月 15 日庆祝。传说月亮在这一天最
大最圆根据  推 算,今 年 公历 9 月 27 日 为中秋 节 。
zhōnɡqiūjié shì zhōnɡɡuó de chuántǒnɡ jiérì zhīyī,měinián nónɡlì 8yuè 15rì
qìnɡzhù。chuánshuō yuèliɑnɡ zài zhèyìtiān zuìdà zuìyuán. ɡēnjù
tuīsuàn,jīnnián ɡōnɡlì  yuè   rì  wéi  zhōnɡqiūjié。
The August Moon Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional
Chinese holidays. It is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. Chinese
legends say that the moon is at its brightest and roundest on this day. Based on
the Gregorian calendar, this year's August Moon Festival will be held on
September 27th.
中  秋  节  也  被   称为    女人 的 节 日,月 象   征   着 优 雅与美 丽。东  亚地区的
人 们 崇   尚   月 亮   ,月 亮   代 表“阴 ”或 女性 ,并  且 被 看 做 是 可靠 的朋  友 。
中国 的父母总  喜欢  用  “月 ”为 女儿取名  ,希望  她们像月亮 一样  可爱。
zhōnɡqiūjié yě bèi chēnɡwéi nǚrén de jiérì,yuè xiànɡzhēnɡzhe yōuyǎ yǔ měilì. dōnɡyà
dìqū de rénmen chónɡshànɡ yuèliɑnɡ,yuèliɑnɡ dàibiǎo “yīn” huò nǚxìnɡ,bìnɡqiě bèi
kànzuò shì kěkào de pénɡyou. zhōnɡɡuó de fùmǔ zǒnɡ xǐhuɑn yònɡ “yuè” wèi nǚér
qǔmínɡ, xīwànɡ tāmen xiànɡ yuèliɑnɡ yíyànɡ kěài.
The August Moon Festival is often called the Women's Festival. The moon
symbolizes elegance and beauty. People in the Far East admire the moon,and
the moon is the 'yin' or female principle and it is a trusted friend. Chinese
parents often name their daughters after the moon, in hope that they will be as
lovely as the moon.
实际上,古代很多关于八月十五月圆的故事都跟一位月亮仙子有关。在阴历 8 月
15 的晚上,小孩子都能看到月亮上有一位女子。
shíjì shànɡ,ɡǔdài hěnduō ɡuānyú bāyuè shíwǔ yuèyuán de ɡùshi dōu
ɡēn yíwèi yuèliɑnɡ xiānzǐ yǒuɡuān. Zài yīnlì  bāyuè de wǎnshɑnɡ,xiǎoháizi dōu
nénɡ kàndào yuèliɑnɡshànɡ yǒu yíwèi nǘzǐ.
In fact, many ancient August Moon folktales are about a moon maiden. On the
15th night of the 8th lunar moon, little children on earth can see a lady on the

这个故事发生在公元前 2170 年左右,那个时候,天上有十个太阳,它们轮流照亮
zhèɡe ɡùshi fāshēnɡ zài ɡōnɡyuánqián   nián zuǒyòu,nàɡè shíhou,tiānshànɡ
yǒu shíɡè tàiyánɡ,tāmen lúnliú zhàoliànɡ dìshànɡ。Dàn yǒu   yìtiān,shíɡè
tàiyánɡ yìqǐ chūxiàn,tāmen de rèliànɡ shāojiāo le dìshànɡ de zhíwù。Yíwèi
shēnqiánɡtǐzhuànɡ,mínɡ jiào hòuyì de ɡōnɡjiànshǒu zhěnɡjiù le shìjiè。tā
chénɡɡōnɡ dì shèluò le jiǔɡè tàiyánɡ.
The story took place around 2170 B.C. At that time, the earth had ten suns
circling it, each taking its turn to illuminate to the earth. But one day all ten suns
appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The world was saved by
a strong archer named Hou Yi. He succeeded in shooting down nine of the suns.


yǒuyìtiān,  Hòuyì tōule yíwèi shénxiān de chánɡshēnɡ bùlǎo yào. értā měilì de
qīzi Chánɡ’é wèile bānɡzhù rénmen tuōlí tā bàonüède tǒnɡzhì  tōutōu hēxià le
chánɡshēnɡ bùlǎo yào。hēxià yào zhīhòu tā fāxiàn zìjǐ piāofú qǐlái bìnɡ fēi xiànɡ
le yuèliɑnɡ.
One day, Hou Yi stole the elixir of life from a goddess. However, his beautiful
wife Chang E drank the elixir of life in order to save the people from her
husband's tyrannical rule. After drinking it, she found herself floating and flew all
the way to the moon.

Rénmen rènwéi Chánɡ’é shì zhùzài yuèliɑnɡ shànɡ de xiānzǐ, suóyǐ yuèliɑnɡ cái
huì fāɡuānɡ。Nǚháizi rúɡuǒ xiǎnɡyào biàn dé piàoliɑnɡ bìnɡqiě yǒu yíwèi rúyì
lánɡjūn,dōu yào ɡònɡfènɡ yuèliɑnɡ. ér zhōnɡqiū de shíhou,háizimen dōu huì
xiànɡ yuèliɑnɡ xiānzǐ xǔyuàn qíqiú tāmen nénɡɡòu mènɡxiǎnɡ chénɡzhēn.
People believed that the lady was a god who lived in the moon that made the
moon shine. Girls who wanted to be a beauty and have a handsome husband
should worship the moon. And on this magical occasion, children who make
wishes to the Lady on the Moon will find their dreams come true.

Wúɡānɡ shì ɡè lǎnduò de xuétú。Yǒu yìtiān tā xiǎnɡ xuédàochénɡxiān, yúshì tā
zhùdào shēnshānlǐ xiǎnɡ qiú yíwèi xiānrén jiāotā fǎshù. Kāishǐ de shíhou,
xiānrén jiāo tā yònɡ cǎoyào zhìbìnɡ, dàn sāntiān zhīhòu,Wúɡānɡ bùāndìnɡ de
běnxìnɡ jiù bàolòu chūlái le.
Wu Kang was a shiftless fellow. One day he decided that he wanted to be an
immortal, so he went to the mountains where he importuned an immortal to
teach him. First the immortal taught him about the herbs used to cure sickness,
but after three days his characteristic restlessness returned.

tā yòu qiú xiānrén jiāo tā qítāde dōnɡxi,yúshì xiānrén jiāo tā xiàqí, dàn bùjiǔ
zhīhòu Wúɡānɡ yòu shīqù le xìnɡqù. yúshì xiānrén ɡěi le tā yánxí xiānshù de
shū. dānɡrán méi jǐtiān Wúɡānɡ yòu juédé wúliáo le,bìnɡ wèn xiānrén nénɡfǒu
qù yìxiē xīnxiǎn yǒuqù de dìfɑnɡ.
and Wu Kang asked the immortal to teach him something else. So the immortal
taught him chess, but after a short while Wu Kang's enthusiasm again waned.
Then Wu Kang was given the books of immortality to study. Of course, Wu Kang
became bored within a few days, and asked if they could travel to some new and
exciting place.


Yīnwèi qìnǎo Wúɡānɡ háowú nàixīn de běnxìnɡ,xiānrén fá tā qù yuèɡōnɡ,
bìnɡ ɡàosu tā chúfēi tā nénɡ kǎn dǎo yìkē jùdà de ɡuìshù,fǒuzé tā
jiù bùnénɡ huídào rénjiān. Suīrán Wúɡānɡ rìyè kǎnfá,dàn zhèkē shénqí
de shù měicì bèi kǎn de chuānɡshānɡ yòuhuì zìjǐ yùhé,yúshì Wúɡānɡ
zhíyǒu yèyǐjìrì dì kǎnfá.

Angered with Wu Kang's impatience, the master banished Wu Kang to the Moon
Palace telling him that he must cut down a huge cassia tree before he could
return to earth. Though Wu Kang chopped day and night, the magical tree
restored itself with each blow, and thus he is up there chopping still.


Měi dào zhèyìtiān,qīnrén dūhuì yìqǐ chī yuèbǐnɡ bìnɡ qìnɡzhù
fēnɡshōu。Wénrénmen yě xiěle hěnduō ɡēn yuèliɑnɡ yǒuɡuān de shī. zhè
ɡe yèwǎn yěshì lànɡmàn yuēhuì de hǎo shíkè. xīnpénɡ jiùyǒu yě yīncǐ
xiānɡjù,nánɡuài zhōnɡqiūjié duìyú nàxiē xiānɡxìn yuèliɑnɡ de shénmì  
lìliànɡ de rén láishuō yǒuzhe tèshū yìyì.

Families get together to eat moon cakes and celebrate the end of the harvest
season on this day. Scholars write poems about the moon. This night is also
made for romantic rendezvous. Friendships are made and renewed. No wonder
the August Moon Festival has a special meaning to all who believe in the
mystical powers of the moon.


zhōnɡqiūjié zuìzǎo shì shénme shíhou kāishǐqìnɡzhùde?mùqián ɡǔjí
zīliàoshànɡ háiméi yǒu zhǎodào quèqiè shíjiān,dàn xuézhěmen rènwéi
zhè ɡēn zhōnɡɡuó de liǎnɡɡè xísú yǒuɡuān.
When did this festival first begin? No exact date can be found in historical
documents, but scholars assume that it is related to 2 customs in China.


这就是著名的秋日祭祀,因为阴历 8 月 15 日是
dìyíɡè xísú shì ɡuānyú nónɡmín de,zhōnɡɡuó shì yíɡè nónɡyè dàɡuó,
zài ɡǔdài,nónɡmínmen chūntiān sǎzhǒnɡ bōzhǒnɡ shí huì xiànɡ tǔdì zhī
shén qídǎo fēnɡshōu。zhè jiùshì zhùmínɡde chūnrì jìsì。Dàole qiūtiān,
rénmen huì zàicì jìsì tǔdìzhīshén,ɡǎnxiè tā jíyǔ rénmen fēnɡshōu,
zhè jiùshì zhùmínɡ de qiūrì jìsì,yīnwèi yīnlì 8 yuè 15 rì shì
shuǐdào chénɡshu zhīshí,suóyǐ yǒuxiērén rènwéi zhōnɡqiūjié shì cónɡ
qiūrìjìsì yíshì yǎnbiàn érlái de.

The first custom concerns farmers. China is an agricultural country, in ancient

times, farmers worshipped the Earth God to pray for a good harvest, when they
sowed the seeds in spring. This was known as spring worship. During autumn,
farmers also worshipped the Earth God to thank him for giving them a good
harvest. This was known as autumn reward. Since the 15'" month of the 8th
month is the time when rice paddies are harvested, some people believe that the
Mid Autumn Festival came from the autumn reward ritual.


dì èr ɡè xísú yǔ jìsì yuèliɑnɡ yǒuɡuān. ɡēnjù tiānwénxué,zhōnɡqiūjié
shì qiūfēn zhīshí. Zài zhè ɡe shíhou,tàiyánɡ zhíshè chìdào,nánběi
bànqiú zhòuyè pínɡfēn. yuèliɑnɡ zài wǎnshɑnɡ chūxiàn,yúndànfēnɡqīnɡ,
shì ɡuānyuè de zuìjiā shíjī. Hòulái rénmen jiù bǎ zhè yìtiān dìnɡwéi
jìsì yuèliɑnɡ de rìzi。

The second custom concerns worship of the moon. According to astronomy, the
Mid Autumn Festival occurs at the autumn equinox. At this time, the sunlight
shines vertically on the equator, equally dividing the day and night in both the
southern and northern hemispheres. The moon appears in the evening with
gentle winds and light clouds. This is the best time to watch the moon. People
later made this day, the day to worship the moon.

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