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Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in the box.
remind urge (2) welcome deny
acknowledge point out (2) suggest persuade
1. People were ______________ by the local government to boycott the foreign products.
2. He finally _______________ publicly that he had made a mistake.
3. The director _______________ everyone at the meeting before starting.
4. The salesman _______________ us to buy his product.
5. The organization _____________ donors to step up their efforts to send aid to third
world countries.
6. Some economists have _______________ that low inflation is not necessarily a good
7. The human resources department _______________ that he should take early
8. Our boss _______________ us to shut down our computers when we leave the office.
9. He _______________ that he was responsible for the incident. He accused the secretary
10. When I _______________ it had been her idea in the first place, she could barely

Answer key
1. People were ______________ by the local government to boycott the foreign products.
2. He finally _______________ publicly that he had made a mistake. (acknowledged)
3. The director _______________ everyone at the meeting before starting. (welcomed)
4. The salesman _______________ us to buy his product. (persuaded)
5. The organization _____________ donors to step up their efforts to send aid to third
world countries. (urged)
6. Some economists have _______________ that low inflation is not necessarily a good
thing. (pointed out)
7. The human resources department _______________ that he should take early
retirement. (suggested)
8. Our boss _______________ us to shut down our computers when we leave the office.
9. He _______________ that he was responsible for the incident. He accused the secretary
instead. (denied)
10. When I _______________ it had been her idea in the first place, she could barely
disagree. (pointed out)

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