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CHAPTER I measure this is Bloom’s Taxonomy


BACKGROUND 2. Discuss the theory or the source of
concept where the concept of the
study is anchored
Introduction 3. Provide discussions on the
1. Introduction must focus on the contribution of the theory to the field
subject being discussed. of specialization being undertaken.
2. Present topics from general to Discuss also the use relative to the
particular or from specific to general. proposed study. Focus on the
Cite first the universal scenario discussion of the theory itself.
regarding the proposed study. 4. After presenting the conceptual
3. Make use of pertinent literatures i.e. framework and explaining how these
laws, policies, rules, and regulations concepts were used in the study,
as bases in conducting the study. research paradigm should follow.
4. Discuss the timeliness of the study
5. Research paradigm is illustrated by
and rationalize the purpose of the
study using geometrical figures uniformly
5. Introduction should lead to the presented containing profile and
specific problem that the researchers variables. Styling of the boxes and
want to answer. arrows should be made plain and
6. It should be not more than three simple. Avoid using two/three-
pages. dimensional presentations. The label
7. Citations may be included to enrich of paradigm should be found below
discussion. the actual figure. It should be single
Background of the study 6. Explain the contents of the research
1. Personal experience, readings or paradigm, specifying the sources of
general perspective should be the profile and variables. (e.g.
included in the background. gender, status etc. should be
2. Include the research locale, the explained why are those concepts are
respondents and especially the utilized in the study and should be
objectives of the study. supported with existing literature.
Present literature in a brief and
Conceptual Framework concise manner.)
1. It must include the theory, concept or 7. After the diagram, a portion will be
model which can be used as a allotted for its discussion. Discuss
foundation of the study. Variables the concept of the study based on the
used in the study must be reflected in statement of the problem, the
the conceptual framework. (e.g. if
variables of the study, extent of the
researchers aimed to determine the
effectiveness of a teaching strategy study; purpose of the study
in terms of knowledge, skills and particularly the relationships of the
attitude, the theory or model that can variables.
Related Learning Experience (RLE) of BSN
Guiding Framework (for qualitative II students of Manila Doctors College.
1. The substance of discussion is
Specifically, the following research
similar with the conceptual
framework except that no variables queries were answered:
were needed to explain the study.
2. The theoretical foundation of the 1. What is the profile of the
study should be explained in terms of respondents in terms of:
how it was employed in the study. 1.1. Gender,
3. The guiding framework could be 1.2. Student Status,
illustrated by using figures and
1.3. RLE Grade?
4. The guiding framework will 2. What is the perceived effectiveness
eventually evolve into a conceptual of return demonstration as a teaching
framework as the experiences are strategy in RLE classes in terms of:
being discovered and digested. The 2.1. Cognitive,
conceptual framework will be 2.2. Psychomotor,
presented as part of the synthesis. 2.3. Affective domains?
3. Is there a significant difference in the
Statement of the problem/purpose
1. Statement of the problem should be perceived effectiveness of return
reflective of the title. demonstration as a teaching strategy
2. Statement of the problem should in RLE classes when they are
reflect the research objective, the grouped according to their profile?
research locale and the respondents.
3. The general problem formulated Statement of Purpose (qualitative
should be in statement form while research)
the specific problems in the question The study described the lived
form. experiences of a mother with an autism-
4. The statement of the purpose for diagnosed child.
qualitative research must be able to Specifically the following are the grand tour
cover the general perspective and questions that were used to guide the
aim of the paper but should not researchers in their search for significant
include the themes of the study being themes of the experience.
discovered. 1. What are the lived experiences of a
5. Statement of the purpose should mother before the child was
include the grand tour question of the diagnosed with autism?
study. See example below. 2. What are her experiences on taking
care of an autism-diagnosed child?
Example: 3. What are her visions for her autism-
Statement of the Problem diagnosed child?

The study aimed to determine the Hypothesis

perceived effectiveness of return 1. The hypothesis should begin with an
introductory sentence.
demonstration as a teaching strategy in
2. The hypothesis should be formulated Measurable, Attainable, Realistic
in declarative form and must use the and Time-bound.
present form of the verb.
3. It should be in congruence with the Scope and Delimitation of the Study
specific problem testing the 1. Scope and delimitation of the study
difference and relationships of the is actually the reflection of the
variables. method and procedure in Chapter 3.
4. State the null hypothesis only. See 2. It must have the research objectives
example below. as its introductory statement with the
research locale and the respondents.
Hypothesis 3. It must be composed of two
Based from the problem of the study, paragraphs. Discuss in the first
the research hypothesis was formulated and paragraph the scope of the study.
tested at the level of significance of 0.05: The scope of the study should
There is no significant difference include the variables of the study,
difference in the perceived effectiveness of indicators or measures, population
return demonstration as a teaching strategy and respondents of the study,
in RLE when they are grouped according to processes to be considered in
their gender, student status and RLE grade. gathering the data of the study,
venue, period wherein the study will
Significance of the study: take place. Discuss the second
1. Be specific with the recipients of the paragraph the limitation of the study
study and the benefits that they will 4. Provide justifications on the choice
derived based from the objectives of of the scope. Discuss the variables
the study. Preferably the study and indicators that will not be
should have a contribution to the considered in the conduct of the
profession and to Manila Doctors study and justify its limitation
2. Identify the beneficiaries of the study Definition of Terms
and arrange them from the most 1. Present this with an introductory
benefited to the least. statement.
3. State how the groups will be 2. Present alphabetically. It can be
benefited by the outcomes of the presented thematically but still
study and in what way they will be should be in alphabetical order
benefited 3. Avoid the use of the expression “as
4. Mention predominantly the specific used in the study” when defining the
benefits the beneficiaries will be able terms.
to get from the study. 4. All terms used in the research
5. Discuss the extent of the benefits paradigm should be defined.
they will be receiving 5. Highlight the term to be defined.
6. Limit discussions to two pages Don’t underline or italicize the term.
7. Maintain the use of future tenses.
8. Use the acronym SMART in the
formulation of the significance of the
study. It should be Specific,
6. Highlight significant points in
establishing arguments.
7. Use the findings of related studies to
strengthen the arguments and so with
the literatures that are found to have
bearing with the present study being
conducted. Related means that
studies previously conducted have
bearing with the present study in
terms of concept, subjects,
methodology, instrumentation, etc.
8. Make sure that the literature and
CHAPTER II studies being presented are updated
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE (from year 2000 onwards). However,
theories and conceptual models
Review of Related Literature formulated way back 2000 can still
1. Present it with an introductory be utilized in the study.
statement describing the chapter and 9. A minimum of five (5) related
its contents. State directly state the studies and literature for both local
concepts in the study presented in the and foreign should be included in
related literature. Chapter 2 but it can exceed the
2. The review of related literature minimum requirement to facilitate
contains the following components thorough discussion of the topics.,
and should be presented not 10. The relevance to the present study
thematically (with subheadings) but should include the gist and summary
according to the following flow: of the entire Chapter 2. It will
a. Local Literature compile all similar researchers and
b. Foreign Literature literature, present inconsistencies and
c. Local Studies limitations of the literature reviewed
d. Foreign Studies and relate to the variables/concepts
e. Relevance to the Present included in the study. It must end
Study(ies) with the research objective with the
3. For qualitative research, the review variables considered in the study.
of related literature and studies Remember: The most important part
should be presented thematically. of Chapter 2 is the relevance to the
4. Literature and Studies should be present study.
presented coherently and logical. 11. The following are the examples on
Development of paragraph should be how to cite parenthetically:
observed. The development of the  Statement (Reynoso, 2004)
idea shall lead to the birth of the next  According to Reynoso,
paragraph. Use proper transitional (2004)
devices to achieve coherence in the  Coming from the same
presentation of the discussion. source based on the latter
5. Arrange resources from general to (pp.10-11)
particular according to the topics
been presented.
 Coming from the same 1. It should include comprehensive
source but not the latter description of the co-researcher in
source (Reynoso,2004,p.107) terms of their qualifications for being
the chosen subject of the study.
2. The co-researcher’s profile should
justify the fact that they represent the
population being studied.
3. It can also include the demographic
profile of the co-reseachers.

Sample and Sampling Technique /

Theoretical Sampling (for qualitative
1. Include in the sample and sampling
technique the research locale, the
population where the sample
(respondents) has been derived and
their characteristics, and the manner
Chapter III
that they are chosen.
2. Discuss the respondents of the study
with emphasis on the manner of
1. Present it with an introductory
selecting the respondents i.e.
statement summarizing the content
parametric or non-parametric.
of the entire chapter.
3. Use respondents of the study; in case
2. The following are the components of
of pure qualitative method citing the
Chapter 3.
key informants or key interviewees
will be used
Research Design/Method
4. Specify the actual the number of
1. The research design should be
population (if data is available) and
directly stated by the researchers and
samples being considered in the
should not be book-based. The
study. It is better if the researchers
researcher must completely relate the
were able to present how were the
design and method to the variables of
samples were derived from the
the study. Discussion of the
population and what sampling
procedure based from books is
technique was used.
highly discouraged.
5. If purposive sampling was used,
2. Discuss the design and method of the
make sure that the inclusion criteria
study i.e. experimental, case study,
are stated in paragraph form.
descriptive, descriptive-evaluative,
6. For qualitative paper, the selection
action research, developmental,
of the co-researchers depends on the
ethnography, etc.
adequacy and appropriateness. It is
3. Justify the use of the design and
adequate if it is sufficient and able to
methodology that will be used
support the quality of data that the
4. Limit the discussion to one page.
researchers want to yield. It is
appropriate when it can identify the
The Co-researcher’s Profile (for
best result and the co-researchers can
qualitative paper)
supply the best information not necessary to name the validators,
according to the conceptual however, the researcher should state
requirements. their credibility of validating the
Research Instrument 10. Test for reliability must include the
1. The research instrument should be type of reliability test done and how
presented with its basis. It should such results were obtained. Majority
explain how the researchers created of nursing researchers uses
the instrument. Include in the Cronbach-alpha as their reliability
discussion if the questionnaire is test. In this light, the researchers
adopted or self-made. It should must present the actual results of the
highlight the source. test stating how the instrument
2. After explaining the basis of the qualified as a reliable research tool.
instrument and how it can answer the 11. For qualitative paper, since there is
research problem, the researchers variety of research tools, it should be
must explain the parts of the comprehensively discussed and
instrument and how the statements in actual results should be part of the
the questionnaire are are able to exhibits in the list of appendices.
correspond with the variables
included in the study. Data gathering procedure
3. The mechanics of answering the 1. Present data gathering procedure
question should also be presented from the day the pilot test was
with the above stated contents. administered down to the actual
4. Discuss the process on how the tabulation and interpretation of data.
validation of the instrument was Discuss the process on how the
conducted research was undertaken.
5. Mention the author if the instrument 2. Start the discussion from asking
was adopted from another research permission to conduct the study from
6. Discuss the dry-run process if there the venue to data processing,
is any analysis, and interpretations.
7. Mention the suggestions of experts if 3. The researchers may include the
the instrument was subjected to submission of consent and
validation and relate items that were communication letters to different
suggested institutions as the research locale.
8. Aside from the above stated 4. Data gathering procedure is more
components, the researcher must be appreciated if it is presented with a
able to allot another subheading for flow chart.
the validity test and reliability test of 5. For qualitative paper, data gathering
research instrument. It should be procedure section will be divided
labeled as Validation of the into preparatory, implementation and
Instrument and Test for Reliability reporting phase.
of the Instrument. a. Preparatory phase – must
9. Validation of the itnstrument cover the period when
requires the researcher to include the research topic was conceived,
type of validation and the validators the selection of the
who reviewed the instrument. It is respondents, the contents of
the “informed consent” as 3.50
applied in the research and 1.51 Not
their approval, the stages of 2 – Disagree Satisfie
gaining entry to the research 2.50 d
setting and hindrances that Not
the co-researchers and 1.00
Strongly Highly
researchers faced during this 1 –
Disagree Satisfie
phase. 1.50
b. Implementation phase – must
contain the data-gathering 5. Discuss the statistical treatments that
process including the data will be used in the conduct of the
collection method and tools, study
difficulties encountered 6. Justify the use and purpose of each
during the phase and issues tool (e.g. weighted mean, frequency,
or concerns raised by the co- ranking, etc.)
researchers and researchers. 7. The statistical treatment will be
c. Reporting phase – must have ended with the decision criteria for
the transcription and the level of significance set by the
translation procedures, the researchers.
validation of the data that has
been gathered and the manner Data Analysis (for qualitative paper)
of reporting. 1. This section must explain the process
of transcribing, translating,
Statistical Treatment of Data bracketing, intuiting, creating
1. Present this part with an introductory themes, symbolizing (eidetic symbol
statement. and insights) and synthesizing.
2. Statistical tools should be presented
logically with the formula and based
on the statement of the problem.
3. The researchers must be able to
explain how they used the statistical
tool in the study.
4. The Likert Scale should be presented
with the weighted mean and should
follow the prescribed format. See
example below.

Poi Adjecti
Poi nt Interpret val
nt Ran ation Descrip
ge tion
3.50 Highly
4 – Satisfie
4.00 d
2.51 Satisfie
3 Agree
– d

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