Primer On Microcephaly: Education Gaps

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Primer on Microcephaly

Alison Chu, MD,* Taylor Heald-Sargent, MD,† Joseph R. Hageman, MD‡

*Division of Neonatology and Developmental Biology, Department of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine,
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

Comer Children’s Hospital, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Education Gaps
1. There is a lack of consensus on diagnostic evaluation of the neonate with
2. Clinicians need to identify at-risk populations for congenital Zika infection
and make basic recommendations on screening and care of these infants.

Objectives After reading this article, readers should be able to:

1. Define microcephaly and understand the terminology related to

classification of microcephaly.
2. Describe the most common etiologies underlying microcephaly.
3. Plan a targeted diagnostic evaluation, based on the available evidence.
4. Understand what is currently known about Zika virus and its contribution
to congenital microcephaly.


Sargent, and Hageman have disclosed no
Abstract financial relationships relevant to this article.
This commentary does not contain a
Microcephaly can present in the newborn period, either at birth or discussion of an unapproved/investigative
postnatally. In large cohorts, genetic factors and perinatal brain damage use of a commercial product/device.

secondary to maternal exposures and prenatally acquired infections are the ABBREVIATIONS
leading causative factors. However, in up to w40% of children with CDC Centers for Disease Control and
microcephaly, no etiology is identified. Although many classifications exist, it Prevention
CGH comparative genomic
is important to remember that both congenital microcephaly and postnatal- hybridization
onset microcephaly can be due to genetic or “acquired” causes. Careful CMV cytomegalovirus
history and physical examination is the initial step in evaluating a neonate CNS central nervous system
HC head circumference
with microcephaly. Diagnostic evaluation should be tailored based on these MRI magnetic resonance imaging
findings. In all-comers with microcephaly, neuroimaging proves to have the OFC occipital frontal head
highest diagnostic yield, with magnetic resonance imaging providing the circumference
PCR polymerase chain reaction
highest sensitivity. Genetic testing has the next highest diagnostic yield, and
RT reverse-transcriptase
if presentation does not suggest a specific genetic disorder, comparative SD standard deviation
genomic hybridization would be the recommended first-line genetic testing. TORCH toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis,
Definitive treatment for microcephaly does not exist, but supportive varicella-zoster, parvovirus B19),
rubella, CMV, and herpesvirus
treatment aimed at preventing further damage or mitigating untoward infections
WES whole-exome sequencing

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effects of existing comorbidities may be available. Overall prognosis relates to
severity of disease, underlying diagnosis, and comorbid conditions identified.
Zika virus is emerging as an infectious pathogen leading to congenital
microcephaly. Given its potentially devastating effects, a low threshold of
suspicion is warranted at this time for women presenting with a fever and
rash during pregnancy with a personal history or sexual contact with a person
who has a history of travel to affected regions, or with findings of
microcephaly on prenatal ultrasonography.

INTRODUCTION/DEFINITION numbers of neurons in the gray matter, and preferentially

affects the forebrain, as seen in holoprosencephaly. Postnatal
Microcephaly is a diagnosis with myriad causes, which differ
in their prognosis. Therefore, in evaluating a neonate with microcephaly is often associated with perinatal insult to a
microcephaly, it is important to not only be aware of many of previously normal brain, which results in decreased dendritic
the causes of microcephaly, but to also use a diagnostic processes and synaptic connections. Because of heterogeneous
approach to avoid unnecessary testing and to reach a diag- causes, the presentation of microcephaly is varied—sometimes
occurring in isolation and sometimes with associated extracra-
nosis in a timely manner, when possible. Microcephaly is
nial signs and symptoms, sometimes present at birth and
defined as an occipitofrontal head circumference (OFC)
sometimes developing postnatally. Published estimates sug-
between the glabella and occipital protuberance of less than
gest that fewer than 1% of all newborn infants are microcephalic,
2 standard deviations (SDs) below the mean for age and
but that approximately 25,000 neonates in the United States are
gender using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
annually diagnosed with microcephaly.
(CDC) growth charts. (1)(2)(3) Severe microcephaly is defined
The purpose of this article is to review the definition,
as values less than 3 SDs below the mean. It is crucial that
categorization, etiologies, diagnostic evaluation, and long-
providers accurately measure head circumference (HC), by
term outcome of congenital (decreased HC at birth) and
using a nonstretchable measuring tape pulled tightly across
postnatal-onset microcephaly (normal HC at birth, then poor
the most prominent parts of the back and front of the head,
head growth with decreased HC for gestational age post-
from the occiput to supraorbital ridge. Inaccurate measure-
natally). (1) The terms are used inconsistently in the literature,
ments are often recorded in newborns because of a number
with primary or congenital often being used interchangeably,
of factors (eg, scalp edema, cephalohematoma, molding), and
and secondary, acquired, progressive, and postnatal-onset being
repeat measurement may be indicated past the first few days
used interchangeably. However, many of these terms can
after birth. Also of note, microcephaly is the best available be misleading (or misused), because both congenital and
noninvasive measurement on physical examination that may postnatal-onset micocephaly may be due to genetic or acquired
be indicative of an underlying central nervous system (CNS) causes. It is, therefore, important in interpreting the literature
abnormality. However, it is extremely nonspecific and as to distinguish how each group defines these terms.
such, experts in the field still debate where the “cut-off” Of special note, clinicians have become more aware of
for microcephaly should be, with some requiring an OFC microcephaly because the Zika virus, initially in Brazil and
less than 3 SDs below the mean as “significant.” subsequently in Central America, Puerto Rico, and the
Microcephaly, in general, is associated with reduced Southern United States (Florida), has been documented
brain volumes and later intellectual/neurodevelopmental (4) as a cause of microcephaly. Given the timeliness of this
disabilities. Because brain development is influenced in a issue, we also include a review of what is known about Zika
multifactorial manner, the pathogenesis of microcephaly virus transmission, congenital infection, and management of
can involve genetic or environmental influences affecting (suspected) disease.
progenitor cell proliferation, differentiation, and death, or
brain growth. In general, congenital microcephaly is often
due to lack of or abnormal development of the neurons
during important stages of neuronal maturation, such as There are a number of different categorical classification
induction and migration. These alterations lead to decreased systems for microcephaly. As noted before, congenital and

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acquired microcephaly are suggested as the preferred cat- Among nongenetic causes, prenatal or perinatal brain
egories by the American Academy of Neurology and Child injury by exogenous factors is the next leading cause of
Neurology Society. (1) More recently, von der Hagen and microcephaly (likely accounting for about one-third of cases).
colleagues (3) described a large clinical cohort of 680 in- These factors can include intrauterine infections, teratogens,
fants and children with microcephaly, and their categories disruptive incidents, or maternal disease. Characteristically,
include primary and secondary microcephaly. Largely, the most congenital toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis, varicella-zoster,
accepted classification distinguishes whether or not the parvovirus B19), rubella, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and her-
neonate has a normal OFC at birth (postnatal versus con- pesvirus (TORCH) infections can present with microcephaly.
genital). It is important to note that these categorizations do These transplacentally transmitted infections often have
not imply causative etiologies; for example, genetic causes of additional findings on examination, such as hepatosplenome-
microcephaly can lead to postnatal OFC growth failure or galy, rashes, ophthalmologic findings, and ultrasonography
can result in microcephaly at birth. Postnatal microcephaly findings of intracranial calcifications. With the advent of
is usually apparent by age 2 years, when caused by acquired maternal prenatal screening guidelines, when properly exe-
insults to the CNS from progressive genetic or metabolic cuted, these congenital infections are seen less commonly.
causes. This peak window of detection is largely because the However, routine testing for maternal CMV infection is not
highest rate of brain growth occurs in the first 3 years after conducted, even though it is ubiquitous in the general pop-
birth. (3) Other subcategorizations of patients are defined by ulation. Therefore, practitioners should have a high index of
etiology (genetic vs environmental), by relation to somatic suspicion for CMV if characteristic TORCH symptoms are
growth (proportionate [where HC, length, and weight are all seen on examination. In addition, we dedicate a more
<3rd percentile for sex and age] vs disproportionate [where detailed discussion to Zika virus, an emerging infectious
HC is <3rd percentile but length and weight are >3rd pathogen causing microcephaly. Teratogens include mater-
percentile for sex and age]), or by other association to other nal alcohol or cocaine use, antiepileptic drugs, or rarely,
anomalies (syndromic vs nonsyndromic). These subcate- lead/mercury intoxication. Inborn errors of metabolism and
gories also relate to the causes of microcephaly. craniosynostoses are less common causes of microcephaly.
It is also worth mentioning that etiologies of postnatal-
onset microcephaly include systemic illnesses for which the
neonatal population, especially the preterm group, is at risk.
The causes of microcephaly are diverse and myriad, there- Multiple studies have shown acquired postnatal microcephaly
fore, a global view of the causes of microcephaly is helpful to to be associated with many of the comorbidities of prema-
the clinician. In the largest retrospective study published to turity, largely bronchopulmonary dysplasia, though other
date on patients with microcephaly, the authors reported studies have also shown associations with necrotizing entero-
interesting statistics on the diagnosis of microcephaly. (3) colitis, neonatal sepsis, and intraventricular hemorrhage.
Of note, their cohort of patients identified through medical (5)(6) Though the exact mechanisms underlying this pre-
record review presented at a mean age of 7 to 8 months. dilection are unknown, it is believed that the severity of the
More cases of postnatal-onset microcephaly were seen than inflammatory response in these sick neonates may also be
congenital cases. Neonatologists providing inpatient care en- accompanied by a local inflammatory response in the brain,
counter more congenital than postnatal-onset cases. In their leading to impaired neurodevelopment and head growth
review of 680 patients, von der Hagen et al were able to define and, in some cases, may be coupled with poor postnatal
the etiology in 59% of all patients. Of these patients, genetic growth. (7)
etiologies were identified in about half, perinatal brain damage In published studies, up to w40% of microcephalic
in 45%, and postnatal brain damage in 3%. (3) We list specific patients do not have a known etiology identified. However,
diagnoses within these categories in the Table. with ever-expanding understanding of microcephaly, espe-
As of 2014, more than 900 disorders associated with micro- cially underlying genetic mechanisms, this estimate may
cephaly were included in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in decrease in the future. (3)
Man website. (3) Given that genetic causes accounted for about
half of all microcephalic individuals with known diagnoses, it is
important to note that chromosomal abnormalities and
monogenic disorders accounted for about half, and the The most important initial step in the evaluation of micro-
remaining half were due to putative genetic syndromes based cephaly is a thorough history and physical examination.
on clinical presentation and/or familial hereditary patterning. For the neonatologist, history should include review of the

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TABLE. Etiologies for Congenital and Postnatal-Onset Microcephaly

Genetic factors
Numerical chromosomal aberration or Trisomy 13, 18, 21 Williams syndrome
microdeletion or duplication
Monogenetic causes Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, Cockayne Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, ataxia
syndrome, Cornelia de Lange, Rubinstein- telangiectasia, Cohen syndrome, Marden
Taybi, Rett syndrome, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, Mowat-Wilson syndrome, Rett
syndrome, autosomal recessive syndrome, Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
microcephaly, X-chromosomal
Imprinting disorders Angelman syndrome Angelman syndrome
Exogenic factors
Infection Intrauterine infection with toxoplasmosis, Perinatal infection with HSV, rubella, syphilis
rubella, CMV, HSV, VZV, syphilis, HIV, Postnatal infections (meningitis,
Zika virus encephalitis)
Teratogens Maternal exposure to alcohol, cocaine, Perinatal teratogen exposures, toxin
antiepileptic drugs, lead/mercury exposure (lead)
Disruptive incident Vascular incident
Maternal disease Hyperphenylalaninemia, anorexia nervosa
Perinatal brain damage Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,
perinatal/postnatal hemorrhagic and
ischemic insult
Postnatal brain damage Traumatic brain injury, hemorrhagic/
ischemic insult, malnutrition
Structural brain anomalies Holoprosencephaly
Other Extreme placental insufficiency Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism,
hypopituitarism), chronic or systemic
Metabolic factors
Serine biosynthesis disorder, sterol Phenylketonuria, glycine encephalopathy,
biosynthesis disorder, mitochondriopathy, disorders of serine biosynthesis, urea cycle
congenital disorders of glycosylation disorders, organic aciduria, galactosemia,
syndrome, etc glucose transporter defect,
leukodystrophies, mitochondriopathies,
peroxisomal disorders, lysosomal storage
disorders, etc
Craniosynostoses Craniosynostoses

CMV¼cytomegalovirus; HIV¼human immunodeficiency virus; HSV¼herpes simplex virus; VZV¼varicella zoster virus.
Adapted with permission from von der Hagen et al. (3)

prenatal history (pregnancy course for the mother, including Physical examination should not only include a thorough
ultrasonography/imaging findings, genetic screening, mater- neurologic examination, including tone and reflexes and
nal exposures), as well as a detailed family history of neuro- evaluation for sensory or motor deficits, but also be aimed
logic disorders or recurrent miscarriage. Of note, for a child at uncovering other findings that may point to specific diag-
presenting with microcephaly at an older age, history may noses (eg, genetic syndromic etiologies, metabolic disorders,
also include a timeline of onset of microcephaly (including congenital infection). An ophthalmologic examination by a
serial HC measurements) and neuropsychiatric assessment. pediatric specialist should also be considered.

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The next steps in diagnostic evaluation should be appro- may help to direct further testing. Cranial ultrasonography,
priately tailored, depending on the history and physical although less sensitive, is relatively inexpensive, easy to perform
examination findings. These ancillary tests may include in the neonatal population, and noninvasive. Therefore, per-
neuroimaging to identify structural causes or targeted and forming cranial ultrasonography before MRI may be useful.
specific genetic testing in a neonate with findings suggestive The value of genetic testing is more difficult to quantify,
of a specific diagnosis. We propose a simplified algorithm for because the diagnostic yields for various genetic tests are
evaluating a child with microcephaly (Figure), based on the not well-defined and depend on the indications for testing.
reported diagnostic yields of various tests, which we will However, it is estimated that anywhere between 15% and
further describe in detail. 50% of cases of microcephaly may have an underlying
Neuroimaging has the highest diagnostic yield, when genetic etiology. Therefore, specific and targeted genetic
considering all newborns presenting with microcephaly. testing should be considered, based on individual presen-
Published studies suggest that overall diagnostic yield ranges tation. Testing includes genetic screening via karyotype,
from w40% to 80%. The highest diagnostic yield is among array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis,
patients with a known history of perinatal or postnatal brain chromosomal breakage analysis, and selected gene sequenc-
injury (w90%). (1) The next highest yield groups were those ing or next-generation panel sequencing. Of note, the more
with extracranial congenital anomalies (w70%) or with sus- nonspecific tests (karyotyping and CGH) have the lowest
pected genetic etiologies (also w70%). Reported imaging find- diagnostic yield and may be interpreted as normal, even
ings can range from normal to varying degrees of atrophy/ when a genetic cause is eventually uncovered using more
ventricular dilation, to isolated parenchymal abnormalities. specific/directed testing. However, CGH provides higher
Taken together, these studies suggested that increasing severity diagnostic yield (estimated 15%–20%) than karyotyping,
of microcephaly positively correlated with diagnostic yield and and should be considered as the first-line genetic test in a
prognostic capability of neuroimaging. Magnetic resonance patient without findings suggestive of a specific genetic
imaging (MRI) was more sensitive than computed tomogra- cause. In a small cohort of patients in whom an underlying
phy, especially for the diagnosis of migrational disorders, genetic etiology is still highly suspected based on presen-
callosal malformations, structural abnormalities in the poste- tation and/or family history, and nonspecific genetic testing
rior fossa, and disorders of myelination. (1) Although in some is negative, whole-exome sequencing (WES) may identify
cases MRI may enable a specific diagnosis to be made, in most genetic abnormalities. However, only some abnormalities
cases, findings may be nonspecific. However, these findings identified with WES have known clinical correlates.

Figure. A diagnostic approach to evaluating

the neonate with microcephaly, with
a focus on congenital microcephaly.
CGH¼comparative genomic hydridization;
CMV¼cytomegalovirus; MRI¼magnetic
resonance imaging; PCR¼polymerase chain

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Testing for metabolic disorders should be considered for 3 possible. For example, in some metabolic causes of micro-
specific conditions: maternal phenylketonuria (fetal brain cephaly, dietary restrictions, in combination with pharmaco-
exposure to toxic levels of phenylalanine can result in micro- logic agents, may help to minimize accumulation of
cephaly), phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase deficiency, and metabolic toxins that lead to progressive brain damage.
2-ketoglutaric aciduria (Amish lethal microcephaly). Other However, there is no currently available “treatment” per se
risk factors that, if present, may increase the diagnostic yield for the underlying cause, as generally seen with genetic
of metabolic testing, include a history of parental con- etiologies. In this exciting time of development of gene-
sanguinity, a positive family history for similar symptoms, editing platforms such as Crispr/Cas9, this limitation may
an episodic nature to symptoms, developmental regres- be potentially addressable in the future. In the meanwhile,
sion, other organ failure, or specific neuroimaging findings. supportive treatment may be targeted at minimizing mor-
Otherwise, metabolic disorders rarely present with non- bidity from coexisting conditions. For example, pharmaco-
syndromic congenital microcephaly and are estimated to logic treatment for seizures should be initiated when
account for 1% to 5% of all children with microcephaly. indicated. Developmental therapies should be offered to
Therefore, metabolic testing may have higher diagnostic high-risk patients. A recently published study by Rosman
yield in the population with postnatal-onset microcephaly, et al (8) suggests that better somatic growth (weight, height)
compared to those with congenital microcephaly. in patients with postnatal-onset microcephaly is associated
Testing for infection may be indicated, but if currently rec- with better neurodevelopmental outcomes, thus supporting
ommended maternal prenatal screenings are negative for the the role for optimization of diet and growth (though both
newborn being evaluated and the mother took appropriate deficient and excessive growth can negatively affect develop-
preventive medication or precautions, the diagnostic yield for mental outcome). However, this study only reports association,
this infectious testing is likely lower except in the case of CMVor so the causative relationship between optimal somatic growth
Zika virus. The most common infectious causes of microceph- and brain growth, while linked in theory and shown to be linked
aly are TORCH infections. Targeted testing should be performed in other human diseases, remains undefined in microcephalic
as directed by findings and may include culture, DNApolymerase patients. In addition, in this cohort, children with better
chain reaction (PCR), or serologic testing for specific pathogens. somatic growth may have less severe disease phenotype, thus
A urine CMV test is a minimally invasive, relatively low-cost test displaying better associated outcomes.
that can be easily performed and results obtained quickly. Given
its ubiquitous nature and the ease of testing, a neonate present- MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY
ing with congenital microcephaly should be evaluated for CMV.
Long-term outcomes for infants with microcephaly are re-
Lastly, screening for coexistent conditions such as epilepsy,
lated to the underlying etiology and coexisting conditions.
sensory deficits, and cerebral palsy may be indicated, depend-
More severe microcephaly (HC < -3 SD) generally portends a
ing on the severity, associated findings, or suspected/
worse prognosis, in terms of neurodevelopmental outcomes,
confirmed diagnosis. The estimated prevalence of epilepsy
compared with milder microcephaly. Coexistent conditions
in this population is 40%, and some studies suggest that
may include intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy,
epilepsy is more common in secondary microcephaly. Care-
and ophthalmologic disorders (ranging from w20%–50%
givers should be taught to monitor for signs/symptoms of
for each condition).
seizures, and electroencephalography performed when clin-
ical suspicion is high. Caregivers and primary care physicians
should also monitor affected children for early signs of
cerebral palsy and/or developmental delays (w60%), to ini-
tiate supportive treatments in a timely manner. Although Clinicians have become more aware of microcephaly as Zika
ophthalmologic and hearing disorders are more common virus transmission by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito initially
in children with microcephaly than in the general population, reported in Brazil has now been reported to have affected
the estimates of frequency of ophthalmologic or audiologic pregnancies in Central America, Puerto Rico, and the south-
disorders in all children with microcephaly are varied (from ern United States in Florida. (4) Zika virus is an arbovirus
<1%–30%) or unknown, respectively. of the Flavivirus genus, and was first described in Rhesus
monkeys in Uganda in the 1940s. The first significant
epidemic was in Micronesia in 2007. With the acquisition
Treatment for any individual diagnosed with microcephaly of the virus by pregnant women and subsequent infection of
should be aimed at the underlying disorder whenever the fetus, congenital CNS abnormalities, including intracranial

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calcifications, brain malformations, and microcephaly, have ventriculomegaly initially followed by ventricular and
been reported in these cases. (4)(9) A recent review of MRI brain atrophy. (10) In any suspected case, one must bear
findings in a cohort of 28 fetuses or newborns with suspected in mind that an infant may have Zika infection and a
congenital Zika virus also described a high incidence of normal HC, especially if the infection was late in gestation.
abnormalities of the corpus callosum and findings suggesting Normal HC can result from decreased brain volumes but
a developmental interruption in normal neuronal migration. severe ventriculomegaly. In fact, a recent report described a
(10) Also of note, on radiography, intracranial calcifications can term infant born in Brazil to a mother with a history of
be seen at the grey-white matter junction and basal ganglia, symptoms suggestive of Zika virus, who had an HC of 32.5
different from other congenital infections. (10)(11) Besides cm, but MRI findings showed reduced brain parenchyma,
CNS abnormalities, congenital infection has also been associ- subcortical calcifications, and compensatory dilation of the
ated with fetal loss and stillbirth. (12)(13)(14) infratentorial supraventricular system. Serum, saliva, urine,
In addition to being spread by mosquitos, Zika virus and cerebrospinal fluid were tested for Zika virus with quan-
appears to be transmitted during sexual intercourse and titative reverse-transcriptase (RT) PCR 54 days after birth, and
via blood transfusion. (15) It is believed that the virus travels were all positive for Zika virus RNA. At this point, the infant
from the bloodstream of the infected mother transplacen- had no neurologic abnormalities, but at age 6 months, had
tally into the fetus. Zika virus RNA has recently been neuropsychomotor developmental delay, with global hyperto-
detected in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women who were nia and spastic hemiplegia. (20) This case suggests that the
identified as potentially infected when fetal microcephaly was Zika virus can persist in congenitally affected newborns, and
noted on prenatal ultrasonography. (16) In addition, a mouse close monitoring should be continued after birth for comor-
model of Zika virus infection found that the virus could infect bidities associated with microcephaly.
fetuses, leading to intrauterine growth restriction and micro- Infection can be diagnosed with RT-PCR or serologic
cephaly, and affects human cortical progenitor cells in vitro, immunoglobulin M testing. Additional testing in infants
leading to cell death. In addition, Zika virus infection in human with abnormalities consistent with congenital Zika virus
brain organoids reduces proliferative zones and disrupts cor- syndrome should include complete blood cell count, met-
tical layers. (17) Supporting the fact that the virus directly infects abolic panel including liver function tests, ophthalmo-
the human brain, Zika virus (by means of RNA detection and logic examination, audiology evaluation, and neuroimaging.
genome sequencing) has been identified in the brain tissue of Pediatric infectious disease and neurologic specialists
affected human fetuses and infants. (18) These findings, in should be consulted. The CDC recommends that in asymp-
combination with the fact that Zika virus exposure and micro- tomatic infants, testing for Zika and head ultrasonography
cephaly are rare events, especially in the United States, support should be performed but no other special tests are neces-
a causal relationship between the virus and adverse neurologic sary, aside from routine newborn care including stan-
outcomes, including microcephaly. (4) Furthering the causal dard newborn screening. Any diagnosed cases should be
relationship, a recent report on a large number of suspected reported to the CDC. Infants with laboratory evidence of
cases of Zika virus–infected infants found a peak in microce- Zika virus infection should receive close follow-up on an
phalic infants in November 2015, which correlated with the outpatient basis, with special attention paid to growth and
Zika virus epidemic in February and early March 2015. (19) neurodevelopment. Infants with proven infection and ab-
Currently, the CDC is recommending that all infants normalities consistent with congenital Zika should have
born to mothers with laboratory-confirmed Zika virus or additional testing, including thyroid testing, repeat ophthal-
infants with clinical/neuroimaging concerning for infection mologic examination, and audiology evaluation. (15)
(regardless of maternal testing) should be screened for Zika
virus. (9) Infants born to mothers with a history of travel
to affected areas and symptoms of infection, which can in-
clude fever, rash, arthralgias, and conjunctivitis, should also Microcephaly can present in the newborn period and be
be tested. A mother with a concerning clinical history as well as categorized as present at birth or developing postnatally.
sexual contact, along with travel to the affected regions, should The top 2 reported etiologies for microcephaly in cases
also be considered for testing. Clinical physical examination with a known underlying diagnosis are genetic disorders
findings in the neonate suggestive of congenital Zika infection and perinatal brain damage secondary to exogenous factors.
include a characteristically microcephalic head with redundant However, no etiology is identified in up to w40% of chil-
skin folds. It has been hypothesized that the external man- dren with microcephaly. Although many classifications
ifestations of Zika virus are due to the development of exist, it is important to remember that both congenital

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Vol. 18 No. 1 JANUARY 2017 e51

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Primer on Microcephaly
Alison Chu, Taylor Heald-Sargent and Joseph R. Hageman
NeoReviews 2017;18;e44
DOI: 10.1542/neo.18-1-e44

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Primer on Microcephaly
Alison Chu, Taylor Heald-Sargent and Joseph R. Hageman
NeoReviews 2017;18;e44
DOI: 10.1542/neo.18-1-e44

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