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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

 GDPR is the most inclement privacy and security law in the world. In the European Union the regulation entry in to the
force was 25.May of 2018. The GDPR is protecting the personal data. The regulations is including 7 principles of data

In case of TRUE GUM the data policy is including the first principals which is the Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency.
The Transparency means clear, open and honest communication which one of the most important part, this shows how
True gum use their personal data. Few of this significant question is:

 What information they collect?

 How they use this information?
 Does information are shared with 3. participant?
 What information they collect? 3

The last years of research show us the 58% of the costumers would be comfortable with relevant personal information
being used in a transparent and beneficial manner4. That point of view is major to the TRU GUM shows the costumer a
clean and understandable information about how they use their own personal information and which information they
collect. 5

Privacy policy is describing how the personal information is collected shared and used when visit the site. They
automatically collect data like: time zone IP address, individual web page or products what the costumer view. True Gum
is using this information to target their marketing and advertisements. This is the next principles which is Purpose
Limitation this principle is a simple means why the company collect personal information. 6





On the True gum website, the costumers can order product. That information what the company is collect from the
costumer (name, address, email address) during the purchase protection of this information is based on 6. principal of
GDPR what the Integrity and Confidentiality is.

One of the main items is how the company handles their own employees’ personal information. It therefore has to be
made sure how long they keep that information, this based on the 5. principles the Storage Limitation. This is a guide
how long it can be stored the items. In the other part is the 3. principles the Data Minimization, this identify what is the
minimal amount of data what the company need to fulfill. The third most important part is the 4. principles the
Accuracy, behind this to keep only relevant information and always update the personal data. 7

In our Survey and Interviews we need to follow GDPR rules and informed the participants about the survey purpose and
how we used this information’s and how long we keep. According to the GDPR guidelines it must be legally and
ethnically transparent. During the interview, we personally agreed with the parties on the purpose and why we would
use the data they provided and how we could utilize this information in our project. In our survey is anonymously using
the SurveyXact program. At the beginning of the questionnaire, we drew participants' attention to the role of the
questionnaire and the purpose for which we used the information obtained in that way the applicants agree to these
terms by completing.

The 7 principles of the GDPR help the correct data processing of the company and individuals, it shows how to proceed
in different situations. During the analysis, the most important principles were mentioned, but using the 7 principles
together, the only way to collection and use of data can be regular.


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