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Bruce C V Campbell, Pooja Khatri

Stroke is a major cause of death and disability globally. Diagnosis depends on clinical features and brain imaging to Lancet 2020; 396: 129–42
differentiate between ischaemic stroke and intracerebral haemorrhage. Non-contrast CT can exclude haemorrhage, Department of Medicine and
but the addition of CT perfusion imaging and angiography allows a positive diagnosis of ischaemic stroke versus Neurology, Melbourne Brain
Centre, Royal Melbourne
mimics and can identify a large vessel occlusion target for endovascular thrombectomy. Management of ischaemic
Hospital and The Florey
stroke has greatly advanced, with rapid reperfusion by use of intravenous thrombolysis and endovascular Institute of Neuroscience and
thrombectomy shown to reduce disability. These therapies can now be applied in selected patients who present late to Mental Health, University of
medical care if there is imaging evidence of salvageable brain tissue. Both haemostatic agents and surgical Melbourne, Parkville, VIC,
interventions are investigational for intracerebral haemorrhage. Prevention of recurrent stroke requires an (Prof B C V Campbell PhD); and
understanding of the mechanism of stroke to target interventions, such as carotid endarterectomy, anticoagulation Department of Neurology,
for atrial fibrillation, and patent foramen ovale closure. However, interventions such as lowering blood pressure, University of Cincinnati,
smoking cessation, and lifestyle optimisation are common to all stroke subtypes. Cincinnati, OH, USA
(Prof P Kahtri MD)

Introduction is therefore defined as the time that the patient was last Correspondence to:
Prof Bruce Campbell,
Stroke is a common disease, with one in four people known to be well. Department of Medicine and
affected over their lifetime, and is the second leading Knowledge of neuroanatomical structures and vascular Neurology, Melbourne Brain
cause of death and third leading cause of disability in territories allows localisation and estimation of the size Centre, Royal Melbourne
Hospital, Parkville, VIC 3050,
adults worldwide.1 Substantial advances in therapy have of the affected territory; patterns, such as right hemi­ Australia
occurred in the past 5 years, particularly for the acute paresis with aphasia due to occlusion of the left middle
treatment of ischaemic stroke. New strategies for cerebral artery, are common and well recognised. Stroke
preventing recurrence have also been identified. This symptoms that are under-recognised, such as nausea,
Seminar outlines the diagnosis and management of vomiting, vertigo, and decreased level of consciousness,
ischaemic stroke and intracerebral haemorrhage in are more common in the setting of occlusions in the
contemporary stroke units. posterior circulation.6
Sudden onset of neurological deficits generally
Definition of stroke indicates a vascular cause, although seizures, specifically
Stroke is defined as a neurological deficit attributed to an focal impaired awareness seizures or a postictal state,
acute focal injury of the CNS (ie, brain, retina, or spinal can also produce sudden onset of symptoms. Add­
cord) by a vascular cause.2 Most strokes are ischaemic due itionally, migraine with aura or hemiplegic migraine
to reduced blood flow, generally resulting from arterial can also lead to sudden onset of focal neurological
occlusion. A rarer type of ischaemic stroke is venous symp­toms, but this should be a diagnosis of exclusion.
infarction due to occlusion of cerebral veins or venous Functional (psychogenic) deficits, such as conversion
sinuses. The remaining 10–40% of stroke presentations, disorder, can mimic stroke. Occasionally, space-
depending on regional epidemiology, are haemorrhagic occupying lesions can present sud­denly if they cause a
and result from the rupture of cerebral arteries.3,4 These seizure or bleeding. Other mimics, which would
haemorrhages can be intracerebral or subarachnoid; typically not show abrupt onset with an adequate
subarachnoid haemorrhages typically result from a patient history, include toxic metabolic derangements
ruptured aneurysm and are out of the scope of this
Seminar. Ischaemic stroke is differentiated from transient
ischaemic attack by the presence of an infarct on brain Search strategy and selection criteria
imaging. Patients diagnosed with transient ischaemic We searched the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, and Embase for
attack, by use of former clinical definitions that were articles published in English between Jan 1, 2015, and
based on symptom resolution within 24 h, have evidence Dec 31, 2019. We used the search terms “ischaemic/ischemic
of infarction on diffusion-weighted MRI in approximately stroke” or “intracerebral haemorrhage/hemorrhage”,
40% of cases and represent a group who are at high risk and “clinical trial” or “meta-analysis”. We also searched the
for recurrent stroke.5 reference lists of articles identified by this search strategy
and selected those that we judged to be relevant. We largely
Diagnosis of stroke and mimics selected publications in the past 5 years but did not exclude
The key clinical feature of stroke is the sudden onset of a commonly referenced and highly regarded publications that
focal neurological deficit. The timing of this sudden were older. Review articles are cited to provide readers with
onset can be masked if the patient awakens with stroke more details and references than this Seminar is able to.
symptoms or if the onset is unwitnessed and the patient Our reference list was modified on the basis of comments
is unable to communicate or does not have the insight to from peer reviewers.
recognise the timing of deficit. The time of stroke onset Vol 396 July 11, 2020 129


Brain imaging (CT scan or MRI) crucially comple­

ments the clinical examination to differentiate the
stroke subtype and mechanism. Clinical symptoms and
signs alone cannot reliably differentiate ischaemic
stroke from intracerebral haemorrhage, and manage­
ment sharply diverges between these two conditions. In
ischaemic stroke, the presence of a large vessel
occlusion, defined as occlusion in the internal carotid
artery, proximal middle cerebral artery, or basilar artery,
determines the most appropriate reperfusion therapy.
The secondary prevention of large artery atherosclerotic
D E F disease versus cardioembolic stroke also differs
CBV (mL/100 g) Tmax (s)
substantially. Imaging of the brain and its vascular tree
is therefore one of the most urgent priorities when
patients present to hospital with suspected stroke
(figure 1).

Epidemiology and risk factors

The 2016 Global Burden of Disease data that were
published in 2019 indicate that one in four people will
have a stroke in their lifetime.3 There are estimated
to be 9·6 million ischaemic strokes and 4·1 million
haemorrhagic strokes (including intracerebral and
subarachnoid haemorrhage) globally each year, with a
relatively stable incidence adjusted for age in high-income
countries but an increasing incidence in low-income and
middle-income countries.3 The absolute incidence is
expected to increase with an ageing population.
Estimations indicate that approximately 90% of
strokes are attributable to modifiable risk factors.8
Stroke shares many risk factors with other cardio­
vascular diseases although their relative impor­tance
varies. The most potent risk factor for stroke is high
blood pressure, which applies to both ischaemic stroke
and intracerebral haemorrhage. Smoking, diabetes,
hyperlipidaemia, and physical inactivity are also
significant risks and require interventions that are
regulatory and are based in the community to alter
lifestyle and the environment, as well as individual
treatment.9 Atrial fibrillation, a specific risk factor for
Figure 1: Stroke diagnosis using neuroimaging ischaemic stroke, is increasing in detection and preva­
(A) Ischaemic stroke established in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery 12 h after onset (arrowhead). lence.10 Strokes related to atrial fibrillation tend to be
A patient with left hemiparesis onset 2 h before scan (B–G) showing subtle loss of differentiation between grey and
larger and more disabling than are strokes due to other
white matter (arrowhead) in the basal ganglia (B) and hyperdense thrombus (arrowhead) in the right middle
cerebral artery (C). CT perfusion showing reduced CBV (arrowhead) in the right insular region (D) corresponding to mechanisms.11
region of diffusion restriction (arrowhead; most likely irreversibly injured) on MRI (E). CT perfusion showing delayed
Tmax (arrowhead; substantially delayed Tmax [ie, >6 s] indicates brain tissue that is critically hypoperfused, Pathophysiology
functionally impaired, and potentially at risk of infarction in the absence of reperfusion) in the right middle cerebral
Ischaemic stroke
artery territory (F) corresponding to intracranial occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery (arrowhead) on CT
angiogram (G). (H) Diffusion MRI lesions (arrowhead) in a patient with two 5 min episodes of aphasia that fully Most ischaemic stroke is due to embolism, either from
resolved—now defined as ischaemic stroke rather than transient ischaemic attack. (I) Focal subarachnoid atherosclerotic plaque in the aortic arch or in the
haemorrhage (arrowhead) related to amyloid angiopathy presenting as transient parasthesias on the left side cervical arteries or from the heart (panel, figure 2).
(differential diagnosis of transient ischaemic attack). Lobar intracerebral haemorrhage (arrowhead) in a patient with
Intracranial atherosclerosis with in-situ thrombosis is
amyloid angiopathy (J) and intracerebral haemorrhage (arrowhead) in the right basal ganglia most likely resulting
from deep perforating vasculopathy (K). (L) Thrombosis in the cerebral venous sinus with hyperdense sagittal sinus also an impor­tant mechanism of stroke, particularly in
(arrow) and haemorrhagic venous infarction (arrowhead). CBV=cerebral blood volume. Tmax=time to maximum. Asian and Black ethnic groups.12 Small vessel disease
causes small sub­cortical infarcts (ie, lacunar stroke)
(eg, hypoglycaemia). Particularly in patients with a and deep intra­cerebral haemorrhage. Cervical artery
previous history of stroke, the previous neurological dissection is one of the common causes of stroke
deficit can return with intercurrent illness.7 in younger patients (eg, <60 years), and arterial

130 Vol 396 July 11, 2020


Panel: Major causes of stroke A B C

• Aortic arch or cervical arteries
• Intracranial arteries
• Atrial fibrillation
• Akinetic myocardial segment
• Patent foramen ovale
• Endocarditis
Figure 2: Determining stroke mechanism
Small vessel disease (A) CT angiography showing atherosclerosis of the internal carotid artery. (B) Intracranial atherosclerotic disease.
(C) Fat saturated T1 MRI showing intramural hyperintensity diagnostic of carotid artery dissection.
Other causes:
• Other arterial diseases (eg, dissection, vasculitis)
• Haematological diseases (eg, antiphospholipid syndrome, Intracerebral haemorrhage
polycythaemia rubra vera, essential thrombocytosis) The most common cause of intracerebral haemorrhage
is deep perforating vasculopathy related to high blood
pressure,20 with cerebral microbleeds (seen on MRI) and
inflammation can also cause stroke (eg, inflammatory clinical haemorrhages most often affecting the basal
arteriopathy after infection is a major cause of ganglia, cerebellum, pons, or thalamus. Another major
paediatric stroke and can also occur after herpes zoster cause is amyloid angiopathy; these haemorrhages are
in adults). typically lobar and occur in older patients (ie, aged
When a cerebral artery is occluded and blood flow >55 years but most frequently in patients aged
decreases below a critical level, neuronal electrical func­ 70–80 years) with MRI evidence of cortical microbleeds
tion ceases and a clinical deficit develops.13 If cerebral and superficial haemosiderosis. Vascular malformations
blood flow is severely reduced, then irreversible tissue (eg, arteriovenous malformations, cav­ ernous malfor­
injury will ensue rapidly. However, in many patients, mations, and dural arteriovenous fistulae) and mass
collateral blood supply via leptomeningeal anastomoses lesions (eg, metastatic tumours) should be ruled out
or the circle of Willis can be sufficient to maintain with neuro­ imaging, especially in younger patients
cellular viability for a period of time. These hibernating, (eg, <60 years) or without evidence of vasculopathy
but potentially salvageable, brain regions are termed the on MRI.
ischaemic penumbra. Reperfusion therapies restore The detrimental effects of intracerebral haemorrhage
blood flow to the ischaemic penumbra and substantially due to mass effect from the haematoma itself are readily
reduce disability after ischaemic stroke. The salvageable recognised. The oedema that subsequently develops
ischaemic penumbra can be identified non-invasively (and can increase for up to 2 weeks) also contributes
by use of the mismatch between the ischaemic core, to injury from mass effect, and toxicity from thrombin
which is irreversibly injured (estimated using diffusion and iron are thought to be key contributors to the
MRI or severely reduced cerebral blood flow on CT development of oedema.20
perfusion), and the critically hypoperfused region
(estimated as the region of substantially delayed blood Acute management
flow arrival).14,15 This estimation of salvageable tissue by Acute management of patients with stroke should occur
use of perfusion imaging has been successfully used to in a stroke unit that is organised and geographically
identify patients who would benefit from reperfusion defined. Care in a stroke unit has been clearly shown to
therapies beyond the standard time windows of 6·0 h increase survival without disability for patients of all
for endovascular thrombectomy and 4·5 h for intra­ ages, severities, and stroke subtypes,21 and comprises an
venous thrombolysis.16,17 expert integrated medical, nursing, and allied health
Ischaemia and reperfusion can cause secondary injury. team applying evidence-based clinical protocols (table).
Although reperfusion injury is well described in animal Care in a stroke unit is the foundation on which acute
models, it has been less easily recognised in humans stroke interventions can be delivered. The aims are to
since the benefits of reperfusion usually far outweigh reduce complications, such as aspiration pneumonia,
the detrimental effects.18 However, symptomatic haem­ venous thromboembolism, and pressure sores; com­
orrhagic transformation and malignant oedema are mence early rehabilitation; and institute targeted
two clinical manifestations of reperfusion injury. secondary preven­tion. Protocolised nursing management
Glutamate excitotoxicity, free radical injury, and matrix of fever, glucose, and swallowing reduced mortality in
metalloprotease degradation of the blood–brain barrier one cluster-randomised trial.32 However, a 2019 trial did
are just some of the described mechanisms of secondary not show any benefit of more intensive glucose control
injury after reperfusion.19 versus standard management after stroke.33 Vol 396 July 11, 2020 131


Acute treatments for ischaemic stroke

Treatment Control Odds ratio Absolute
patients with patients with (95% CI) difference, % Intravenous thrombolysis with recombinant human
outcome, % outcome, % tissue plasmin­ogen activator (alteplase) aims to reperfuse
Care in a stroke unit the ischaemic brain by converting plasminogen (PLG) to
Death or dependency 52·4% 60·9% 0·75 (0·66–0·85) 8·5% plasmin, which can dissolve the thrombus that is causing
(mRS 3–6)21 the stroke. Alteplase was first shown to reduce disability
Ischaemic stroke in the NINDS part A and B trials34 when administered
Alteplase thrombolysis, non-contrast CT brain selection22,23 within 3·0 h of stroke onset. The treatment window was
mRS 0–1 in patients treated 32·9% 23·1% 1·75 (1·35–2·27) 9·8% subsequently extended to 4·5 h, although the benefit
0·0–3·0 h after stroke onset reduces rapidly with increasing time after stroke onset
mRS 0–1 in patients treated 35·3% 30·1% 1·26 (1·05–1·51) 5·2% (table).22 When alteplase is delivered within 3·0 h of
3·0–4·5 h after stroke onset onset, approximately one in four patients have reduced
SICH 3·7% 0·6% 6·67 (4·11–10·84) 3·1% disability, which decreases to one in seven patients
Fatal SICH 2·7% 0·4% 7·14 (3·98–12·79) 2·3% between 3·0 h and 4·5 h.35 This benefit includes the
Mortality in patients treated 22·2% 21·8% 1·00 (0·81−1·24) 0·4% (p=0·70) effect of the approximately 2% absolute risk of fatal
0·0–3·0 h after stroke onset
intracerebral haemorrhage. A large meta-analysis of
Mortality in patients treated 16·9% 15·9% 1·14 (0·95−1·36) 1·0% (p=0.96)
3·0–4·5 h after stroke onset
individual patient data established that, although age and
Alteplase thrombolysis >4·5 h after stroke onset in patients selected by use of perfusion imaging17
clinical severity measured by use of the National
Institutes of Health Stroke Scale are strongly prognostic,
mRS 0–1 36·2% 25·8% 2·06 (1·17–3·62) 10·4%
the treatment benefit of alteplase is preserved across
mRS 0–2 50·7% 39·7% 2·22 (1·25–3·94) 11·0%
the spectrum of these variables.22 Patients with mild
SICH 4·6% 0·7% 7·29 (0·88–60·18) 3·9% (p=0·067)
but disabling symptoms benefit from thrombolysis.
Mortality 13·2% 10·5% 1·28 (0·60–2·73) 2·7% (p=0·52)
However, the prematurely terminated 2018 PRISMS
Endovascular thrombectomy initiated 0·0-6·0 h after stroke onset24
trial36 showed no evidence of benefit in patients with
mRS 0–1 26·9% 12·9% 2·72 (1·99–3·71) 14·0%
symptoms that were judged to be non-disabling at
mRS 0–2 46·0% 26·5% 2·71 (2·07–3·55) 19·5%
presentation, and who were selected on the basis of non-
SICH 4·4% 4·3% 1·07 (0·62–1·84) 0·1% (p=0·81)
contrast CT brain imaging and clinical characteristics.
Mortality 15·3% 18·9% 0·73 (0·47–1·13) 3·6% (p=0·16)
Trials selecting patients with non-disabling symptoms
Endovascular thrombectomy initiated 6·0–24·0 h after stroke onset in patients selected by the use of
but with arter­ial occlusion or perfusion abnormality are
perfusion imaging25
ongoing (eg, TEMPO-2, NCT02398656).
mRS 0–2 46·7% 14·8% 5·01 (3·07–8·17) 31·9%
In 2019, the use of CT or perfusion MRI was
SICH 6·0% 3·7% 1·67 (0·64–4·35) 2·3% (p=0·29)
established to select patients between 4·5 h and 9·0 h
Mortality 16·6% 21·7% 0·71 (0·34–1·51) 5·1% (p=0·38)
from the time that they were last seen to be well (or
within 9·0 h of the midpoint of sleep if they awoke with
mRS 4–6 56·9% 78·6% 0·33 (0·13–0·86) 21·7%
stroke) if they had imaging evidence of salvageable
Mortality 21·6% 71·4% 0·10 (0·04–0·27) 49·8%
brain tissue.17,37 This subset of patients derives at least as
Aspirin administered <48·0 h after stroke onset27
much benefit with similar risk of fatal intracerebral
mRS 0–2 54·4% 53·1% 1·05 (1·01–1·10) 1·3%
haemorrhage to those treated 0·0–3·0 h after stroke
Intracerebral haemorrhage
onset, and the ability to select patients using CT-based
Intensive blood pressure lowering28 imaging puts this treatment approach within reach of
mRS 3–6 52·0% 55·6% 0·87 (0·75–1·01) 3·6% (p=0·059) most hospitals that are capable of thrombolysis inter­
Surgical evacuation overall29 vention. Thrombo­ lysis also improved outcomes in
Death or disability 59·4% 67·4% 0·72 (0·61–0·84) 8·0% patients with unknown time of stroke onset (including
Mortality 27·3% 31·8% 0·82 (0·69–0·97) 4·5% those waking up with stroke) in whom MRI showed
Surgery commenced within 0·0–8·0 h of stroke onset29 diffusion lesions that were not yet hyperintense on
Death or disability* 70·3% 79·2% 0·59 (0·42–0·84) 8·9% fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR).38 This
Minimally invasive surgery30 diffusion-FLAIR mismatch indicates that the patient is
Death or disability† 47·4% 65·4% 0·59 (0·42–0·84) 18·0% likely to be within 4·5 h of stroke onset. Compared
SICH is defined as parenchymal haematoma occupying >30% of the infarcted territory with substantial mass effect
with CT perfusion, MRI diffusion-FLAIR mismatch is
combined with an increase of ≥4 points in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, as used in the Safe more likely to detect patients with lacunar stroke, and
Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-Monitoring Study.31 mRS=modified Rankin scale. SICH=symptomatic who could benefit from thrombolysis.39 However, the
intracerebral haemorrhage. *Component studies used different outcomes: composite of death, vegetative or severe requirement for urgent MRI reduces the applicability of
disability outcome on Glasgow Outcomes Score; mRS ≥3; or Barthel Index ≤90 in the 0·0–8·0 h analysis. †Component
studies used different outcomes: composite of mRS ≥3; or Barthel Index ≤60. the MRI diffusion-FLAIR technique in many regions.
The 0·9 mg/kg licensed dose of alteplase in most
Table: Patient outcomes following acute interventions for stroke regions was based on data from small studies, and the
licensed dose in Japan is 0·6 mg/kg.40 A randomised trial
comparing these two doses did not show non-inferiority

132 Vol 396 July 11, 2020


of 0·6 mg/kg, although symp­ tomatic intracerebral thrombolysis have great potential value. Current trials are
haemorrhage was reduced from 2% to 1%.41 There are exploring the addition of adjuvant agents (eg, eptifibatide
plans to explore the lower dose of 0·6 mg/kg further in or argatroban in the MOST trial, NCT03735979). Novel
patients who are felt to be at high risk of bleeding (eg, drugs that dissolve clots and target other structural
concurrent antiplatelet use). However, as of June, 2020, components of thrombi (eg, von Willebrand factor and
all guidelines outside of those in Japan recommend neutrophil extracellular traps), inhibitors of fibrinolysis
0·9 mg/kg alteplase (maximum 90·0 mg) delivered as a (eg, CPB2 and α2-AP), and mechanical strategies, such as
10% bolus followed by 90% infused over 1 h. sonothrombolysis, are also under investigation.53
Tenecteplase is a genetically modified form of alteplase Endovascular thrombectomy is another type of reper­
that has a longer half-life, permitting a single bolus fusion therapy. After several trials did not show any
administration (rather than bolus and 1 h infusion of benefit with endovascular thrombectomy in 2013,54–56
alteplase) and greater fibrin specificity and resistance to five trials published in 2015 established endovascular
plasminogen activator inhibitors than does alteplase.42 thrombectomy as one of the most powerful treatments to
Randomised trial data suggest that tenecteplase is at least reduce disability in any specialty of medicine (table).57–61
as safe and as effective in patients with stroke43 and that The benefits shown by these five trials were driven by a
patients with large vessel occlusion had higher rates of combination of improved devices (which allowed faster,
reperfusion with tenecteplase versus with alteplase.44,45 more effective reperfusion), improved patient selection
Although 0·25 mg/kg and 0·40 mg/kg have been used (requiring at least a documented large vessel occlusion
in trials, the EXTEND-IA TNK part 2 trial46 indicated on non-invasive angiography), and faster treatment
that there was no advantage in increasing the dose from workflow. A meta-analysis of individual patient data
0·25 mg/kg to 0·40 mg/kg. Because many patients emphasised the importance of time, with one in
now require transfer between hospitals, single bolus 100 patients worse off for every 4 min delay in reperfusion
administration simplifies the transport process and after arriving in the emergency department.62
ensures that the full dose of thrombolytic agent is given, In what might superficially appear to contradict this
since alteplase infusions could be interrupted in transit. crucial relationship between time to treatment and func­
Tenecteplase use also avoids the common gap between tional outcome, trials in 2018 established the benefits of
administration of the bolus and infusion of alteplase, endovascular thrombectomy up to 24 h after the time
which, given the short half-life of alteplase, can mean that that the patient was last known to be well, if perfusion
the desired plasma concentration is not sustained. imaging was favourable.16,63 The key point is that the
Although tenecteplase has entered guidelines in Europe,47 proportion of patients who have favourable perfusion
the USA,48 and Australia49 as a possible alternative to imaging decreases over time, and so the urgency to
alteplase, it is not currently licensed for use as a stroke evaluate and treat rapidly still exists; fast treatment will
treatment outside of India, where a generic form of maximise the proportion of patients who have salvageable
tenecteplase was licensed on the basis of non-ran­ brain tissue. However, if a patient is unavoidably delayed
domised data,50 and its biosimilarity is debated.51 Ongoing in presenting to hospital and they still have favourable
phase 3 trials of tenecteplase aim to definitively establish imaging, they will derive at least as much treatment
the role of tenecteplase for patients with stroke benefit as patients who receive treatment within 0–6 h of
(TASTE, ACTRN12613000243718; ATTEST2, NCT02814409; stroke onset (table).
ACT, NCT03889249), including potentially combining Endovascular thrombectomy, analogous to thrombo­
tenecteplase with endovascular thrombectomy in patients lysis, is of generalised benefit across the spectrum of age
presenting later than 4·5 h after stroke onset (TIMELESS, and clinical severity.24 The benefit of thrombectomy is
NCT03785678; ETERNAL, NCT04454788). uncertain in patients who are mildly affected (only
Intravenous thrombolysis is the most accessible 14 patients with National Institutes of Health Stroke
reperfusion therapy for stroke because endovascular Scale score <6 were enrolled in completed trials), and
thrombectomy is restricted to major stroke centres and ongoing trials are addressing the use of endovascular
completely unavailable in many parts of the world. Several thrombectomy in this population (eg, ENDO-LOW,
trials are testing whether thrombolysis can be safely NCT04167527; MOSTE, NCT03796468). Patients with
omitted for patients with large vessel occlusion who present occlusions in the internal carotid artery and proximal
directly to a centre that is capable of throm­ bectomy. middle cerebral artery (M1 segment; figure 3) benefit
The first trial to report results showed similar outcomes from endovascular thrombectomy, including those with
between groups that narrowly met a generous 20% non- tandem cervical internal carotid artery and intracranial
inferiority margin (DIRECT-MT)52 and further studies are occlusion. Once the middle cerebral artery has bifurcated
ongoing (SWIFT DIRECT, NCT03192332; DIRECT SAFE, (M2 segments), the benefit is potentially reduced because
NCT03494920; MR CLEAN-NO IV, ISRCTN80619088). a smaller territory is at risk and there is an increased
The current standard of care is to give thrombolysis and effect of thrombolysis. Additionally, the risk of arterial
proceed to thrombectomy as quickly as possible. Therefore, injury might be increased because of increased technical
approaches to improve the effectiveness of intravenous difficulty of thrombectomy in smaller, more tortuous Vol 396 July 11, 2020 133


core) is uncertain. The ischaemic core can be estimated

(in order of increasing precision) using hypodensity
on non-contrast CT (loss of the normal differentiation
between grey and white matter), severely reduced
blood flow on CT perfusion, or diffusion restriction on
MRI. Increasing ischaemic core volume is undoubtedly
associated with a worse prognosis. However, a crucial
question is whether a meaningful treatment benefit from
thrombectomy exists in patients with a large ischaemic
core volume (eg, >70 mL or >100 mL). Data indicate that
func­tional improvement is noted for at least a proportion
of patients with a large ischaemic core,66,67 although few
of these patients were included in the pivotal trials.
Several ongoing trials are attempting to address this issue
(eg, TENSION, NCT03094715; SELECT-2, NCT03876457;
TESLA, NCT03805308; LASTE, NCT03811769). One
challenge is that futile treatment has sometimes been
defined as not enabling a return to independence. This
definition ignores clinically and economically meaningful
shifts from death or disability that requires residence in a
nursing home to requiring a moderate level of assistance
that is compatible with living at home.
Notably, even after successful endovascular thromb­
ectomy, approximately half of patients with large vessel
occlusion do not regain independent function.24 This issue
has spurred a new generation of trials in neuroprotection
and recovery enhancement. Before trials showing the
benefit of thrombectomy, many neuroprotection trials did
not translate the seemingly potent effects in animal
models to humans, which created intense scepticism
about neuroprotection in humans. The Stroke Therapy
Figure 3: Intracranial vasculature
Academic Industry Roundtable (STAIR) criteria were
The evidence supports endovascular thrombectomy in the internal carotid artery, created in 1999 in response to preclinical studies that did
M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery, and selected patients with proximal not show translation to humans and were updated in 2009
M2 segment occlusion (approximated by the dotted red line). Distal vessels could with the aim of introducing greater rigour into preclinical
become more accessible with technological developments. ICA=internal carotid
research.68 One of the first completed phase 3 trials that
followed the STAIR pathway, and also capitalised on the
vessels. Data indicate the benefit of throm­bectomy in new era of endovascular thrombectomy, was the ESCAPE
patients with occlusions in the large, more proximal M2 NA-1 trial69 of nerinetide, a PSD95 (DLG4) inhibitor that
branches, who have clinically significant neurological aims to reduce glutamate excitotoxicity. Nerinetide was
deficits, but treatment decisions need to be individualised tested in multiple preclinical models, including primates,
for these patients.26 Technology continues to evolve and using randomisation and blinding.70 A sub­sequent phase 2
thrombectomy in more distal vessels will consequently clinical trial71 showed that nerinetide significantly reduced
require further evaluation. incidental diffusion lesions in patients undergoing endo­
Thrombectomy in the basilar artery is recommended by vascular aneurysm repair. The phase 3 trial69 enrolled
guidelines47–49 but convincing randomised data are scarce. 1105 patients and, although not statistically significant
The Chinese BEST trial64 reported a benefit of approxi­ overall, the results suggested reduced disability in
mately 20% in an as-treated analysis but this result was patients who had not also received alteplase. Alteplase
confounded by a high crossover rate from control to treatment was associ­ated with sub­stantially lower serum
intervention. The BASICS trial65 has been reported in an concentrations of nerinetide than in patients who did not
abstract and overall results were neutral. The more receive alteplase, due to protease activation.
severely affected subgroup of patients (National Institutes Another example of adjuvant therapy is the treatment
of Health Stroke Scale score ≥10) did appear to benefit of malignant oedema in patients with large hemispheric
from thrombectomy. A second Chinese trial (BAOCHE, infarction. Hemicraniectomy reduces death and
NCT02737189) is due to be completed soon. disability in these patients, mostly younger than 60 years,
Whether endovascular thrombectomy benefits patients who are at risk of transtentorial herniation leading to
with large areas of irreversibly injured brain (ischaemic brainstem compression due to large infarcts in the

134 Vol 396 July 11, 2020


middle cerebral artery territory.72 Intravenous gliben­ surgery is routine and a meta-analysis30 has suggested
clamide inhibits SUR-1 (ABCC8) and a phase 3 trial promising results. The MISTIE III trial81 involved
(CHARM, NCT02864953) is underway to test this inserting a catheter into the haematoma after showing
pharmacological approach to oedema. In patients with stable volume on serial CT scans (median 46 h after
large cerebellar infarcts, posterior fossa craniectomy is a onset) and instilling alteplase. This treatment reduced the
life-saving procedure to decompress the brainstem and volume of the haematoma over approximately 4 days.
the fourth ventricle.48 Overall, the trial did not show a significant effect, but the
subgroup with successful haematoma removal to less
Acute treatments for intracerebral haemorrhage than 15 mL residual volume did have better functional
Other than care in a stroke unit, intensive lowering outcomes than those of standard care. MISTIE III offers
of blood pressure at an early stage to approximately hope that surgical evacuation techniques that are
140 mm Hg systolic is the only evidence-based treatment consistently effective might translate to improved patient
for intracerebral haemorrhage.28 Even then, the extent of outcomes, and several trials are underway (ENRICH,
absolute reduction in disability was 3·6% and the primary NCT02880878; MIND, NCT03342664; EVACUATE,
outcome of the trial was not significant (table). Lowering NCT04434807). Hemicraniectomy is also being explored
the blood pressure more intensively to 120 mm Hg was for intracerebral haemorrhage (SWITCH, NCT02258919).
not beneficial and led to increased renal adverse events.73
Although pooled as-treated analysis showed improved Acute systems of care
outcomes with a reduction to 120 mm Hg, this result Faster treatment would deliver the greatest benefit from
could have been confounded by incomplete adjustment reperfusion therapies.22,62 Implementing fast treatment
of prognostic variables.74 requires system engineering across the prehospital and
Reversal of antithrombotic medications is another acute emergency department continuum of care, with the
treatment for intracerebral haemorrhage. The effects of prehospital setting comprising the largest component of
warfarin can be reversed with prothrombin factor concen­ time delay between stroke onset and reperfusion.62
trate and vitamin K. Unfractionated heparin can be Increasing community recognition of stroke reduces the
reversed with protamine. Dabigatran can be reversed time taken for a patient to present to medical care. The
almost instantaneously with idarucizumab, and low Face, Arm, Speech, Time to act (known as the FAST
molecular weight heparin and the anti-Xa direct oral mnemonic) message is used internationally to teach the
anticoagulants apixaban and rivaroxaban can be reversed general public about the signs of stroke and emphasise the
using andexanet alfa. Some data indicate that faster need to call an ambulance immediately. Approximately
normalisation of coagulation status by use of prothombin 89% of patients with stroke will have face, arm, or speech
factor concentrate, rather than fresh frozen plasma, affected.82
in patients treated with warfarin is associated with The aim of prehospital care by paramedics is to
less haematoma expansion and improved outcomes.75 recognise stroke with high sensitivity and rapidly transport
However, platelet transfusion for patients taking anti­ the patient to an appropriate hospital that is equipped to
platelet agents and not undergoing surgery worsened deal with stroke. Paramedics should give prenotification
outcomes, which is thought to be related to immune to the receiving emergency department to allow the stroke
activation.76 team to meet the patient at the door and proceed directly
Haemostatic therapies have also been trialled for to CT scan.83 Ideally, paramedics would also use severity-
acute treatment of intracerebral haemorrhage. Trials of based triage tools84–86 to identify suspected large vessel
tranexamic acid77 and recombinant activated factor VII78,79 occlusion and transport those patients directly to a centre
in intracerebral haemorrhage patients with normal capable of endovascular thrombectomy, provided that the
coagulation have not shown a significant effect. Further travel time is not excessive (eg, is less than 30 min) and
trials of earlier treatment with these agents are ongoing the additional time taken will not disqualify the patient
(eg, STOP-MSU, NCT03385928; FASTEST, NCT03496883). from thrombolysis.87 These triage tools combine various
Tranexamic acid, an inexpensive drug, has shown elements of face, arm, speech, and hemispatial inattention
encouraging results in traumatic intracerebral haemor­ examination findings and detect most patients with
rhage, reducing mortality in patients treated within 3 h large vessel occlusion. However, a proportion of patients
of injury.80 with intracerebral haemorrhage and some patients with
Surgical interventions are another option for acute ischaemic stroke who require only thrombolysis would
treatment. Surgical evacuation of the haematoma has also be taken to a centre capable of endovascular
been assessed in multiple trials, which were often thrombectomy, rather than their nearest stroke centre.
confounded by high crossover rates from control to Modelling has indicated that in most metropolitan
intervention. Heterogeneous results have prevented geographies, bypass to a hospital capable of endovascular
mainstream adoption of surgical treatment, although a thrombectomy should deliver net benefit.88 Randomised
meta-analysis29 suggests an overall benefit (table). In trials are ongoing to test this concept (RACECAT,
some countries, such as Japan, minimally invasive NCT02795962; TRIAGE, NCT03542188). Vol 396 July 11, 2020 135


The mobile stroke unit, an ambu­lance equipped with a Secondary prevention

CT scanner and personnel with stroke expertise, is Ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack
another prehospital innovation that aims to reduce delays The general principles of secondary stroke prevention
in treatment.89 Approximately 30 units are currently involve an approach to absolute cardiovascular risk with
operating worldwide, predominantly in metropolitan treatment of all risk factors in a patient who is, as a
environments with high availability of resources. The result of having had a stroke, at high risk of recurrent
ability to exclude intracerebral haemorrhage, com­ stroke and cardiovascular disease. However, secondary
mence thrombolysis in the field, and accurately triage prevention also needs to be tailored to the specific
patients with large vessel occlusion to hospitals capable mechanism of the incident stroke, and this requires
of endovascular thrombectomy saves considerable thorough investigation for causative factors.
time com­ pared with assessment in the emergency CT angiography from aortic arch to cerebral vertex is
department.90 The B_PROUD part 1 study based in Berlin the favoured modality to assess atherosclerotic burden,
(NCT02869386) has been reported in an abstract and cervical arterial dissection, and other arteriopathies. CT
showed improved functional outcomes in patients venography is required if there is suspicion of venous
treated on the mobile stoke unit.91 B_PROUD part 2 sinus thrombosis. Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring
(NCT03931616) and BEST-MSU (NCT02190500) are is required to detect atrial fibrillation, which is often
underway, aiming to show definitive improvement in paroxysmal and therefore difficult to capture.
clinical outcomes and cost savings. The traditional approach of Holter monitoring for 24 h
Prenotification from paramedics needs to be passed is inadequate and monitoring for a longer term signifi­
on to the emergency department and the stroke team. cantly increases the diagnostic yield.96 Loop recorders can
Transporting the patient directly to a CT scanner on the be implanted to continuously monitor heart rhythm for
ambulance stretcher prioritises the rate-limiting step in 3 years, and simulation studies suggest that most atrial
decision making and saves approximately 30 min in fibrillation that is detected occurs beyond the first month
most studies compared with offloading the patient in in which monitoring with non-invasive ECG might be
an emergency department cubicle and then organising applied.97
the CT scan.92 However, an ongoing controversy in An ECG can provide clues to atrial fibrillation (eg, left
stroke care is the optimal imaging approach for fast but atrial enlargement) and abnormalities might suggest
accurate treatment. A non-contrast CT brain image is akinetic left ventricular segments that pose a risk for
all that is required for thrombolysis within 4·5 h and mural thrombus. In patients younger than 60 years
occlusion on CT angiogram is all that is required for with no other identified cause of stroke, patent foramen
thrombectomy within 6·0 h.48 Reperfusion therapies ovale is now an accepted and treatable cause of stroke.
should not be delayed for the sake of additional Percutaneous closure of the patent foramen ovale has
imaging. However, when treatment decisions are been shown to reduce recurrent stroke risk by appro­
complicated by diagnostic uncertainty, mild deficits, or ximately 1% per annum.98 This risk appears to be
patient comorbidities, there can be diagnostic and cumulative year after year, leading to a significant
prognostic advantages to gaining additional information reduction in absolute risk for young patients. A
from CT perfusion imaging, even within 6·0 h transthoracic echocardiogram or transcranial Doppler
(figure 1).66,93 Beyond 4·5 h, selection of patients who ultrasound with intravenous injection of agitated saline
might benefit from thrombolysis requires data from CT and Valsalva manoeuvre has high sensitivity to detect
perfusion, MR perfusion-diffusion, or MR diffusion- intracardiac (or intrapulmonary) shunting.99 Trans­
FLAIR imaging. Beyond 6·0 h, all trials establishing oesophageal echocardiography is then indicated to
the benefit of thrombectomy have required perfusion confirm the anatomical abnormality and plan closure.
data to identify patients who would benefit from Lowering blood pressure is crucial and epidemiological
delayed reperfusion. studies suggest that there is no lower limit to the
Transfers between hospitals also need to be opti­ benefit.100 A reduction of approximately 9 mm Hg in
mised. Globally, most patients who receive endovas­cular systolic blood pressure was associated with a 23%
thrombectomy have been transferred after initially (95% CI 10–35) relative reduction in ischaemic stroke
presenting to a hospital that does not offer endovascular risk.101 Although targeting systolic blood pressure of less
thrombectomy. These patients have worse outcomes than 120 mm Hg versus less than 140 mm Hg reduced
than those who present directly to a hospital capable of the risk of stroke in one trial, patients with a history of
endovascular thrombectomy, largely because of delays in stroke were excluded.102 More intensive lowering of blood
reperfusion.94 Holding the original paramedic crew until pressure to less than 130 mm Hg systolic in patients with
after the CT scan has been done, to establish whether a small subcortical strokes showed that recurrent stroke
secondary transfer is required, and streamlining referral might be reduced103 but further trial data are awaited that
pathways to a stroke centre capable of endovascular are specific to stroke. The optimal timing to lower blood
thrombectomy can reduce the time spent at the initial pressure is undefined. Starting medication within 30 h of
hospital (door-in door-out time).95 stroke did not improve outcomes104 but commencing

136 Vol 396 July 11, 2020


medication before discharge is advisable to improve protocols to direct oral anticoagulants (which generally
adherence and outcomes.105 The amount that the blood only need 24–48 h cessation preoperatively120) or post­
pressure is lowered by appears to be more important ponement of surgery time.
than the class of medication used, although β blockers Carotid endarterectomy is the preferred procedure for
are not recommended as first-line medication106 and can symptomatic carotid stenosis of 70–99% with smaller
increase blood pressure variability, which is associated but still significant benefit in patients with 50–69%
with increased risk of stroke.107 Weight loss, physical symptomatic stenosis.122 Surgery should typically be done
activity, decreased dietary sodium intake, a diet rich in within 2 weeks of the index stroke or transient ischaemic
fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy, and low alcohol attack and the benefits rapidly decrease with elapsed
consump­tion are also recommended.108 time. The benefits reported in endarterectomy trials
High dose, high potency statins are indicated for most might be reduced in clinical practice because of improved
patients with ischaemic stroke.109 This recommendation medical management; ongoing trials are seeking to
particularly relates to atherosclerotic mechanisms, refine risk stratification in the context of intensive
although patients with atrial fibrillation might also medical therapy. Although an early trial suggested a
benefit from statins.110 A target of less than 1·8 mmol/L benefit of endarterectomy in selected patients with
versus 2·3–2·8 mmol/L reduced the number of asymptomatic carotid stenosis,123 this trial did not reflect
subsequent cardiovascular events.111 In patients who are contemporary intensive medical management, which
intolerant of statins, ezetimibe can be used, although should be the cornerstone of management. An ongoing
data for cardiovascular outcome are weaker. PCSK9 trial is assessing intervention in the setting of maximal
inhibitors have strong evidence from trial data and are medical management (CREST2, NCT03385928).124
starting to be used in clinical practice but are expensive Carotid stenting has a role in patients with unfavourable
and require subcutaneous injection.112 anatomy, restenosis of endarterectomy, high perioperative
Antiplatelet agents are indicated after ischaemic stroke risk, previous radiotherapy, or other factors that would
unless there is atrial fibrillation, in which case anti­ increase the risk of endarterectomy. To date, stenting in
coagulation is required. Trials of anticoagulation in patients who are also eligible for endarterectomy has
patients with an embolic stroke caused by an uncertain shown consistently higher risk of periprocedural stroke
source did not show a significant effect.113,114 However, than endarterectomy,125,126 with possible exception of
there is ongoing interest in whether atrial cardiopathy patients aged younger than 70 years.127 Stenting is mainly
might be a risk factor for stroke in the absence of atrial used in the context of emergency endovascular throm­
fibrillation, and whether the atrial fibrillation could be an bectomy. However, transcarotid stenting, which involves
epiphenomenon (ARCADIA, NCT03192215).115 direct percutaneous access to the common carotid
A combination of aspirin and clopidogrel in the short (avoiding traversing the aortic arch), and flow reversal
term, commenced with loading doses within 24 h and before crossing the stenosis, appeared to have lower
continued for 3 weeks, has been shown to reduce recurrent perioperative stroke risk in initial observational data than
stroke after minor stroke and high risk transient ischaemic did transfemoral carotid stenting128 and could become a
attack.116,117 Dual antiplatelet therapy over a longer term preferred approach.
increased the risk of bleeding without a significant benefit Percutaneous closure of a patent foramen ovale for
in stroke prevention. Aspirin is still an acceptable first- patients younger than 60 years with no other identified
line agent, with clopidogrel118 or aspirin–dipyridamole119 cause of stroke is now supported by the results of multiple
being slightly more effective. There is ongoing interest randomised trials.98 The coexistence of an atrial septal
in ticagrelor, particularly given pharmacogenomic aneurysm (hypermobile interatrial septum) portends a
variation among patients in the activation of clopidogrel higher risk of recurrent stroke than for a patent foramen
to its active form. ovale without this aneurysm.129 The main risk of closure is
For patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (ie, no atrial fibrillation, which occurs in approximately 2·4% of
mechanical prosthetic valve or moderate to severe mitral patients but is usually transient.98 Patients are prescribed
stenosis) and adequate renal function, the direct oral aspirin and clopidogrel for 3–6 months to reduce the risk
anticoagulants are generally preferred over warfarin of device thrombus pending endothelialisation.
because of convenience and the reduced risk of Mechanical occlusion of the left atrial appendage might
intracerebral haemorrhage.120 Anticoagulation remains be beneficial in some patients with atrial fibrillation
underused, leading to many preventable strokes. Perceived and a genuine contraindication to anticoagulation.
risk of bleeding might be overestimated, for example, in Approxi­mately 90% of thromboemboli in atrial fibrillation
patients who have experienced falls. Many risk factors for originate from the left atrial appendage. Randomised
bleeding are also risk factors for ischaemic stroke and so trials have suggested similar stroke prevention to
the risks tend to run in parallel with preserved net anticoagulation.130 In these trials, patients still required
treatment benefit.121 Perioperative management is also anticoagulation in the periprocedural period, although
often suboptimal with excessive periods of withholding dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel has
anticoagulation because of application of warfarin been used in practice.131 Left atrial appendage occlusion Vol 396 July 11, 2020 137


does, however, provide an alternative to long-term these patients130 and has not been included as a
anticoagulation. comparator in studies to date. If anticoagulation is to
be restarted in these patients, use of a direct oral
Intracerebral haemorrhage anticoagulant might be preferable on the basis of the
Distinguishing the specific mechanism of intracerebral lower risk of cerebral bleeding versus warfarin in other
haemorrhage is increasingly recognised as clinically contexts. Timing for starting anticoagulation after an
relevant, rather than accepting a classification as primary intracerebral haemorrhage is also based on scarce data
intracerebral haemorrhage.20 A CT angiogram can rapidly but 4–8 weeks might be reasonable.137
exclude most aneurysms and arteriovenous malfor­ma­ In patients with mechanical heart valves, recommence­
tions. MRI with contrast done approximately 3 months ment of anticoagulation is especially crucial as the risk of
after intracerebral haemorrhage is helpful to ensure the ischaemic stroke is higher, but availability of data to
expected evolution of haematoma and exclude an guide the timing of restarting anticoagulation is scarce.
underlying mass lesion or a vascular malformation that The largest obser­ vational study suggested that the
was initially compressed by the haematoma. MRI can optimal balance of risks occurred with recommencement
also show an underlying deep perforating vasculopathy or 1–2 weeks following intracerebral haemorrhage.138
amyloid angiopathy. In the absence of evidence of
angiopathy, further investigation with catheter angiog­ Rehabilitation and recovery
raphy might be warranted to exclude small vascular For people who have had stroke, the ability to return to
malformations. work and social functions is the key priority. Structured
Lowering blood pressure is the mainstay of secondary rehabilitation is the accepted practice in most high-
prevention after intracerebral haemorrhage. A reduction income countries but is non-existent in many low-
of approximately 9 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure was income or middle-income regions where the family are
associated with a 50% (95% CI 26–67) relative reduction responsible for postacute care. Developing evidence for
in risk of intracerebral haemorrhage,101 with no lower rehabilitation interventions has been challenging. Most
threshold for benefit identified.132 randomised trials have not shown a benefit of the
Although it might seem logical to avoid antithrombotics intervention of interest. For example, the largest trial for
after intracerebral haemorrhage, atherosclerosis often stroke rehabilitation showed a harmful effect of early
coexists and there is a competing risk of ischaemic events. intensive mobilisation within 24 h of stroke onset.139
The RESTART trial133 randomly assigned patients who Constraint-induced movement therapy is one of the
had previous ischaemic heart disease or cerebrovascular few rehabilitation interventions that is supported by
disease to cease versus restart antiplatelet medications evidence from randomised trials, improving limb
after they had an intracerebral haemorrhage. Importantly, function but not significantly reducing disability.140–142
restarting antiplatelets was associated with a non- There is increasing recognition of the heterogeneity
significant reduction in recurrent intracerebral haemor­ among patients with stroke and the influence of
rhage events (adjusted hazard ratio 0·51 [95% CI spontaneous recovery trajectories. Researchers in the
0·25–1·03], p=0·060). Thus, a substantial increase in field are actively investigating biomarkers to better
bleeding related to antiplatelet use appears unlikely. select and stratify patients for future physical and
There are ongoing randomised trials of restarting pharmacological strategies to enhance recovery after
anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation who stroke. Robotics and other approaches to increase task
have intracerebral haemorrhage, and also substantial repetition and the daily dose of physical therapies are
risk of ischaemic stroke (eg, ASPIRE, NCT03907046). A investigational, as are the use of stem cells and other
meta-analysis of observational studies suggested that the pharmacological approaches to induce a microenvir­
balance of risk might favour anticoagulation overall.134 onment that promotes recovery.
Clearly these data could be confounded by factors that
influenced physicians’ decisions whether to restart Conclusions
anticoagulation. Importantly, there was no benefit of Care for patients with stroke has transformed over the
using an antiplatelet agent rather than anticoagulation. past 5 years, particularly with reperfusion therapies for
The risk equation can most likely be refined by ischaemic stroke and improved secondary prevention,
separating patients with deep perforating vasculopathy although large gaps between evidence and practice still
from those with amyloid angiopathy, which has a higher exist. Interventions for intracerebral haemorrhage might
risk of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage.135 Within similarly revolutionise our approach to that condition in
patients with amyloid angiopathy, a large number of the future. There is reinvigorated interest in the fields of
microbleeds and particularly cortical haemosiderosis cytoprotection and recovery enhancement. Improved
on MRI most likely indicates a group at particularly implementation of our existing knowledge about
high risk for restarting anticoagulation.136 Importantly, prevention and rapid treatment of patients with stroke
percutaneous occlusion of the left atrial appendage could substantially reduce the major global burden of
offers an alternative to long-term anticoagulation in disability related to stroke.

138 Vol 396 July 11, 2020


Contributors 21 Langhorne P, Kamachandra S. Organised inpatient (stroke unit)

BCVC drafted the Seminar. PK edited the Seminar. care for stroke: network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2020; 4: CD000197.
Declaration of interests
22 Emberson J, Lees KR, Lyden P, et al. Effect of treatment delay, age,
BCVC declares grants from the National Health and Medical Research and stroke severity on the effects of intravenous thrombolysis with
Council of Australia (1043242, 1035688, 1113352, 1111972) and National alteplase for acute ischaemic stroke: a meta-analysis of individual
Heart Foundation of Australia (100782). PK declares grants from the patient data from randomised trials. Lancet 2014; 384: 1929–35.
National Institutes of Health, Nervive, and Cerenovus to her department, 23 Whiteley WN, Emberson J, Lees KR, et al. Risk of intracerebral
and payments to her department from Bayer and Genentech for her role haemorrhage with alteplase after acute ischaemic stroke:
as principal investigator for clinical trials. a secondary analysis of an individual patient data meta-analysis.
Lancet Neurol 2016; 15: 925–33.
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