Jashore University of Science and Technology

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Jashore University of Science and Technology

Department of Electrical and Electrical Engineering

An Assignment

Submitted to Submitted by
Chitra Lekha Karmaker Group F
Assistant Professor ID : 181130,181131,181132,
Department Of Industrial and Department Of Electrical and
Production Engineering Electronic Engineering
Jashore University of Science and Jashore University of Science and
Technology Technology

Date : November 8, 2020

Question: A bridge authority found the time they remain open and the
amount of toll they can get each month for 12 month on 2019. From
this data they want to know how many toll they can gather if the bridge
open for 360 hours on the 1st month of next year 2020.

Ans :

Step 1 :

We have added all the data in the Spreadsheet.

Step 3:

From the data we measure the value of slope, m which is 5.975813

Step 3 :

From the data we measure the value of intercept, c which is 2856.454

Step 4 :

From the data we measure the value of goodness of fit, R2 is 0.120546

We got all the value we needed.
So now, we have, m=5.975813



X= 360 Hours open January 2020

We know,




So the bridge authority can get 5008 $ approximately by the month of

January of year 2020.

Done by,

EEE Group F

ID : 181130,181131,181132,181133,181134.

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