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Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets:

1 I love shopping online because there are _____________________ consumer choices and
you can buy practically anything. (END)

2 Watching the documentary about sweatshops gave me a greater _____________________

of how my clothes are produced. (AWARE)

3 The charity campaigns for more _____________________ working conditions in factories,

such as 8 hour shifts and workplace safety. (ACCEPT)

4 We have to conserve _____________________resources, such as coal and oil, by using

the central heating less often and only driving our car when we have to. (NATURE)

5 There’s no reason to package apples in plastic – it is completely

_____________________ . It is much better for the environment to sell them loose.

6 Paula buys second-hand clothes on the Internet, as well as in _____________________

charity shops. (TRADITION)

7 You can save a lot of money by spending _____________________ . For example,

compare prices in several different shops before you buy. (WISE)

8 Rob always takes advantage of the _____________________ retail shifts and buys most of
his clothes in the January sales. (SEASON)

9 Bella bought the most extravagant dress in the shop, but she regretted her decision almost
_____________________ . (INSTANT)
10 The coffee table comes with instructions for easy _____________________. (ASSEMBLE)
11 The queue seemed _____________________ – there must have been over 200 people
waiting in line for tickets to the festival. (END)
12 I read books for _____________________, but my sister prefers to watch television.
13 I’m sorry if I offended you – it wasn’t _____________________. (INTENT)
14 These shoes are too _____________________ – let’s look in some other shops and see if
we can find something cheaper. (EXPENSE)
15 The display of fruit looked so fresh and _____________________ I just had to buy some.
16 My mother cooks _____________________ meals using the recipes her own mother
taught her. (TRADITION)
17 We all earn a lot in _____________________ to some factory workers in India. Some of
them only get paid £1.50 a day! (COMPARE)
18 There is no easy _____________________ to the global food crisis. (SOLVE)

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