3.4 Mathematical Model: 3.4.1 Channel Capacity

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4 Mathematical Model

The following section descript the mathematical equations used to evaluate the
system performance before optimization and after optimization through evaluating
the QoS parameters.

3.4.1 Channel Capacity

The channel capacity was calculated through the Shannon theorem as shown in the
equation 3.1

C=Blog2 (1+SNR) 3.1

C Capacity
B Bandwidth
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
3.4.2 Throughput
The network throughput of a connection with flow control, for example a TCP
connection, with a certain window size (buffer size), can be expressed as:
total bits−error bits
Throughput= 3.2
simulation time
Nt Network Throughput
Ws Window Size
Rt Round trib
3.4.3 End to End Delay Time

End-to-end delay or one-way delay (OWD) refers to the time taken for a packet to

be transmitted across a network from source to destination. It is a common term in
IP network monitoring, and differs from round-trip time (RTT).
dend-end= N [dtrans+dprop+dproc+dqueue] 3.3


dend-end = end-to-end delay

dtrans =  transmission delay
dprop =  propagation delay
dproc =  processing delay
dqueue =  Queuing delay
N= number of links (Number of routers - 1)
3.4.4 Data rate Mathematical

The wider the channel, the more symbols per second can be sent. Then the guard
interval reduces that symbol rate. So for example, no matter how many subcarriers
you use, a 1/4 GI will reduce the max symbol rate by 25 percent. And the FEC
setting further reduces the usable bit rate. In general,

BR = SR * B/S * GI * FEC 3.4

BR Bit Rate
SR Symbol Rate
GI guard interval
FEC either LDPC or BCC, in 802.11ac Fraction

Where symbol rate is a direct function of channel width, and is the sum of symbol
rates on all of the subcarriers of that channel, bits/symbol are a function of the
modulation used (for example, 64-QAM = 6 bits/symbol), GI is the guard interval
as a fraction of total symbol duration, such as 1/4 or 1/8.
3.4.5 Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR)

SNIR it is a measurement of Signal Quantity also Interference and Noise Quantity

then that very serious mensuration in expression of RF also it is named as SNR in
absence of interference.

Signal Power
SINR= (3.5)
Noise+ Interferace Power

3.4.6 Noise Power

One Hz bandwidth takes a noise power of -174dBm/Hz that be able to calculate for
15 KHz by resulting formula

Noise Power (dBm) = -174 +10*log (Bandwidth in Hz) (3.6)

3.4.7 Transmission Delay

Dt =N/R (3.7)

Where Dt is the transmission delay in seconds, N is the number of bits, R is the

rate of transmission (say in bits per second) 50MbPs

3.4.8 Datarate

The system data rate is a mixture between the internal system configuration such as
the bandwidth and the external noise such as AWGN, the Shannon equation used
to calculate the maximum link capacity according to a specific noise variation and
available bandwidth.

System Datarate =BW x log2 (1+N) (3.8)

Where BW: Bandwidth, N: Noise Factor represented in db and can be expressed as
SNR or SINR values.

3.4.9 Bandwidth Utilization

For one connection say requires Bandwidth equals to 1500 (Kbps or 1.5Mbps)

Bandwidth utilization = available bandwidth/ required bandwidth. (3.9)

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