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Ronalyn D.

Manlugon BSPE 1D July 5, 2020


Make an individual summary of the videos. Each should be composed of at least 150 words and
maximum of 300 words.


The North-South Divide is a socio-economic and political categorization of countries divided
according to brand line. The North is comprised of all First World countries and most Second World
countries while the South is comprised of Third World countries. Now, let us look deeper on the
differences of each global divides.

The North of the Divide is comprised of countries which have developed economies and account
for over 90% of all manufacturing industries in the world. About 95% of the population in countries in The
North have enough basic needs and have access to functioning education systems. Countries comprising
the North include The United States, Canada, all countries in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand as
well as the developed countries in Asia such as Japan and South Korea.

The South is comprised of countries with developing economies which were initially referred to as
Third World countries. Important characteristic of countries in the South is the relatively low GDP, the high
population, and the lack of basic amenities. The countries making up the South are mainly drawn from
Africa, South America, and Asia with all African and South American countries being from the South. The
only Asian countries not from the South are Japan and South Korea.


Asian Regionalism is a product of regionalization from which is a process of dividing an area into
smaller segments called regions. On a higher note, it is an expression of a common sense of identity and
purpose combined with the creation and implementation of institutions. Regionalization is a process
parallel to Globalization.

Going back to globalization, simply put, is the process of interaction and integration among the
people, companies, and governments of different nations. Now, we're going to compare and contrast
Regionalization from Globalization.

Firstly, about their nature; globalization promotes integration of economies across state borders
all around the world, while regionalization divides an area into smaller segments. Another one is their
market; globalization allows many corporations to trade on international level allowing them to free
market, on the other hand, regionalization are more likely to develop business and firms. Thirdly, when it
comes to aid; globalized international communities are more willing to aid countries stricken by disasters,
while regionalized areas does not get involved in the affairs of other areas. Lastly, when it comes to
technological advances; globalization has driven great advances in technology, on the other hand,
advance technology is rarely available in one country or region.

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