Doyle Rizzo Daniela Darlene - Impact of Japan's Foreign Policy

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Student: Daniela Darlene Doyle Rizzo

Class: 1st Baccalaureate

Date: 08 – 01 – 2021

Teacher: Eniff Bayas

Using the information on the chapter (Japanese expansionism 1931-194)

and your own knowledge, reflect on the following and complete the
chart below.
Causes of the Mukden Causes of the Sino-Japanese Causes of Japan’s attack on
incident 1928–32 War 1933–37 Pearl Harbor 1938–41
Nationalism After the First Sino-Japanese We’re all aware of Japan’s One of the factors that put
War, there was a huge growth desire to be a part of the Japan at animosity with the
of Nationalism among Western imperialist club. So, it USA is Japan’s strong belief
Japanese citizens. was only natural for Japan to that becoming the ruler of
Indeed, the governmental and want to have control over South-East Asia was their
economic crisis in Japan China. destiny and well-deserved
caused nationalism to surge, Furthermore, a win in a war title.
which in turn promoted an with another Asian country Moreover, Japan invaded
expansionist foreign policy. would demonstrate their much of South-East Asia,
So, the Japanese didn’t mind leadership and ‘superiority’. claiming they were creating a
any talk of expansion into “Greater East Asia Co-
Chinese territory. Prosperity Sphere”, when
really it was just an excuse to
fulfill their imperialist
desires; and the USA, as the
peacemaker that they were,
was not a big fan of their
These pieces of evidence all
lead back to their nationalist
Militarism The growing strength of the Many military factions had an In 1941, negotiations
Kwantung Army undermined urge to replace the civilian between Washington
liberal democracy in Japan; government with a military between Ambassador
and this is written all over junta, with a simple objective in Nomura Kichisaburo and
history. For one, the general mind: Japanese expansion. Secretary of State Cordell
staff would not obey the Japan’s loss of control over Hull were at their peak.
Emperor’s orders to enforce their army and the immense Japan was left with two
discipline in the army even gain of power the military had options: to compromise or
after they had executed the in government affairs, as enter into war. However,
Manchurian warlord, Zhang demonstrated by the Koda-ha their army’s dignity didn’t
Zuolin. Not to mention, and the Tosei-ha’s coups. allow them to withdraw their
General Minami’s inability to For instance, we can observe forces from China since they
restrain the Kwantung Army Admiral Saito’s government strongly believed it affected
from enacting their secret from 1932 to 1934. He seemed military morale, it would
plan on the South Manchurian to favor the Koda-ha faction mean all their efforts were
Railway. since he had put three of its for nothing. They simply
Therefore, the army would leaders in grand positions. could not concede. And so,
undoubtedly break the rules, However, once he discovered this grand military pride
and commence their ploys the Koda-ha’s plans against blinded them from any
with no authorization, with no him, he promoted a Tosei-ha reason.
one to stop them. It is member as minister of war.
important to recognize that Soon after, Admiral Okada
the Mukden Incident was became prime minister in July
inevitable. of 1934. During his reign, a
Koda-ha officer assassinated
General Nagata, who was the
leader of the Tosei-ha faction.
And this officer was executed.
Because of this, the Koda-ha
faction revolted, murdering
many officials and taking down
many government sites. This
coup resulted in Okada’s resign
and worldwide news coverage
was taken. Finally, Hirota Koki
rose to power. He
compromised too much with
the military, he even agreed to
a seven point program from the
army, handing control to the
military essentially. Eventually
his government was brought
This made it obvious to the
civilian government that
restraining the Imperial
Japanese Army was an
impossible task, which even if
attempted would fail
miserably. So, the Kwantung
Army would inevitably ignore
any commands and do as they
pleased, leading to a possible
origin of the Second Sino-
Japanese War.
Note: This piece of evidence can
also be considered a factor for
‘Political situation in Japan’.
Political situation in Japan The civil government didn’t Even though, the Japanese It is important to recognize
have much say in how they’d government had planted some Japan had just gone through
go about conquering Principles of National Policy incredible political instability
Manchuria, as I’ve previously during Hirota Koki’s reign, such (their descent into the Dark
established in ‘Militarism’. as bringing about close Valley), with their leaders
The Japanese government collaboration between Japan, retiring left and right, which
wanted to go by peaceful Manchukuo, and China, with would mean Japan accepting
methods, however, the supposed peace from 1933 to American demands would
Kwantung Army worried this 1937, this friendliness ended most likely leave them in
would make gaining control of pretty quickly since Japan’s American dictation.
Manchuria much more desire to be the leader of Asia Therefore, starting a war
difficult, so they conjured never truly left her. against the USA was the only
schemes behind their back. There was incredible political move they had left if they
Also, there was grand political instability during the 1930s. desired sovereignty.
instability in Japan, which gave And we can trace it back to Additionally, if Japan’s
the military plenty of 1932, when two major military demands were not met by
opportunities to do as they factions emerged. These years October of 1941, they had
pleased. Many governments of turmoil is what we call the already decided they’d
faltered during these years “Dark Valley”. commence hostilities against
due to the Kwantung Army; Various Japanese governments the USA, Britain and the
for example, Prime Minister faltered due to the military’s Netherlands.
Tanaka’s resign in July of 1929. actions, disagreements and
One could also mention Prime want for political power, such
Minister Hamaguchi Yuko’s as Admiral Saito (May 1932 –
forceful leave in 1930 because July 1934) and Admiral Okada's
of an injury caused by a right (July 1934 – 1936) interim
wing radical, which was fed by governments. These cabinets
the military’s criticism of his didn’t last long due to their
salary cuts and naval moderate policies, and since
disarmament agreements. these factions desired a more
In synthesis, the government radical change in government
tried and failed to impede the structure, they fought for
military from doing what they power.
desired; the Kwantung Army Hirota Koki (1936 – 1937), on
was an unstoppable force, the other hand, was very
whose hunger for power and lenient with the army,
territory led them to commit conceding into whatever they
what is now known as the pleaded.
Mukden Incident. Eventually, General Hayashi
(February 1937 – June 1937)
attempted to limit the military’s
power after the last cabinet’s
spoiling, nevertheless, his
National Diet failed miserably.
Finally, Konoe Funimaro filled
the Prime Minister’s role (June
1937 – 1939), and in only 6
weeks, Japan’s army
commanders had ordered the
invasion of China. Konoe was
powerless to halt it.
In summary, the Japanese Army
would always act on their own,
and the civil government was
never able to keep them in
check. So, it would seem the
government’s inability to
constrain the military
contributed to the emergence
of a Second Sino-Japanese War.
Note: This last piece of
evidence can also be
considered a factor for
Economic situation in During the U.S. Wall Street Considering the economic After Japan had invaded
Japan Crash, Japan's dependency on effects that the Great Indo-China, the USA had
world trade caused exports to Depression left on Japan and placed an economic embargo
fall, especially silk, with the unfinished business they on their oil, which slowed
subsequent countries putting had started due to their need to down Japan’s attacks on
tariffs on their products to export manufactured goods, it China significantly; so, Japan
protect their industries, is as clear as day that this factor had no other choice but to
leaving Japan with 3 million fueled the birth of the Second embark on a war conquest in
unemployed. Sino-Japanese War. order to gain supplies.
This put Japan in a tough spot, If these economic tribulations
which made its interest in had never graced Japan, the
Manchuria even more nation would’ve never
prominent. Since this territory attempted the Mukden
would offer a solution to Incident, an event that most
Japan’s overpopulation and definitely sparked hatred
need for markets, it was the between the Japanese and the
perfect target for colonization. Chinese.
And consequently, due to
Chinese defeat in the Mukden
Incident, Japan was able to
establish the independent
puppet state, Manchukuo,
leaving even more animosity
between the nations.
As you can see, the fall of
export prices in Japan served as
a catalyst to all these issues that
led to the war.
Situation in China The political instability in The Chinese government had If China had exhausted their
China really displayed itself in been boiling a revengeful resources and troops faster,
the 1920s with the rise of two sentiment against Japan, as Japan would’ve saved many
political parties: the evidenced by the historian supplies and lives from the
Nationalist Party (KMT) and Kawakami’s research: “This Second Sino-Japanese War.
the Communist Party (CPC). whole country was aflame with This factor is taken into
Ever since 1921, the CPC and hatred of Japan…ignited by the account because of the
the KMT had worked together Nationalist Government itself”. economic embargo the U.S.
to form the United Front and We can also take into account placed on Japan (The U.S. did
launch the “Northern the propaganda and hymns of this due to Japan’s expansion
Expedition”. hate created by the Chinese into Indo-China), which
Now, the Northern government to fuel this furious affected Japan’s
Expedition’s objective was to attitude from its own citizens effectiveness in war, and
consolidate central towards Japan. could’ve even possibly
government control and to caused a loss (although, this
wrest power form the Additionally, when we look at didn’t turn out to be the
warlords. However, in 1927, how Japan forced China to cede case). This obviously angered
the CPC and the KMT had a Taiwan and recognize Korea’s the Japanese, making them
clash of views, consequently independence in the Treaty of attack Pearl Harbor.
starting a civil war. Shimonoseki, we can notice Note: This factor is more of a
This at odds political chaos how these resolutions only “What if” since China was not
caused China to not fully angered the Chinese more. This involved in this incident, and
oversee the prosperity and would eventually lead to the therefore, discussing China’s
state of all their territory, formation of the United Front situation is irrelevant.
giving Japan the ultimate by the Communist Party of
opportunity to sneak in and China and the Kuomintang
take Manchuria for Party, which consequently
themselves. made nationalism in China
grow immensely.
Furthermore, the Kwantung
Army blowing up the South-
Manchurian Railway and
blaming the Chinese to have an
excuse to bomb Shanghai, the
unfair resolutions that Japan’s
Twenty One Demands held
over China and the final take
over Manchuria as agreed in
the Tanggu Truce, it was a no
brainer that China’s hatred for
Japan’s behavior would only
increase. Eventually leading to
a Second United Front between
the CPC and the KMT in 1936.
Note: This last piece of
evidence could also be
considered a factor for
Actions of the West If the U.S. President Herbert The USA had always maintained As Japan continued to
Hoover had never signed the its distance from Japan, advance into China,
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in focusing their energy on solving throughout much of 1940
1930, Japan would’ve never their own economic crisis and 1941, the USA aided
had to look into Manchuria through a “New Deal”. China with millions of dollars.
with violent intentions, as Curiously, despite their Later, in July of 1941, Japan
their economic status peacemaker reputation, commenced to move South
would’ve been prosperous Roosevelt decided not to get instead of North to attack the
enough for the next couple involved, even after the Soviets, because of this, the
years. Mukden Incident. U.S., Britain and the
So, if the U.S. had chosen to Netherlands placed an
intervene and solve their issues embargo on oil, which Japan
peacefully, there is a grand heavily relied on. This,
possibility that the Second Sino- obviously, pissed Japan off,
Japanese War would’ve never which led them to attack
occurred. Pearl Harbor.
Conclusions To summarize my thoughts, it I certainly believe that with To be honest, I’d mainly state
is, without a doubt, the China’s ever so grand growing that the embargos placed on
extreme growth of militarism passion against Japan (Situation Japan (Economic situation in
and economic crisis that in China), Japan’s unsteady Japan), and Japan’s extreme
elevated Japan’s interest in political leaders (Political nationalism and militarism
Manchuria into a reality. situation in China) and led to their infamous attack
completely independent on the USA.
military (Militarism), the
Second Sino-Japanese War was
as written in stone: a sudden
yet not surprising battle.

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