W03 Application Activity: Mindset: Instructions

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W03 Application Activity: Mindset

Name: Cristian Johan Muñoz Marin

This week, a large part of your Life Skill Lesson focused on how you can become a more capable
learner. You learned that one of the main ways you can do this is by adopting a growth
mindset. For this week’s Application Activity, you will explore the differences between a fixed
and growth mindset and then evaluate them within the context of your own life experience.

To complete this activity, please answer the following questions:

Part 1: Definitions and Outcomes

Imagine that you have a friend or family member that has never heard of a growth or fixed
mindset before and would like to know more.

1. In 3 to 4 sentences, describe the differences between a growth and fixed mindset.

Include in your answer what makes them different and what the usual outcome of each
mindset is.

When someone has a fixed mindset many paradigms surround him because he doesn’t
have a faith perspective but the comments of others define his success or failure. A
growth mindset perspective considers mistakes and adversities as stepping stones on his
way to the top of the mountain he wants to conquer. A growing mindset person is
aware that to reach the highest peaks he must climb very steep roads.

Part 2: Describe A Failure

Think back on your own life and challenges and pick one instance where you failed at
something. Next, answer each of the following questions.

2. What were you trying to accomplish?

I was trying to fix a computer trouble, I made all that I knew, even I searched through
google tutorials, asked some friends, reinstalled the operative system, but nothing

3. How did you feel when you failed?

I felt ashamed and helpless, I had not experienced that before, I could always (after
research) find the solution.
4. How did you respond to those feelings?
I had to be humble and the client that I did not know what else to do, I apologize and
recommend someone else.

Part 3: Reflect on the Failure

5. Drawing on what you know about growth and fixed mindsets, would you say that your
response was more of a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? Why or why not?

I think I was growth mindset, because I realized that there are solutions that are not
easy to find, and I felt that I needed to learn a lot gain experience, even when I was at
home I felt challenged to find the solution to that trouble.

6. If you feel you responded with a growth mindset, what strategies did you apply to avoid
having a fixed mindset? If you feel you responded with a fixed mindset, what strategies
do you feel you could have applied (and could apply to future situations) to have a
growth mindset about failure instead?

I can choose to feel excited about the opportunity to learn to solve a new computer
trouble and gradually become a more capable technician. Later that knowledge and
experience could lead me to teach another people

Save this document with your name in the filename and follow the instructions in your course
to submit it for grading and feedback.

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