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An eminent philosopher poet born was in 1877.

He had acquired country wide fame and

recognition as a thinker. He received his education from Government College Lahore and
later on went to England to pursue studies in law. He got his PHD in philosophy from a
German University. Allama Iqbal taught for a few years at the Government College
Lahore. He had studied Islam deeply and had a profound liking for the Islamic principles.
He compared the western culture with Islam and reached at the conclusion that Islam is
best way of life. Basically Iqbal was a poet, teacher and thinker. However, he had to
come in the political field in order to safeguard the interests of the Muslims of the sub
continent. He wrote poems in praise of Muslim culture this would be really helpful for re
awakening of the Muslims. Iqbal is not only the greatest poet of our age, but also one of
the greatest poets of all time. There are not many poets who wrote so many great poems
as he did. He did not write poetry for poetry’s sake. He was in fact much more than a
mere poet. He was a great scholar and philosopher. He was a political leader of great
importance. But more than anything he was a Muslim who had great love for GOD and
his PROPHET (PBUH).He wrote poetry to express the great and everlasting truth of
philosophy, history and Islam. He wrote many Books of poetry to awaken the Muslims of
the whole world from the deep sleep and all of the Allama Iqbal Books are still like by
the people. He asked the Muslims of the whole world to unite.

His entry into politics was greatly welcomed by the Muslims where a trustworthy
companion of the Quaid-i-Azam was badly needed. Allama Iqbal proved a great political
leader and a reliable companion of the Quaid-i-Azam. He awakened the Muslims of the
subcontinent with his stirring verses to demand a separate homeland. He led the Muslims
at every step. Iqbal considered Islam a complete of life.He said, I am fully convinced that
the Muslims of India will ultimately have to establish a separate homeland as they cannot
live with Hindus in the united India. He advice the Muslims to understand their real
position and shed away their mental confusion and narrow approach to life. He clarified
the glorious image of the Muslim ummah. Iqbal openly negated the concept of the one
nation of India and emphasized on the separate and distinct national image of the
Muslims. He considered the establishment of Pakistan very essential and vital for the
restoration of nation and religious identity of the muslins. His poetry reflects his love for
the nation and country. He produced a large number of poems which indicate his
immense love for his homeland. He said Islam guides the mankind in every aspect of
worldly life and therefore must be enforced in an Islamic state as a code of life. He based
the foundation of homeland on the religion which later on became the ideology and basis
of Pakistan.

He did not believe in any system separated from religion and declared that religion and
politics are not separated from each other in Islam. Allama Iqbal firmly believed in the
separate identity of the Muslim as a nation. He declared, “India is a continent of human
being belonging to different languages and professing different religions. To bas a
constitution on the conception of homogeneous India is to prepare her for civil war. I,
therefore demand the formation of the consolidated Muslim state in the best interest of
the Muslims of India and Islam. The formation of a consolidated north west Indian
Muslim state appears to be the final density of the Muslims, at least of North West India.
In December, 1930 DR Iqbal was invited to president over the annual meeting of All
India Muslim League at Allahabad. The Allahabad address of Allama Iqbal carries great
importance and significances in the freedom struggle of the Muslims of India. The
presidential address at Allahabad in fact, molded the destinies of the Muslims of the
subcontinent and put their Endeavour’s in right direction.

Allama Iqbal presidential address further clarified the

two nation theory. He said I have been a staunch advocate of putting an end to religions
prejudices and distinctions from the country. But now i believe that the protection of
separate national identity is in the best interests of both Hindus and Muslims. The In his
address he openly opposed the idea of welding together of Hindus and Muslims into one
nation. The spirit which he infused in the Muslims by this address developed into an
ideological basis for the Pakistan movement. He was on the delegation which represented
the Muslims in the second and third round table conferences in 1931 and 1932. In these
conferences he very ably advocated the Muslims cause and opposed all such schemes
which in any way jeopardized the Muslims interests. He declared that the move to apply
one constitution to both the Hindus and Muslims would result in a civil war. He wanted
to see the Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and the KPK, a single state for the Muslims, so that
they should live according to the teaching of Islam. The Muslims soon realized the
importance of the demand for two separate states. It was the first occasion when a
demand for separate homeland was made from Muslim League platform. The Lahore
Resolution passed in 1940 was in fact based on this historical address of Allama Iqbal.

Allama Iqbal was passed away in 21 April 1938. He buried beside the Badshahi Mosque
in Lahore. The nation pays glorious tribute to him every year.

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