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Course description: This course is an introduction to the craft of writing fiction.

We will be
reading and discussing fiction from around the world in order to gain a better understanding
of the mechanics of a compelling story. There will be sessions devoted to narrative, tone,
setting, character, plot as well as how to productively critique and engage with a story.
Additionally, students will be submitting their own work which will then be critiqued by the
class as a whole.

Layout: The first class of each week will focus on the story of the week while the second
class will be workshop based, allowing students to give feedback on the pieces submitted for
that week. Each student will submit one original piece within the course of six weeks and
there will also be a final submission at the end of the course.

Sample Classes:

Session on Plot

Reading: Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Discussion points: The basics of plot and a look at how plot-driven stories generally work.
Marquez’s story will be used to reflect on what a non-linear plot may emphasize or highlight
as opposed to a non-linear plot.

Session on Narrative Style

Reading: The Private Life of Mrs Sharma, Ratika Kapur

Essay: Narration by Francine Prose

Discussion points: What are the different narrative styles in fiction? How does Kapur manage
to bring out the complexity of her main character using narrative alone?

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