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Announcing the Best Guarantee in a Long Term Care Policy

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The biggest concern about buying a long term care policy is "what if I never need
to use it?" This article explains how you can have your cake and eat it too with
the best policy guarantee available.

long term care, long term care policy

Article Body:
Are you 60 to 70 years old? If not you, maybe a family member? Then you're about
to discover something that could help prevent the total devastation of your
personal estate.

Truth is, it's likely the most important asset you could ever own. Here's why.

For over 24 years, I have helped hundreds of individuals understand and implement
money saving ideas. From birth to death I've witnessed families in every financial

As my clients age (and me, too), I can tell you without hesitation the biggest fear
of growing old is losing your ability to remain independent.

We might be living longer, this doesn't mean we're living any better.

Chronic disease is rampant... and it strikes with a vengeance when you least expect

How many people who have experienced a stroke knew it was going to happen to them?

How many anticipated that particular moment when they began to forget things?

The facts speak for themselves. Literally millions of Americans require long term
care... either in nursing homes, day care centers, assisted living facilities or in
their own homes.

And the cost of providing long term care is rising with no end in sight.

Think it won't happen to you? Well, I'm sorry. Because this article doesn't try
to convince anyone about the likelihood of their needing care before they die.

It's intended for those who understand and appreciate the importance of arming
themselves with protection against the horrific expense of long term care.

In fact, this article is ideal for those who have already looked at traditional
types of long term care policies and are trying to determine which type is best for

One of the biggest objections to buying a long term care policy is that if the
benefit is never needed the premiums paid for the policy will be wasted.

This is somewhat like buying automobile insurance. You have to pay the premium in
order to get your car repaired. But what if you never have an accident. Is that
considered losing your premium?

Funny isn't it? People hardly question paying for car insurance, but they
frequently resist doing so for a long term care policy.

So... what if you could always get your premium back - guaranteed - if you never
require any long term care?

And, what if you die before receiving long term care? Wouldn't it be great if your
loved ones could recover 100% of your premium expense?

How about this? You actually use up all of your long term care benefit. And then
you die. What if your family could still get back 10 percent of your premium.

Now if you know anything about long term care policies you're probably wondering
why you haven't heard of this type before.

One reason is because it is non-traditional and not included in the mainstream

marketing of long term care policies.

Another is because it takes a large sum of money to buy the policy. $50,000 is
typical and it's a one-time single premium, which means you will never get stuck
with a premium increase.

It is not uncommon for people between 60 and 70 to have large sums of money stashed
away in bank CDs earning low interest. Kind of an emergency fund.

Transferring a portion of this fund into the policy makes sense because the money
continues to earn interest. Besides, it usually pays more than the bank... plus,
the policy interest is tax deferred.

It's also common for people this age to have old life insurance policies with
significant cash value.

Many times it's possible to transfer the cash into the long term care policy and
still retain a meaningful death benefit.

And the future long term care benefit could easily be worth over one million

This policy has a 90 day waiting period before benefits are paid. The length of
the benefit can be as short as 4 years or as long as your lifetime. You can also
get a 5% compound interest inflation protection rider to help keep up with the
rising cost of care.

The name of this policy is MoneyGuard. It is a universal life insurance policy

with a long term care rider. The issuing life insurance company is Lincoln Life, a
subsidiary of Lincoln Financial Group.

By the way, this policy was initially developed by First Penn-Pacific Life many
years ago. They have years of experience and an excellent reputation. Lincoln
recently bought First Penn-Pacific.

Ask your life insurance agent to get you more information about this single premium
policy. For the right situation it is absolutely the best guarantee in a long term
care policy.

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