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F. D’Alessandro

ERICO Lightning Technologies

Hobart, Australia


The aim of this study was to assess the performance of one type of air terminal installed on a wide range of
practical structures. With the procurement of reliable raw data from Hong Kong, it has been possible to collate
lightning strike statistics for almost 200 suitable installations over the period 1988-1996. Analysis of these data
shows that there is a highly significant positive correlation between the actual and expected strikes to the
terminal per annum. Furthermore, the data show that the “yield” of the air terminal is higher than the claimed
protection level. The result provides strong evidence that the air terminal being assessed, along with the
lightning protection design principle, is performing according to its specifications. The application of this
analysis and the design concept to the protection of power generation, transmission and distribution facilities is
also described.

1. INTRODUCTION latter is called the keraunic level of the region and the
corresponding contour line plot of TSD is called an
Lightning is an extremely variable phenomenon isokeraunic map. Many empirical relationships have
which necessarily involves the use of statistics. For been derived between TSD and GFD over the last
example, the probability P(n) that a given area will be twenty years or so, e.g., see [1], [2]. Standards
struck by lightning exactly 0, 1, 2, 3 ..... n times over organisations have adopted the more common ones.
a given period of time may be expressed by the The IEC 1024-1-1 states that the flash density may be
Poisson relation, estimated using the relationship:
P(n) = e−µ µn / n! (1) GFD = 0.04 (TSD)1.25 (3)
where µ is the average number of strikes to the area.
The GFD estimates from this relationship are very
The same can be said about lightning protection and
much upper limits. Popolansky [3] recently obtained a
risk assessment where, for example, one is interested
relationship using lightning flash counter data from
in the probability of a strike to a particular building or
14 countries spanning 4 continents. After an
other structure.
exhaustive analysis, the following relationship was
In general, two factors determine the probability of a
GFD = 0.0086 (TSD)1.45 (4)
strike to a structure, namely the:
• Local ground flash density, GFD (strikes/km /yr) The estimates obtained from this relationship are
• Attractive (or exposure) area of the structure, Aeq close to the plotted lower limit found in
(km2). AS 1768-1991.

If these two parameters are known, then the average On perfectly flat ground with uniform properties,
strike frequency (ASF, strikes per annum) can be lightning will strike each square kilometre with equal
computed using probability. However, an object that is taller than the
surrounding area has an “equivalent attractive area”
ASF = GFD x Aeq (2)
greater than the ground area it occupies, as shown in
Figure 1. Hence, the attractive area of a structure is
The average GFD for a particular region can be
defined as the equivalent area on flat ground which
obtained over a period of time (usually years) using
would be struck with the same frequency. It depends
lightning flash counters or lightning detection and
on the structure height, the charge on the lightning
location systems such as LPATS. In many countries,
downward leader (which, in turn, is related to the
this information is not available and only the number
return stroke peak current) and to a lesser extent the
of thunderstorm days per year (TSD) is known. The
ground surface area occupied by the structure.

where h is the height of the structure in metres and Ip

is the return stroke peak current in kA.

In Equations (5), (6), (8) and (9), the dependence on

Ip is in-built whereas in (7) & (10) it is explicit. This
dependence makes the computation of Req more
involved because the lightning peak current varies
Req from 0 to 150 kA or more. The way the currents are
distributed (relative percentages of each) is a
controversial subject because there are differences
between the three main measurement techniques used
(shunts or Rogowski coils on tall structures, magnetic
Figure 1: Attractive area of two structures. The induction on chimneys and power line towers, and
structure on the right hand side is taller than the one those deduced from remote electric and magnetic
on the left. field recordings, predominantly of strikes to ground).
The median peak current resulting from each
Invariably, the attractive area is computed using the technique is 32, 26 and 23 kA respectively [3]. There
equivalent attractive radius, Req, of the structure. For is also evidence that the distribution is latitude
free-standing structures, the area is approximated by dependent [11].
Aeq = πReq2 whilst for structures of significant extent
such as power lines the area is given by Standards committees have adopted an “average”
Aeq = L (b + 2Req), where L is the line length and b is distribution taken from a number of sources. A
the line effective width. In the present study, only the distribution typical of that found in IEC 1024-1-1 and
former equation is needed. AS 1768-1991 is shown in Table 1. The
computational implications are clear - for a structure
A number of expressions have been derived for Req, of given height, there is a spectrum of attractive radii
using electrogeometrical [4], statistical [5] and other according to the current distribution. A rough but
models such as those based on the streamer zone sufficient method of obtaining a single representative
method [6]. Electrogeometric models are based on the value of Req for a particular structure using Equation
concept of “striking distance”, Rs, defined as the (7) or (10) involves a piecewise integration using
distance between the object to be struck and the tip of values such as those in Table 1. For example, from
the downward-moving leader at the instant that the Table 1 the weighted mean peak current is readily
connecting (upward) leader is initiated from the computed to be ~ 31 kA.
object [1]. The striking distance depends on the
charge in the downleader and hence return stroke
current. Some workers have extended this concept to Table 1: Typical cumulative frequency distribution of
include a dependence on structure height and the return stroke peak current. The first row gives the
atmospheric conditions [7]. As a very crude percentage of strikes having a peak current greater
approximation, the striking distance can be used in than the corresponding value in the second row.
place of the attractive radius although readers should
note that Rs is an overestimate of Req.
% 99 90 75 50 25 10 1
Ip (kA) 5 12 20 30 50 80 130
Bearing in mind that the older models have now been
superseded or improved, the most widely used model
equations relevant to the present study include:
The remainder of this paper describes a statistical
Golde [8]: Rs = 2 h (5) analysis performed on the lightning strike data
Anderson obtained from air terminal installations in the Hong
& Eriksson [2]: Rs = 16.3 h0.61 (6) Kong region. This region was chosen as the case
0.74 0.6
study for a number of reasons, including a:
Eriksson [9]: Req = 0.84 Ip h (7)
Rakov • reasonably high level of lightning activity (~ 80
0.5 thunderstorm days per year)
& Lutz [6]: Req = [h*(h* + 206] (8)
[where h*=h+16ln(h)−31] • large pool (> 500) of air terminal installations
from which to extract valid data
Rizk [10]: Req = 27.1 h0.4 (9) • high percentage of maintenance contracts which
Petrov means that lightning event counters are installed
& Waters [7]: Rs = 0.8 [(h + 15). Ip]2/3 (10)
and checked on a regular basis (hence, very annum is an average value where, for example, there
reliable data) may be no strikes for three years and then three
• large range of structure types, heights and strikes in one year. Furthermore, the time interval
locations. over which many of the zero-strike data points are
derived is relatively short when compared with the
The particular lightning protection system being expected time interval between strikes. This is why a
assessed in this analysis is ERICO’s “System 3000”, reasonably large sample size is needed for the
which comprises an active air terminal (the analysis, where a general trend is established by
“Dynasphere”), a screened downconductor looking at the complete picture.
(“TRIAX”), a lightning event counter and an earthing
network. In addition, the placement of the air The sample size of 185 was further reduced after the
terminal on a particular structure is determined by a counter readings for a number of System 3000
computer software package named “BENJI” which is installations were combined because of their relatively
based on the “collection volume principle” [9] and close proximity (e.g., > 50% overlap of collection
described by Equation (7). Hence, this analysis will volumes). This “overdesign” is needed in cases where
provide an accurate and objective indication of the there are strongly competing features. A classic
performance of the Dynasphere and BENJI software example is the very tall Bank of China building,
as part of an overall lightning protection design where “East” and “West” Dynaspheres are installed
applied to a variety of structures. on long spires only about 30 metres apart. The
combination of the relevant readings reduced the
sample size to 161, with 58 non-zero points.
As in any analysis of this kind, there are a number of
A spreadsheet of suitable System 3000 installations in assumptions that must be made. These can be
Hong Kong was created, spanning the period 1988- summarised as follows:
1996. Installation reports for 1997 were available but
• GFD for Hong Kong is ~ 5 strikes/km2/yr, using
could not be used because counter inspections had not
the relation in [3]
yet been carried out. The criteria for entry of a
particular installation into the spreadsheet were: (i) • Return stroke peak current distribution has an
integrated (median) value of 32 kA
the length of TRIAX must be known, and (ii)
existence of a maintenance contract where regular • Building height is 10, 15 and 20 % less than the
TRIAX length for lengths 0-99, 100-299, and
inspection of counters took place. The spreadsheet
300+ metres (this allows for the extra cabling
entries were comprised of the:
needed for taller structures)
• length of TRIAX downconductor in the • Attractive area is computed using Eqns (5) - (10)
installation (range 15 − 535 metres) (for comparative purposes)
• structure height, derived from the TRIAX length • No discrimination between downward and
(range 14 − 430 metres) upward flashes (see refs [1], [10] & [12] for more
• structure attractive area, computed in a variety of details on upward flashes)
ways as described above (range from • The lightning event counters recorded all
< 0.01 km2 to > 1 km2) genuine strike events.
• expected number of strikes to the structure per
annum, computed in a variety of ways as Two basic statistics were used to assess the
described above (range 0.02 − 11 strikes per performance of the System 3000 in Hong Kong,
annum) namely the:
• installation date and counter reading at that date
• mean “yield” of the Dynasphere, derived from
• last inspection date and counter reading at that
the ratio of actual to expected strikes per annum
for each structure
• actual number of strikes per annum
• degree and significance of correlation between
the expected and actual strikes per annum.
A total of 185 installations remained after the
application of the above criteria. Approximately one
The mean yield of the Dynasphere provides a direct
third of these had non-zero annual strikes. The
assessment of the capture ability of the Dynasphere in
retention of the remaining two thirds of zero-strike
real installations and a rough check on the claimed
data is important. Because of the statistical nature of
protection level.
lightning, even if the expected strike rate is one per
annum and no strikes have been recorded in, say,
The correlation coefficient is a simple way of
three years, it cannot be concluded that there is a
confirming the relationship between the actual and
discrepancy. The expected strike rate of one per
expected strikes. The most common estimator is GFD will average out the underestimates and
Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient, r, a definition overestimates of the expected strikes. This can easily
for which can be found in any standard statistics reduce the degree of correlation found in the data
textbook. Unfortunately, r is a rather poor statistic for because the expected strikes in regions where there
deciding whether an observed correlation is were large numbers of zero-strike (actual) data would
statistically significant. The reason for this is that r is have been lower than those computed using a
ignorant of the individual distributions of the two constant GFD, and hence closer to the actual data.
variables being correlated. However, a number of Therefore, the correlation coefficients shown in the
statistical tests are available which take the value of r next section can be considered as lower limits.
and the number of data points and return the
probability that the two variables, if uncorrelated,
could produce a correlation coefficient greater than 3. RESULTS
that observed. Hence, a small probability means that
there is a significant correlation. These tests take a 3.1 Basic information
variety of forms but the main ones use the
complementary error function, Student’s t- Number of Dynasphere installations used: 161
distribution, or Fisher’s z-transformation, e.g., see Total number of years in service: 640
[13], [14]. Total number of strikes taken: 246

Although the details are beyond the scope of this 3.2 Yield of the Dynasphere
paper, it must be noted that the linear correlation
coefficient, and the test of its significance, is based on This was calculated using all of the attractive radius
the assumption that the data set has a bivariate models (Eqns 5−10). However, the real assessment of
normal distribution. In many cases, this assumption performance can only come from the model on which
cannot be made without casting serious doubt over the the lightning protection design is based, namely that
results. “Nonparametric” methods provide a much of Eriksson [9], summarised by Eqn (7). The yields,
more robust way of assessing the degree of correlation defined as the actual strikes per annum divided by the
between two variables, much like the median is more number expected in that time, are:
robust than the mean in some cases. These methods
Yield obtained using Equation (7): 1.21
correlate the rank of the data rather than the absolute
Yield averaged across all six models: 1.07
values, hence the term “rank correlation coefficient”.
The two most common are the Spearman (rs) and
This is a remarkable result, especially if one considers
Kendall (τ) coefficients. The correlation based on
that at least two of the models are based on striking
rank results in a slight loss of information (it
distance which overestimates the attractive radius
desensitizes the correlation) but this is a small price
(hence giving a greater number of expected strikes
to pay for a major advantage - when a correlation is
and a lower value of the yield ratio). It implies that
demonstrated nonparametrically, it is really there !
the Dynasphere has captured 20 % more strikes than
expected (or 7 % more if the averaged value from all
Hence, in the analysis of the Hong Kong data, all
six models is used). In other words, the Dynasphere
three correlation coefficients were computed
has an enhanced lightning capture ability. This result
(Pearson’s linear, Spearman’s rank and Tendall’s
also indicates that the BENJI lightning protection
rank) along with their respective probabilities. Also, a
designs are relatively conservative, i.e., the attractive
series of experiments were performed in order to
radii computed by BENJI may be smaller than the
assess the effect on the correlation coefficients of: (i)
actual ones.
using building heights derived from the length of
TRIAX according to the 10, 15 and 20% rule of
Hence, it can be confidently claimed that the
thumb, (ii) using different models for the equivalent
Dynasphere successfully captures more strikes than
attractive radius, (iii) combining counts from
would be expected for the unprotected structure. This
installations that are close together, (iv) changing the
claim is supported by the fact that there have been no
(constant) GFD figure used, and (v) changing the
documented bypasses of the Dynasphere on the 185
median peak current used.
installations that were suitable for this analysis.
The only parameter that could not be included in the
3.3 Correlations
correlation tests is the specific region-to-region GFD
within Hong Kong, where geographical features can
Both the linear and rank correlation coefficients were
result in considerable departures from the average
computed along with their respective probabilities. As
strike density. This detailed information was not
mentioned earlier, the usual way of expressing the
available at the time of writing. Using a constant
latter is by stating the percentage probability that the
computed correlation coefficient is exceeded if the
two variables are uncorrelated. Hence, a small Figure 2(a) shows a BENJI lightning protection
probability such as 1 % indicates that the correlation design for a power plant in the Philippines [Fig.
is highly significant. This logic can be reversed by 2(b)]. In this design, a single Dynasphere is mounted
stating that the “probability the correlation is on an appropriate structure in the complex and its
significant is 99 %”. The latter is the manner in attractive area (16,300 m2) is such that it protects the
which the probabilities are expressed in Table 2, whole facility. The smaller circles in Fig. 2(a) show
along with the correlation coefficients. The results the attractive area of the “competing features” in the
quoted in this table were based on equivalent radii complex.
computed with Equation (7) which, as stated earlier,
is used in the BENJI computer designs.

Table 2: Correlation coefficients for “expected vs

actual strikes per annum” using linear and rank
correlation methods, and the probability that the
correlation is significant. The Tendall rank method
gives a similar significance to that obtained using the
Spearman method.

Technique Correl. coeff. Probability

Pearson linear, r 0.43 > 99.9 %
Spearman rank, rs 0.65 99.7 %

As mentioned in the analysis section, a final check on

the robustness of the correlation found in the “raw”
data was undertaken in the form a series of realistic
changes to the variables that could bias the result,
such as the method of calculation of building height,
attractive radius model, GFD estimate, median
current, etc. The results shown in Table 2 were found
to be remarkably insensitive to these changes, with
only minor variations in the coefficients. The linear
correlation coefficient was in the range 0.39 − 0.55
and, importantly, always with a significance > 99 %.

PROTECTION Figure 2: BENJI lightning protection design for a
power plant in the Visayas region of the Philippines.
Whilst the data described and analysed above do not (a) Plan view of the protection or attractive area
relate directly to power facility lightning protection, provided by the Dynasphere. (b) 3D view of the site.
exactly the same principles will apply. ERICO has a
large portfolio of BENJI designs compiled for
customers which cover a wide range of power Dynasphere installations such as the one shown in
stations, substations and control buildings housing Figure 2 are providing effective protection against
switchgear, communications and control cabling. In lightning strikes for a wide variety of power utility
the case of control buildings, the technique would be customers both in Australia and throughout Asia,
identical to that applied to the structures in Hong from hydro, geothermal and steam, to photovoltaic
Kong, i.e., an evaluation of the attractive area of the systems. Just a few of the customers that are protected
building and the substation area to be protected. In a with ERICO’s System 3000 include:
typical installation for substation protection, a
Dynasphere would be mounted on a mast of a given In Australia: Pine Creek, Standwell and Collie power
height so that its attractive area encompassed the stations; Hasper and Primrose substations in
matrix of transformers and HV transmission lines. Tasmania.
The mast is simply a very slender structure and so In Asia: Coloane (Macau), PLN steam (Indonesia),
similar principles would once again apply. Hydrolic (Taiwan), Visayas region (Philippines),
Pontianak gas turbine/Darajat geothermal/Wayang
Windu geothermal (Indonesia) power plants. [4] Mousa, A.M. & Srivastava, K.D., “The
implications of the electrogeometrical model
regarding the effect of height of structure on the
5. CONCLUSIONS median amplitude of collected lightning strokes”,
IEEE Trans. Pow. Del., Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 1450-
A statistical analysis of lightning strikes to 1460.
Dynasphere air terminal installations on structures in
Hong Kong has been carried out. The mean yield of [5] Bazelian, E.M., Gorin, B.N. & Levitov, V.I.,
the Dynasphere is effectively 100% and there is a “Physical and engineering foundations of
highly significant positive correlation between the protection against lightning”, Leningrad,
actual and expected strikes over a wide range of Gidrometeoizdat, 1978.
structure heights and locations. In fact, the
correlation is significant at a level of at least 99.7%, [6] Rakov, V.A. & Lutz, A.O., “A new technique for
and it persists even when the assumptions are put to estimating equivalent attractive radius for
the test. downward lightning flashes”, 20th ICLP,
Switzerland, 1990, Paper 2.2.
These results strongly suggest, if not conclusively
prove, that the design principle behind the [7] Petrov, N.I. & Waters, R.T., “Determination of
Dynasphere is sound and the collection volume the striking distance of lightning to earthed
concept employed for the placement of air terminals structures”, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, Vol. 450,
on structures is an effective tool in BENJI lightning 1995, pp. 589-601.
protection designs. This conclusion is further
strengthened if one considers that there are no [8] Golde, R.H. (editor), “Lightning”, Academic
documented cases of bypasses to the Dynasphere. Press, London, 1977.
Hence, it can be claimed with a high degree of
confidence that ERICO’s System 3000 designs offer a [9] Eriksson, A.J., “The incidence of lightning
protection level of at least I (98%) according to the strikes to power lines”, IEEE Trans. Pow. Del.,
IEC 1024-1-1 scheme. PWRD-2, 1987, pp. 859-870.

It has also been demonstrated that these basic [10] Rizk, F.A.M., “Modelling of lightning incidence
principles are easily extended (and are applicable) to to tall structures. Part II: Application”, IEEE
the protection of a wide variety of power stations, Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, 1994, pp. 172-
substations and control buildings operated by power 193.
utilities throughout Australasia.
[11] Torres, H., Rondon, D., Briceno, W. & Barreto,
Finally, to the author’s knowledge, such a study has L., “Lightning peak current estimation analysis
never been carried out by any other lightning from field measurements in tropical zones”, 23rd
protection company or manufacturer of air terminals, ICLP, Florence, 1996, pp. 181-185.
be they passive systems or other active systems. This
is another example of ERICO’s leadership in air [12] Rizk, F.A.M., “Modelling of lightning incidence
terminal research and, in particular, the assessment of to tall structures. Part I: Theory”, IEEE Trans. on
air terminal performance. Power Delivery, Vol. 9, 1994, pp. 162-171.

[13] Press, W.H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A. &

6. REFERENCES Vetterling, W.T., “Numerical Recipes: The Art
of Scientific Computing”, Cambridge University
[1] Uman, M.A., “The Lightning Discharge”, Press, Cambridge, 1989.
Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1987.
[14] Neave, H.R., “Elementary Statistical Tables”,
[2] Anderson, R.B. & Eriksson, A.J., “Lightning George Allen & Unwin, London, 1979.
parameters for engineering application”, Electra,
Vol. 69, 1980, pp. 65-102.

[3] Popolansky, F., “Relationship between the

number of thunderstorm days and the lightning
flash density registered by LFC in the world
scale”, 21st ICLP, Berlin, 1992, Paper 6.10.

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