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Chemistry X - IMP Qestions

Subject : Chemistry IMPORTANTQUESTIONS Class : X - TS

Topics : Acids, Bases and Salts, Structure of atom, Periodic calssification of elements -
The Periodic table, Chemical bonding, Principles of Metallurgy

1. S.No Sample solution Blue litmus Red litmus Methyl orange Phenolpthalein

1. H2SO4 Red No change Red Colourless

2. KOH No change Blue Yellow Pink
3. CH3COOH Red No change Red Colourless
4. NH4OH No change Blue Yellow Pink
Now answer the following questions on the basis of above table.
i) What is the effect of methyl orange solution on acids.
ii) What do you observe from the above table.
2. Two Zinc pieces are placed each in HCl and CH3COOH of same concentration. In which
of the two the reaction will be faster. Why ?
3. Write any two daily life applications of neutralisation reaction.
4. Salt Acid Base pH Nature
NaCl HCl NaOH 7 Neutral
CuSO4 H2SO4 Cu(OH)2 <7 acidic
CH3COONa CH3COOH NaOH >7 basic
Observe the above table. Now answer the following questions.
i) What are the acid and base present in NH4Cl.
ii) What are the indicators used for knowing pH of substances.
5. Draw the pH scale to represent the different acids, bases and neutral substances.
6. Teacher explain concept of pH to students. Few students raised some questions to their
teacher. Write any two of them.
7. Maneesh told his teacher that he was unable to differentiate between orbit and orbital. Then
the teacher asked some questions. By answering those questions Maneesh was able to tell
about the difference. What questions might the teacher have asked Maneesh ?
8. What is nlx method. How is it useful.
9. Why electrons enter into 4s orbital but not 3d after filling 3p ?
10. Sub shells No. of orbitals Max. no. of electrons
s (l = 0) 1 2
p (l = 1) 3 6
d (l = 2) 5 10
f (l = 3) 7 14

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X - IMP Qestions Chemistry
Now answer the following questions.
i) What is the formula for maximum number of electrons in subshells.
ii) What is the shape of d-orbital.
11. What are the defects of Bohr’s atomic model.
12. For a better understanding about the orbit and orbital, the teacher asked some questions to
the students. What are the questions posed by teacher to their students.
13. What are the limitations of Newland’s law of octaves.
14. Why Mendeleev had to leave certain blank spaces in his periodic table.
15. Define the following.
i) Mendeleev’s periodiclaw ii) Doberiener’s law of Triads
16. For a better understanding about the electronic configuration in an atom, the teacher wrote
short hand notation nlx on the black board. Looking at this notation, what could be the teacher
probably questions that generate in the student’s mind. Write any two of them.
17. The wavelength of radio wave is 1.0 m. Find its frequency.
18. What are the rules to be followed while filling the electrons in the atom which contains more
than one electron ? How do you fill the electrons in degenerate orbitals.
19. Using the periodic table predict formula of a compound formed between element X of group
13 and another element Y of group 16.
20. Comment on the position of hydrogen in periodic table.
21. Complete the following table.
Per iod number Filling up orbitals Max. no.of electrons Total no. of elements
(sub shells) filled in all subshells in the per iod
1 15 2 –
3 – 8 8
5 5s, 4d, 5p – 18
– 7s, 7f, 6d, 7p +8 18
22. How does metallic character change when we move i) Down a group ii) Across period
23. Two elements X and Y belong to groups 1 and 2 respectively in the same period of the
periodic table. Compare these elements with respect to
i) Their atomic size and their valencies.
ii) Their ionization energy and metallic character.
24. The following table indicates the atomic radii of elements belongs to second period of the
periodic table. Observe the table and answer the following questions.
2nd period elements B Be O N Li C
Atomic radii 88 111 66 74 152 77
i) Among the ‘Be’ and ‘C’ whose atomic radii is maximum. Why ?
ii) Write the decreasing order of atomic radii of above elements.
25. Ravi says that metal loose electrons and non-metals will gain electrons. Then explain what
type of bond is formed between metals and non-metals and write the applications of the
substances in daily life in your own words.
26. Draw the structure of NaCl with neat labells.

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Chemistry X - IMP Qestions
27. Guess the reasons why inoic compounds exhibits high M.P and B.P.

X X Observe the given Lewis notation and answer the following questions.
i) How many valency electrons does element ‘Y’ have ?
ii) What is the valency of element ‘Y’ ?
iii) How many covalent bonds are there in the molecule ?
iv) Suggest a name for the element X and Y.
29. Draw the Lewis dot strucutre of the following molecules.
a) CO2 b) Br2
30. Two chemical reactions are described below.
Nitrogne and Hydrogen react to form Ammonia.
(NH3) Carbon and Hydrogen reacts to form Methane.
(CH4) For each reaction, give :
i) The valency of each of the atoms involved in the reaction.
ii) The Lewis structure of the product that is formed.
31. In NH3 molecule central atom Nitrogen undergoes sp3 hybridisation. Shape is pyramidal and
bond angle is 107° 48|. What is the reason.


O2 molecule

Observe the above diagram and then answer the following questions.
i) Which theory explains the above structure.
ii) In O2 molecule how many and bonds are there ?
33. What are the differences between sigma and pi bond.
34. “All ores are minerals but all minerals need not to be ores.” Justify the statement ?
35. Ore Bauxite Zincite Horn silver Galena Rock salt
Formula Al2O3.2H2O ZnO AgCl PbS NaCl
Observe the above table, now answer the following qeustions.
i) Which metal is extracted from Bauxite ?
ii) What are the chloride ores ?
36. Teacher explains metal activity series to the students. What type of doubts arised in student
mind. Write any two of them ?
37. Draw a neat labelled diagram of electrolytic refining of copper.
38. What are the various types of purification of metals based on the nature of a metal and its
impurities ? Which method is used to purify the metals having high boiling metals as impurities ?
39. “X” is sulphide ore present at the middle of the activity series. Then answer the following questions.
i) Name the process by which conversion of sulphide ore to oxide ore.
ii) What type of process or extraction it under go to get the pure metal.
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40. What are the questions raised when students study the parts of furnace. Write any two of them.
41. Draw the neat labelled diagram of reverberatory furnace.
42. Ramesh observed colour change on iron articles when kept in moist atmosphere what could
be the reason for all these. Explain any two same type of situations in daily life.
43. What is baking powder ? How does it make the cake soft and spongy ?
44. Write any four compounds of chlor-alkali process and write their chemical formulas.
45. Ganesh statues are made up of plaster of paris and immersed in rivers and ponds and causes
of water pollution. What type of suggestions you will give to idols makers to protect water
from pollution.
46. Ramesh passed white light through sodium vapour lamp and observed darklines in the bright
back-ground then make assumptions for getting these dark lines on bright background.
47. When you heat an iron rod, first it turns red and as the temperature rises it glows orange,
yellow, blue and even white light. Now answer the following questions.
i) Compare energy of red light with blue light.
ii)What is the relation between wavelength and frequency of red and blue light.


1. Write an activity to show that reaction of acids with metals.

2. Draw the neat labelled diagram of reaction of acids with carbonates and bicarbonates.
3. Equal length of Magnesium ribbon are taken in the test tubes A and B. HCl is added to test
tube A, while acetic acid is added test tube B. Amount and conc. of both the acids are same.
In which test tube will the fizzing occur more vigerously and why ?
4. While diluting an acid, why is it recommended that acid should be added to water and not
water to the acid ? Why pure acetic acid does not turn blue litmus to Red ?
5. Explain the significance of four quantum numbers.
6. Five solutions A, B, C, D and E when tested with universal indicator showed pH as 4, 1, 11, 7
and 9 respectively, which solution is
i) neutral ii) strongly alkaline iii) strongly acidic iv) weakly acidic v) weakly alkaline

Arrange the pH increasing order of hydrogen ion concentration.

7. A milk man adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk.
i) Why does the pH of the fresh milk changes from 6 to slightly alkaline.
ii) Why does this milk take a long time to set as curd.
8. pH Colour pH colour pH colour
0 Dark red 5 Orange yellow 10 Navy blue
1 Red 6 Greenish yellow 11 purple
2 Red 7 Green 12 Dark purple
3 Orange red 8 Greenish blue 13 Violet
4 Orange 9 Blue 14 Violet
i)The aqueous solution of unknown substance give red colour with universal indicator then
identify the nature of unknown substance.
ii) What is the colour shown by aqueous solution of neutral substance with universal
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Chemistry X - IMP Qestions
iii) The aqueous solution of pH is 2 then what is the colour shown by it with
univeral indicator.
iv) An aqueous solution of unknown substance gives the violet colour then what is
it chemical nature.
9. Consider the following salts such as Na2CO3, NaHCO3, NaCl, K2SO4, (NH4 ) SO4, ) 2

AlCl3, CH3COONa, Na3PO4 etc.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
i) What are acidic salts ?
ii) What are the acid and base present in neutral salt ?
iii) What are the indicators used to know the pH of above salts ?
iv) Mention pH ranges of basic salt solutions.
10. In an atom the number of electrons in M-shell is equal to the number of electrons in the K and
L-shell. Now answer the following questions.
i) Which is the outermost shell ?
ii) How many electrons are there in its outermost shell ?
iii) What is the atomic number of the element ?
iv) Write the electronic configuration of the element.
11. State the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model. What are the defects of Bohr’s model ?
12. State and explain with one example the Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.
13. n l m sub-shell notation No.of orbitals in the

1 0 0 – 1
2 – 0 2s –
– –1,0,+1 2p –
3 0 – 3s 1
1 – 3p 3
2 – 3d 5
– 0 – –
4 – –1,0,+1 – –
– –2,–1,0,+1,+2 – –
– –3,–2,–1,0,+1,+2,+3 – –
Complete the blanks in the table and answer the following questions.
i) What is the general formula for number of electrons in a subshell ?
ii) What is the relation between ml and l ?
iii) For a given atom the value of l = n – 1is true or false ? How can you prove it ?
iv) Which quantum number does not depends on other quantum numbers ?
14. Draw the shapes of orbitals present in 3rd orbit.
15. What are the limitations of Mendeleev’s periodic table.
16. Why Doberiener, Newlands and Mendeleev’s were not 100% successful in their classification
of elements. Predict the reason.
17. Explain the sailent features and achievements of the Mendeleev’s periodic table.

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18. i)The densities of Ca and Ba are 1.55 and 3.51 g/cm3 respectively. Based on Dobereiner’s
law of Triads, can you give the approximate density of Sr.
ii) The following will form Dobereiner’s Triad or not. Guess the reason.
p) Na, Si, Cl (atomic weights of Na, Si, Cl – 23, 28, 35.5)
q) S, Se, Te (atomic weights of S - 32, Te - 128) will form Dobereiner Triad then what is
the atomic weight of Se.
19. Write down the characteristics of the elements having atomic number 17.
i) General electronic configuration ii) Period number
iii) Group number iv) Element family v) No. of valency electrons vi) Valency
vii) Metal or non-metal viii) Valency electronic configuration
20. Explain how the elements are classified into s, p, d and f-block elements in the periodic table,
based on valency electronic configuration.
21. Define modern periodic table. Discuss the construction of the long form of the periodic table.
22. Complete the following table using the periodic table.
Per iod Total no. of Elements Total no. of elements
number elements From To s-block p-block d-block f-block
1 2 H He – – – –
2 8 – – 2 6 – –
3 – Na Ar 2 6 – –
4 18 – – 2 6 – –
5 – Rb Xe 2 6 10 –
6 32 – – 2 6 10 –
7 – Fr uuo 2 6 10 14
23. Define ionization energy. Explain the factors effecting ionization energy.
24. Explain the ionization energy order of the following sets of elements.
i) Na, Al, Cl ii) C, N, O iii) F, Ne, Na iv) Be, Mg, Ca
25. What is periodic property ? How do the following properties change in a group and
period. Explain.
i) Atomic radius ii) Ionisation energy iii) Electron affinity iv) Electronegativity
26. In a period 2, elements X is to the right of element Y. Then find which of the element have
i) Lower nuclear charge ii) High ionization energy iii) High
electronegativity iv) More metallic character
27. Explain the formation of sodium chloride and calcium oxide on the basis of the concept of
electron transfer from one atom to another atom.
28. Element Nitrogen Hydrogen Oxygen Helium Ber yllium Carbon
Group number ––– 1 ––– ––– ––– –––
Valency electron ––– 1 ––– ––– ––– –––
Lewis dot structure ––– H ––– ––– ––– –––

i) Which type of electrons will represent Lewis dots.

ii) Which type of chemical properties of elements are determined based on group number.
iii) How Lewis dots explain chemical properties of elements.
iv) What is the valency of element ‘He’.
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Chemistry X - IMP Qestions
29. What is octet rule. How do you appreciate the role of octet rule in explaining the chemical
properties of elements.
30. i)List the factors that determines the formation of ionic bond between two atoms.
ii) “X” is an element belongs to 3rd period and IA group “Y” is the element belongs to 3rd
period and VIIA group. Then answer the following questions.
p) Write the electronic configuration of elements “X” and “Y”.
q) What is the bond formed between “X” and “Y”.
31. Explain briefly the features of valency shell electron pair repulsion theory.
32. i)Predic the reasons for low melting point for covalent compounds when compared with ionic
ii) List the factors that determine the formation of covalent bond between two atoms.
33. Bond Bond angle (A°)
H–H 0.74
I–I 2.68
H–O 0.96
Br – Br 2.28
H – Cl 1.27

i) What is bond length H – O in water molecule ?

ii) Why I – I bond length is more than H – H bond length ?
iii) What are the units of bond length ? How many nano meters are equal to 1Å.
iv) If bond length increases, what happens to bond energy ?
34. Type of molecule no. of lp’s no. of bp’s shape of molecule bond angle Example
AB E 1 3 pyramidal 107° 48 NH 3
AB E 3 2 2 linear 104° 31| H O
2 2

i) Which theory predicts the possible shapes of molecules based on no. of lp’s and bp’s in a
covalent bond formation.
ii) What is the shape and bond angle of molecule with four bp’s and zero lp’s.
iii) Who proposed and developed the concept of above theory ?
iv) What is the main defeet of the above theory.
35. What is hybridisation. Explain the formation of BF3 molecule using concept of hybridisation.
36. ClBe Cl
Observe the above structure. Now answer the following questions.
i) What is the type of hybridisation in the above molecule.
ii) How many sp-p bonds are there in the molecule.
iii) What is the shape and bond angle in the given molecule.
iv) Give one more example like BeCl2.
37. Draw a neat labelled diagram regarding the bond formed between two similar atoms they
does not lose (or) gain electrons but not shares three pairs of electrons between them. Explain
the bond formation by valency bond theory.
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38. Explain formation of NH3 molecule based on concept of hybridisation.
39. What is metal activity series ? Write the applications of activity series in chemical industry.
40. Draw the neat labelled diagram of Magnetic separation.
K > Na > Ca > Mg > Al > Zn > Fe > Pb > Cu > Ag > Au
41. a) High Moderate Low
reactivity reactivity

Based on above information, now answer the following questions.

i) Identify the element present in the metal activity series which are displaced
by copper from their salt solution.
ii) How metals present at the top of the series can be extracted ?
iii) Name the part of the metal activity series elements which are extracted by
heating (or) displacing metal from their aqueous solutions.
iv) Name the part of the activity series elements whose ores are mainly contains
sulphide, carbonate and oxide non-metals.
b) Briefly explain Froth floatation process.
42. Explain briefly Alumino thermite process with necessary chemical equation, daily life applications.
43. Which method do you suggest for extraction of high reactivity metals. Why ? Explain.
44. How can you differentiate roasting and calcination. Give example for each.
45. Discuss the process of extraction of metals and its impact on environment.
46. i)If alloys are not found, what happend. Guess the reasons.
ii) What is galvanisation. How does if protect iron from rusting ?
47. Suggest an experiment to prove that the presence of air and water are essential for
corrosion. Explain.
48. What is smelting ? How smelting is carried out in a blast furnace explain with suitable equations.
49. What is an alloy ? Name any three alloys. Give their composition.
50. What is meant by “water of crystallisation.” of substance. Describe an activity to show the
water of crystallisation.
51. Write the preparation of compounds obtained from common salt with
equation. (any four compounds)
52. Write any two uses of washing soda and baking soda.
53. i) A compound ‘X’ is commonly used in kitchen for making cripsy pakodas. It is also used
curing acidity in the stomach. Identify ‘X’. What is its chemical formula.
ii) Name the sodium compound which is used for softening hard water.
iii) Give two examples for Efflorescent salts.
iv) A baker found that the cake prepared by him is hard and small in size. Which
ingredient had he forgotten to add that would have the cake soft and spongy.
54. Rainbow is an example for continuous spectrum - explain.
55. Write the differences between Absorption spectrum and Emission spectrum.
56. Define electromagnetic spectrum. Draw neat labelled diagram of Electro magnetic spectrum.
57. Define the following wave parameters.
i) Wave length ii) Wave number iii) Frequency iv) Amplitude

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