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PRADA Boutique Aoyarilnr Japan

Yoshio Tanno, Senior Mgr, Hirokazu Kozuka, Mgr, Masayoshi Nakai, Chief Res., Masato Ohata' Mgr,
Takenaka Corp., Tokyo, JaPan

Structural Concept

The overall design concept for the

building and the structural require- i,W:r*'
ments as laid down by the owner and ,eiffiMynr6t
architects were as follows.

- Diagonal lattice forming the outer

lattice should form the structural
framework while being an integral
part" of the glass facade (avoiding the i[ii, shop
need for vertical or hortzontal mem-
bers in the vertical planes)
- Diagonal lattice members should be
250 mm in width and 300 mm in 9,101 m
depth, including the dimensions of 20,580 m
the finish materials Fig. 2: Third floor plan
- Interior vertical shafts, used for ele-
Fig. 1 : View of PRADA Boutique Aoyama vator '"and equipment duct/piping, The lattice members are of steel con-
should be made as small as possible,
struction, so all modules of the build-
Introduction and atriums should be provided by ing use the same material, and each
floor openings on the 1st, Znd, 4th story is exactly the height of two rhom-
and 5th floors.
For the outer lattice of PRADA Bou- boid panels (4 m). The lattice meets
tique Aoyama, the aim was to create a These requirements were fulfilled as each floor at intersection points on the
design that was both symbolic and rev- outlined below while maintaining son- lattice. Girders around the periphery
olution ary, befitting the building's role sistency between the architectural and of each floor are connected to these
as a flagship PRADA Boutique. As mechanical designs. lattice intersections to form joints that
shown in (Fig.1), the building compris-
es a diagonal latticework frame with a Maximum height

faEade consisting of rhombus-shaped ./

units measuring approximately 3,2m ,/ Setback regulation -

Setback reyrtafions -f,

in width and 2,0 m in height, covered / c.I
by a sash of flat and curved glass sur- nur"(ognt
faces. The basic shape of the above- ,k vTFL
4,000 m
ground floors in plan view is a penta-
gotr, with each side measuring approxi-
4,000 m
mately 10 to 22m (FiS.2).Each of the 5FL
five vertical sides is set back at the top, (-.
4,000 m -1

so the plan view shape is gradually re- >, >'; \n

tr lil
csl 4FL
duced at the 6th and Tthfloors (Fig. 3). d

Corridor vl N
Jr- 4,000 m
Floors 1 throu gh 4 are for retail, floors

-o t--
5 and 6 are offices, and the 7th floor o .g€

A t--
a 4,000 m
houses the machine room. The B1F be-
lowground floor, measuring approxi- ,\ ,
?,,?5 4,000 m
mately 33 m by 23 m, is almost perfect- Miyuki St. i- A
ly rectangular in plan view, following Desisn G.L. 1EL

the shape of the site. It is used both as

a storeroom and as a continuation of re-
tail space from the aboveground floors.
The fagade of aboveground floors is of
double glass mounted on each rhom-
bus-shaped unit of the diagonal grid. A
total of 840 panes of glass were used: 6m)
205 panes of convex curved glass and 2r,8 m
16 panes of concave curved glass were
used in addition to flat ones. Fig. 3: Section

ZB StructuresWorldwide Structural Engineeringlnternational 1/2005

Fig. 4: Overall framework Fig. 5: Steel frame erection

transmit the vertical load. The periph- diagonal allocation of members. With
eral girders also function as tension - a floor configuration of reinforced
these weaknesses, it
was important to concrete with built-in steel forms
members (restraints on the vertical de- the overall "Structural design of the supported on steel beams
formation of the lattice), thereby set- building as well as to the design of the
ting up a balance of hortzontal forces - a frame (inner vertical shaft) made
facade itself to minimize earthquake up primarily of vertical members
between girders and lattice members. loading on the outer lattrce framework (steel tubes) passing through each
The floor load is supported by the lat- and thereby reduce deformation of the floor.
tice as well as by the interior vertical lattice.
shaft through beams linking the pe- Florizontal tubes with the rhombus-
ripheral girders and the shaft frames. Given the restraints described and the shaped cross-section on the 2nd, 4th
As a result, the dead and live loads are consequent requirement to reduce earth- and 5th floors are monocoque con-
borne almost equally by the lattice and quake loading, the engineers proposed structions formed by steel with rib re-
the vertical shaft. On the other hand, base-isolating the building by installing inforcement (FiS. 4 and 5).
most of the hortzontal loading, such as I4laminated rubber bearings and 25 slide
the earthquake and wind loading, is bearings below the basement floor. This The basement level B1F is a steel frame
carried by the lattice, since the vertical made it
possible to meet the require- construction with columns, beams and
shaft has little horrzontal rigidity. ments of the design concept by using braces. The horizontal force from the
fabricated steel Fl-sections measuring aboveground outer lattice frame is
The lattice contains no vertical mem- 250 mm in depth and 150 mm in width transmitted through the first floor slab
bers, so it experiences greater defor- for the lattice members. The lattice mem- of reinforced concrete to the braces
mation than typical column members bers were enclosed in a fire-resistant provided on the periph ery, etc. of the
under both long-term and short-term material that also serves as the finish- B1F, The floor of the B1F is of rein-
vertical loading, such as earthquake irg material (molded calcium silicate forced concrete, beneath which is a
loading. Further, only those lattice mem- board with a minimum thickness of base-isolation system. Flowever, directly
bers with upper or lower ends attached 20 mm). Moreover, for esthetic reasons, beneath the high-rise portion is the
to the peripheral girders at each floor sash frames for the glass panels are B2F (approximately 40"h ofthe B1F is
directly caffy the vertical load. The made as compact as possible by limit- taken up by equipment functions), and
other lattice members, whose ends do ing the vertical and horrzontal defor- a clearance is provided on B 1F for the
not attach to a floor girder (that is, the mation of each rhombus unit in an elevator shaft on the main stairway
lattice members connected at corners earthquake (to an inter-story drift of side, with three base-isolation systems
between floors) function as anti-buck- 1/300 or less). for the three columns provided on the
ling stiffenitrg members for the mem- 82 level.
bers directl\r carcying the load, but do In addition, between the B1F and the
not effectively transmit the vertical Overall Structure base-isolation story floor is a space of
load. The effects of the 2nd,1th and 5th approximately 7,6 m in height for use
floor openings compound the problem The aboveground floors of this build- as the inspection pit for the base-isola-
of the small proportion of direct load- irg comprise: tion system. Also, between the B1F
carrying lattice members. Moreover, outer wall and the base slab and re-
the outer lattice framework that bears - an outer lattice frame made up of a taining wall is a clearance of 45 cm, to
most of any earthquake loading demon- diagonal grid using built-up steel H- accommodate the horizontal deforma-
strates a lack of ductility because of its sections tion of the base-isolation story.
Structural Engineering International llZ00S
Structures Worldu'ide 29
(kN) (kN)

1600 7,',:T,Z,ffi



::: M

-400 1.,3r4

- 800
;; n
-1,078 kN -2000 -1,1-1-8 kN _;;;; w
Fig. 6: Axial force of superstructure

Structural Design using a three-dimensional frame mod- zontal forces, and the maximum fluctu-
el with the floor system on each story, ation in axial force on the tension and
the outer lattice frame, the inner shafts, compression side was about 1300 kN
Design Losd the horizontal tubes and the lower (Fig. 6).
floor portion including B1F all inte-
As permanent vertical loads, the de- grated with one another. Cross- Sectional D esign
sign takes into account the weight of
the skeleton, the finished load and the As noted earlier, the floor weight of With respect to constant vertical load
equipment load, as well as the load each story is supported by the inner and horizontal load in the event of
from retail and offices (2400 N/m' and shafts and the outer lattice frame, with wind and seismic force, the outer lat-
1800 N/m', respectively, for analysis un- tice grid members serve primarily as
each handling approximately 50% of
der dead and live loads and 1300 N/m' the load,. The vertical rigidity of the members to transmit axial force. How-
and 800 N/m', respectively for analysis ever, as bending moment will be pro-
outer lattice frame was lower than that
under seismic load). duced along with in-plane and out-of-
of the inner shafts, so at the floor of the
Florizontal loads due to extreme earth- top story the outer lattice frame was plane deformation of the outer lattice
quakes were determined by establish- displaced approximately 3 cm vertical- frame, the grid members are designed
ing a story shear force coefficient in ac- Iy, and the maximum axial force of the for combined axial force and bending
cordance with preliminary response outer lattice grid members was 1078 kN moment stress. The distance between
analyses assuming a base-isolated struc- (Fig. 6). For wind, seismic and other supports in the grid member out-of-
ture. The story shear force coefficients hortzontal forces, the outer lattice plane direction is approximately 7 ,5 m
were set to be 0,1-65 for B1F; 0,528 for frame provided approximately 700% per story, and approximately 15 m for
the top floor and interior values were resistance, and horizontal displace- two stories in the atrium portion. FIow-
interpolated according to floor heights. ment of the superstructure due to de- ever, the members that were not effec-
sign seismic load was approximately tive in transmitting axial force (placed
S/ress D eformati on Analy sis 6,5 cm at the floor of the top story, at approximately 1,8 m intervals) could
while the maximum story deformation be evaluated as stiffenittg members.
Stress deformation analysis for the su- angle was approximately L1290 (on 6F). Therefore, the buckling length of the
perstructure (the portion above the The structure exhibited a box-like re- main axial force transmission mem-
base-isolation story) was performed sistance system with respect to hori- bers was considered to be half of the

Symbol Steel section

Do BH-250x150x9xI9
D1 @ BH-250 x 150 xr2x25
DZffi BH-250 x 150 x12x32
6 floor
D3 BH-250x150x16x40
D5w BH-250x150x25x60
D6- B BOX-250 x 150 x25 x40

Fig. 7: Arrangement of outer latticed members

30 Structures Worldwide Structural Engineering International 1/2005

aforementioned distance between sup- Outer srid member
absorbed by an adjustment zone pro-
ports, based on buckling analysis re-
vided in the sth floor rising portion.
sults. Built-up steel H-sections were
used for the grid members, with the ba- For the facade that constitutes the defin-
sic size being BH 250 mm x 150 mm x ing feature of the building, the four-
9 mm x 19 mm (h x b x t.xtl),and de- sided SSG (Structural Steel Glazing)
pending on the stress the flange thick- construction method was used, and de-
ness and web thickness were made 19 tailed studies were made with respect
to 60 mm and 9 to 25 mm, respectively. to fail-safe mechanisms. Due to the
Glass facade
At the base of the corner aneles that Outer grid member
mechanism in which mullion support
would be subjected to the moJt severe brackets were provided directly on the
Cast steel joint
stress, assembly box members (BX outer lattice grid members, the skele-
RC slab
250 mm x 150 mm x 25 mm x 40 mm) ton precision was directly linked to the
(h x b x tw x t/).were used (Fig. 7). precision of finishing members. To se-
cure the target quality, stringent target
As tension members for reducins the
values (within +15 mm in both vertical
deformation of the outer lattice fiame
and horizontal directions) were estab-
and balancing the horizontal compo- Floor'sub-beam
lished for the construction precision of
nent of the grid member axial force Fig. B: Details of lattice and floor joint outer lattice grid members, but the re-
(compressive force), steel H-beam mem-
sult of these policies was that construc-
bers (600 and 400 mm beam depth, tion within the target accuracy was
250 mm width) are placed around the
floor slab on each story. Ideallv these
tension members snoutd be placed
in-plane on the outer lattice frame, but Final Remarks
eccentricity with the core of the srid
members unavoidably results in bend- As described above, this building was
ing moments being produced in these made possible through integrating tech-
floor peripheral members, so the steel nologies for structural analysis, CAD,
H-beam is used laterally to resist com- structural steel fabrication, and build-
bined tension and bending stress (Flg. g). ing erection with the base-isolation
Fig. 9: Cast steel for corner joint method of earthquake load reduction.
The joints between the grid members
As a result. a novel design concept pro-
and the floor peripheral members (gen- ricated shape of the grid member steel posed by an overseas owner and archi-
eral portions and corner angles) need- frame was increased 6 mm in advance tect was made feasible in Japan. The
ed to have a compact fit, so in places for each story on 1F through 5F, authors regard this building as a work
where the assembly materials could of architecture that demonstrates the
not be welded to one another, Since rigid joint conditions in both in-
cast future potential of a design previously
steel for welded structures (SCW 480) plane and out-of-plane directions had
to be secured at all joints for the outer considered unworkable in this earth-
was used (Fig.8 and 9). For ease of
lattice grid members, all welding of quake-prone country.
construction and design considerations,
a total of 219 cast steel members were member intersections was done at the
used for grid member joints in wall and factory, and joints at the site were cre- Acknowledgements
roof portions not attached to floor pe- ated in the center of one side of the
rhombus-shaped unit. The node layout PRADA Boutique Aoyama was originally planned
ripheral members as well. in Switzerland by Herzog & de Meuron (H&deM)
used a * \, shape as the basic form,
with WGG Schnetzer Puskas as structural con-
Construction with the diagonal length of one story
sultant, and then refined, detailed, finalized and
as one member, creating a bracket
realized in Japan through a collaboration of
As noted earlier, the outer lattice srid shape with the intersecting side and us-
H&deM and Thkenaka Corporation.
that was the main upper frame hadlow ing the build-up method to build up
vertical rigidity, and as the erection the nodes on each story. To reduce the
proceeded, great vertical and horizon- size of site welded joints for steel H-
tal displacement was produced along sections, including the finishing mem-
with the increase in the load placed on bers (fire-resistant sheathitrg materi- Owner: i

the structure. In construction planning, aI), all flanges were welded, while for PRADAJAPA\Japan
the erection of each steel frame node the web members both boltine and Design Architect: i
was considered to be one step, and a welding were used in accordancJ with Herzog&de Meuron, Basel, Switzerland
construction analysis was conducted the combination of members.
for each sub-step (outer lattice grid
Associate Architect and Structural"/ l

members, horizontal members and con-

At the time of erection, a three-dimen- Mechanical Engineer: I
sional measurement system was intro- Takenaka Corporation, Tokyo. Japan
crete slab placement) to evaluate load duced, and five *"ur,trement points
conditions and member rigidity. The were established for each grid member
Contractor: 1

vertiCal deformation at the 6th story Takenaka Corporation, Tokyo. Japan

intersection to provide accvtacy con-
floor level at the time of the comple- trol. The measurement data was used Steel(t): OOO
tion of construction was approximalely as feedback in the erection of the next
Concrete (m3): ZIOO
25 mm including the fagade members,

node, and the plan arranged for the er-

so the member vertical size for the fab- ror with the measurement values to be
_. l:::T: i
Structural Engineeringlnternational U2005
Structures Worldwide 3I

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