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Leeds Metropolitan University Portland Gate-Engineering

the Rosebowl, UK
Derek Roberts, MEng., CEng., MIStructE, MICE, Senior Struct. Eng.. Ove Arup and Partners Ltd. Sheffield, UK
and Neil Hooton, MEng., CEng., MIStructE, Associate, Ove Arup and Partners Ltd, Leeds, UK.
Contact: Derek.
DOI: 10.27 49/1 0168661 1X1 2910257 102118

The Portland Gate development is a
new facility housing the School of Busi-
ness and Law at Leeds Metropolitan
University. A key feature of the build-
ing is the landmark steel-framed "Rose-
bowl". This freestanding structure lies
partially within the main atrium space
and houses seven lecture theatres.
The 25 m tall Rosebowl is supported
on bespoke double storey Y-columns,
each weighing between 3 and 5 t.These
triangular tapered profile sections pro-
vide horizontal stability and vertical
support to the diagrid structure above.
This paper follows this unique struc-
ture through the design, fabrication
and erection process. This includes a
review of the global buckling assess-
ment of the Rosebowl and the detailing
and fabrication of the architecturally Fig. 1:Photograph of Rosebowl as viewedfrom the ])u.ii, tottrr|ttrd (Photocredit: Giles
exposed sway elements.
Keywords: conceptual design; sway The University had high aspira- the ba:e uhich supports the diagrid
frame; diagrid; buckling analysis;
tions when setting the sustainability struciure above.
agenda on Leeds Met Portland Gate. A series ol walkways cross a Public
Introduction The team met these goals through a atriunr. u hich allows daylight to penetrate
number of strategic level design deci- to the centre of the building, and links
Leeds Metropolitan University (the sions-including the incorporation of the lecture theatres to the four-storey
University/Leeds Met) has procured a a combined heat and power system, perinrci, r accommodation housing
new faculty building for the School of rainwater harvesting and recycling of
oHicc: .inJ tcaching spaces. The treat-
Business and Law through a two stage demolition waste. The development ment of the elevation and the scale of the
RIBA stage D tendered design and as a whole focused on the appropri-
neu school respond to the architectural
build process. (The Royal Institute of ate use of sustainable materials and rhr thnr oi the Civic Hall, opposite.
British Architects Stage D is described achieved 25ok recycled content overall.
ss Scheme Design/Detailed Propos- In addition, the development achieved The eir-r'ations to the main faculty
als and is approximately equivalent to its target BREEAM Excellent rating buildins ate clad in stone, transparent
(Environmental Assessment Method qlass ;ind pressed metal spandrel pan-
Detailed Design (DD) proposals under
American designations ). for buildings around the world). els.The central Rosebowl is clad in 795
semi-translucent triangulated cladding
The Portland Gate development pro- The building takes its name from the elements uith fritting in front of the
vides l2 0U0 m2 of floor area compris- dramatic form of the tapering central niirlt,rcd back. Thi: lreatment soft-
ing offices, general teaching, lecture pod, the Rosebowl (Fig. l), at the heart
eried the overall surface of the geomet-
theatres. restaurants and break-out of the complex. The Rosebowl is recto- ric lacetted oanel setout which curved
spaces. In addition, car parking is pro- circular on plan (a flattened ellipse in line u'ith ihe form of the structure.
vided within the three-level basement. with semicircular ends) and stands
The Portland Gate project responds 24 m wide by 28 m long and 23.5 m
to the University's aspirations that the tall. This structure houses the main 150 Concept Design
new development should help inte- seat lecture theatre as well as trio 1J0
grate the University within the wider seat and four 60 seat lecture theatres. The Rosebowl pod was conceived as

context of its location, and further link A perimeter ring of 7.5 m tall Y-shaped the central feature of the development.
the campus with the Leeds city centre. tree columns form a swav frame at The main faculty building plan of the

26 Technical Report Structural Engineering International U20Il

Portland Gate development mirrors Internally, two spine beams allowed a Restraint is applied at varying levels
that of the adjacent Civic Hall horse- reduced structural depth to be formed around the perimeter of the Rosebowl.
shoe building, and creates an urban between them in the central 2,4 m of the Typically, this occurs either at mid-height
courtyard. The majority of this space is Rosebowl.This formed the main mechan- or full height of the Y-columns, but in a
for public access, but the introduction ical horizontal sewice distribution with few cases occurs at level 3. This is 3,9 m
of the covered atrium area within the branches being taken off through perfo- above the top of the columns, and is the
Portland Gate development defines a rations in the 10 t spine beams. first level of continuous floor diaphragm.
semi-public circulation and congrega-
The stiffness of the restraints is there-
tion area within the school building. Detailed Analysis/Design fore not infinite and is difficult to quatify.
The Rosebowl is situated on the A complete global buckling analysis of
interface between these two spaces, Interaction with the Bqsement
the structure was therefore undertaken.
Transfer Structure
creating a public face to the develop-
ment whilst housing lecture theatres The Rosebowl is supported over the
A buckling model was produced in
used for a range of public and private three-storey basement car park. The
a Finite Element software and this
events. The Rosebowl is susoended modelled the whole diagraid struc-
rectilinear column grid within the
above the ground level to prouide an ture and sway stability legs. The focus
car park and the recto-circular plan
open-plan information/IT hub within arrangement of columns for the Rose-
of the analysis was on the support-
the atrium area. As such, the Rosebowl
ing sway structure and accompanying
bowl are reconciled through a system
and atrium spaces are positioned cen-
of reinforced concrete transfer beams.
trally and provide the majority of the
These elements are relatively shallow
The in-house-developed analysis
shared facilities. whilst the individual method modified the geometric stiff-
at 700 to 800 mm depth. The 15 m tall
faculty teaching and research accom- ness of the structure based on the axial
diagrid structure above the Y-columns
modation wraps around this area. loads in a given ultimate limit state, and
is therefore an order of magnitude then carried out a modal analysis on
The diagrid concept was chosen so stiffer and redistributes the loadings
that the structural form followed the this revised geometrical matrix. Each
from the basement capping slab and
complex cladding outline. The diagrid buckled mode shape was assessed to
the Rosebowl structure towards the
increased the available internal area derive a buckled effective length of
stiffer.points of support.
by removing any need for internal the system and a probable magnitude
bracing and minimised the cost of the Ths amount of redistribution that of the Euler imperfection. The results
expensive bespoke glazing by provid- can occur is dependent on the con- were then amolified to account for
ing a constant connection interface struction and loading sequence. A these effects and combined with the
between the primary structure and the reasonable proportion of the loading p- A analysis results to arrive at the
cladding bracketry, without the need is applied prior to the diagrid system local forces within the members.
for a secondary support system. gaining enough stiffness to provide
The comparative result of this analysis
truss action. and therefore these forces
The diagrid structure was originally concluded that the effective length of
are locked into the reinforced con-
designed to be supported by V-shaped the sway columns was approximately
crete transfer structure as construction
columns, providing a braced ring to 2,4 times the trunk height and the sys-
ground around the perimeter of the tem had a minimum l" critical of 4,9.
structure. Architecturally, there were To account for this, the support con- When compared to the Annex E assess-
concerns that this visually interrupted ditions were modelled both at upper ment, the effect of assessing the stiff-
the free-flowing open-plan space and bound, as fixed pins, and at lower ness of the restraint provided a modest
gave an aesthetic reminiscent of a bound where the transfer was mod- increase in section forces, confirming
cooling tower. The design was devel- elled explicitly with appropriately the architect's desired section sizes.
oped with input from the City Archi- reduced cracked section stiffnesses.
I{owever, as part of the value engineer-
tect to arrive at the final form. The This provided an envelope of analysis
ing proposals put forward, the size of
V-detail was lifted to the first level, results for which the Rosebowl steel
the bespoke triangular sections were
and vertical elements introduced structure and concrete transfer were
marginally increased to reduce section
below to free up ground level space, designed.
wall thickness, weld size requirements
creating the final tree profile of the and tonnage. The benefit was partially
Globul Buckling Analysis
Y-shaped columns. derived from the step changes in the
The centre line of the Y-columns is The Rosebowl diagrid structure is lat- allowable yield stress of steel associ-
splayed to provide the columns with erally restrained by the sway legs in ated with different plate thicknesses in
a flat back face'. a decision made pri- the north to south direction. Initial siz- B55950, but more importantly with the
marily to simplify fabrication and ing of these sway elements was deter- additional geometrical stiffness resis-
transportation. This also prescribed a mined using the "relative stiffness tance that the size change provided
smooth profile to the virtual internal effective length" assessment contained against buckling.
space defined by the columns. within Annex E of BS5950r-deliver-
ing an effective length of 2,2 times the Y-Column Weld and Node Design
The Y-columns and diagrid above are
length of the trunk of the Y-columns.
set out to two radial grids with a hori- The main analysis models define
zontal node spacing of approximately Annex E makes the assumption that the the Y-columns as a stepped profile
4 m, varying to suit the taper of the stiffness of the lateral restraint of the of one-dimensional (1D) finite ele-
Rosebowl profile. By maintaining the system is effectively infinite. In reality, ments. The sections were offset to
angular setout, the number of different each individual Y-column is restrained account for the increasing eccentricity
node types was minimised. bv the frames in the other direction. towards the node point. generated by

Structural Engineering International U20ll Technical Report 27

the requirement to keep the back face to prove the process. Prepped plates required accurate positioning of these
flush. The force data sets were then were produced and aligned in a jig 3 to 5 t elements at the far reach of the
compared directly with the local ele- with a track-mounted submerged arc allocated tower cranes.
ment capacities in the regular manner welder positioned over Lhe loneitudi-
and plate thicknesses were optimised. nal weld lines.This allowed rhe sisniii- The level 1 and 2 floor systems make
cant partial penetration butt welds for up the support for the main split level
To define the weld capacity require- lecture theatre and provide lateral
ments between the individual plates and plates up to 55 mm to be carried out in
either a single or a double pass. restraint to separate halves of the Rose-
the central node location. a comolete Y- bowl floor plate (see Flg. 3).This makes
column was generaled as a two-dimen- The welds were ground flush, and the it difficult to stabilise the Y-columns
sional (2D) element shell. Stiffenine steel was passed through the blasting in the temporary stage until the struc-
plates were designed in the node posi process for a second time, makins the ture reaches level 3 and all Y-columns
tion by an iterative process between weld locations indistinguishable Trom are tied into a solid floor olate. In
the fabricator and the consultant engi- the parent material apart from some ljne with the engineers' duties under
neer. This deliverecl a practical plate heat-induced discolouration. the CDM2 Regulations, a detailed
affangement and direct loadpath for
Each branch and trunk element of the constructron sequence was drawn up
this intersection, where three directional
tree columns was then positioned in a between the consultant and the con-
moments and shears had to be resolved.
further rotatable jig so fhar all welding tractor. The four central non-sway
The process included the mock-up of a columns were braced in all directions
full node to test the fabricarion process could be carried out downhand (i.e.
below the operator). The internal piat- during the temporary condition to pro-
and aesthetic qualities of the section. vide a solid stable core. The surround-
ing arrangement derived by the con-
Weld sizes were approximated by hand sultant was maintained and develooed ing structure was then tied back to this
calculation for each of the Y-columns. through lhe test node, enabling the core until sufficient permanent work
The final 2D element shell includins fabricator to modify the plate t"qu.n.- traming was in place for the structure
stiifening plates was then inserted into ing to ease fabrication and improve the to be self-stable. The east-west bracing
the buckling analysis model and used final aesthetic. was maintained as part of the perma-
to confirm these weld sizes at each nent solution at one level as a means of
plate interface (see Fig 2). maintaining lateral restraint.
Fabrication The Portland Gate development was
primaiily erected using two tower Cladding Interfaces
The Y-columns were fabricated in Ire- cranes. Crawler cranes were utilised to The outrvard taper to the Rosebowl
land, with a test node beins carried out install the perimeter Y-columns which and its complex geometry required
(a) (b) (c)



Fig' 2: (a) Buckling analysis model o,f Rosebowt; (b) primary buckled modeshape of Rosebowl
structure; (c) close up of 2D plate y-
column node in model; (d) fabricator's 3D visualisation of node plate aruangement; (e) node
mock-up in fabrication

28 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 1l20ll

with its landmark feature cladding and
Y-shaped tree column support.
The design, fabrication and erection of
the structure provided many engineer-
ing challenges, both in technical terms
and in the detailed coordination with
the complex cladding interfaces and
mechanical distribution.
Through rationalisation of detailing
and use of advanced analysis tech-
niques, the required complex architec-
Fig. 3: Rosebowl erection photographs showing the Y-columns and stepped diaphragm tural form was achieved with a high
olanes quality of finish on a relatively modest
steelwork was derived to move the budget.
atrium glazing movement interface The building provides a flexible and
away from the facetted face of the functional internal space which the
Rosebowl. Relative movements were end client, Leeds Metropolitan Uni-
then taken up by a combination of versity, has adopted as a centrepiece to
conventional joints and articulated the city centre campus.
rotating piers at the roof level.
The Rosebowl Y-column setout was Acknowledgements
aligned with the atrium vertical glaztng The authors are pleased to acknowledge the
interface to allow the glazing to fly past efforts of the whole team in delivering the
the mid-bay alignment of the structure, integrated multidisciplinary design and con-
avoiding a difficult and expensive clad- struction of the Rosebowl. In particular we
Fig. 4:Y-column to diagrid connection
ding interface with the triangular steel would like to thank Arup Fellow Pat Dallard
includin g claddin g b r ac ketry)
sections (Figs. 4 and 5). and also the fabricator. Fisher, for their input
into the design process.
careful consideration and control of
A detailed study and report into the
progressive movement of the structure References
the movements and tolerances of the
structure, to enable both its own erec-
during construction, combined with
careful detailing and precise fabrication, [1] British National Standard 855950-1:2000
tion and the attachment and detailing Structural use of Steelwork in Building Part l:
allowed the structure and cladding to
of the cladding. Code of Practice for Design-Rolled andWelded
be installed without additional require- Sections-Annex E-Effective Lengths of
The Rosebowl is a standalone struc- ments for packing or remedial work. Compression Members in Continuous Sttuctures'
ture positioned partially within the British Standards Institute: London, UK.
atrium space, and the relative move- Conclusion [2] UK Statutory Instruments 2007 No. 320.
ments of the Rosebowl and adjacent Health and Safety: The Construction (Design
faculty building required to be articu- The Rosebowl lecture theatre Pod and Management) Regulations 2007 Crown
lated in the cladding system. A sup- makes a strong architectural contribu- Copyright.
porting frame of hot-rolled secondary tion to the fabric of Leeds city centre

SEI Data Block

Leeds Metropolitan UniversitY

Structural engineer:
Ove Arup and Partners, Yorkshire

Services engineer:
Ove Arup and Partners, Yorkshire
Sheppard Robson, Manchester
Main contractor:
BAM Northern (UK)-Leeds
Steel fabricator:
Fisher Engineering-Northern Ireland
Cladding contractor:
Seele GmbH & Co. KG

Approximate const ruct ion

value (EUR million): 31

Fig.5: Multidisciplinary engineering Building Information Model (BIM) rendering Service date: May 2009
showing the structure behind the triangulated cladding

Structural Engineering International U2011 Technical Report 29

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