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1. Title Page

2. Certificate from organization

3. Acknowledgement

4. Contents

5. Chapter 1: Investment

6. Chapter 2: Types of investment

7. Chapter 3: Banking in India

8. Chapter 4: Study of Banking sector

9. Chapter 5:

 Findings & conclusions

 Bibliography

The money one earns is partly spent and the rest saved for meeting future expenses. Instead of keeping
the saving idle one may like to use saving in order to get return on it in the future. This is called

Investing is not about putting all your money into the "Next big thing," hoping to make a killing.
Investing isn't gambling or speculation; it's about taking reasonable risks to reap steady rewards.

Why should you invest?

Simply put, you should invest so that your money grows and shields you against rising inflation. The
rate of return on investments should be greater than the rate of inflation, leaving you with a nice surplus
over a period of time. Whether your money is invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds or certificates of
deposit (CD), the end result is to create wealth for retirement, marriage, college fees, vacations, better
standard of living or to just pass on the money to the next generation or maybe have some fun in your
life and do things you had always dreamed of doing with a little extra cash in your pocket. Also, it's
exciting to review your investment returns and to see how they are accumulating at a faster rate than
your salary.
. For example, if there was a 6% inflation rate for the next 20 years, a
Rs. 100 purchase today would cost Rs. 321 in 20 years. This is why it is
important to consider inflation as a factor in any long-term investment
strategy. Remember to look at an investment's 'real' rate of return, which is

the return after inflation. The aim of investments should be to provide a
return above the inflation rate to ensure that the investment does not
decrease in value. For example, if the annual inflation rate is 6%, then the
investment will need to earn more than 6% to ensure it increases in value.
If the after-tax return on your investment is less than the inflation rate, then
your assets have actually decreased in value; that is, they won't buy as
much today as they did last year.

When to Invest?
The sooner one start investing the better. By investing into the market right away you allow your
investments more time to grow, whereby the concept of compounding interest swells your income by
accumulating your earnings and dividends. Considering the unpredictability of the markets, research
and history indicates these three golden rules for all investors
1. Invest early
2. Invest regularly
3. Invest for long term and not short term

What care should one take while investing?

Before making any investment, one must ensure to:
1. obtain written documents explaining the investment
2. read and understand such documents
3. verify the legitimacy of the investment
4. find out the costs and benefits associated with the investment
5. assess the risk-return profile of the investment
6. know the liquidity and safety aspects of the investment
7. ascertain if it is appropriate for your specific goals
8. compare these details with other investment opportunities available
9. examine if it fits in with other investments you are considering or you
have already made
10. deal only through an authorized intermediary
11. seek all clarifications about the intermediary and the investment
12. explore the options available to you if something were to go wrong,
and then, if satisfied, make the investment.
These are called the Twelve Important Steps to Investing.



Types of Investment

Financial Instruments
Equities are a type of security that represents the ownership in a company. Equities are traded (bought
and sold) in stock markets. Alternatively, they can be purchased via the Initial Public Offering (IPO)
route, i.e. directly from the company. Investing in equities is a good long-term investment option as the
returns on equities over a long time horizon are generally higher than most other investment avenues.
However, along with the possibility of greater returns comes greater risk.

Mutual funds
Mutual funds are financial intermidiaries which collect the savings of investors and invest them in a
large and well diversified portfolio of securities such as money market instruments, corporate and
government bonds and equity shares of joint stock companies. Mutual funds are conceived as institution

for providing small investors with avenues of investment in capital market.since small investors
generally do not have adequte time knowledge experience and resources for directly accessing the
capital market, they have to rely on an intermidiary which undertakes informed investment decisions
and provides the consequential benefits of professional expertise. A mutual fund allows a group of
people to pool their money together and have it professionally managed, in keeping with a
predetermined investment objective. This investment avenue is popular because of its cost-efficiency,
risk-diversification, professional management and sound regulation. You can invest as little as Rs.
1,000 per month in a mutual fund. There are various mutual funds to choose from and the risk and
return possibilities vary accordingly.

Debt instruments
Debt instruments represents a contract whereby one party lends money to another on predetermined
terms with regards to rate and periodicity of interest, repayment of principal amount by the borrower to
the lender.
Bonds: Bonds are fixed income instruments which are issued for the purpose of raising capital. The
Central or State government and public sector organizations sell bonds. The bond is
generally a promise to repay the principal amount with a fixed rate of interest on a
specified date, called the maturity period.
 Debentures: The term ‘debenture’is used for instruments issued by private corporate sector. Both
private entities, such as companies, financial institutions, and the central or state government and
other government institutions use this instrument as a means of garnering funds. Bonds issued by
the Government carry the lowest level of risk but could deliver fair returns.
Investing in bank or post-office deposits is a very common way of securing surplus funds. These
instruments are at the low end of the risk-return spectrum.
Cash equivalents
These are relatively safe and highly liquid investment options. Treasury bills and money market funds
are cash equivalents.

Non-financial Instruments
Real estate
With the ever-increasing cost of land, real estate has come up as a profitable investment proposition.

The 'yellow metal' is a preferred investment option, particularly when markets are volatile. Today,
beyond physical gold, a number of products which derive their value from the price of gold are
available for investment. These include gold futures and gold exchange traded funds.

Bank Fixed Deposits (FD)

Fixed Deposit or FD is the most preferred investment option today. It yields up to 8.5%
annual return depends on the Bank and period. Minimum period is 15 days and maximum
is 5 years and above. Senior citizens get special interest rates for Fixed Deposits. This is
considered to be a safe investment because all banks operated under the guidelines of
Reserve Bank of India.

National Saving Certificate (NSC)

NSC is backed by Govt. of India so it is a safe investment method. Lock in period is 6

years. Minimum amount is Rs100 and no upper limit. You get 8% interest calculated twice
a year. NSC comes under Section 80C so you will get an income tax deduction up to Rs
1,00,000. From FY 2005-'06 onwards interest accrued on NSC is taxable.

Stock Market

Investing in share market is another investment option to get more returns. But share
market investment is volatile to market conditions. Before investing you should have a
thorough knowledge about its operation.

 Other Commodities
Other than gold other commodities are also traded. Some of them are silver, crude oil, agricultural
commodities and other base metals

Banking in India

Banking in India

Banking in India originated in the last decades of the 18th century. The oldest bank in
existence in India is the State Bank of India, a government-owned bank that traces its origins
back to June 1806 and that is the largest commercial bank in the country. Central banking is
the responsibility of the Reserve Bank of India, which in 1935 formally took over these
responsibilities from the then Imperial Bank of India, relegating it to commercial banking
functions. After India's independence in 1947, the Reserve Bank was nationalized and given
broader powers. In 1969 the government nationalized the 14 largest commercial banks; the
government nationalized the six next largest in 1980.


A significant milestone in Indian Banking happened in the late 1960s when the then Indira
Gandhi government nationalized, on 19th July, 1969, 14 major commercial Indian banks,
followed by nationalization of 6 more commercial Indian banks in 1980. The stated reason for
the nationalization was more control of credit delivery. It was the only merger between
nationalized banks and resulted in the reduction of the number of nationalized banks from 20 to

19. After this, until the 1990s, the nationalized banks grew at a pace of around 4%, closer to
the average growth rate of the Indian economy.
The nationalized banks were credited by some, including Home minister P. Chidambaram, to
have helped the Indian economy withstand the global financial crisis of 2007-2009.


In the early 1990s, the then Narsimha Rao government embarked on a policy of liberalization,
licensing a small number of private banks. These came to be known as New Generation tech-
savvy banks, and included Global Trust Bank (the first of such new generation banks to be set
up), which later amalgamated with Oriental Bank of Commerce, Axis Bank(earlier as UTI
Bank), ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank. This move, along with the rapid growth in the economy
of India, revitalized the banking sector in India, which has seen rapid growth with strong
contribution from all the three sectors of banks, namely, government banks, private banks and
foreign banks.
The next stage for the Indian banking has been setup with the proposed relaxation in the norms
for Foreign Direct Investment, where all Foreign Investors in banks may be given voting rights
which could exceed the present cap of 10%,at present it has gone up to 49% with some

Present Situation

In the present situation, banking in India has attained fair amount of maturity in terms of
supply, product range and reach-even though reach in rural India still remains a challenge for
the private sector and foreign banks. In terms of quality of assets and capital adequacy, Indian
banks are considered to have clean, strong and transparent balance sheets relative to other
banks in comparable economies in its region.

Currently, India has 88 scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) - 28 public sector banks (that is
with the Government of India holding a stake), 29 private banks (these do not have government
stake; they may be publicly listed and traded on stock exchanges) and 31 foreign banks. They
have a combined network of over 53,000 branches and 17,000 ATMs. According to a report by
ICRA Limited, a rating agency, the public sector banks hold over 75 percent of total assets of
the banking industry, with the private and foreign banks holding 18.2% and 6.5% respectively.

Growth of the Indian Banking Sector

The Indian banking sector is growing at a fast pace along with the Indian economy. In this age
of globalization, foreigners are also making investments in India and so Indian banks are
planning global strategies. Thanks to liberalization, that the Indian banks have been able to
make a mark for themselves in the world map. The degree of leverage of Indian banks has
increased to 15.8% at the end of March 2007.The overall banking industry's business has
grown to US$ 1172 billion by the end of March 2007.

Progress of Commercial and Private Banks

The commercial banks have made tremendous progress with respect to its profitability, capital
adequacy, risk management etc. The private banks too are playing an important role in the
Indian banking industry. The private banks are growing at a rate of 35% per annum. As a result
the share of the private banks has increased to nearly 16%.The limit of FDI has also been
increased from 49 % to 74% in the private banks.

Prospects and Achievements of Indian Banks

But still there is huge potential in the Indian banking sector. India has the second largest
financially excluded house holds (about 135 million) and it is expected that nearly 60 million
house hold will be added in India's bankable pool by 2010. So it is quite clear that the banking
industry is going to grow very rapidly. Indian banks are also very advanced in terms of
technology and have vast network of branches. Nine Indian banks have made their mark in the

list of top 50 Asian Banks. The leaders are HDFC and ICICI bank. State Bank of India (SBI)
was the top loan arranger in the Asia - Pacific region in 2008 and Indian banks were the top
provider of educational loans in 2008.


Today the commercial banking system in India may be distinguished into:

Public Sector Banks

Private Sector Banks
Co-operative sector
Development banks

1. Public Sector Banks: Public Sector Banks emerged in India in three stages. First the
conversion of the then existing Imperial Bank of India into State Bank of India in 1955,
followed by the taking over of the seven associated banks as its subsidiary. Second the
nationalization of 14 major commercial banks in 1969and last the nationalization of 6 more
commercial Bank in 1980. Thus 27 banks constitute the Public Sector Banks.

2. New Private Sector Banks: after the nationalization of the major banks in the private sector
in 1969 and 1980, no new bank could be setup in India for about two decades, though there
was no legal bar to that effect. The Narasimham Committee on financial sector reforms
recommended the establishment of new banks of India. RBI thereafter issued guidelines for
setting up of new private sector banks in India in January 1993. These guidelines aim at
ensuring that new banks are financially viable and technologically up to date from the start.
They have to work in a professional manner, so as to improve the image of commercial

banking system and to win the confidence of the public. Eight private sector banks have been
established including banks sector by financially institutions like IDBI, ICICI, and UTI etc.

3. Local Area Banks: Such Banks can be established as public limited companies in the
private sector and can be promoted by individuals, companies, trusts and societies. The
minimum paid up capital of such banks would be 5 crores with promoters contribution at least
Rs. 2 crores. They are to be set up in district towns and the area of their operations would be
limited to a maximum of 3 districts. At present, four local area banks are functional, one each
in Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.

4. Foreign Banks: foreign commercial banks are the branches in India of the joint stock
banks incorporated abroad. There number was 31 as on 31.03.2005.

5. Cooperative Banks: Besides the commercial banks, there exists in India another set of
banking institutions called cooperative credit institutions. These have been made in existence
in India since long. They undertake the business of banking both in urban and rural areas on
the principle of cooperation. They have served a useful role in spreading the banking habit
throughout the country. Yet, there financial position is not sound and a majority of cooperative
banks has yet to achieve financial viability on a sustainable basis.






The Bank was Incorporated on 5th January at Baroda. ICICI Bank was promoted by ICICI and erstwhile
SCICI Ltd. and received the Certificate for Commencement of Business on 24th February. It does
banking business of all kinds. It was founded as an institution to provide quality banking services using
state-of-the-art technology.

- The Bank has established a well diversified branch network with 24 branches in 15 centres covering
12 states. The bank set up a fully computerised environment with the State-of-the-art technology at all
offices continuously upgrading its strong systems and procedures with special emphasis on risk


- The deposit products and other services of the bank were branded with names such as `Maxicash' for
services accounts, `Money Plus' for Current Account, `Quantum' for fixed deposit account, `Power Pay'
for payroll accounts treasure chest for locker facilities and `Trice' for automated teller machine facility.

- The Bank had, in compliance with a directive issued by RBI, deposited in aggregate Rs 88.16 crores
with small Industrial Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agricultural & Rural

- The `B' category branches were authorised to handle full range of foreign exchange transaction of
customers and five other branches were placed in `C' category to handle limited foreign exchange

- Seven branches of the bank with substantial foreign exchange business were linked to the society for
worldwide Interbank Telecommunication (SWIFT) network which enables them to transmit Letter of
Credit and fund transfer messages promptly world wide.

- 700 No. of equity shares subscribed for by signatories to the Memorandum of Association.
1500,00,000 No. of equity shares allotted to ICICI Ltd.


- The bank introduced electronic funds transfer facility. The bank has a full fledged vigilance and
inspection department.

- The bank opened 11 branches and 2 extension counters thereby increasing the total network of
branches to 33 and extension counters to 4.

- The Bank offered 150,00,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a prem., of Rs 25 per share to

- The Bank offered for sale 412,50,200 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a price of Rs 35 per share.

- Sicom Ltd. has entered into an agreement with ICICI Bank and Dresdner Bank for providing a counter
guarantee against letters of credits (LCs) opened by its clients.

- The merger of SCICI with ICICI effective from April 1, the bank has become a wholly-owned subsidiary

- ICICI Banking Corporation, a fully-owned subsidiary of Industrial Credit & Investment Corp of India
Ltd, has finalised an offer for sale of 4 crore equity shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.30 per
share, according to merchant banking sources.


- ICICI Bank, which introduced Internet banking in India, is set to launch various technology-based new
services in the near future. Some of the new services include setting up of call centres and the
introduction of fund transfers between own accounts in its branches.

- ICICI Banking Corporation Ltd, the first bank in the country to go in for Internet banking, is now all set
to provide its account-holders with the facility of transferring funds across their accounts on the Net.

1999 - ICICI Bank has signed an agreement to use the NCR switchmark technology for online-
networking all its ATMs, the officials said they network would come into place in September.

- ICICI Bank recently restructured its organisational structure by setting up strategic business units for
retail banking, corporate banking and forex and treasury operations, as independent profit centres.

- ICICI is all set to launch a 60-second television commercial on August 15, 1999.


- ICICI Bank became the first Indian bank to list on the New York Stock Exchange with its $175-million
American depository shares issue generating a demand book 13 times its size at $2.2 billion.

- The Bank proposes to bring credit cards to the "large, underserved population" in rural and semi-urban

- SkyCell Communications Ltd, one of the two cellular service providers in Chennai, has launched `Sky
Banking', for which the company has tied up with ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank.

- The ICICI has announced the launch of mobile banking services for its customers, using the wireless
application protocol (WAP) technology.

- Ford India has tied up with ICICI Bank to introduce a scheme, enabling non-resident Indians (NRIs) to
purchase a Ford Ikon car for their friends and relatives in India.

- ICICI Bank has set up a ATM facility at a Indian Oil Corporation petrodiesel outlet at Chennai.

- ICICI Bank has tied up with Chennai Telephones to provide Internet bill payment facility to its

- ICICI Bank has tied up with the Siddhivinayak temple trust to enable the bank's infinity (Internet
banking) customers to order and pay for a pooja online, on the occasion of "Aangaraki Chaturthi".

- The Bank proposes to extend its area of operation by opening about 35 to 40 offices and extension
counters during the current fiscal subject to the Reserve Bank of India's approval.

- ICICI Bank will launch a slew of new schemes in the personal segment ranging from launch of co-
branded credit cards to providing loans against share within the next three months. - The Company has
offered higher rates of interest on its regular income bonds and multiplier bonds while pruning it on tax
saving bonds. - The Finance portal India Infoline has tied up with ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank for
banking back-ends.

- Tata Teleservices Ltd. has tied up with ICICI Bank and Global Trust Bank to enable its customers to
use Internet banking facilities for the payment of telephone bills.

- ICICI Bank will provide credit for online transactions over, the online trading site for
chemicals and chemical products, launched by Chembazaar Online Pvt. Ltd.

- ICICI became the first financial institution to go for placement of dematerialised debt securities.

- Mumbai-based ICICI Bank launched its Kid-e-bank facility in Bangalore. -, the
B2B portal for the electrical industry is entering into an alliance with ICICI Bank for payment gateways.

- Spice Cell has tied up with Citibank N A, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank for mobile bill settlements

- ICICI Bank and UAE Exchange Centre have entered into a wire transfer arrangement, for electronic
and telex transfer of funds.

- The Bank has tied up with to provide value added services to its customers.

- ICICI has signed a tripartite agreement with Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Ltd. and Mr. Amitabh
Bachchan, appointing him as its brand ambassador.

- The new generation ICICI Bank has extended its business multiplier scheme to current account
holders in Coimbatore.

- ICICI Bank has launched the Business Multiplier Account in Kerala.

- The swap ratio for the merger of Bank of Madura (BoM) with ICICI Bank has been pegged at 1:2 i.e.,
two shares of ICICI Bank for every one share of BoM.

- The Kerala Government has joined hands with ICICI Bank to introduce Internet banking facility in the
State's public sector undertakings.

- ICICI Bank launched its debit card under the brand name "ICICIN-cash."


- ICICI Is all set to become the first domestic financial institution to get a financial strength rating by the
Moody's Interbank Credit Services, the bank credit rating arm of the international credit rating agency
Moody's Investors Services.

- The Bank of Madura (BOM) got merged with ICICIBK. The share exchange ratio was fixed at two
shares of ICICIBK for one share of BOM. With this merger ICICIBK has become one of the largest
private sector banks in India. Commenting on the merger Shri H N Sinor, Managing Director and CEO
ICICIBK said that "This merger would lead to considerable synergies in the operations of the merged
entity and would benefit the customers and other stakeholders.

- ICICI Bank and Deutsche Bank have entered into a long-term rupee interest rate swap benchmarked
to Government bond yields.

- ICICI Bank has tied up with Advantage E- Accounting to offer an on-line taxation and personal finance
services along with off-line services like filing.

- The Bank has entered into a wire-transfer arrangement called `Money2India' with the United Arab
Emirates largest foreign exchange house for transfer of funds to India.

- ICICI emerged as the largest fund mobiliser during 2000-01 by privately placing debts with more than
one year tenure for Rs 6,413 crore, even as public sector State Bank of India placed the single largest
placement of the year for Rs 2,500 crore, according to Prime Database.

- ICICI Bank and BPL Mobile have tied-up to launch a co-branded credit card. To be named ICICI bank-
BPL Mobile Credit Card, the card will be operational by the end of August this year.

-ICICI Bank has launched its interactive touch screen kiosk 'Sparsh' at its automated teller machine
(ATM) centres and branches allowing free access to its online services.

- ICICI Bank has introduced a Web-based product that facilitates on-line conclusion of forex deals in the

- ICICI Bank has launched its hundredth ATM in Mumbai. With this, the bank will have a network of 574
ATMs spread across 54 cities. According to a press release, ICICI Bank continues to focus attention on
newer functions that will enable the ATM network to be a key tool of its customer acquisition and
retention strategy.

- ICICI Bank launched its 100th ATM in Mumbai at the bank's branch in Nariman Point. The bank now
has a network of 574 ATMs spread over 54 cities in India.

- Visa international and ICICI bank on September 10 announced a pilot programme for facilitating e-
commerce in the country.

- As part of its drive to introduce alternate delivery channels, ICICI Bank has launched mobile banking
facilities in conjunction with Spice Communications.

- ICICI Bank has aligned the compensation structure of officers of Bank of Madura and made it
performance-linked in line with ICICI Bank - The ICICI Bank, Teynampet, Chennai, has been directed
by the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, Chennai (South) to pay a compensation of Rs
50,000 to a credit-card holder of the bank for `deficiency in service'.

- In the run-up to the reverse merger with ICICI Bank, ICICI has slashed its management grades to
have an identical administrative structure like that of the banking subsidiary. ICICI had changed its
management structure by combining two levels and cutting down the management structure to eight

- ICICI Bank plans to tap the debt market to raise Rs 350 crore for meeting Tier-II capital requirements.

- ICICI Bank and BPL Mobile have tied-up to launch a co-branded credit card. To be named ICICI Bank-
BPL Mobile Credit Card.

- The bank has developed multiple access channels comprising lean brick and mortar branches, ATMs,
call centers and Internet banking. As on June 2001, the bank had a network of 357 branches and 37
extension counters. Its network of 546 ATMs is the largest in the country accounting for nearly 18% of
all ATMs in the country. Customers in 37 cities can now access account information over the telephone.
These investments in channel infrastructure have enabled the bank to achieve rapid growth in its retail


- CICI Bank Ltd has informed that the Board of Directors inducted Shri N Vaghul, as an Additional
Director on the Board of the Bank. non-executive whole-time director and also the non-executive
Chairman of ICICI Ltd.

- The board of directors of ICICI Bank and ICICI in separate meeting at Mumbai, approved the merger
of ICICI with ICICI Bank. The merger of two wholly-owned subsidiaries of ICICI, ICICI Personal
Financial Services and ICICI Capital Services, with ICICI Bank was also approved by the respective
Boards.The high courts of Mumbai and Gujarat, and the Government of India (GOI) as may be required.
Consequently, the appointed date of merger is proposed to be March 31, 2002, or the date from which
RBI's approval becomes effective, whichever is later.

- The scheme of amalgamation envisages a share exchange ratio of one domestic equity share of ICICI
Bank for two domestic equity shares of ICICI. As each American Depositary Share (ADS) of ICICI
represents five domestic equity shares while each ADS of ICICI Bank represents two domestic equity
shares, the ADS holders of ICICI would be issued five ADS of ICICI Bank in exchange for four ADS of

-ICICI Bank Ltd has informed BSE that Reserve Bank of India on April 26, 2002 approved the merger of
ICICI Ltd and two of its wholly owned subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial Services Ltd and ICICI
Capital Services Ltd with ICICI Bank Ltd.

-ICICI Bank acquires Shimla and Darjeeling Branches from Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank.

2002-ICICI Bank sells 3 million equity shares of Bhushan Steel.

-ICICI Bank Ltd has sold 2,75,000 equity shares of Bhushan Steel & Strips Ltd on August 07, 2002 at
Rs 35 per share on spot delivery basis.

-S&S Power Switchgear Ltd has informed BSE that ICICI bank has appointed Mr S C Bhatia as
Nominee director on Board of the Company with effect October 24, 2002.Further the Board has
accepted the resignation of Mr A R Santhanakrishna as director with effect from August 18, 2002.

-BPL Ltd has informed BSE that ICICI Bank Ltd has nominated Mr V A Raghu as their nominee on the
Board of the Company with effect from September 30, 2002.

-ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that the Government of India has nominated Ms Vinita Rai, Secretary
(Banking & Insurance) as the Government Nominee on the Board of the Bank in place of Mr D C Gupta
with effect from October 31, 2002.

-Launches eCheques facility for its internet banking

-Moody's upgrades ICICI's Rating above India's Rating

-Enters into agreement with Bharti Cellular paving consumers to recharge the Bharti's pre-paid cash
cards (Magic) at ICICI ATM machines

-Launches a scheme called `Mutual Fund Sweep Account' which enables its customers to invest
surplus funds in their current accounts in high-liquidity mutual funds through an automatic sweep facility

-Clinches a deal with the govt. of Karnataka for partial payment of services

-High Court approves ICICI, ICICI Bank merger

-RBI approves ICICI Bank--ICICI merger

-Deposits Rs 3,000 cr with RBI to meet Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) requirements

-Placed itself as a one-stop financial solutions supplier with a branch out and de-risked business model.
ICICI Bank - with ICICI, ICICI Personal Finance Services and ICICI Capital merged with itself - is the
biggest private sector bank in the nation with a balance sheet size of Rs 1,04,000 crore, capital
adequacy of 11.44 per cent, 500 outlets and 1,005 ATMs

-Ties up with Bharti for pre-paid mobile cards via ATMs

-BPL Mobile and ICICI Bank tie up to enable to recharge BPL's prepaid cellular service ability (branded
`mots') at any of the bank's 1000 plus ATMs across the nation

-K V Kamat appointed MD and CEO, Lalita D.Gupte Joint MD

-Ties up with NCR Corporation, ATM manufacturer

-Merged ICICI Bank makes debut on BSE and NSE

-Rallis terminates contract farming agreement with ICICI Bank

-Allots equity shares to erstwhile equity shareholders of ICICI, the brokerage arm, launches online trading in derivatives

-Put on sale the land held by Pal Peugeot - the defunct joint venture between Premier Automobiles and

-Introduces first home loan securitisation scheme of Rs 58 crore

-Buys 190 Ajmera reisdential flats for Rs 37 cr

-Sanctions debt restructuring package to Alufluoride Ltd.

-Takes over Shimla and Drajeeling branches of Standard Chartered Bank

-Bank of India (BoI) ties up with ICICI Bank to utilize former's wide branch network covering 1,000
branches for the latter's cash management services unveils Direct Alerts

-AirTel, in tie-up with the ICICI Bank, declares the launch of re-charge facility for the AirTel Magic pre-
paid cards on ICICI Bank's ATM network in the twin cities of Hyderabad & Secunderbad in Andhra

-Replaces Rs 7000 cr high cost borrowings of ICICI

-Sets up Private Banking Division to target high net worth individuals

-Bags Best Internet Bank award by Global Finance, organiser of the World's Best Internet Bank Awards

-Ties up with IL&FS Mutual Fund to offer to mutual fund products online

-Gets Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal (DRAT) approval to divest Daewoo's Surajpur assets

-Figures among the Top 1000 world banks

-Soma Textile Board allots Optionally Fully Convertible Debentures (OFCD) to ICICI Bank aggregating
Rs 3.22 cr.

- Classifies loans to Dabhol Power Company as NPAs

-Unveils mobile banking alerts

-Srei International Finance Ltd (Srei) forays into debt securitisation alliance with ICICI Bank

-ICICI Bank bags UK Banker Magazine award

-Introduces Roaming Current Account, a new current account product

-Launches call centre in Hyderabad

-Hamblin Watsa Investment Council acquires 42.31 million equity shares of ICICI Bank

-101.4 million shares of ICICI Bank held by ICICI Ltd. transferred to the ICICI Bank Shares Trust

-ICICI Bank divests 16.5% stake for Rs 1,320 crore

-Foreign holding in ICICI Bank reaches 62%

-Lalbhais acquire ICICI's 10% stake in Amtrex Hitachi

-Orcasia acquires 42.31 million equity shares of ICICI Bank

-SBI, ICICI Bank feature among top 100 banks in Asia

-ICICI Knowledge Park, Apollo Hospitals ink MoU

-Launches chip-based credit card for transporters

-ICICI Bank launches `Drivesmart' credit card for transporters

-Buys 'Sobha Pearl' property in Bangalore owned by Sobha Developers for Rs 20 crore

-Launches new initiative called '180 degree feedback'

-Unveils 'eTransfer' for NRI's

-ICICI Knowledge Park ties up with Apollo Hospitals

-HDFC MF ties up with ICICI Bank for Any Time Mutual Fund (ATMF) service

-Signs MoU with Food Ministry for optimal utilisation of Plan funds and to bring in professional appraisal
in project financing

-SBI divests 10 lakh shares of ICICI Bank

-ICICI Bank, RPG Cellular Services Ltd. in alliance for recharge facility at ATMs

-Takes posession of Mardia Chemicals Unit under NPA Act

-Ties up with co-operative banks for free-float funds

-Introduces ATM in Bengali language

-Takes over Patheja group assets under securitisation law

-ICICI Bank Home Shoppe starts operations in Pune

-Launches 'ATM on Wheels' in Mumbai

-Euromoney Asia poll reports ICICI Bank as the best managed bank in Asia in the category of banking
and finance

-Skoda Auto ties up with ICICI Bank to offer Skoda Monthly Instalment (SMI), rather than an equated
monthly instalment, for its cars

-Secures special one-time approval from RBI for issuing tax-free bonds worth Rs 2500 crore

-Becomes the first Indian bank to launch a Resident Foreign Currency (RFC) account

-ICICI Bank chairman Mr. N Vaghul heads Asset Reconstruction Company (ARC)

-ICICI Bank, HPCL launch co-branded Visa Electron Debit Card

-Launches `Welcome Kit' which will help the person, who opens an account with ICICI Bank to operate
his account immediately


-Launches micro-finance programmes

-ICICI Onesource deploys new recruitment system

-Sets up NRI advisory service

-Singapore govt offloads 2-cr shares of ICICI Bank

-Bank chief K V Kamath appointed head of finance panel for river linking project

-Launches 'Give2India' to facilitate donations by NRIs

-Comes out with a bond issue of Rs 400 crore

-Installs Telugu language ATMs in Hyderabad

-Launches 'ICICI Bank Pure Gold'-certified and tamper proof 24-carat pure gold coins in Chennai

-Collects over Rs 1,200-cr via first bond issue

-Obtains 'excellence in retail banking' award instituted by the Singapore-based Asian Bankers Journal

-ICICI Bank-led combine gets approval for Nationwide Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE) set up

-BioServe takes up about 3,000 sq.ft space at the ICICI Knowledge Park to set up a contract research

-Sets up integrated currency management center in Pune

-Rama Newsprint & Papers Ltd allots 5632129 no. of Equity shares to ICICI Bank Ltd on conversion
right exercised by them

-HDFC, ICICI buy 33-pc stake in Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages, the Indian bottling subsidiary of the
Atlanta-based carbonated soft drinks giant Coca-Cola

-Reliance Info forges alliance with ICICI for bill receivables

-Ties up with Employees Provident Fund Organisation to distribute pension across the country

-Ties up with TeNet for micro-banking

-Starts 12-hours banking services

-ICICI Bank restructures organisational structure

-Acquires the Credit Card Division of Tata Finance

-Air India ropes in ICICI Bank as authorised dealers for hedging

-ICICI Bank along with others set up Rs 800-cr "India Advantage Fund"

-Records Rs 8000-cr securitisation during '02-03

-Enters deal with Pramati Technologies to deploy Pramati Server Software

-Tops NPA recovery list among domestic lenders

-Unveils Pure Gold coins in Karnataka

-Decides to scrap '97 series deep discount bonds

-Obtains approval to set up Overseas Banking Units (OBU)

-Communication ministry engages ICICI Bank, IIT to study viability of telecom firms

-Unveils NRI remittance product in Canada

-ICICI Bank, Amway launch co-branded international credit card

-Picks up 25% shares in NCDEX (National Commodities & Derivatives Exchange)

-ICICIdirect introduces tax-free Savings Bond '03 online

-Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) and ICICI Bank have announced a tie-up for the distribution of
Tata Indicom`s dial-up Internet services

-ICICI Bank offers rail ticket booking facility to its customers

-Buys Apple Credit's 30-pc stake in Transamerica Apple Distribution Finance Ltd. (TADFL)

-Takes over 100-pc of TADFL

-Outgoing ICICI Bank Joint Managing Director Mr. H N Sinor becomes new chief executive and
secretary of Indian Banks Association (IBA)

-ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank tie up with Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) for
online rail bookings

-ICICI Bank, DaimlerChrysler team up for new finance scheme

-Gets Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) nod for India Advantage Fund

-Announces VRS, the first for the new generation private sector banks

-Bags DM Review World Class Solution Award 2003

-Enters into an institutional agreement with Dubai Bank wherein ICICI Bank would be the principal
correspondent bank of Dubai Bank in India

-Discontinues the contract with Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachchan since it finds him too expensive

-Embarks on market making securitised instruments

-Global Finance Magazine awards ICICI Bank as the "Best consumer internet Bank in India"

-ICICI Bank empanelled for JNPT's Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) project

-Signs option contract with BHEL

-ICICI Bank's 1350 employees opt for VRS

-Textile sector leads ICICI Bank's NPA

-Approves 7.3 million options to its employees

-Birla Tyres ties up with with ICICI bank to offer Rs 2 lakh life insurance benefit to the truck drivers on
the purchase of every pair of tyres

-Inaugurates its first Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) at SEEPZ Special Economic Zone, Mumbai

-ICICI implements NCR solution (Cheque Mark PDC Module) for post dated cheques

-ICICI Bank picks up's e-filing service

-ICICI Bank acquires 17.75% stake in NDTV

-Launches 'Instra Transfer', an NRI remittance product, which will enable NRIs in the Gulf to transfer
funds to India within two hours

-Acquires 36,000,000 shares amounting to 12.65% of Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd (HFCL)

-Divests 0.31% shares in Federal Bank

-Converts part of HFCL loan into equity shares giving 12.65% stake in the company

-Inaugurates Singapore branch

-Decides to take the service of Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachchan (Big B) on purely case-to-case

-ICICI Bank in alliance with Federation of Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) unveils credit card for
vendors to dealers and opens a business-to-business (B2B) section in FADA's Web site

-West Coast signs agreement to acquire ICICI's 34 percent stake in Rama Newsprint & Papers Ltd.
(RNPL) forges alliance with ICICI Bank for offering payment gateway to its customers for
real-time transfer of funds

-Banker Magazine of UK confers its 'Best Multi-Channel Strategy 2003' and Bank of the Year 2003'
awards to ICICI Bank

-Instanex Skindia depository receipts index increases the index percentage of market capitalisation
used for ICICI Bank to 95 per cent from 75 per cent

-ICICI Bank in association with the Federation of Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) unveils a
credit card for vendors to dealers and opens a business-to-business (B2B) section in FADA's Web site

-Issues notice to Ponni Sugars (Orissa) Ltd. to take possession of the Balangir Sugar Mill

- Allottment 287774 equity shares of face value of Rs.10/- each on October 13, 2003 under the
Employee Stock Option Scheme.

-ICICI bank gets Banker magazine awards for the year

-Crisil assings highest ratings to instruments issued under ICICI Bank's securitisation programme

-ICICI bank gets 'Best emerging market Bank ' award from the Global Finance Magazine

-Mr. R Seshasayee who was appointed as Director on the Bank on May 03, 2002 has tendered his
resignation as a Director of the Bank.

-ActionAid has signed up with ICICI to launch the Karm Mitra credit card

-The trading of icici issued bond October 2000- Tax Saving Bond - Option I ICICI1100 N1 (benefit u/s
88) was suspended

-ICICI Bank introduced foreign currency term deposit scheme for non-residents including NRI's at its
offshore banking unit (OBU) in mumbai

-ICICI tie up with Big Bazaar to introduce Co-branded Card specifically for Big Bazaar customers.

-The company's asset-backed securities (ABS) worth Rs 835 crore on october 09 obtained highest
safety ratings from Icra.

-The company unveiled its global deposits scheme for individuals from its Singapore branch.

-Tied up with SBI and HDFC to share ATM networks

- Has set up representative office in Dubai

-Allotted 166857 equity shares of face value of Rs.10/- each on October 20, 2003 under the Employee
Stock Option Scheme.

-ICICI Bank unveils global deposits

-Five persons have been arrested on the charge of duping ICICI Bank of Rs 1.34 crore by encashing a
cheque purported to have been issued by Fortis Banque of France..


-ICICI bank credit cards cross two million mark

- ICICI Banks 300 million dollar Eurobond has been awarded for being the best bond issue of India and
emerging Asian market during 2003, by two foreign magazines.

-ICICI ePayments Ltd. has informed that they have acquired 8008357 shares amounting to 69.99% of
the total paid up capital of Tata Infomedia Limited

-ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that the Bank has allotted 1,25,444 equity shares of the face value of Rs
10/- each on December 22, 2003 under the Employees Stock Option Scheme, 2000 (ESOS).

-The government has allowed ICICI Bank to keep the Rs 350 crore 20-year preference shares
(subscribed to by ITC) in its books for five years.

-ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that the Bank has allotted 73,980 equity shares of the face value of Rs
10/- each on December 29, 2003 under the Employees Stock Option Scheme, 2000 (ESOS).

-Bahrain Monetary Agency issues licence to ICICI Bank's overseas unit. It also extended a special
concession for offering NRI banking services in the island nation as well as in the international markets


-ICICI Bank inks pact with Mohan Bagan to unveil co-branded credit card

-ICICI-Overdrive awards for Honda City, Bajaj Pulsar

-ICICI Bank ties up with Air Deccan

-ICICI Bank opens new premises in Mangalore

-ICICI Bank unveils mobile ATM in Kerala

-ICICI Bank unveils International fixed deposit scheme at Singapore branch

-ICICI Bank acquires numero uno position in new remittance shceme

-ICICI Bank sets up ATM in Thiruvananthapuram

-ICICI Bank launches its new home Loan Scheme With Variable EMI

-ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that the shares of the Bank are delisted from The Delhi Stock Exchange
Association Limited with effect from February 11, 2004.

-ICICI Bank, Mohun Bagan launch co-branded credit card

-The world's largest micro-finance securitisation deal of $4.3mn completed between ICICI Bank and
Share Microfin Ltd., a Hyderabad based microfinancing organisation

-ICICI Bank signs a memorandum of understaning with Jammu and Kashmir Bank to share the ATM

-ICICI Bank and Andhra Bank have announced a tie-up, that enables sharing of their ATM networks.

-Global Finance magazine has named ICICI Bank as one of the "Best Emerging Market Banks Asia" in
an exclusive survey to be published in the May 2004 issue.

-Comes out with a public offering of equity shares at a price of Rs 280 to raise Rs 3500 crore with a
greenshoe option of Rs 450 crore

-ICICI Emerging Sector, the private equity arm of ICICI Bank, has acquired a 54 per cent stake in the
Bangalore-based Arvind Brands, the apparel arm of the Sanjay Lalbhai-promoted Arvind Mills,

-ICICI Bank unveils Car Overdraft facility

-ICICI Bank, SBI, LIC in pact for Rs 20,000-cr projects

-ICICI Bank and Punjab National Bank have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for ATM
network sharing, giving customers an access to over 2,200 ATMs in India.

- ICICI Bank unveils co-branded credit card ICICI Bank Ebony

-ICICI Bank has won the best bank award instituted by Asia money in the category of best domestic
commercial bank in India

-ICICI Bank has bagged the prestigious award of 'Best Retail Bank in India' in the category 'The Asian
Banker Excellence in Retail Financial Services Program 2003'

-ICICI Bank-Aircel jointly unveil new co-branded credit card

-Life Insurance Corporation acquires 16,370,009 shares constituting 2.23% of voting rights in the
company, increases its stake to 73,382,324 shares constituting 10.09% of voting rights

-Punjab and Sind Bank (PSB) and ICICI Bank on July 02 announced the launch of co-branded credit
card that will be available in three variants - Gold, Silver and Blue credit card

-ICICI Bank in association with Reliance Infocomm has launched an interactive mobile banking service
in India

-ICICI Bank unveils multi-branded card

-ICICI Bank has introduced a pre-approved personal loan product for Global Trust Bank (GTB)

-ICICI Bank bags Internet awards from Global Finance magazine

-ICICI Bank Home Loans and ICICI Bank Home Search have launched `Home Utsav', a property
exhibition at the Institute of Engineers

-ICICI Bank Ltd on August 9, 2004, opened its representative office in Dhaka further increasing its
international presence. In light of the significant bilateral trade links between the two countries, the bank
greatly values the need to have an on-the-ground presence

-ICICI Bank offers new service to Canada emigrants

- Launches 'Hello Canada Newcomers Account' designed to provide instant access to banking services
in Canada for Indians migrants on August 23

- ICICI Bank introduces an easy deposit card at an interest rate of 0.99 per cent

-ICICI Bank rolls out kisan credit card in AP

- Launches `Easy Deposit Card', which charges an interest of 0.99 per cent per month

-ICICI Bank launches new mobile phone banking service

-Sets up offshore banking unit (OBU) in Bahrain

-Launches a new service for pre-paid subscribers of Airtel, Hutch, Orange and IDEA in association with
Euronet to recharge cards through bank's ATMs or by sending SMS.

-ICICI Bank has signed a deal with SunTec Business Solutions Private Ltd

-ICICI Bank unveils Visa Card in UK

-ICICI Bank in ally with CESC launches new co-branded credit card

-Godrej Sara Lee ties up with ICICI Bank to finance distributors across the country through the channel
financing model

-Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL), ICICI Bank on December 23rd launches Drivesmart


- ICICI Bank overtakes Citibank in credit cards with 3 mn credit cards while Citibank says it has 2.5 mn

-ICICI inks pact with Godrej Sara Lee for channel financing

-Merc joins hands with ICICI Bank to offer loans

-ICICI Bank unveils office in Johannesburg

- Britain's Lloyds TSB, in association with ICICI Bank, on April 18, 2005, launches new services offering
free money transfers between India and the UK, as well as access to rupee mortgage for Indian
property purchases.

-ICICI Bank-Air Deccan credit card unveiled

-ICICI Bank acquires bank in Russia

-ICICI Bank, HLN jointly launch co-branded credit card

-ICICI Bank launches online Public Provident Fund (PPF) scheme on July 01, 2005

-ICICI Bank forges alliance with Fortis to serve NRIs on July 22, 2005

-ICICI Bank buys Apnaloan

-ICICI Bank Home Loans launched a `Home Utsav' property exhibition on August 18th

-Bharti Tele-Ventures on September 19 announced a tie-up with ICICI Bank and Visa to launch credit
card on the mobile phone

--ICICI Bank rolls out travel smart mastercard

--ICICI wins Microsoft Corporate Challenge

-ICICI Bank teams up with Hong Kong's Bank of East Asia to offer services to its clients with operations
in greater China.

-ICICI Bank inaugurates 1st branch in Hong Kong

-ICICI bank ties up with Grameen Foundation USA to set up Grameen Capital India.

-ICICI Bank's $500 million American depository shares (ADS) issue has been subscribed six times the
issue size. The issue closes tomorrow concurrently with the Rs 5,750 crore public issue of equity
shares in the domestic market. The domestic issue has received subscriptions for 1.86 times the 9.90
crore shares on offer.

-ICICI Bank sets up pilot project in Guntur dist

-ICICI Bank as outperformer: CLSA report


-ICICI Bank sets up Russian subsidiary

-ICICI Bank sets up new branch at Banjara Hills

-ICICI bank teams up with Spanish MNC.

-ICICI Bank sets up branch in Belgium

-JBIC inks agreement with ICICI Bank

-Indian inks deal with ICICI Bank

-Dishman inks $60mn deal with ICICI Bank

-ICICI Bank inks MoU with Mitsubishi UFJ Securities

-NIIT partners with ICICI Bank on 26, September, 2006 to enter Financial Services Training. - ICICI
Bank has rolled out a new product `NRI SmartSave Deposits', a fixed deposit scheme for non-resident

-ICICI Bank has inked a memorandum of understanding with Export Development Canada (EDC), a
Canadian export credit agency, for financing support to Indian purchasers of capital goods and
professional services from Canada.

-ICICI Bank opens 3 represetatives offices abroad.


-ICICI Bank has come out with loan-on-the-spot (LOTS) product for car loans.

-ICICI Bank launches card-based remittance product in Kerala

-ICICI Bank is looking at increasing its share of the growing Indian remittance market. ICICI Bank on
February 8 rolled out a rupee-denominated remittance card that is primarily targeted at beneficiaries of
non-resident Indians (NRIs).

-Mumbai: ICICI Bank has inked a co-operation pact with Austria-based Raiffeisenlandesbank
Ober”sterreich (RLB) for covering several business areas and increasing co-operation in funding
commercial and syndicated credit business, and cash management services.

-ICICI bank sets up first branch in Madikeri.

-Indian Railways and ICICI Bank inked a memorandum of understanding for extending the sale of e-
tickets via merchant establishments located in 125 cities across the country.

-ICICI bank mops up $500mn through five-year bond.

-BMW India and ICICI Bank on February 23 signed an agreement for offering financing solutions that
will benefit the prospective buyers.

-Thomas Cook (I) Ltd (TCIL) has joined hands with ICICI Bank to introduce a first of its kind premium
card named Thomas Cook Titanium Mastercard.

- ICICI Bank, India's second largest Bank, and Export Development Canada (EDC), Canada's Export
Credit Agency, on March 13, signed a USD 50 million Line of Credit (LoC) agreement.

-ICICI Bank inks agreement with Emirates Bank.

-CRISIL assigns highest ratings to ICICI Bank's loan receivables securitisation programme.

- ICICI Bank and apparel discount chain Megamart April 10, joined hands to unveil a co-branded credit

-ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that Reserve Bank of India, has approved the Scheme of Amalgamation
of The Sangli Bank Ltd with the Bank. The Scheme of Amalgamation shall come into effect from April
19, 2007.

- ICICI Bank on declared a Rs 100-crore fund to support innovation and development of green
businesses in India.

-SOTC has joined hands with ICICI bank to offer-holiday now pay later (HNPL) facility to travelers.

- ICICI Bank offers cheaper loans for cutting down CFC. -ICICI sets up branch in Birmingham.

History and Major Events

We were incorporated in 1994 as a part of the ICICI group. Our initial equity capital was contributed
75.0% by ICICI and 25.0% by SCICI Limited, a diversified finance and shipping finance lender of which
ICICI owned 19.9% at December 1996. Pursuant to the merger of SCICI into ICICI, we became a
wholly owned subsidiary of ICICI.

The chronology of events since we were incorporated in 1994 is as follows:

Change of name

Our name was changed from ICICI Banking Corporation Limited to ICICI Bank Limited on September
10, 1999. The change of name was effected on account of our being widely known by the name "ICICI

Merger of Bank of Madura

Bank of Madura was merged with us effective March 10, 2001. The share exchange ratio fixed for the
transaction was two of our equity shares of Rs. 10 each for every equity share of Bank of Madura of Rs.
10 each.

Amalgamation of ICICI

ICICI, ICICI Capital Services and ICICI Personal Financial Services amalgamated with us with effect
from May 3, 2002. The Appointed Date for the merger specified in the Scheme of Amalgamation, which
was the date of the amalgamation for accounting purposes under Indian GAAP, was March 30, 2002.
The amalgamation was approved by the High Court of Judicature at Bombay vide its order dated April
11, 2002 and by the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad vide its order dated March 7, 2002. The share
exchange ratio was one of our equity shares of Rs. 10 each for every two equity shares of ICICI of Rs.
10 each.

Amalgamation of The Sangli Bank Limited

The Board of Directors of ICICI Bank Limited and the Board of Directors of The Sangli Bank Limited
(Sangli Bank) at their respective Meetings held on December 9, 2006, approved an allstock
amalgamation of Sangli Bank with ICICI Bank. The amalgamation was subsequently approved by the
Members of both banks. RBI (RBI) approved the scheme of amalgamation effective April 19, 2007.

Source date - Prospects - 19/06/2007

- ICICI Bank mops up $4.9bn in via share sale in India.

- ICICI mops up Rs 1,294cr through green-shoe option.

- ICICI Bank signs pact with Korea Exim Bank.

- ICICI Bank has slashed the rates on special deposit schemes by 50 basis points from 9.5 per cent to 9
per cent.

- ICICI Bank awarded as the Outstanding Regional Private Bank.

-The Department of Commerce, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, is all set to conduct a
training programme for students in association with the ICICI Bank.

- ICICI Bank, under its-Industry-Academia Partnership- programme, is in talks with three leading
universities of the West Bengal to launch banking and insurance courses.


- ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that the Government of India has nominated Shri. Arun Ramanathan, on
the Board of the Bank effective January 18, 2008 in place of Shri. Vinod Rai who has resigned effective
January 06, 2008.

- ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that the Government of India has nominated Shri. Arun Ramanathan, on
the Board of the Bank effective January 18, 2008 in place of Shri. Vinod Rai who has resigned effective
January 06, 2008.

- ICICI Bank has forayed into Rs 1,150-crore equity-cum-debt deal with Jaypee Infratech, which is to
build and operate the 165-km six lane Taj Expressway linking Noida with Agra.

-Standard & Poor's Ratings Services lowered ICICI Bank Ltd.'s $300 million U.S. commercial paper
program's short-term issue credit rating to 'A-1' from 'A-1+', following the agency's downgrade of Fortis
Bank SA/NV.


- ICICI Bank appointed N S Kannan as the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer on the board
with effect from May 1 following the vacancy caused by the elevation of Chanda Kochhar as Managing
Director and CEO of the bank, with effect from May 1.

- ICICI Bank has announced the cut in the interest rates on floating home loans for new borrowers by
25-50 basis points, with immediate effect. The interest rates on existing home loans would reduce only
if the floating reference rate is cut.

Key Officials:

Name Designation

K V Kamath Non Executive Chairman

Chanda D Kochhar Managing Director & CEO

Sandeep Batra Group Compl. Officer & Co. Secretary

Share Holding pattern at Bse

Shareholding Pattern
Scrip Code : 532174 Quarter Ending : December 2009
Date Begin : 01 Oct 2009 Date End : 31 Dec 2009
Total No. of Total Shares pledged or
Category of No. of Total No. Shares held in Shareholding as a otherwise encumbered
Shareholder Shareholders of Shares Dematerialized % of total No. of
Form Shares
Number of As a
As a % of As a % of
shares % of Total No. of
(A+B) (A+B+C)
(A) Shareholding of
Promoter and
Promoter Group
(1) Indian

(2) Foreign

(B) Public

(1) Institutions

Mutual Funds / UTI 379 79,327,442 79,307,609 10.02 7.12 - -

Financial Institutions /
239 2,703,567 2,687,503 0.34 0.24 - -
Central Government /
1 6,760 6,760 - - - -
State Government(s)
Insurance Companies 79 193,859,209 193,858,989 24.49 17.40 - -
Foreign Institutional
718 403,695,062 403,673,220 50.99 36.23 - -
Any Others (Specify) 15 1,700,497 1,515,329 0.21 0.15 - -

FIIs-DR 6 1,491,069 1,491,069 0.19 0.13 - -

Foreign Bank 9 209,428 24,260 0.03 0.02 - -

Sub Total 1,431 681,292,537 681,049,410 86.06 61.15 - -

(2) Non-Institutions

Bodies Corporate 4,659 30,683,910 30,396,254 3.88 2.75 - -

Individuals - -
shareholders holding nominal 714,288 59,940,544 51,760,898 7.57 5.38 - -
share capital up to Rs. 1 lakh
shareholders holding nominal
248 8,190,680 8,003,527 1.03 0.74 - -
share capital in excess of Rs.
1 lakh
Any Others (Specify) 20,800 11,586,145 11,443,031 1.46 1.04 - -
Overseas Corporate
2 850 250 - - - -
Foreign Corporate
5 47,870 500 0.01 - - -
Foreign Bodies - D R 6 3,190,723 3,190,723 0.40 0.29 - -

Trusts 55 287,746 287,211 0.04 0.03 - -

Directors & their
13 915,614 915,614 0.12 0.08 - -
Relatives & Friends
Foreign Nationals 6 4,199 4,199 - - - -

Non Resident Indians 9,511 5,100,427 5,020,887 0.64 0.46 - -

Clearing Members 512 651,681 651,681 0.08 0.06 - -

Hindu Undivided
10,690 1,387,035 1,371,966 0.18 0.12 - -
Sub Total 739,995 110,401,279 101,603,710 13.94 9.91 - -
Total Public shareholding
741,426 791,693,816 782,653,120 100.00 71.06 - -
Total (A)+(B) 741,426 791,693,816 782,653,120 100.00 71.06 - -

(C) Shares held by

Custodians and
against which 1 322,438,152 322,438,152 - 28.94 - -
Depository Receipts
have been issued

Total (A)+(B)+(C) 741,427 1,114,131,968 1,105,091,272 - 100.00 - -

Share Holding Pattern at NSE

Corporate Information
Shareholding Pattern


Quarter Ended on 31-DEC-2009

Promoters | Public > 1% | Locked-in | Depository Receipts | Depository Receipts 1% | Voting rights

Statement showing Shareholding Pattern

Number of Total shareholding
Shares pledged
Sr. Category of Number of Total number shares held in as a percentage of
or otherwise
No shareholder shareholders of shares de materialized total number of
form shares
% of % of Number % No.
shares shares of of
(A+B) (A+B+C) shares shares
(A) Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
(1) Indian
Individuals/ Hindu
(a) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Undivided Family
(b) Government/ State 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(c) Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(d) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Institutions/ Banks
(e) Any Other (specify)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (A)(1) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
(2) Foreign
Individuals (Non-
(a) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Individuals/ Foreign
(b) Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(c) Institutions 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(d) Any Other (specify)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (A)(2) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
Shareholding of
Promoter and
0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
Promoter Group
(A)= (A)(1)+(A)
(B) Public shareholding
(1) Institutions
(a) Mutual Funds/ UTI 379 79327442 79307609 10.02 7.12 NA NA
(b) 239 2703567 2687503 0.34 0.24 NA NA
Institutions/ Banks
(c) Government/ State 1 6760 6760 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Venture Capital
(d) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 NA NA
(e) 79 193859209 193858989 24.49 17.40 NA NA
Foreign Institutional
(f) 718 403695062 403673220 50.99 36.23 NA NA

Foreign Venture
(g) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Capital Investors
(h) Any Other (specify)
Foreign Banks 9 209428 24260 0.03 0.02 NA NA
Fiis-Dr 6 1491069 1491069 0.19 0.13 NA NA
Sub-Total (B)(1) 1431 681292537 681049410 86.05 61.14 NA NA
(2) Non-institutions
(a) Bodies Corporate 4659 30683910 30396254 3.88 2.75 NA NA
(b) Individuals
shareholders holding
(i) nominal share 714288 59940544 51760898 7.57 5.38 NA NA
capital up to Rs. 1
shareholders holding
(ii) nominal share 248 8190680 8003527 1.03 0.74 NA NA
capital in excess of
Rs. 1 lakh
(c) Any Other (specify)
Directors And Their
13 915614 915614 0.12 0.08 NA NA
Relative (Resident)
Non Resident Indian
1 3110700 3110700 0.39 0.28 NA NA
Non Resident
9510 1989727 1910187 0.25 0.18 NA NA
Clearing Members 512 651681 651681 0.08 0.06 NA NA
Hindu Undivided
10690 1387035 1371966 0.18 0.12 NA NA
Foreign Companies 5 47870 500 0.01 0.00 NA NA
Foreign Bodies-Dr 6 3190723 3190723 0.40 0.29 NA NA
Trust 55 287746 287211 0.04 0.03 NA NA
Overseas Corporate
2 850 850 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Foreign Nationals 6 4199 4199 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Sub-Total(B)(2) 739995 110401279 101604310 13.94 9.91 NA NA
Total Public
Shareholding (B)= 741426 791693816 782653720 99.99 71.05 NA NA
TOTAL(A)+(B) 741426 791693816 782653720 99.99 71.05 0 0.00
Shares held by
Custodians and
against which
(C) 1 322438152 322438152 28.94 NA NA
Receipts have
been issued
741427 1114131968 1105091872 100.00 0 0.00

Financial Position:

Balance Sheet

Rs in Cr Mar’09 Mar’08 Mar’07 Mar’06 Mar’05

Equity Capital 1113.29 1112.68 899.34 889.83 736.75
Reserves 48419.73 45357.53 23413.92 21316.16 11813.20
Net Worth
Preference Capital 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00
Deposits 218347.82 244431.05 230510.19 165083.17 99818.78
Borrowings 67323.69 65648.43 51256.03 38521.91 33544.50
Other Liabilities 43746.43 42895.38 38288.64 25227.88 21396.16
Total liabilities 379300.96 399795.07 344658.12 251388.95 167659.41
Cash & Balance with 17536.33 29377.53 18706.88 8934.37 6344.90
Money Market 12430.23 8663.60 18414.45 8105.85 6585.07
Investments 103058.31 111454.34 91257.84 71547.39 50487.35
Advances 208090.41 215060.94 188614.01 143029.89 88991.76
Fixed Assets 3801.62 4108.90 3923.42 3980.71 4038.04
Other Assets 34384.06 31129.77 23551.85 15642.79 11115.99
Total Assets 379300.96 399795.07 344658.12 251388.95 167659.41
Income Statement

Details Mar’09 Mar’08 Mar’07 Mar’06 Mar’05

Operating Income 38,250.39 39,467.92 28,457.13 17,517.83 11,838.10
Operating Expenses 32,842.47 33,761.06 24,663.57 14,247.90 9,158.32
Operating Profit 5,407.92 5,706.86 3,793.56 3,269.93 2,679.78
Other Income 330.64 65.58 309.17 466.02 448.46
Adjusted PBDIT 5,738.56 5,772.44 4,102.73 3,735.95 3,128.24
Provisions -511.17 -509.77 -421.30 22.68 8.60
Depreciation 678.60 578.35 544.78 623.79 590.36
Adjusted PBT 5,571.13 5,703.86 3,979.25 3,089.48 2,529.28
Tax Charges 1,830.51 1,611.73 984.25 556.53 522.00
Adjusted PAT 3,740.62 4,092.13 2,995.00 2,532.95 2,007.28

Company Growth

Year Mar’09 Mar’08 Mar’07 Mar’06 Mar’05

Sales 38250.41 39467.92 28457.13 17517.83 11838.10
% Var -3.08 38.69 62.45 47.98
PAT 3758.13 4157.73 3110.22 2540.07 2005.20
% Var -9.61 33.68 22.45 26.67

Key Ratios

Return on Total Assets (ROTA) 9.7

Return on capital employed (ROCE) 1.40
Net profit margin 9.74
Current Ratio 0.78
Quick Ratio 5.94
Gearing Ratio 99.70
Interest Cover 0.25

Support & Resistance

Close Price 698.70 Close Price 700
52 Week Low 252.75 52 Week Low 252.30
50-day Moving Average 620.93 50-day Moving Average 621.24


The Bank was Incorporated on 30th August. A new private sector Bank promoted by housing
Development Corporation Ltd. (HDFC), a premier housing finance company. The bank is the first of its
kind to receive an in-principle approval from the RBI for establishment of a bank in the private sector.
Certificate of Commencement of Business was received on 10th October 1994 from RBI.

- The Bank transacts both traditional commercial banking as well as investment banking. HDFC, the
promoter of the bank has entered into an agreement with National Westminister Bank Pc. and its
subsidiaries (Natwest Group) for subscribing 20% of the banks issued capital and providing technical
assistance in relation to the banks proposed banking business.


- 70 No. of equity shares issued to subscribers to the Memorandum & Articles of Association on 30th
August 1994. On the same date 500,00,000 equity shares were allotted to HDFC promoters.
509,20,000 shares were allotted to HDFC Employees Welfare Trust and HDFC Bank Employees
Welfare Trust on 22nd December, 1994.

- On 16.1.1995, 90,79,930 No. of equity shares were allotted to Jarrington Pte. Ltd. Another 400,00,000
equity shares were allotted on private placement basis to Natwest Group on 9.5.1995. 500,00,000
shares were allotted to the public on 9.5.95 (all were taken up).

- The Bank opened its first branch in Ramon House at Churchgate, Mumbai on January 16th.

- The Bank has created an efficient operating system using well tested state-of-the-art software.


- HDFC Bank has entered the banking consortia of over 50 corporates, including some leading
multinational companies, flagship companies of local business houses and strong public sector

- HDFC Bank has set up a state-of-the-art dealing room to handle all transactions possible in Indian
financial markets.

- The Certificates of Deposits were awarded a PP1+ rating which is the highest rating for short term
instruments indicating superior capacity for repayment.


- The bank is one of the largest mobilisers of retail deposits through its network of 20 branches. Its
credit deposits ratio was 53.8%.

- The bank has set up a ultra-modern hub at Powai in Mumbai where the bank's central computer is
housed. This hub housed in 35,000 square feet of space, houses data of all the branches and facilitates
the introduction of new products and services.

- HDFC has installed state-of-the-art systems to facilitate inter-connectivity between branches and link
up with on line system.

- The bank has also recently signed up as a depository participant, under the newly set up NSDL,
wherein the members clearing accounts settlement for dematerialised shares can be done through the

- HDFC Bank, one of the nine new-generation private sector banks, has planned to set up an all-India
on-line automated teller machine (ATM) network.

- HDFC Bank proposed to launch tele-banking for the first time in June in Mumbai at its Chandiveli

- HDFC Bank has drawn up plans to become a niche player in corporate banking by sticking to top-rung

- HDFC Bank has become the first private sector bank to conclude a structured interest rate option deal.

- HDFC Bank has launched its Versova branch, the 11th branch in Mumbai.

- HDFC Bank, as part of its expansion plans in the South, has opened another branch in Chennai.

- HDFC Bank has entered into strategic alliances with 10 overseas banks to provide customers with a
wide range of derivatives including interest rate and foreign currency swaps.

- HDFC Bank on October 14 introduced ATMs that converse in a regional language.

- HDFC Bank has introduced the Freedom Account for the average retail customer located in the major
metros as a means to wean away the middle-income market from nationalised banks.

- HDFC Bank has launched an account in all its 28 branches across India that seeks to free depositors
from minimum balance requirement, for the first time in the country.

- HDFC has introduced a new loan product for the payment of betterment fees announced by the
Bangalore Mahanagar Palike. - HDFC Bank is all set to launch its debit card by April 1998.


- HDFC Bank has tied up with the Ahmedabad Stock Exchange (ASE) to act as its clearing bank.

- HDFC Bank proposes to strengthen its branch network in Calcutta with the addition of two new
branches in the first quarter of the next fiscal.

- HDFC Bank has signed an agreement with the National Stock Exchange (NSE) which will give it a
second charge over the brokers deposit for providing loan against share facility to NSE brokers.

- The bank has also entered into a similar understanding with the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
whereby the bourse will provide support for recovery of money against the card for loan against share

- The bank has also entered into `Cirrus' arrangements by which all master card holders across the
globe will be able to transact at HDFC Bank in India.

- The bank will also provide phone-banking facility in Bangalore. HDFC has tied up with Visa
International to offer its Debit Card. - HDFC Bank Ltd has entered into a memorandum of understanding
for a strategic business collaboration with Chase Manhattan Bank.

- HDFC Bank has become the first bank in India to link up its automated teller machine (ATM) network
with all the three major payment systems world-wide.

- HDFC Bank will be the first bank in the Asia-Pacific region to connect the American Express (Amex)
payment system.

- The HDFC Bank is expanding its ATM network to connect to American Express Interchange based in
Phoenix, Arizona, USA. With this connectivity, HDFC Bank has become the first bank in the Asia-pacific
region to connect to the Amex Interchange.

- HDFC Bank was the first to sign up with AMEX in December of 1998.

- The Bank has tied up with ITC Threadneedle Mutual Fund to provide its investors with the High
Interest Fund (HIF), a facility to encash their units through the bank's Automated Teller Machines in
addition to a cheque book facility also to be provided by the bank.

- Sony India Ltd (SIL) has joined hands with HDFC Bank to work out an innovative car finance package
under which a sony car audio system would be installed to a new car for no additional upfront cash

- The bank has decided to issue 1,33,10,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each to HDFC and a wholly-
owned subsidiary of it at a price of Rs. 94 per share.

- The bank will also issue 13,70,000 equity shares to India Private Equity Fund and 51,20,000 shares to
Indocean Financial Holding, the two equity funds controlled by Chase Manhattan Bank.

- HDFC Bank, has tied up with BPL Ltd to offer Internet-enabled supply-chain management and
business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce services to corporates.

- Hutchison Max Telecom and HDFC Bank introduced the country's first-ever mobile-banking services
in the city.


- HDFC Bank also signed a memorandum of understanding with Singapore Telecom's e-commerce arm
Sesami.Com Pvt Ltd. - The Bank latter also entered into a partnership agreement with National
Computer Systems, the e-commerce unit of Singtel.

- A new company called (India) has been formed by a strategic alliance between HDFC
Bank and Singapore Telecom's e-commerce company, to offer e-commerce solutions for
the Indian market.

- HDFC Bank has a tie-up with Maxtouch for giving the facility to the latter's customers in Mumbai. This
is the first and only service of this sort in the country, he said.

- HDFC Bank is also launching an online electronic banking solution called Enet which will allow
corporates to access their accounts over the net and carry out trade related transactions and cash
management functions.

- HDFC Bank entered into a tie-up with Telco by which the bank would provide preferential financing
options for Tata's range of passenger cars including the Indica, Sumo, Safari, Estate and Sierra.

- HDFC Bank allotted 1.98 crore shares of Rs 10 each at an issue price of Rs 94 per share to promoters
and strategic investors on March 29.

- HDFC Bank is also set to become the first bank in the country to offer wireless application protocol
(WAP) services to customers.

- SkyCell Communications Ltd, one of the two cellular service providers in Chennai, has launched `Sky
Banking', for which the company has tied up with ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank.

- The bank has tied up with 12 utility companies nationwide including BSES, MSEB, BEST, Orange,

- The Bank has tied up with financial portals, e-brokerages and the National Stock Exchange to enable
broker payments for e-broking ventures. - The Bank has set up 100 new electronic data capture (EDC)
terminals in Mumbai. - HDFC Bank has launched its first B2C payment gateway which allows Visa and
MasterCard credit card-holders to do transaction online and realtime. - CYBERITMALL.COM has joined
hands with HDFC Bank to provide VISA/MasterCard users with an online payment gateway solution to
enable them to have a secure eshopping experience. - HDFC Bank plans to extend its mobilephone
banking services introduced in select metros to mobilephone broking when it introduces its Internet on-
line trading in July. - HDFC Bank and portal have signed a memorandum of
understanding for offering online credit and services to facilitate `post transaction' activities through the
portal's `allied services providers' programme. - signed an agreement with HDFC bank
for the use of payment gateway to enable online financial transactions.

- HDFC Bank, in association with cellular service provider Orange, has launched the entire range of
mobile banking services and mobile commerce services using wireless application protocol (WAP)

- The Company has introduced a new scheme whereby it will provide loans to individuals for payment of
self assessment tax on their properties in Bangalore.

- The Foreign Investment Promotion Board has cleared the proposal of the HDFC Group to enter into a
joint venture with Singapore Telecom's e-commerce company for providing a comprehensive range of
business-to-business e-commerce solutions to companies in India.

- The Company proposes to pick up an equity stake in Softcell Trade and Technologies Ltd., a Mumbai-
based software company.

- BPL Mobile has tied up with HDFC Bank to offer Internet banking through the mobile phone.

- HDFC Bank launched `eInstant Car Loans' a new scheme for offering customers a range of net-
enabled loan products.

- HDFC Bank launched depository services on the net.

- HDFC Bank tied up with NSE.IT, a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Stock Exchange, for
providing payment gateway services for the latter's Internet trading operations.

- HDFC Bank has been identified as the best domestic commercial bank for the second consecutive
year by, which provides a network for financial decision makers.

- The Mumbai-based Geojit Securities Ltd. has tied up with HDFC Bank for Internet trading of shares.

- Calcutta's cellular services provider Modi Telstra, and HDFC Bank have entered into a collaboration to
provide mobile commerce in Calcutta.

- HDFC Bank has got the Kerala-based Nedungadi Bank as its first customer for its new joint venture
company with I-Flex Solutions.

- HDFC Bank has set a target of attaining a business of over Rs 15,000 crore this fiscal mainly through
expansion and new product launches, including a credit card.

- HDFC Bank, in association with Tata Cellular, has launched Mobile Commerce Service, for customers
in Hyderabad and Vishakaptnam.

- HDFC Bank has tied up with about 25 equity brokerages for enabling third party transfer of funds and
securities through its business-to-business portal -- `e-Net'.

- The Bank has entered into an alliance with Deloitte Haskins and Sells, a member firm of Deloitte and
Touch, to offer banking services to its non-resident Indian customers.

- HDFC Bank has launched its 123rd outlet at Delhi Stock Exchange building at Asaf Ali Road.

- The Bank proposes to acquire up to 24.5 per cent stake in the MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd., which is
engaged in the business of developing and marketing of security products and services for a range of e-
commerce and enterprises security applications.

- The Bank has tied up with Rajan Raheja-owned Hathway for providing banking at home as part of the
Net-over-cable initiative of the latter in Mumbai. - HDFC Bank launched its on-line bill payment facility in
alliance with the Maharashtra State Electricity Board has also begun to offer bridge loans against fixed
deposits of parent Housing Development Finance Corporation the financial institution.

- HDFC Bank has tied up with portal to retail education loans to students. - The Gujarat
Cellular operator Fascel, has signed up with the HDFC Bank to introduce mobile commerce for the first
time in the State.

- HDFC Bank has tied up with BPL Mobile for mobile commerce facility.

-, a sports e-commerce site has tied up with HDFC Bank to provide an on-line
payment gateways and marketing opportunities for a wide range of cricket sports gear on its on-line
shop BatNext.

- Singapore-based has entered into an understanding with HDFC Bank and credit rating
agency Icra, for picking up equity in the company's Indian subsidiary

- The Bank has launched `Freedom - The e-Age Savings Account' for cellular phone users.

- Spice Cell has tied up with Citibank N A, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank for mobile bill settlements.

- HDFC Bank and Cosmos Bank launched a co-branded ATM card.

- The Chatterjee Group-promoted Captech Online Ltd. has signed memorandum of understanding with
HDFC Bank and UTI Bank for setting up a payment gateway for its debt negotiation platform,

- HDFC Securities Ltd., promoted by the HDFC group with equity participation from the Housing
Development Finance Corporation Ltd., HDFC Bank and Chase Capital Partners, has launched its
brokerage services for retail investors in the Capital.

- The HDFC Bank and Airtel launched their mobile-banking service through WAP in Delhi.

- HDFC Bank has launched wireless application protocol-based mobile-banking in Coimbatore and
Trichy in association with Aircel.


- The Bank has opened its first branch in Aurangabad.

- HDFC Standard Life Insurance has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Chennai-
based Indian Bank.

- The Bank has launched the international Maestro debit card in association with Master Card.

- HDFC Bank will launch its credit card in June through link-ups with MasterCard and Visa.

- has entered into a strategic tie-up with HDFC Bank to provide Net banking services to
online investors.

- Standard Chartered Bank, HDFC Bank and Bharat Petroleum Corporation have joined the eCash
Forum which has been set up by the Smart Card Forum of India.

- HDFC Bank has launched a new campaign for its eage savings account.

- HDFC Bank entered into a strategic tie-up with Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. to offer online real time
accounting services to small and medium enterprises.

- The Bank has opened four ATMs outlets in Bangalore at Coles Road, RT Nagar, Rajaji Nagar and
Jaya Nagar on March 26.

- HDFC Standard Life Insurance has launched a `Development Insurance Plan' a low cost life insurance
product developed specifically to meet the needs of economically weaker sections.

- Two Directors, Mr. S.S. Thakur and Mr. Amit Judge, have resigned from the board of the bank
effective from March 30.

- HDFC Bank files with US regulators to list more than 11 million American Depositary Shares on the
New York Stock Exchange.


- HDFC Bank unveiled a new online account aggregation service `OneView'.

- HDFC launched 'One View' service to customers

- HDFC Bank launched its 9th branch in Karnataka.

- HDFC opens its branch in Mangalore.

- HDFC Bank unveils Silver card in Hyderabad.

- HDFC Bank opens first overseas representative office.

- HDFC Bank unveils gold card

- Mediclaim facilities to HDFC Bank gold cardholders.

- HDFC Bank Ltd has informed BSE that Mr Deepak Satwalekar has submitted his resignation as
Director of the Bank. The Board of Directors has accepted the same. The Board of Directors has co-
opted Mrs Renu Karnad as Additional Director of the Bank.

- Mrs. Renu Karnad has been co-opted as an Additional Director of the Bank. Mrs Karnad shall
represent the promoters of the bank i.e. HDFC Ltd. Also Mr. Deepak Satwalekar, Managing Director of
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd, has been on the Board of the Bank as nominee of HDFC
Ltd since September 12, 1994 and shall complete the period of 8 yrs before the next scheduled board
meeting. In view of the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Mr. Satwalekar has submitted
his resignation as Director of the Bank and the Board has accepted the same.

- HDFC Bank launched new products to its wealth management programme to increase its customer
base. The bank introduced a non-interactive product named "Financial Planner", which would be
available for all its customers for an annual fee starting from Rs 10,000. The bank is offering fee based
advisory programme to the "mass affluent" segment, which was earlier offered to high net worth
customers. The wealth management programme would cater to individual needs taking into account
various factors such as customer's age, financial goals and risk profile, which includes equity, MFs and
debt instruments such as RBI Relief Bonds.

- Orange JV with HDFC Bank.


- HDFC Bank unveils resident foreign currency account.

- HDFC Bank unveils co-branded credit card with e-Seva.

- The Board of Directors of HDFC Bank Ltd at their meeting held on January 15, 2003 approved the
appointment of Mr. Arvind Pande as an Additional Director pursuant to section 260 of the Companies
Act, 1956.

- EPFO JV with HDFC Bank for its pension distribution.

- HDFC enters into agreement with HDFC Bank to source housing loans.

- HDFC Bank, IRCTC in tie up for online railway booking.

- HDFC Bank inks pact with ANB for remittance service

- HDFC Bank introduces 'HDFC Bank Health Plus Credit Card'.

- Uma Krishnan resigns HDFC Bank as country head.

- Escotel ties up with HDFC Bank for Global Debit Card.

- HDFC Bank launches India's first mobile payment solution.

- HDFC Bank's debt programme of Rs 400-crore has received triple A (ind) rating from CREDIT rating
agency FITCH.

-Mumbai - HDFC Bank in collaboration with Tally Solutions is planning to launch electronic data
interchange (EDI) system for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

-Warburg Pincus sells 2% stake in HDFC for Rs 235 cr

- HDFC Bank began selling home loans of its promoter Housing Development Finance Corporation

-Board approved to allot 4,16,400 equity shares to the employees of the Bank under the Employee
Stock Option Scheme


-Mr Ranjan Kapur & Mr Bobby Parikh appointed as Additional Directors

-NMCE inks pact with HDFC Bank for warehouse receipts

- HDFC Bank has entered into an alliance with Clearing Corporation of India Ltd (CCIL). The tie-up
offers the latter's collateral borrowing and lending obligation (CBLO) product to cooperative banks that
are not direct members of the negotiated dealing system (NDS).

-HDFC Bank repurchases HDFC loans worth Rs 208 cr

-Launches Quickremit, a unique online service that enables NRIs in the US to send money to their
relatives in India from the comfort of their homes.

-Andhra Bank has entered into an alliance with HDFC Bank for sharing its network of automated teller
machines (ATMs). On March 29, 2004

- HDFC Bank and Bahraini Saudi Bank (BSB) have announced an alliance to cater to service the needs
of the non-resident Indians (NRIs) in Bahrain.

- HDFC bank Ltd has informed that Dr (Mrs) Amla Samanta has ceased to be a director of the Bank wef
April 25, 2004.

- HDFC Bank launches new scheme for Maruti 800 buyers, providing 85 per cent finance on the on-
road price of the car for seven years.

-HDFC Bank wins Asiamoney award for Best Domestic Bank

-HDFC Bank managing director Aditya Puri has been awarded the management man of the year by the
Bombay Management Association (BMA)

-HDFC Bank has entered into an agreement with Shrachi Securities Ltd, the flagship company of the
Kolkata-based Rs 300-crore Shrachi Group, for financing of multi-utility vehicles all over India

-HDFC Bank has launched an online bill payment facility for its customers who are also subscribers to
Tata Teleservices

-HDFC Bank join hands with NCR Corporation to offer managed ATM services

- IKF Finance Ltd has entered in to a Joint Lending Arrangement with HDFC Bank Ltd


-TMB forges alliance with HDFC Bank

-HDFC Bank inaugurates first ATM in Hotel

- HDFC Bank ties up with the International Bank of Qatar (IBQ) to launch banking services in Qatar.

- HDFC Bank launches loyalty rewards programme for its debit and credit cardholders under the name

-HDFC Bank along with MasterCard International launched credit card targeted at small and medium-
sized enterprises

-HDFC Bank has tied up with US-based WL Ross and company LLC for investing in corporate

-HDFC Bank unveils credit card for farmers


-HDFC sets up two more branches in AP


-HDFC Bank has signed an agreement with Tata Pipes to offer credit facilities to farmers across the

-Hdfc Bank Ltd has appointed Mr. Pandit Palande as an additional Director of the Bank at the Board
Meeting held today i.e. on 24th April 2007.

- HDFC Bank Ltd has informed that the Board of Directors of the Bank at its meeting held on October
12, 2007, has been appointed Mr. Paresh Sukthankar & Mr. Harish Engineer as Executive Directors on
the Board of Directors of the bank. Mr. Sukthankar & Mr. Engineer have been senior employees of the
Bank since 1994 and have held various positions of responsibility.

The above appointments as Executive Directors of the Bank are subject to approval of Reserve Bank of
India and of the Bank's shareholders.

Shareholding Pattern
Scrip Code : 500180 Quarter Ending : December 2009
Date Begin : 01 Oct 2009 Date End : 31 Dec 2009

Total Shares pledged or

Total No. of
Shareholding otherwise
No. of Total No. Shares held in
Category of Shareholder as a % of encumbered
Shareholders of Shares Dematerialized
total No. of
As a % As a % Number of As a
of of shares % of Total No.
(A+B) (A+B+C) of Shares
(A) Shareholding of Promoter and
Promoter Group
(1) Indian

Bodies Corporate 5 108,643,220 82,443,000 29.00 23.87 - -

Sub Total 5 108,643,220 82,443,000 29.00 23.87 - -

(2) Foreign
Total shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
5 108,643,220 82,443,000 29.00 23.87 - -

(B) Public Shareholding

(1) Institutions

Mutual Funds / UTI 273 17,321,166 17,051,809 4.62 3.80 - -

Financial Institutions / Banks 85 311,633 306,739 0.08 0.07 - -

Insurance Companies 30 33,168,767 33,168,767 8.85 7.29 - -

Foreign Institutional Investors 541 125,002,594 124,998,644 33.36 27.46 - -

Sub Total 929 175,804,160 175,525,959 46.92 38.62 - -

(2) Non-Institutions

Bodies Corporate 3,664 40,249,035 40,162,275 10.74 8.84 - -

Individuals - -
Individual shareholders holding nominal share
449,843 33,414,158 26,806,668 8.92 7.34 - -
capital up to Rs. 1 lakh
Individual shareholders holding nominal share
315 10,736,892 10,450,993 2.87 2.36 - -
capital in excess of Rs. 1 lakh
Any Others (Specify) 3,925 5,842,060 5,822,024 1.56 1.28 - -

Non Resident Indians 3,902 2,260,784 2,242,763 0.60 0.50 - -

Overseas Corporate Bodies 9 262,680 260,665 0.07 0.06 - -

Foreign Corporate Bodies 8 3,309,900 3,309,900 0.88 0.73 - -

Foreign Nationals 6 8,696 8,696 - - - -

Sub Total 457,747 90,242,145 83,241,960 24.08 19.82 - -

Total Public shareholding (B) 458,676 266,046,305 258,767,919 71.00 58.44 - -

Total (A)+(B) 458,681 374,689,525 341,210,919 100.00 82.31 - -

(C) Shares held by Custodians and

against which Depository Receipts have 2 80,547,039 80,547,039 - 17.69 - -
been issued

Share Holding Pattern at NSE

Number of Total shareholding

Shares pledged or
Sr. Category of Number of Total number shares held in as a percentage of
No shareholder shareholders of shares de materialized total number of
form shares
% of % of Number % No.
shares shares of of
(A+B) (A+B+C) shares shares
(A) Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
(1) Indian
Individuals/ Hindu
(a) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Undivided Family
Central Government/
(b) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
State Government(s)
(c) Bodies Corporate 5 108643220 82443000 29.00 23.87 0 0
Financial Institutions/
(d) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(e) Any Other (specify)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (A)(1) 5 108643220 82443000 29.00 23.87 0 0.00
(2) Foreign
Individuals (Non-
(a) Resident Individuals/ 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Foreign Individuals)
(b) Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(c) Institutions 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(d) Any Other (specify)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (A)(2) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
Total Shareholding 5 108643220 82443000 29.00 23.87 0 0.00
of Promoter and

Promoter Group
(A)= (A)(1)+(A)
(B) Public shareholding
(1) Institutions
(a) Mutual Funds/ UTI 273 17321166 17051809 4.62 3.80 NA NA
Financial Institutions/
(b) 85 311633 306739 0.08 0.07 NA NA
Central Government/
(c) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 NA NA
State Government(s)
Venture Capital
(d) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 NA NA
(e) Insurance Companies 30 33168767 33168767 8.85 7.29 NA NA
Foreign Institutional
(f) 541 125002594 124998644 33.36 27.46 NA NA
Foreign Venture
(g) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Capital Investors
(h) Any Other (specify)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (B)(1) 929 175804160 175525959 46.91 38.62 NA NA
(2) Non-institutions
(a) Bodies Corporate 3664 40249035 40162275 10.74 8.84 NA NA
(b) Individuals
shareholders holding
(i) 449843 33414158 26806668 8.92 7.34 NA NA
nominal share capital
up to Rs. 1 lakh
shareholders holding
(ii) nominal share capital 315 10736892 10450993 2.87 2.36 NA NA
in excess of Rs. 1
(c) Any Other (specify)
Nri Rep 2687 1630567 1614030 0.44 0.36 NA NA
Nri Non-Rept 1215 630217 628733 0.17 0.14 NA NA
Foreign National 6 8696 8696 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Foreign Bodies 8 3309900 3309900 0.88 0.73 NA NA
Ocb 9 262680 260665 0.07 0.06 NA NA
Sub-Total(B)(2) 457747 90242145 83241960 24.09 19.82 NA NA
Total Public
Shareholding (B)= 458676 266046305 258767919 71.00 58.44 NA NA
TOTAL(A)+(B) 458681 374689525 341210919 100.00 82.31 0 0.00
Shares held by
Custodians and
against which
(C) 2 80547039 80547039 17.69 NA NA
Receipts have been

458683 455236564 421757958 100.00 0 0.00

Financial Position:

Balance Sheet

Rs in Cr Mar’09 Mar’08 Mar’07 Mar’06 Mar’05

Equity Capital 425.38 354.43 319.39 313.14 309.88
Reserves 14,226.43 11,142.80 6,113.76 4,986.39 4,209.97
Net Worth
Preference Capital 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Deposits 142,811.5 100,768.6 68,297.94 55,796.82 36,354.25
Borrowings 2,685.84 4,478.86 2,815.39 4,560.48 5,290.01
Other Liabilities 22,720.62 16,431.91 13,689.13 7,849.49 5,264.46
Total liabilities 183,270.7 133,176.6 91,235.61 73,506.39 51,429.00
Cash & Balance with
13,527.21 12,553.18 5,182.48 3,306.61 2,650.13
Money Market
3,979.41 2,225.16 3,971.40 3,612.39 1,823.87
Investments 58,817.55 49,393.54 30,564.80 28,393.96 19,349.81
Advances 98,883.05 63,426.90 46,944.78 35,061.26 25,566.30
Fixed Assets 1,706.73 1,175.13 966.67 855.08 708.32
Other Assets 6,356.83 4,402.69 3,605.48 2,277.09 1,330.57
Total Assets 183,270.7 133,176.6 91,235.61 73,506.39 51,429.00
Income Statement

Details Mar’09 Mar’08 Mar’07 Mar’06 Mar’05

Operating Income 19,770.72 12,354.41 8,303.34 5,567.67 3,723.86
Operating Expenses 15,841.84 8,550.68 5,550.51 3,921.76 2,433.11
Operating Profit 3,928.88 3,803.73 2,752.83 1,645.91 1,290.75
Other Income 0.00 43.04 102.96 31.38 20.76
Adjusted PBDIT 3,928.88 3,846.77 2,855.79 1,677.29 1,311.51
Provisions 273.30 1,294.67 754.90 0.00 0.00
Depreciation 359.91 271.72 219.60 178.59 144.07

Adjusted PBT 3,295.67 2,280.38 1,640.20 1,253.54 979.38
Tax Charges 1,054.92 690.90 497.70 383.03 314.03
Adjusted PAT 2,240.75 1,589.48 1,142.50 870.51 665.35

Company Growth

Year Mar’09 Mar’08 Mar’07 Mar’06 Mar’05

Sales 19770.72 12354.41 8303.34 5567.67 3723.86
% Var 60.03 48.79 49.13 49.51
PAT 2244.94 1590.18 1141.45 870.78 665.56
% Var 41.18 39.31 31.08 30.83

Key Ratios

Return on Total Assets (ROTA) 26.66

Return on capital employed (ROCE) 1.42
Net profit margin 11.35
Current Ratio 0.27
Quick Ratio 5.23
Gearing Ratio 99.70
Interest Cover 0.25

Support & Resistance

Close Price 1464.70 Close Price 1464.50
52 Week Low 772.4 52 Week Low 774
50-day Moving Average 1312.06 50-day Moving Average 1313.43

`PROFILE: State Bank of India

The evolution of State Bank of India can be traced back to the first decade of the 19th century. It began with the
establishment of the Bank of Calcutta in Calcutta, on 2 June 1806. The bank was redesigned as the Bank of
Bengal, three years later, on 2 January 1809. It was the first ever joint-stock bank of the British India, established
under the sponsorship of the Government of Bengal. Subsequently, the Bank of Bombay (established on 15 April
1840) and the Bank of Madras (established on 1 July 1843) followed the Bank of Bengal. These three banks

dominated the modern banking scenario in India, until when they were amalgamated to form the Imperial Bank of
India, on 27 January 1921.

An important turning point in the history of State Bank of India is the launch of the first Five Year Plan of
independent India, in 1951. The Plan aimed at serving the Indian economy in general and the rural sector of the
country, in particular. Until the Plan, the commercial banks of the country, including the Imperial Bank of India,
confined their services to the urban sector. Moreover, they were not equipped to respond to the growing needs of
the economic revival taking shape in the rural areas of the country. Therefore, in order to serve the economy as a
whole and rural sector in particular, the All India Rural Credit Survey Committee recommended the formation of a
state-partnered and state-sponsored bank.

The All India Rural Credit Survey Committee proposed the take over of the Imperial Bank of India, and integrating
with it, the former state-owned or state-associate banks. Subsequently, an Act was passed in the Parliament of
India in May 1955. As a result, the State Bank of India (SBI) was established on 1 July 1955. This resulted in
making the State Bank of India more powerful, because as much as a quarter of the resources of the Indian
banking system were controlled directly by the State. Later on, the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act was
passed in 1959. The Act enabled the State Bank of India to make the eight former State-associated banks as its

The State Bank of India emerged as a pacesetter, with its operations carried out by the 480 offices comprising
branches, sub offices and three Local Head Offices, inherited from the Imperial Bank. Instead of serving as mere
repositories of the community's savings and lending to creditworthy parties, the State Bank of India catered to the
needs of the customers, by banking purposefully. The bank served the heterogeneous financial needs of the
planned economic development.

The corporate center of SBI is located in Mumbai. In order to cater to different functions, there are several other
establishments in and outside Mumbai, apart from the corporate center. The bank boasts of having as many as 14
local head offices and 57 Zonal Offices, located at major cities throughout India. It is recorded that SBI has about
10000 branches, well networked to cater to its customers throughout India.

ATM Services
SBI provides easy access to money to its customers through more than 8500 ATMs in India. The Bank also
facilitates the free transaction of money at the ATMs of State Bank Group, which includes the ATMs of State Bank
of India as well as the Associate Banks – State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of
Indore, etc. You may also transact money through SBI Commercial and International Bank Ltd by using the State
Bank ATM-cum-Debit (Cash Plus) card.

The State Bank Group includes a network of eight banking subsidiaries and several non-banking subsidiaries.
Through the establishments, it offers various services including merchant banking services, fund management,
factoring services, primary dealership in government securities, credit cards and insurance.

The eight banking subsidiaries are:

• State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBJ)

• State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH)
• State Bank of India (SBI)
• State Bank of Indore (SBIR)
• State Bank of Mysore (SBM)
• State Bank of Patiala (SBP)

• State Bank of Saurashtra (SBS)
• State Bank of Travancore (SBT)

Products And Services

Personal Banking

• SBI Term Deposits SBI Loan For Pensioners

• SBI Recurring Deposits Loan Against Mortgage Of Property
• SBI Housing Loan Loan Against Shares & Debentures
• SBI Car Loan Rent Plus Scheme
• SBI Educational Loan Medi-Plus Scheme

Other Services

• Agriculture/Rural Banking
• NRI Services
• ATM Services
• Demat Services
• Corporate Banking
• Internet Banking
• Mobile Banking
• International Banking
• Safe Deposit Locker
• E-Pay
• E-Rail
• SBI Vishwa Yatra Foreign Travel Card
• Broking Services
• Gift Cheques

State Bank Of India
Corporate Centre
Madam Cama Road
Mumbai 400 021

Share Holding Pattern at BSE

Shareholding Pattern

Scrip Code : 500112 Quarter Ending : December 2009
Date Begin : 01 Oct 2009 Date End : 31 Dec 2009
Total Shares pledged or
Total No. of
Shareholding otherwise
No. of Total No. Shares held in
Category of Shareholder as a % of encumbered
Shareholders of Shares Dematerialized
total No. of
As a % As a % Number of As a
of of shares % of Total No.
(A+B) (A+B+C) of Shares
(A) Shareholding of Promoter and
Promoter Group
(1) Indian

Central Government / State Government(s) 1 377,207,200 377,207,200 61.67 59.41 - -

Sub Total 1 377,207,200 377,207,200 61.67 59.41 - -

(2) Foreign
Total shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
1 377,207,200 377,207,200 61.67 59.41 - -

(B) Public Shareholding

(1) Institutions

Mutual Funds / UTI 283 26,211,596 26,182,616 4.29 4.13 - -

Financial Institutions / Banks 81 1,125,763 1,112,523 0.18 0.18 - -

Central Government / State Government(s) 4 122,728 770 0.02 0.02 - -

Insurance Companies 25 73,155,013 73,153,763 11.96 11.52 - -

Foreign Institutional Investors 554 72,198,556 72,095,331 11.80 11.37 - -

Sub Total 947 172,813,656 172,545,003 28.26 27.22 - -

(2) Non-Institutions

Bodies Corporate 4,520 22,525,379 22,438,254 3.68 3.55 - -

Individuals - -
Individual shareholders holding nominal share
682,718 35,442,972 22,757,767 5.79 5.58 - -
capital up to Rs. 1 lakh
Individual shareholders holding nominal share
52 1,806,567 1,806,567 0.30 0.28 - -
capital in excess of Rs. 1 lakh
Any Others (Specify) 5,242 1,820,912 1,768,489 0.30 0.29 - -

Non Resident Indians 4,591 510,885 488,102 0.08 0.08 - -

Trusts 159 309,146 279,906 0.05 0.05 - -

Overseas Corporate Bodies 5 1,095 695 - - - -

Foreign Nationals 4 297 297 - - - -

Foreign Corporate Bodies 3 279,802 279,802 0.05 0.04 - -

Clearing Members 480 719,687 719,687 0.12 0.11 - -

Sub Total 692,532 61,595,830 48,771,077 10.07 9.70 - -

Total Public shareholding (B) 693,479 234,409,486 221,316,080 38.33 36.92 - -

Total (A)+(B) 693,480 611,616,686 598,523,280 100.00 96.34 - -

(C) Shares held by Custodians and

against which Depository Receipts have 1 23,263,536 23,263,536 - 3.66 - -
been issued
Total (A)+(B)+(C) 693,481 634,880,222 621,786,816 - 100.00 - -

Share holding pattern at NSE

Number of Total shareholding
Shares pledged or
Sr. Category of Number of Total number shares held in as a percentage of
No shareholder shareholders of shares de materialized total number of
form shares
% of % of Number % No.
shares shares of of
(A+B) (A+B+C) shares shares
(A) Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
(1) Indian
Individuals/ Hindu
(a) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Undivided Family
Central Government/
(b) 1 377207200 377207200 61.67 59.41 0 0
State Government(s)
(c) Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Financial Institutions/
(d) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(e) Any Other (specify)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (A)(1) 1 377207200 377207200 61.67 59.41 0 0.00
(2) Foreign
Individuals (Non-
(a) Resident Individuals/ 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Foreign Individuals)
(b) Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(c) Institutions 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(d) Any Other (specify)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (A)(2) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
Total Shareholding
of Promoter and
Promoter Group 1 377207200 377207200 61.67 59.41 0 0.00
(A)= (A)(1)+(A)
(B) Public shareholding
(1) Institutions
(a) Mutual Funds/ UTI 283 26211596 26182616 4.29 4.13 NA NA
(b) Financial Institutions/ 81 1125763 1112523 0.18 0.18 NA NA

Central Government/
(c) 4 122728 770 0.02 0.02 NA NA
State Government(s)
Venture Capital
(d) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 NA NA
(e) Insurance Companies 25 73155013 73153763 11.96 11.52 NA NA
Foreign Institutional
(f) 554 72198556 72095331 11.80 11.37 NA NA
Foreign Venture
(g) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Capital Investors
(h) Any Other (specify)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (B)(1) 947 172813656 172545003 28.25 27.22 NA NA
(2) Non-institutions
(a) Bodies Corporate 4520 22525379 22438254 3.68 3.55 NA NA
(b) Individuals
shareholders holding
(i) 682718 35442972 22757767 5.79 5.58 NA NA
nominal share capital
up to Rs. 1 lakh
shareholders holding
(ii) nominal share capital 52 1806567 1806567 0.30 0.28 NA NA
in excess of Rs. 1
(c) Any Other (specify)
Non-Residents Indian 4591 510885 488102 0.08 0.08 NA NA
Trusts 159 309146 279906 0.05 0.05 NA NA
Clearing Member 480 719687 719687 0.12 0.11 NA NA
Foreign National 4 297 297 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Foreign Body
3 279802 279802 0.05 0.04 NA NA
Ocb 5 1095 695 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Sub-Total(B)(2) 692532 61595830 48771077 10.07 9.70 NA NA
Total Public
Shareholding (B)= 693479 234409486 221316080 38.32 36.92 NA NA
TOTAL(A)+(B) 693480 611616686 598523280 99.99 96.33 0 0.00
Shares held by
Custodians and
against which
(C) 1 23263536 23263536 3.66 NA NA
Receipts have been
693481 634880222 621786816 100.00 0 0.00

Financial Position:

Balance Sheet

Rs in Cr Mar’09 Mar’08 Mar’07 Mar’06 Mar’05

Equity Capital 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00
Reserves 7,885.63 7,701.11 6,608.86 5,582.04 4,720.88
Net Worth
Preference Capital 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Deposits 154,072.4 142,381.4 116,803.23 96,908.42 86,344.56
Borrowings 2,517.23 1,574.35 25.82 114.16 754.90
Other Liabilities 13,438.55 11,651.25 8,860.57 7,173.63 7,188.30
Total liabilities 178,323.8 163,718.1 132,708.48 110,188.2 99,418.64
Cash & Balance with
13,364.79 9,095.19 7,914.00 4,984.38 6,890.94
Money Market
4,513.25 7,278.74 4,909.56 3,684.35 5,136.08
Investments 49,811.57 45,225.54 36,974.18 38,053.88 35,792.99
Advances 107,238.0 98,505.69 79,425.70 60,421.40 47,638.63
Fixed Assets 712.01 618.48 575.09 555.90 559.43
Other Assets 2,684.17 2,994.53 2,909.95 2,488.34 3,400.57
Total Assets 178,323.8 163,718.1 132,708.48 110,188.2 99,418.64
Income Statement

Details Mar’09 Mar’08 Mar’07 Mar’06 Mar’05

Operating Income 15,524.19 11,571.85 9,099.08 8,299.02 8,791.87
Operating Expenses 14,159.26 10,212.81 7,967.30 7,204.42 7,346.03
Operating Profit 1,364.93 1,359.04 1,131.78 1,094.60 1,445.84
Other Income 750.34 668.65 619.13 357.97 287.72
Adjusted PBDIT 2,115.27 2,027.69 1,750.91 1,452.57 1,733.56
Provisions 41.38 209.19 63.05 40.54 -47.92
Depreciation 169.97 148.18 145.03 132.95 113.71
Adjusted PBT 1,903.92 1,670.32 1,542.83 1,279.08 1,667.77
Tax Charges 340.00 250.00 200.00 170.00 330.00
Adjusted PAT 1,563.92 1,420.32 1,342.83 1,109.08 1,337.77

Company Growth

Year Mar’09 Mar’08 Mar’07 Mar’06 Mar’05
Sales 15524.19 11571.85 9099.08 8299.02 8791.87
% Var 34.15 27.18 9.64 -5.61
PAT 1565.01 1420.81 1343.22 1109.50 1388.01
% Var 10.15 5.78 21.07 -17.08

Key Ratios

Return on Total Assets (ROTA) 43.89

Return on capital employed (ROCE) 0.96
Net profit margin 9.61
Current Ratio 0.19
Quick Ratio 9.17
Gearing Ratio 99.73
Interest Cover 0.15

Support & Resistance

Close Price 258 Close Price 258.05
52 Week Low 135 52 Week Low 136.45
50-day Moving Average 237.80 50-day Moving Average 238




Current scenario suggests that market is high on expectations, especially in banking sector.
Analysis suggests that all the chosen stocks i.e. ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, CANARA Bank are
going to perform well, with huge potential of earnings to equity holders.


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