Ecology Presentation 3

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The Terrestrial
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Elements of ECOLOGY Lecture Presentation by

Carla Ann Hass
Penn State University
Thomas M. Smith • Robert Leo Smith
Chapter 4 The Terrestrial Environment

§ What are the physical and chemical conditions that

are important for terrestrial life?
§ What constraints are imposed by the terrestrial
environment when compared to life in the water?

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ Different lineages of organisms have colonized
terrestrial environments
§ What constraints did organisms face when moving
from aquatic to terrestrial environments?

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ Dessication – loss of water to the environment
§ Water readily evaporates from the surface of cells
through diffusion unless the air is saturated
§ Water balance – difference in water concentration
between the organism and its environments
§ Hydration – replacing water that has been lost to the
§ How do organisms stay hydrated?

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ What are ways that animals acquire water?

§ What are ways that plants acquire water?

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ What are ways that animals acquire water?
§ drinking
§ eating

§ What are ways that plants acquire water?

§ diffusion
§ roots/vascular tissue

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ How do plants reduce water loss?

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ Plants reduce water loss through
§ having a waxy cuticle covering the above ground
parts of the plant
§ however, this waxy surface prevents gas exchange
§ stomata (pores on the surface of the plant) that allow
oxygen to leave and carbon dioxide to enter the leaf
§ What about water vapor?

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ Air is less dense than water
§ results in lower drag on movement of organisms
§ increases the effect of gravity
§ in water, buoyancy from the displacement of water
provides some support
§ terrestrial organisms must make their own support
§ What types of support structures are seen?

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ Animals
§ internal skeletons
§ external skeletons
§ Fungi
§ cell walls of chitin
§ Plants
§ cell walls of cellulose

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ Terrestrial environments are highly variable
§ through both time and space
§ What are some examples of this variation?

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Section 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique
§ Terrestrial environments are highly variable both
daily and seasonally
§ What are some examples of this variation?
§ temperature variation
§ precipitation variation
§ These fluctuations have
§ short-term effects on metabolic processes
§ long-term effects on distribution and evolution of

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ What happens to light when it strikes vegetation?
§ How does leaf area affect the light at different levels
(depths) in the canopy?

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ Light striking vegetation can be
§ reflected
§ absorbed
§ A forest absorbs more light than a meadow

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Figure 4.2

10% reflected by
top of canopy 20% reflected by
top of canopy


2% 34%

(a) 2% (b)

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ Leaves vary in size and shape so the number of
leaves is not the best measure of the effect leaves
have on light levels below
§ Foliage density expressed as leaf area
§ leaves are flat
§ leaf area measured on one or both sides
§ Leaf Area Index (LAI)
§ area of leaves per unit ground area =
(m2 leaf area / m2 ground area)

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Figure 4.3
26 26
24 24
22 22
20 20
18 18
16 16

Height (m)

Height (m)
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
Total leaf area = 315 m2
4 4
2 2
0 0
25 50 75 100 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.00
(b) Leaf area (m2) (c) Leaf area index

10 m
total leaf area Leaf area index
= (LAI)
projected ground area

Ground area = pr 2 = 78.5 m2

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ What happens to the LAI as you move from the top
of the tree canopy to the ground?
§ cumulative leaf area and LAI increase
§ light decreases
§ Beer’s Law quantifies the relationship between
available light and LAI

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Quantifying Ecology Box Figure 1

24 – 26 m
0.8 (Top of canopy)
Available light (ALi)

0.6 22 – 24 m

20 – 22 m Ground level

0.2 18 – 20 m

12 – 14 m
0 1 2 3 4
Leaf area index (LAIi)

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ The spectral composition (quality of light) varies in
the plant canopy
§ There are different types of radiation that plants can
§ PAR – photosynthetically active radiation –
wavelengths used by plants for photosynthesis
(400–700 nm)
§ FR – Far red radiation (730 nm)
§ R – Red radiation (660 nm)
§ How can this influence plant growth?

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ Can influence plant growth because transmittance of
light varies
§ transmittance of PAR < about 10%
§ transmittance of FR much higher
§ R/FR ratio decreases through the canopy
§ Affects phytochrome production
§ pigment that allows plant to detect shading by other
§ Can change growth and resource use patterns

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ Leaf orientation also affects the change in light
quality (attenuation) through the canopy
§ Leaf perpendicular to the sun
§ absorbs 1.0 unit of light energy per leaf unit area/time
§ Leaf at a 60° angle to the sun
§ absorbs 0.5 unit of light energy
§ Why?

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ Leaf at a 60° angle to the sun has only half of the
surface area exposed, so receives 50% less light

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Figure 4.4
Length Length
0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0

Sunlight Sunlight

Shade Shade

(a) Perpendicular (b) 60° angle

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ Variation is seen because the angle of the sun
varies geographically and seasonally
§ In high-latitude environments, angle of the sun is low
§ leaves at an angle absorb light more effectively
§ In hot and dry environments, water demand is
highest at midday
§ leaves at an angle reduce light absorption during

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ Some sunlight does reach the ground as sunflecks
§ Can account for 70 to 80% of the sunlight energy
reaching the ground in forests

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Section 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the
Vertical Distribution of Light
§ Seasonal changes may strongly influence leaf area
§ deciduous trees shed their leaves during winter
months or the dry season

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Figure 4.6

30 Jan Jul
Feb Aug
25 Mar Sep
Apr Oct
Height above ground (m)

May Nov
20 Jun Dec



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Proportion of available light (PAR) at top of canopy
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Section 4.3 Soil Is the Foundation upon
which All Terrestrial Life Depends
§ Soil is the basis of terrestrial ecosystems
§ What is soil composed of?
§ Why is it so important for terrestrial life?

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Section 4.3 Soil Is the Foundation upon
which All Terrestrial Life Depends
§ Soil is:
§ the medium for plant growth
§ the initial recipient of water, controlling its fate
§ a recycling system
§ a habitat

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Section 4.3 Soil Is the Foundation upon
which All Terrestrial Life Depends
§ Soil is difficult to define.
§ It is both abiotic and biotic – a living system
§ It is three-dimensional; has depth, length and width
§ Base is hard, unweathered rock
§ Regolith – the layer of unconsolidated debris from
crumbled rock that overlays this base

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Section 4.4 Formation of Soil Begins with
§ What are the two types of weathering?
§ What does weathered rock contribute to soil?

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Section 4.4 Formation of Soil Begins with
§ Mechanical weathering results from the interaction
§ water – seeps into crevices
§ temperature – if water freezes and expands, it can
break the rock into smaller pieces
§ wind – scours the surface with dust and sand
§ organisms – plant roots can split rocks
§ Breaks rocks and minerals into smaller particles but
does not change them chemically

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Section 4.4 Formation of Soil Begins with
§ Chemical weathering chemically alters and breaks
down rock and minerals
§ soil organisms – activities produce water, oxygen and
§ organic material – from dead organisms or shed
§ Water is important for this process
§ Chemically transforms the original rocks and

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Section 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five
Interrelated Factors
§ How is soil formed?
§ What role does each of the five factors play in this

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Section 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five
Interrelated Factors
§ The five interrelated factors are:
§ parent material
§ biotic factors
§ climate
§ topography
§ time

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Section 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five
Interrelated Factors
§ Parent material is the material from which soil
§ its physical character and chemical composition are
important in determining soil properties

§ Where does parent material originate?

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Section 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five
Interrelated Factors
§ Parent material is the material from which soil
§ its physical character and chemical composition are
important in determining soil properties
§ Can originate from:
§ underlying bedrock
§ glacial deposits (till)
§ windborne sand/silt (eolian)
§ gravity moving material down slope (colluvium)
§ sediments carried by flowing water (fluvial)

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Section 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five
Interrelated Factors
§ Biotic factors contribute to soil formation
§ What roles do these organisms play?
§ plants
§ animals
§ fungi and bacteria

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Section 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five
Interrelated Factors
§ Biotic factors contribute to soil formation
§ Plants – transfer light energy to the soil as organic
§ Roots – break up parent material, stabilize soil
surface, reduce erosion, bring nutrients to the surface
§ Animals – burrow and dig into the soil
§ Fungi and bacteria – decompose the remains of
organisms, increasing organic material in the soil

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Section 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five
Interrelated Factors
§ Climate influences soil development directly and
§ Abiotic factors influence the physical and chemical
reactions that break down parent material
§ temperature – controls the rate of biochemical
§ precipitation – water is required for chemical
weathering and leaching
§ winds

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Section 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five
Interrelated Factors
§ Abiotic climatic factors interact
§ Weathering, leaching, and plant growth
§ maximized under warm temperatures and abundant
§ much less influence under cold, dry conditions
§ Topography can affect the influence of climate
§ Compare steep slopes to more level land
§ Which will have more water run off?
§ Which will have more erosion/soil creep?

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Section 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five
Interrelated Factors
§ Time is important in soil formation
§ All of the factors discussed work over long periods
of time
§ The formation of well-developed soil may take 2000
to 20,000 years.

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Section 4.6 Soils Have Certain
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
§ How are different types of soils distinguished?
§ What are the three components that determine soil

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Section 4.6 Soils Have Certain
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
§ Soils are distinguished by physical and chemical
properties, including:
§ color
§ texture
§ structure
§ moisture
§ depth
§ These properties can be highly variable in different

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Section 4.6 Soils Have Certain
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
§ Color is more easily defined and soils can be
classified using color charts
§ has little direct influence on soil function, but can be
used to determine chemical and physical properties
§ Dark soil – organic matter
§ Other colors indicate the parent material rocks and
§ Blotchy soil (yellow-brown/gray) – water saturated

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Section 4.6 Soils Have Certain
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
§ Soil texture – the proportion of different-sized soil
§ partly a result of parent material and partly the soil-
forming process
§ Soils classification is based on proportions of:
§ sand – 0.0 to 2.0 mm, easy to see
§ silt – 0.002 to 0.05 mm, difficult to see with naked eye
§ clay – less than 0.002 mm, microscopic

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Section 4.6 Soils Have Certain
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
§ Clay controls the most important properties
§ cater-holding capacity
§ exchange of ions between particles and solution

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Section 4.6 Soils Have Certain
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
§ Soil texture is the percentage (by weight) of sand,
silt, and clay
§ Total must always sum to 100%
§ Can be divided into texture classes

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Figure 4.7

90 10

80 20

70 30

60 40



50 50



Sandy clay

40 clay 60
Silty clay
Clay loam
30 Sandy loam 70
clay loam
20 Loam 80
Sandy loam Silt loam
10 90
Loamy Silt
Sand sand 100
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
Percent sand
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You are a soil scientist working with the home owner
who is establishing a new flower garden. A soil
analysis shows that the soil in the garden is 30% sand,
30% silt, and 40% clay. The soil scientist recommends
plants that grow best in:

A. clay
B. clay loam
C. sandy clay
D. silty clay
E. Both A and B would be appropriate

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Figure 4.7

90 10

80 20

70 30

60 40



50 50



Sandy clay

40 clay 60
Silty clay
Clay loam
30 Sandy loam 70
clay loam
20 Loam 80
Sandy loam Silt loam
10 90
Loamy Silt
Sand sand 100
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
Percent sand
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You are a soil scientist working with the home owner
who is establishing a new flower garden. A soil
analysis shows that the soil in the garden is 30% sand,
30% silt, and 40% clay. The soil scientist recommends
plants that grow best in:

A. clay
B. clay loam
C. sandy clay
D. silty clay
E. Both A and B would be appropriate

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Section 4.6 Soils Have Certain
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
§ Soil texture affects pore space in the soil
§ Important for the movement of air and water in the
soil, root penetration
§ Ideal soil – 50% soil particles, 50% pore space
§ Pore space includes spaces within and between soil
§ old root channels
§ animal burrows

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Section 4.6 Soils Have Certain
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
§ Coarse soils – large pore spaces, rapid water
infiltration, percolation, drainage
§ As texture becomes finer (pores smaller) there is
more surface area for water adhesion and chemical
§ Very fine soils – easily compacted, smaller pore
spaces, poor aeration, difficult for root penetration

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Section 4.6 Soils Have Certain
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
§ Soil depth depends on many factors
§ Slope – deeper in valleys, more shallow on ridges
§ Weathering
§ Parent Material
§ Vegetation
§ Grasslands – deep soils – grasses have deep roots,
add organic material to soil
§ Forests – shallow soils – falling leaves are major
source of organic material

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Section 4.7 The Soil Body has Horizontal
Layers or Horizons
§ What are the different horizons in a soil profile?
§ How does these horizons form?

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Section 4.7 The Soil Body has Horizontal
Layers or Horizons
§ Soil profile – a sequence of horizontal layers visible
in the soil
§ These layers are called horizons (O, A, B, C)
§ Horizons have different physical, chemical, and
biological characteristics
§ What are differences among the layers in this

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Figure 4.8

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Section 4.7 The Soil Body has Horizontal
Layers or Horizons
§ O horizon
§ What does the O stand for?
§ What materials contribute to this layer?

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Section 4.7 The Soil Body has Horizontal
Layers or Horizons
§ O horizon
§ Organic layer
§ Partially decomposed organic material
§ Can be subdivided
§ Oi – surface – undecomposed leaves and twigs
§ Oe – middle – partly decomposed
§ Oa – bottom – dark humus layer
§ In temperate zones, thickness varies seasonally
§ thickest in the fall, thinnest in the summer. Why?

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Section 4.7 The Soil Body has Horizontal
Layers or Horizons
§ A horizon
§ Topsoil
§ A mixture of mineral soil from parent material and
humus from the O horizon
§ Darker than lower soil layers
§ Water flows down through this layer, leaching
minerals and fine soil particles to lower layers. Can
lead to an:
§ E horizon (eluviation) – common in forest soils, rare in
grasslands (lower precipitation)

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Section 4.7 The Soil Body has Horizontal
Layers or Horizons
§ B horizon
§ Subsoil
§ Contains less organic matter
§ Accumulation of soil and mineral particles – clays
and salts leached from the A horizon
§ Usually more dense than the A horizon
§ More difficult for plant roots to penetrate

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Section 4.7 The Soil Body has Horizontal
Layers or Horizons
§ C horizon
§ Unconsolidated material
§ Mainly composed of the parent material from which
the soil developed
§ Relatively little alteration by soil-forming processes
§ very little biological activity
§ very little weathering
§ Bedrock is below the C horizon

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Figure 4.9

Organic layer: dominated by

organic material, consisting of
undecomposed or partially
decomposed plant materials, O
such as dead leaves
Topsoil: largely mineral soil
developed from parent material;
organic matter leached from
above gives this horizon a
distinctive dark color B

Subsoil: accumulation of
mineral particles, such as clay
and salts leached from topsoil;
distinguished based on color,
structure, and kind of material
accumulated from leaching
Unconsolidated material
derived from the original
parent material from which the
soil developed
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Section 4.8 Moisture-Holding Capacity Is an
Essential Feature of Soils
§ How do soils gain and lose moisture?
§ Why is the available water capacity of the soil an
important value?
§ What effect does topography have on water
availability in the soil?

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Section 4.8 Moisture-Holding Capacity Is an
Essential Feature of Soils
§ Soils gain moisture through precipitation
§ Water infiltrates the soil
§ Flows as a result of gravity into the open pore
spaces in the soil
§ What is the relationship between infiltration rate and
pore size in the soil?

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Section 4.8 Moisture-Holding Capacity Is an
Essential Feature of Soils
§ Soils gain moisture through precipitation
§ Water infiltrates the soil
§ Flows as a result of gravity into the open pore
spaces in the soil
§ The larger the pore size, the faster the infiltration
§ coarse soils have a higher infiltration rate than fine
§ Saturated soil – there is more water than the pore
space can hold; excess drains away

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Section 4.8 Moisture-Holding Capacity Is an
Essential Feature of Soils
§ Field capacity – water fills all of the pore spaces
and is held within the soil by internal capillary forces
§ Given as the percentage of the soil (weight or
volume) occupied by water when saturated
compared to the oven-dried weight of that soil
§ Varies with texture
§ lower in coarse soils; higher in fine soils

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Section 4.8 Moisture-Holding Capacity Is an
Essential Feature of Soils
§ Soils lose moisture (capillary water) through
evaporation and extraction by plants
§ Wilting point – soil moisture level below which
plants can no longer extract water
§ water remains in the soil but is held too tightly by the
soil for the plant to take up
§ Available water capacity (AWC) = field capacity -
wilting point

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Section 4.8 Moisture-Holding Capacity Is an
Essential Feature of Soils
§ Field capacity and wilting point are influenced by soil
texture/particle size

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Figure 4.10

Field capacity

Water content (g/cm3)

35 Wilting point
25 capacity




Sand Loam Clay
Soil texture
Coarse Fine
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Section 4.8 Moisture-Holding Capacity Is an
Essential Feature of Soils
§ Topography affects water movement on and in the
§ drains downhill
§ Ridgetops and high slopes – drier
§ Moisture increases as you move from the ridgetop
down the slope to valleys and streams

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Using the information in this figure, the available water
capacity is

A. higher in clay soils than in loamy soils.

B. lower in loamy soils and higher in sandy and clay
C. lowest in sandy soils.
D. The AWC is about the same in all soil types

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Figure 4.10

Field capacity

Water content (g/cm3)

35 Wilting point
25 capacity




Sand Loam Clay
Soil texture
Coarse Fine
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Using the information in this figure, the available water
capacity is

A. higher in clay soils than in loamy soils.

B. lower in loamy soils and higher in sandy and clay
C. lowest in sandy soils.
D. The AWC is about the same in all soil types

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Section 4.9 Ion Exchange Capacity Is
Important to Soil Fertility
§ Chemistry review – what are cations and anions?
§ How do ions interact with soil particles?
§ Why is ion exchange important to plants?

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Section 4.9 Ion Exchange Capacity Is
Important to Soil Fertility
§ Exchangeable nutrients – chemicals within the soil
dissolved in soil water
§ Available for uptake and use by plants
§ How are these nutrients held in the soil?

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Section 4.9 Ion Exchange Capacity Is
Important to Soil Fertility
§ Cations – positively charged ions
§ Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4+
§ Anions – negatively charged ions
§ NO3-, SO42-
§ Soil particles have charged sites on their surface
§ Ion Exchange Capacity – the total number of
charged sites on soil particles within a volume of soil

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Section 4.9 Ion Exchange Capacity Is
Important to Soil Fertility
§ Colloids – negatively charged particles
§ prevalent in temperate zone soils, cation exchange
§ Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) = total number
of negatively charged sites
§ located on leading edges of clay particles and in soil
organic matter
§ Fewer positively charged particles means that
anions are not retained in soils but leach away
quickly if not taken up by plants

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Section 4.9 Ion Exchange Capacity Is
Important to Soil Fertility
§ Cations on soil particles are in dynamic equilibrium
with cations in soil solution
§ Continuously being exchanged
§ Abundance on exchange sites determined by affinity
for sites and their concentration in soil solution
§ In general, smaller ions and/or those with a greater
positive charge are more tightly held

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Figure 4.11 Step 1 Slide 1

Air space

Water available
to plant

Root hair

Soil particle
by film of water

(a) Water film around soil particles

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Figure 4.11 Step 2 Slide 2

− K+
Soil particle
− Ca2+

− − −
− −

Air space K+ Ca2+
K+ H+
Water available
to plant H2O + CO2 H2CO HCO3 H+


Root hair

Soil particle
surrounded Root hair
by film of water
Cell wall

(a) Water film around soil particles (b) Cation exchange in soil

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Section 4.9 Ion Exchange Capacity Is
Important to Soil Fertility
§ Hydrogen ions are added by precipitation, organic
acids, metabolic acids
§ Increased concentration of H+ in soil solution will
displace other cations such as Ca2+
§ Soils becomes more acidic

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Section 4.9 Ion Exchange Capacity Is
Important to Soil Fertility
§ Soil pH is highly variable – ranges from pH 3 to pH 9
§ pH less than 5.6 – acidic
§ pH more than 7 – basic
§ As pH decreases, the proportion of exchangeable
aluminum (Al3+) increases
§ aluminum is toxic to plants at high concentrations
§ damages the root system and reduces nutrient uptake

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Section 4.10 Basic Soil Formation
Processes Produce Different Soils
§ Regional differences in geology, climate and
vegetation give rise to characteristically different
§ What is the broadest level of soil classification?
§ What are the main soil-forming processes that
produce these different soils?

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Section 4.10 Basic Soil Formation
Processes Produce Different Soils
§ The broadest level of soil classification is the order
§ There are 12 majors soil orders worldwide (see
Figure 4.12 in text)
§ Some are associated with specific geographic areas
§ oxisols – tropics and sub tropics
§ gelisols – permafrost or below 0°C subsurface
§ histosols – bogs and areas with poor drainage

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Figure 4.13

Alfisols Histosols Oxisols Vertisols Rocky soil

Aridisols Inceptisols Spodosols Gelisols Icefields/glaciers

Entisols Mollisols Ultisols Andisols Shifting sands

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Section 4.10 Basic Soil Formation
Processes Produce Different Soils
§ There are five main soil forming processes that give
rise to the diversity of soils
§ laterization
§ calcification
§ salinization
§ podzolization
§ gleization
§ Produced by the integration of climate and edaphic
factors on the formation of soil
§ Leads to the geographic diversity of soils

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Section 4.10 Basic Soil Formation
Processes Produce Different Soils
§ Laterization – a result of hot and rainy conditions
that cause rapid weathering of rocks/minerals
§ Large amounts of water cause heavy leaching in the
§ Compounds and nutrients made available by
weathering are transported out if not taken up by
§ exceptions are iron and aluminum
§ Soils are acidic due to loss of cations except H+

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Section 4.10 Basic Soil Formation
Processes Produce Different Soils
§ Calcification – a result of evaporation and water
uptake by plants exceeding input by precipitation
§ Dissolved alkaline salts such as CaCO3 move up
from the groundwater
§ Some downward transport of these salts by surface
§ Leads to an accumulation of salts in the B horizon
§ can form a hard layer – caliche

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Section 4.10 Basic Soil Formation
Processes Produce Different Soils
§ Salinization – similar to calcification but in drier
§ Leads to an accumulation of salts at or near the soil
§ common in deserts, coastal regions (sea spray)

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Figure 4.14

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Section 4.10 Basic Soil Formation
Processes Produce Different Soils
§ Podzolization – occurs in cool, moist climates
where conifers dominate
§ Organic material from conifers creates strongly
acidic conditions
§ Acidic soil solution enhances leaching
§ Cations, iron, and aluminum compounds removed
from the A horizon

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Section 4.10 Basic Soil Formation
Processes Produce Different Soils
§ Gleization – occurs in areas with high rainfall or
poor drainage (low-lying)
§ Constantly wet conditions slow decomposition of
organic material
§ Organic material accumulates and releases organic
§ Organic acids react with iron in the soil

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Ecological Issues & Applications: Soil Erosion
Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
§ In a twenty year period (1909–1929), farmers tilled
about 32 million acres of land in the Great Plains
§ What type of vegetation had been on that land?
§ How did its removal affect that area?

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Ecological Issues & Applications: Soil Erosion
Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
§ Tilling the land removed the sod
§ grass-covered surface soil
§ mat of fibrous grass roots holding the soil together
§ In the 1930s, there were years of severe drought
and high winds
§ The topsoil was dry and easily eroded by the wind
§ Resulted in dust storms
§ region became known as the Dust Bowl

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Figure 4.15a

Montana North
Wyoming Dakota

Nevada Nebraska
Utah Colorado
Calif. Kansas

Arizona New Okla.



0 400 miles

The Dust Bowl 1930–1939

Most affected area

Other affected area

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Ecological Issues & Applications: Soil Erosion
Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
§ It is estimated that by 1935, wind erosion had
damaged 162 million acres
§ What were the effects of these storms?

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Ecological Issues & Applications: Soil Erosion
Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
§ These storms:
§ buried homes and farm equipment
§ killed livestock
§ were a serious human health risk
§ left millions of acres of farmland useless
§ left about 500,000 Americans homeless
§ led to mass migration
§ 2.5 million people are estimated to have left the Great
Plains and moved to other areas of the United States

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Figure 4.15b


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Figure 4.15c


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Ecological Issues & Applications: Soil Erosion
Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
§ This disaster led to the establishment of the Soil
Erosion Service (now the Natural Resources
Conservation Service)
§ Also led to the Prairie States Forestry Project
§ 220 million trees planted; created 18,000 miles of
§ Is soil erosion on agricultural lands still an issue
§ How much land is used for agricultural purposes?

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Ecological Issues & Applications: Soil Erosion
Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
§ Fifty percent of Earth’s land surface is used for
agriculture. Of this:
§ one-third is used for crops
§ two-thirds are used for grazing
§ Which of these uses leaves the land more
susceptible to erosion?

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Ecological Issues & Applications: Soil Erosion
Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
§ Crop land is more susceptible to erosion
§ usually, vegetation is removed and soil is plowed
before planting crops, destabilizing the soil surface
§ crop land is often left without vegetation between
plantings – bare soil
§ Currently, about 80 percent of agricultural land has
moderate or severe soil erosion
§ can reduce productivity or land may be abandoned
§ What factors influence the rates of soil erosion?
§ What strategies can reduce erosion?

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Ecological Issues & Applications: Soil Erosion
Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
§ Rates of erosion are influenced by
§ topography
§ rainfall patterns
§ wind patterns
§ soil structure
§ soils with medium to fine texture and low organic
material are more easily eroded
§ amount of plant cover

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Ecological Issues & Applications: Soil Erosion
Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
§ Soil can be conserved by
§ Crop rotation – a series of different crops planted in
the same area over sequential growing seasons
§ No-till techniques – plant crops directly in the soil
without plowing
§ Contour planting – planting crops on a contour rather
than up or down a hill
§ These steps can help counter the degradation of
agricultural lands that are needed to feed a growing
human population

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Figure 4.16


(b) (c)
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