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Business Research
Qualitative Research-
Coding Process
Learning Outcomes

• Understanding the coding process in qualitative

• Ability to use coding process to conduct
qualitative analysis.

Learning Outcome

Q1. Neisha wants to study how people feel after watching the newest
animated movie. She asks each person coming out of the theater to fill
out a survey rating different emotions on a scale of 1 to 3. Which of the
following best describes the type of research that Neisha is conducting?

a. Qualitative

b. Quantitative
Q2. Qualitative research looks at:

a. Numeric Data
b. Non-Numeric data
c. Statistics
d. All the above
Q3. Which one is not related to the research design-
a. How to collect the data
b. How to measure the data
c. How to analyze the data
d. How to interpret the data
What is coding?
Coding is the process perusing data for categories
and meanings (themes, ideas, etc.) and then
systematically marking similar strings of text with a
code label.

This allows for systematic retrieval at a later stage

for further comparison and analysis.

Coding the data makes it easier to identify any

patterns that require further investigation.
Codes may be based on:
• Actions, behaviors
• Themes, topics
• Ideas, concepts
• Terms, phrases
• Keywords

Code only relevant data (Not all data must be

Coding Process

Sources of codes (usually both below):
A priori codes
Previous research
Previous theory
Research question
Your intuition of the data or setting

Grounded codes (suspend your ideas about the

phenomenon and let your data determine your
Some things that might be coded: Examples:

Behaviours, specific acts Being dumbfounded, Bragging

Events – short once in a lifetime events or things Meeting a transexual, first time seeing
people have done, often told as a story a video clip

Activities – these are of a longer duration, and Being a lover, playing ball
involve other people within a particular setting

Strategies, practice or tactics Cutting hair to look masculine

States – general conditions experienced by poeple Being “put out” with feminine guys

Relationships or interaction I want to kick their asses

Conditions or constraints If he only knew how to sing, wearing a

girl’s shirt

Consequences Acting like that makes people question

Inductive Vs. Deductive Coding
Paper-based coding examples
Demonstration of Nvivo- Qualitative

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