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• Paul Feyerabend (1975) to write a bookvwith the title Against Method: Outline of

an AnarchisticTheory of Knowledge.
• Popper in The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1972),
• Helen Simons : Getting to Know Schools in a Democracy: the politics and process
of evaluation (1987)
• Maxwell, N(1984): From Knowledge to Wisdom: a revolution in the aims and
methods of science
• Midgley, M(1989): Wisdom, information, and wonder: what is knowledge for?
• Rorty, R (1980) Philosophy and Mirror of Nature
• Thelen, Kathleen, "How Institutions Evolve: Insights from Comparative-Historical
Analysis," pp. 208-240 in James Mahoney and Dietrich Rueschemeyer (eds.),
Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences, Cambridge University
Press, New York, 2002.

• Goodin, Robert, Institutions and Their Design, in Robert Goodin (ed.), The Theory
of Institutional Design, Cambridge University Press, NY, 1996.

• Instructor's manual to accompany Teaching science through discovery, sixth edition,
and Teaching modern science, fifth edition [by] Arthur A. Carin, Robert B. Sund

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Letter to a teacher – by John Holt.

hey there are many authors but i thik u buy some one when u go there ..though i would
strongly recommend u read SHOBHA DE...just to know current trends not to follow or
accept her opinion.there is AYN RAND<FERDRICK
FORSYTH,TAGORE,NAIPAUL,HARPER LEE yes this author wote to kill a mocking
bird..since u mentioned childhood ,innocence etc see if u can get this book
GOOD THOUGHTS (Received from friends through
• Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered,
you will never grow! Excellence never an act, but a Habit.
• Don’t look back when you are moving to success. But, “don’t forget to
look back after reaching success”.
• Don’t make life’s critical decisions on the basis of your mood. Mood is a
dangerous state of mind, because it can crush reason under the weight of
• Every experience brings out something good, good times become good
memories, bad times become good lessons. We never lose, we only gain
from life.
• Good heart and good nature are two different issues. Good heart can win
many relationships, but good nature can win many good hearts.
• Don’t feel bitter that people remember you only when they need you. Feel
privileged that you’re like Candle – comes to mind where there’s a power
• Three Golden rules: “who helps you, Don’t forget them”. “Who loves you,
don’t hate them”, “Who believing you, don’t cheat them”
• Two thoughts decide the progress in life: The way you interact when you
have nothing in hand and the way you manage when you have everything
in hand.
• When it rains all birds occupy shelter, but Eagle is the only bird avoids the
rain by flying above the cloud. Problems common to all but attitude makes
the difference.
• Working hands are always better than praying lips.

‘‘The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is
the price we must pay for success.

I think you can accomplish anything if you’re willing to pay the price.’’

—Vince Lombardi

Everything starts with some expectation, but, everything ends with some

Two thoughts decide your attitude in life

1. What you think of yourself when you having nothing, and
2. What you think of others when you have everything.

People are not beautiful as they look…as they walk….as they wear!!
People are beautiful as they love….as they care and as they share.

Your mind is your great friend if you control it, but, your mind is your greatest
enemy if it controls you.

Why are we made to write with pencil when we are small and later on with pen?
Because, mistakes made at that time are allowed to be erased but not now.
All winners do not have to be hard worker. But every hard worker surely one day
becomes a winner.

If egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins.
Great things always begin from inside. Trust yourself.

Habit of smiling can make your life happy. It costs nothing and you lose nothing.

A teacher’s purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop
students who can create their own image.

People who hate you are just the confused admirers. They can’t figure out the
reason why everyone loves you.

Never try to maintain relations in your life…. Just try to maintain life in your

You are born without anything, but you die with your name… So, that name must
not be a word, it must be a history.

Those who make you smile thank them, those who would make you cry tolerate
them with smile but who makes you smile with tears in their eyes care for them.

Success in life can never be an accident, it is the result of right decision at a right
time. Because, champions are not people who never fail but people who never

Work for a cause, never for applause. Live life to express and not to impress.
Don’t Strive to make your presence noticed, make your absence felt!

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