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A treatment for a feature film screenplay

By Luke, Demi, Eve and Adele

December 2010

The present
In a street

Among the rush of the children walking swiftly exiting the school gates, a young girl
walked slowly down the street, hearing more children laugh and giggle with their
parents. She wore dark trousers down to the floor with a scarf wrapped round her neck
and a purple coat to keep her warm. She walked down a not so busy street looking
like there was something on his mind, it was silent as though she was all alone, the
evening approaching. Behind her pretty far back stood a dark figure who appeared to
be watching the child. Now the breathing of this figure seems to get louder and almost
more worried as they hide behind the nearest thing. The child turns to see what is
there after hearing movement behind, but see’s no one.

A child dancing around in a room that’s full of posters and things that remind her of
her childhood, singing through a hairbrush with music playing in the background very
loudly. The music can be heard from outside where the figure is seen watching the
child through the bedroom window. They are standing among the cold weather and
emptiness of the now dark street. Still unable to see the face of this figure the child
notices someone outside and the music dies down leaving an almost silent sound in
the air, just being able to hear the breeze of the sharp wind. The child approaches the
window to investigate what has been watching her, she shudders at the thought of
somebody watching her, more with embarrassment that with fright. The camera pans
to a dark figure that is now walking swiftly down the street avoiding anyone seeing

With the warmth of the inside air, you see a figure seeming to be sitting in the dark,
rocking back and forth with what looks like a small child in their arms, it’s a doll. The
television is playing in the distance. A childs program playing on the TV the figure
stops rocking and stands unable to see hair of face due to the hood of their clothing
up. In their dark clothes they approach a kitchen surface where a needle lays
untouched and ready for use. Breathing increases and a hand picks the needle up,
seeming almost desperate for this. The arm is in full camera shot, with the other hand
holding the needle and shaking, now almost desperate but scared of what they are
about to do. The needle gets closer to the skin and the shaking is getting more violent,
the needle approaches the fresh skin slowly as the shaking gets to much worse and the
needle drops to the floor slowly. The needle is picked up from the floor but the
camera is still on the floor with a shot of their kitchen. You hear a sign, it could be of
relief or fear, as a body solely slumps down to the floor, the camera in view of their
legs and waist.

Next day, in the afternoon a woman standing at the door of the house knocking
waiting for somebody to answer it. A child eventually answers the door and looks
happy to see the woman, who is standing there with a present and greets her with a
big hug. The woman inhales as she takes in the scent of the child and then puts her
down to hand over the present for the child, it is now apparent that it’s the child
birthday. After a quick conversation the woman hugs and kisses the child, reluctant to
let go of the child. The child begins to smile and then suddenly laugh asking her to let
go still laughing. The woman steps back apologizing and quickly laughing back
before waking back over to her car, looking behind her every so often watching he
child re-enter the house.

A woman enters the doctor’s surgery, looking expectant but at the same time
concerned. She slowly walks up to the reception desk and says that she is there to
receive her IVF results. It is now obvious that the woman who is under going IVF
treatment is the same woman who is the auntie of the young girl, and has been
stalking the young child from the start of the film. It is now obvious that the woman is
unable to have children of her own but it desperate to be a mother, so she was stalking
a child from a local school that just so happened to be her niece.

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