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Set-3 Answer Key


Ans 11
(a) (i) Fd or 2.5 × 0.18
0.45 N m
(ii) force not applied at right angles to the tap
(b) long(er) distance needs small(er) force (for same moment) or inversely

Ans 12
(a) V1 = p2V2 / p1 or p α 1 / V
1.0 × 105 × (1.8 / 2.0) × 107
9.0 × 10–3
m3 or 9000 cm3
(b) (i) (ρ = ) m / V or (0.30 / 9.0) × 10–3
33(.3333) kg / m3 or 0.033(3333) g / cm3
(ii) helium mass / weight small (fraction of total / mass of air included) or this
includes the weight of the cylinder

Ans 13
(a) (i) lasts longer or one cell can be replaced without switching off the circuit or
less (internal) resistance or if one fails the others still work
(ii) 1.5 V
(b) (i) (R = )V / I or 1.5 / 0.075
20 (Ω) or 1.5 / (0.075 – 6.0)
14 Ω
(ii) decreases
resistance of wire increases

Ans 14
(a) 3.0 × 108 m / s
(b) (i) 1. decreases
2. no change
3. decreases
(ii) 1. i correctly marked (to normal)
2. r correctly marked (to normal)
(c) (i) sin i / sin r = n or sin i / sin r = 1.5
sin 89 / sin r = 1.5 or sin 89 / 1.5 or 0.67(0.666565)
42° or 41.8025°
(ii) i equal to / close to 90° sin i / sin 45 sin–1(1/n) / sin–1(1 / 1.5)
and r less than 45° = 1.5 and 41.8°
i never bigger than sin i >1 r not be more than c
89° / 90°
(d) (i) (sin) i = 0 or ray enters directly / wavefront / light hits surface
along normal / perpendicular or all together
(sin) r = 0 or no refraction all slows down together
(ii) correct reflection at bottom surface (by eye)
second correct reflection at top and no refraction at either point

Ans 15
(a) same element or same number of protons / atomic number
different / particular number of neutrons or nucleons
(b) (i) 38
(ii) 52

(d) (i) 87 / 29 or 3 (half-lives) or 6.0 × 108/ 8

7.5 × 107

(iii) 1. unpredictable or not be known in advance or no set time between emissions

or fluctuates or not fixed or counts obtained varies B1
2. any two from: direction / in space time which nucleus decays

Ans 16

(a) any two from:

biomass / wood; geothermal power; solar power; tidal power; wave power; wind
(b) (i) 1. 2.1(4) × 1017 J (allow 2.1(5) × 1017 J if candidate uses 365.24 / 5)
2. any one from: not enough water (to maintain maximum flow); rainfall
varies (during the year); periods of low demand
(ii) 1. (GPE = ) mgh or 1.6 × 1010 × 10 × 170
2.7(2) × 1013 J
2. 2.7(2) × 1013
/ 3600 or 6.8 × 109 × 3600 or 6.8 × 109
/ 7.5(55) × 109 or
2.4(48) × 1013
/ 2.7(2) × 1013
0.90 or 90%
3. any two from:
friction (of water) with pipe / turbine /; viscosity of water; friction at
bearings; resistance / heat in the wires; KE of water leaving turbine
(c) (i) less energy lost / wasted or more efficient
(for a given power) a high voltage results in a small(er) current
less heat generated in wires or I2R or less resistive losses
(not if changed resistance mentioned)

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