LOVE UNIT 3 Lesson 2

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LOVE UNIT 3 Lesson 2 

Past progressive tense 


Affirmative Negative Question Short answer Short answer

Yes No
I/He/She/It I/He/She/It Was Yes, No,
was working. wasn’t I/he/she/it I/you/he/she/ I/you/he/she/it
You/We/They (was not) working? it was. wasn’t.
were working. Were Yes, No,
working. You/we/they you/we/ you/we/they you/we/they
weren’t (were they were. weren’t.
not) working?

Some spelling rules for the ing 

Delete e and add ing for verbs that end in e: have — having; make — making
Add a consonant + ing for verbs that end in one vowel + one consonant: run
— running; stop — stopping
You can use the past progressive to describe a “longer” activity that was in
progress when other past
events happened. You usually use it in contrast with the simple past.
I saw her when I was driving home.
They were playing tennis when it started raining.
Write the ing form of these verbs.
come coming hit come
 eat  play meet
 hit  put think
 Leave wear  stay
Eat  Buy study
          win  swim wake


Let´s go the SB page 26 to contrast the two tenses ( simple past vs. past
progressive ) 

III. READING Complete the story with past progressive or simple past
verb forms. Predict the ending of the story.


 Read about a TV game show called Get Personal and answer these
(B = Bobby; R = Rosie; D = Dave)
It’s time for our popular competition Get Personal, with your host,
Bobby Brown.
B: Good evening and welcome to this week’s Get Personal. Let’s
meet our first couple, Rosie and Dave.
As you know, Rosie and Dave are in separate studios – Rosie can’t
Dave, and Dave has no idea what Rosie is saying. But they can both
hear me. OK, are you ready to play Get Personal?
R&D: Yes, Bobby.
B: OK, we’ll start with you, Rosie. We want you to remember exactly what
was going on when you first met.
Dave. OK?
R: OK, Bobby.
B: Now, Rosie, how did you first meet Dave?
R: Well, I was working as a nurse, and Dave was my patient. He came into
the hospital for an operation.
B: OK, Rosie. I want you to think about the moment when you first met.
What time of day was it?
R: Um, I was working nights that week. So early evening.
B: Uh-huh. And how was the weather?
R: I think it was raining. Yes, it was raining when I arrived at work.
B: What were you both wearing when you saw each other for the first time?
R: Now that’s easy. I was wearing my nurse’s uniform, a white coat, and he
was wearing pajamas. Blue pajamas. Or were they green? No, blue.
B: Finally, who spoke first and what did he or she say?
R: Dave spoke first. In fact, he shouted at me. He said, “Nurse, I’m going to
throw up.”
B: Well, that’s very romantic! Thank you, Rosie.
(B = Bobby; D = Dave)
B: Now, Dave, it’s your turn. Where and how did you first meet?
D: Well, I went into the hospital for an operation, and Rosie was working
there as a nurse.
B: What time of day was it?
D: Oh, I don’t know. Lunchtime? No, hold on, it was later than that. Early
B: How was the weather?
D: It was summer, so I guess the sun was shining.
B: What were you both wearing when you saw each other for the first time?
D: Rosie was wearing her nurse’s uniform, a white coat, and she was also
wearing nice perfume. I was wearing my favorite blue pajamas.
B: Finally, Dave, who spoke first and what did he or she say?
D: Rosie spoke first. She said, “How are you feeling?” And I think I said,
“I feel terrible.”

Let´s go to WB page 12 exercise 5. 
Look at the picture of a modern Romeo and Juliet.
Complete the sentences with verbs from the box in the past progressive.
Feel          get  sit   hold  speak   plan     wear

a.  Juliet _______________ an old T-shirt.

b. She _______________ a cup of coffee.
c.  It was late and she _______________ tired.
d.  Romeo _______________ on his motorcycle.
e.  They _______________ on their cell phones.
f. Romeo _______________ wet.
g.  They _______________ to get married
Let´s go to WB page 13 exercise 6 
Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.
Use the simple past or the past progressive.
Juliet (1) _______________ (go) out with a man named Paris, but she didn’t
love him. One evening, she (2) _______________ (watch) TV when her cell
rang. It was Romeo and he (3) _______________ (say) that he was in her
street. She (4) _______________ (open) the door of the balcony and saw him.
He (5) _______________ (sit) on a motorcycle. When he saw her, he (6)
_______________ (begin) to sing.
It was a beautiful song and Juliet (7) ______________ (want) it to last forever.
But it (8) _______________ (rain) and she was cold. She (9)
(decide) to ask Romeo inside. Then, another motorcycle (10)
_______________ (arrive). It was Paris…..

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