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This chapter offers the foundation of the scope of this research through the background of

the study. In general, the glimpse of the research will be provided to readers. Next, problem

statement, research questions, as well as the objectives of this research will also be explained

in a detailed manner. The limitations and significance of the study are also a highlight in this

chapter, in suggesting better research in the future. The definitions of term will also be

provided in defining the parameter for this study.


Education in a wider sense is; or specifically referring to society in general, is

important because through education, the society will manage to perform in achieving the

country’s goals. Taking Malaysia as an example, in 1991, Tun Mahathir has introduced

Vision 2020 which aims at making Malaysia a developed country by year 2020. The term

‘developed’ refers to the state of being economically, politically, socially, spiritually,

psychologically and culturally developed. In regards to that, Tun Mahathir emphasized the

nine challenges that need to be encountered before managing to reach the Vision 2020 aim.

Among those challenges are for the society to establish a fully moral and ethical,

scientific and progressive, and economically-just society, and these clearly will not be

achieved without education. In dealing with these challenges, the government has been

working on a laundry list of efforts and initiatives. The government keeps on addressing

issues, formulating, adopting, implementing and evaluating policies in meeting the recent

necessities, including the educational policy. Chamhuri Siwar, Abdul-Mumin Abdulai (2011)

stated that education has been identified by the Malaysian government as one of the key

sectors to propel the economy up the development ladder. Therefore, it can be seen that the

Malaysia’s education blueprints namely the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2001-

2010, as well as The Malaysian Smart School 1997 were mainly established in order to be

aligned with the Vision 2020. This study nevertheless, will focus on Malaysian Smart School.

The Malaysian Smart School was first launched in 1999 with the aim at initiating a

knowledge-based society with criticality, creativity and innovativeness, as well as to increase

the growth of ICT industry, which will result in producing more competitive citizens, who are

then expected to be prepared to survive well in the Information Age. Up to now, there are a

total of 88 smart schools in Malaysia, located in all districts including Sabah and Sarawak.

In short, the main idea of the Malaysian Smart School blueprint is the integration of

the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in most of school elements such as

teaching and learning processes, management, administration, and so on.


Despite the expectations, aims and objectives of the Malaysian Smart School, a number

of research had been and is still being carried out in examining or evaluating the policy. As

explained by Peters (1986): “The final stage of the policy process is the assessment of what

has occurred as a result of the selection and implementation of a policy, and, if it is found

necessary, a change in the current policies of government” .

Among the issues that have been a highlight are that teachers in smart schools are lack in

training as they are incapable of comprehend the process of integrating ICT into teaching and

learning sessions. This was discussed by Thang (2011) in his paper entitled “Supporting

Smart School Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development in and through ICT: A model

for change.” Teachers were described as if they are not well-instructed in terms of utilizing

technology during teaching and learning at school. Kamalifar (2009) also pointed out the

similar issue in smart schools whereby teachers were claimed to encounter problems in

integrating ICT into teaching and learning. Both studies discussed the issues by teachers.

On the other hand, Attaran and Siraj (2010), who were focusing on Iranian smart

schools claimed that the implementation of that policy is somehow incapable of instilling

positive attitude amongst teacher and students towards utilizing ICT in teaching and studying.

Anthony, Ghavifekr, Kunjappan, & Ramasamy (2016) in their paper on “Teaching

and Learning with ICT Tools: Issues and Challenges from Teachers’ Perceptions.” had

outlined a number of elements which were found to be significant in identifying the

challenges of using ICT by teachers. Some of the concluded findings were that ICT was

found challenging in smart schools due to limited accessibility, limited support, lack of

training, and lack of teacher’s competency.

In regards to this as well, Wan Ali, Mohd Nor and Alwi (2009) stated that the main

problems faced by teachers teaching at Malaysian smart schools are due to time, course

content, and technical malfunction. These problems have caused teachers to find it

challenging to integrate ICT into their teaching plans.


This study was basically conducted to investigate the effectiveness and challenges of

technological usage in teaching and learning in one of the Malaysian Smart schools. In regard

to this, perceptions amongst teachers and students were taken into account, so that the

congruency of information provided by both parties could be identified. Below are the

objectives of the study:

1. To investigate the effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning amongst

teachers and students at SMK Sungai Besar, Selangor: a Malaysian smart school.

2. To explore the challenges of technology in teaching and learning amongst teachers

and students at SMK Sungai Besar, Selangor: a Malaysian smart school.


The focus of this study revolves around teachers’ and students’ perceptions on the use of

technology in teaching and learning. In order to gain information on the relevance of these

areas, the research questions that will guide this study, were divided into four, for specific


1. How effective is the technology in teaching and learning amongst teachers at SMK

Sungai Besar: a Malaysian smart school?

2. How effective is the technology in teaching and learning amongst students at SMK

Sungai Besar: a Malaysian smart school?

3. What are the challenges of technology in teaching and learning amongst teachers at

SMK Sungai Besar: a Malaysian smart school?

4. What are the challenges of technology in teaching and learning amongst students at

SMK Sungai Besar: a Malaysian smart school?


This study generally provides guidelines to many parties namely principal, teachers,

stakeholders, as well students in acknowledging the effectiveness of the technological usage

in teaching and learning at the Malaysian smart schools. This will somehow bring the idea to

boost current performances of the involved parties to become a much better one. Findings of

this study may embark suggestions in coming up with better educational policies.

Besides, this study also offers the challenges of the technological usage in mentioned

setting. Therefore, actions could be taken by the responsible parties in ensuring that the

Malaysian smart school’s goals could possibly be achieved. Apart from that, since this study

does not only consider the perceptions by teachers, but also the students, it is expected that

the dynamic of the policy can be seen, since the findings suggested would not be biased to

one party only. Last but not least, this paper will indeed broaden the author’s and readers’

understanding on the scope of technological usage in teaching and learning at Malaysian

smart schools.


Despite the significance, the limitation of the study must also be addressed. One of the

limitations of this study is that it was only conducted in one of the Malaysian smart schools.

Therefore, the findings may not be necessarily generalised into all smart schools. Apart from

that, the number of respondents involved in this study could be seen as insufficient in

describing the real issues. Hence, it is recommended to extend this study to a larger scale of

sampling, for more accurate and relevant results.


The Malaysian Smart School : the definition of The Malaysian Smart School as provided in

the blueprint is a learning institution that has been systematically reinvented in terms of

teaching-learning practices and school management in order to prepare children for the

Information Age.

Technological use: The term technological use refers to the utilization of ICT. This could be

referred to the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. For example, in terms of the use of

ICT tools in the classroom.



This chapter will discuss on the research design and methodology where the design of

the research will be explained together with its population and sampling, its instrumentation,

the data collection procedures and data analysis.


This research is quantitative design, therefore the research will be descriptive. To

conduct this research, a case study was preferred method as described by Yin (2003), a case

study meant to investigate a contemporary phenomenon within its real-[life content. The

research adapted a questionnaire which will be described more in 3.3. This research is

descriptive study.


The population of this study would be 2 students and 2 teachers from School Bestari

at SMK Sungai Besar Selangor. The researchers have agreed to choose them based on

purposive sampling methods. Palys (2008) explained that purposive sampling as a series of

strategic choices about with whom, where, and how the researcher complete their studies.

The students were selected based on their experience in ICT class in their school to answer

Research Question 1 to 4. Teachers also were selected based on their experience more than

five years in teaching and learning by using ICT in their classroom. Wilson (2009), in his

writing, illustrated that purposive sampling is established for researchers with specific group

the specific needs and purposes and enable them to answer the research questions.


As mentioned in 3.1, this study is of a qualitative design and thus a questionnaire was

constructed based on definition of Smart School approved by supervisor. Interviews were

used in this research. According to Dowling and Brown (2010), interviews permits and in-

depth investigation of an issue through prompting and probing respondents for clarification of

their actions.


The questionnaire was distributed to 2 students and 2 teachers from SMK Sungai

Besar, Malaysian Smart School. The data were collected after interview session for analysis.

Data analysis is the process of developing answers to questions through the examination and

interpretation of data. Chua (2016) mentioned that the research is usually categorised as

either qualitative research or quantitative research. For the interviews, the data were analysed

using the thematic analysis method. Braun and Clarke (2006) explained that thematic analysis

is a method for identifying, analysing, and reporting patterns (themes) within the data. It

minimally organises and describes the dataset in detail. The themes are ‘feelings’, ‘impact’

and challenges’ were used to describe and analysed the interview transcription.


In a qualitative study, the participants’ identity should be protected in order to avoid

them to negative effects such as a embarrassment and harm. The researchers informed the

participants about their confidentially rights. In addition, the participants were well informed

of the questions and treated with respect through the study.




Anthony, A., Ghavifekr, S., Kunjappan, T., & Ramasamy, L. (2016). Teaching and
Learning with ICT Tools: Issues and Challenges from Teachers’ Perceptions. Malaysian
Online Journal of Educational Technology. Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 38 – 57.
Attaran, M. Alias, N. & Siraj, S (2012). Learning Culture in a Smart School: A case
study. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 417 – 423.
Hassanabadi K. N., Iranban S. J. (2013). Proper and efficient teaching by
implementing smart schools. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences 2013;
vol.2, No.3(s), pp. 1684-1688.
Malaysian Smart School Conceptual by the Smart School Project Team, MSC (1997)
Omidiana, S., Masrom, M., Selamat, H. (2013). An Examination of the Concept of
Smart School: an Innovation to Address Sustainability. 2nd International Conference on
Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE 2013), pp. 326 – 329.
Thang, S., Hall, C., Azman, H., & Joyes, G. (2010, July 25). Supporting Smart School
Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development in and through ICT: A model for change.
International Journal of Education and Development using ICT [Online], 6(2).

Wan Ali, W., Mohd Nor, H., Hamzah, A., & Alwi, N. (2009). The conditions and
level of ICT integration in Malaysian Smart Schools. International Journal of Education and
Development using ICT [Online], 5(2).




1) Demographic data:
Name of School
Education Level
Years of Experience in Teaching
Use of ICT tools in class

Questions for Teachers

RO1: The effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning among teachers at SMK Sg.
Besar, Selangor.

1. How effective is the technology in teaching and learning among teachers at SMK
Sg. Besar, Selangor. Why? How?

2. Is there any relationship between the use of technology in teaching and learning
and student’s performance? Please explain.

3. How do you measure student’s performance by using technology?

RO2: The challenges of technology in teaching and learning among teachers at SMK Sg.
Besar, Selangor.

1. What are the challenges of technology in teaching and learning among teachers at
SMK Sg. Besar, Selangor?

Questions for Students

RO1: The effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning among students at SMK Sg.
Besar, Selangor.

1. How effective is the technology in teaching and learning among students at SMK
Sg. Besar, Selangor? Why? How?

2. Is there any relationship between the use of technology in teaching and learning
and student’s performance? Please explain.

3. How do your teachers measure student’s performance by using technology?

RO2: The challenges of technology in teaching and learning among students at SMK Sg.
Besar, Selangor.

1. What are the challenges of technology in teaching and learning among students at
SMK Sg. Besar, Selangor?

Thank You


Transcript of interview with teacher 1

1. Interviewer : Assalamualaikum and a very good afternoon..

2. Teacher 1 : Waalaikumsalam..and very good afternoon.
3. Interviewer : First of all..thank you so much for your willingness be interviewed
for our case study. Basically our study..focuses on the challenges and effectiveness of
the use of technology in teaching and learning..
4. Teacher 1 : Ok..
5. Interviewer : So..arr..our study basically.. Will be that with Smart since
your school is one of the Malaysian Smart school so..that why your school will be
selected our sampling.
6. Teacher 1 : So before that sir.. I want to collect some information about yourself
so.. your name sir?
7. Teacher 1 : My name is Zulhilmi Bin Amran
8. Interviewer : How long have you been teaching in this school?
9. Teacher 1 : In this school.. I have been teaching for 8 years..
10. Interviewer 1 : Alright.. so.. arrr..little bit about I’ll be asking about
the challenges and effectiveness of technology during teaching first and then during
learning.. Alright.. shall we begin?
11. Teacher 1 : Ok..alright..
12. Interviewer 1 : For the first question.. how the effective of the technology in teaching
and learning among teachers at SMK Sg. Besar Selangor..?
13. Teacher 1 : my opinion.. the use of technology in teaching and learning is
very effective.
14. Interviewer :Why and how?
15. Teacher 1 :With the use of technology..the learning session become more fun for
students..due to that..the students can participate better and this causes active
participitation and more engagement..Because of the fun well..students
are able to understand well and comprehend well..and the knowledge will some how
remain longer than usual..

16. Interviewer : Alright..arrr apart from that..other any skills that students can learn by
using technology?
17. Teacher 1 : Yeahh..of course..for in classroom has helped
the students to develop many practical skills such as creating presentations,
differentiating reliable sources available on internet, proper online etiquette, writing
emails and so on. These skills will be so useful throughout their whole lives,
especially when they are working later.
18. Interviewer : Ok..So u have explained about technology in classroom.. so..what
about teaching?
19. Teacher 1 : Ok.. technology has also made teaching more effective and useful.
This is because..with the presence of technology..most of teaching tasks can be done
in a short time, and of course in a more fun way.. Technology also assists teachers to
conduct various lessons, and the target to achieve outcomes has been easier.
20. Interviewer : I see.. can I conclude that technology increases teacher’s performance
and productivity?
21. Teacher 1 : Yeah..yeah..yeah.. I’m agree..absolutely correct.
22. Interviewer : In your opinion.. is there any relationship between the use of
technology in teaching and learning and student’s performance?
23. Teacher 1 : hmmm.. of course. Based on my experience, referring to the points I
mentioned previously, regarding the effectiveness of technology.. I could say that
students have been performing well, and that their academic achievements also
improved and yeah.. have continuous positive progress.
24. Interviewer : How do you measure student’s performance using technology?
25. Teacher 1 : Okay.. normally I will measure their performance via online quizzes,
test and assignments. Most of the time, I will be able to get the result as instant as
possible..and this help me in monitoring their performance on regular basis.
26. Interviewer : Ok sir.. now I’d like to ask about the challenges of technology in
teaching and learning among teachers at SMK Sg. Besar, Selangor.. So based on your
experience..what are the challenges of technology in teaching and learning among
27. Teacher 1 : Ok.. so far, the challenges mainly come from the limited equipment.
For example, we have insufficient computers, laptops and the interactive whiteboards.
28. Interviewer : Come again?

29. Teacher 1 : The amount of tools that are available are not enough with the
amount of students. Oh ya.. apart from that.. the school sometimes face poor network
connection. There were times where the internet speed was so slow that we could not
log in and wasted time just for logging in
30. Teacher 1 : I see..
31. Interviewer : Hmmm..apart from that..the technical support staff are also limited.
So when ever face problems in terms of broken facilities such as computers, there are
limited staff that can assist us. In terms of trainings, sometimes there are lacks of
teaching materials which are available to use. Teachers are also challenged in terms of
competency as we also face difficulties to integrate ICT into curriculum. Some of us
are also not teach-savvy, so..especially those old teachers, who prefer conventional
methods of teaching. Due to that.. these teachers are not interested to carry on the
learning process using technology. Lastly, I would say that it is a challenge for us to
use technology due to limited time to prepare and discover tools. That’s all from me.
32. Interviewer : Ok.. thank you so much sir..
33. Teacher 1 : Welcome..

Transcript of interview with student 1

1. Interviewer : Ok.. Assalamualaikum… Selamat pagi..

2. Student 1 : Waalaikumsalam… Selamat pagi puan..
3. Interviewer : Ok..terima kasih ye.. sebab sudi ditemubual pada pagi ini..
4. Student 1 : sama-sama..
5. Interviewer : Ok.. tujuan saya datang ni adalah untuk menjalankan sedikit
penyelidikan mengenai keberkesanan dan cabaranpenggunaan teknologi dalam
pengajarandan pembelajaran di sekolah kamu lah..iaitu sebuah sekolah bestari, di
SMK Sungai Besar..Errmm.. boleh saya jalankan temubual pada hari ini…?
6. Student 1 : Ok.. Errmm… boleh-boleh..
7. Interviewer : Sebelum tu.. boleh saya tau nama anda..
8. Student 1 : Nama saya Syarifah Madihah binti Syed Ali..
9. Interviewer : Umur berapa ye..
10. Student 1 : saya tingkatan lima 17 tahun..
11. Interviewer : 17 tahun..ok..ermmm..Di dalam kelas ada mengambil subjek ICT tak.
12. Student 1 : ada
13. Interviewer : Bagaimana subjek tu..ok ?
14. Student 1 : Bagi saya ok lah.
15. Interviewer : Ok.. terima kasih.. akan memberi sedikit penerangan
mengenai kajian kes saya ini..Dalam kes kajian saya ini terbahagi kepada 3
bahagian..iaitu bahagian pertama tentang latar belakang muridlah yang saya telah soal
selidik tadi..yang kedua..mengenai..cabaran dan yang ketiga mengenai keberkesanan
dalam penggunaan teknologi di dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas
16. Student 1 : Ok…
17. Interviewer : Kalau sebuah sekolah Bestari..err..adakah cikgu itu menggunakan
perkakasan seperti computer..labtop didalam kelas untuk mengajar..
18. Student 1 : dalam kelas tu..kalau cikgu nak belajar macam chapter
ke kita memang guna LCD..guna computer.. kadang-kadang kalau
cikgu..aahh..macam suruh kita pergi perpustakaan ke..macam biar semua orang dapat
guna computer perpustakaan tak pun pergi bilik computer ke.. memang selalu lah..

19. Interviewer : Ok.. baguslah tu...maknanya ini sebuah sekolah bestari..
20. Student 1 : aah..
21. Interviewer : Ok..kalau begitu..cikgu menggunakan computer..untuk mengajar,
software dan bahan – bahan lain dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran ye.
22. Student 1 : aah..
23. Interviewer : Ok..Saya nak tanya.. adakah penggunaan peralatan seperti computer
tu..berkesan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran anda pada pada setiap hari di dalam
24. Student 1 : Bagi saya ahh..berkesan lah.. pendapat saya berkesan.
25. Interviewer : Ok..kenapa?
26. Student 1 : Contoh macam kalau dalam kelas tu ahh.. dia lebih macam lebih
berkesan tu maksudnya lebih seronok lah..bila guna macam kadang-kadang aktiviti tu
yang macam cikgu tunjuk video ke macam bila lebih seronok tu kita pun
macam tak kadang-kadang macam kiranya tak perlu nak bawa buku teks bila ada teknologi tu..dia lebih seronok so sebab kita tengok benda tu
macam best la sebab ada lagu-lagu semu.. seronok la..bagi saya berkesanlah.. tengok
kawan-kawan pun macam dapat beri perhatian.. macam buat aktiviti pun..ahh.. semua
pun macam terlibatlah..
27. Interviewer : Ok….
28. Interviewer : Ok.. Boleh saya tanya soalan pertama..
29. Student 1 : Ok. Boleh..
30. Interviewer : Bagaimanakah keberkesanan penggunaan teknologi dalam pengajaran
di dalam kelas..? sebab tadi cikgu kelas iaitu cikgu kamu telah menggunakan
teknologi iaitu seperti dan lain-lain kan.. bagaimanakah
penggunaan teknologi tu berkesan dalam pengajaran di dalam kelas?
31. Student 1 : Saya cakap pasal cikgu saya ke..
32. Interviewer : ahh.. ye..
33. Student 1 : Bagi saya macam bila dia guna teknologi..ah..apa yang dia ajar tu
macam lebih seronoklah.. so bila..bila seronok macam pengajaran tu pun
dilangsungkan pada waktu yang sepatutnya lah..macam kita nak ah.. study chapter tu
terus habis.. dan pada waktu yang sama saya Nampak juga apa yang kita nak belajar
tu tercapai..
34. Interviewer : Maksud saya..adakah objektif pembelajaran tu tercapai?
35. Student 1 : ahh.. ye betul..
36. Interviewer : Ok bagus..
37. Interviewer : Soalan kedua..ahh.. berkaitan dengan pembelajaran ye..Ok..Tadi pun
kita ada menggunakan computer, software lain dan alat bantu mengajar kan..ok..
adakah dengan penggunaan computer dan alat bantu mengajar tu..berkesan dalam
pembelajaran kamu?
38. Student 1 : ah..bagi saya berkesan jugak..contohnya..sebab hmmm.. yang
pertamanya sebab dia seronokla bila guna tu kan seronok kan..bila
seronok kawan-kawan dan saya pun lebih apa..participate lah dalam kelas macam
aktif lah..macam cikgu tanya soalan semua boleh jawab lah.. Ok..lepas tu bila seronok
macam guna video..kita pun lebih faham..dan selain daripada tu..penggunaan
teknologi ni macam banyak membantu saya dan kawan-kawan lain belajar.. benda-
benda lain lah.. yabg perlukan teknologi..
39. Interviewer : Ok.. contoh..?
40. Student 1 : Seperti..nak tulis e mail..bila cikgu tu galakkkan kita guna teknologi..
kita pun tahu untuk gunakan internetlah.. nak cari info semua..
41. Interviewer : Ok..bagus..
42. Interviewer : Ok.. boleh saya tanyakan soalan seterusnya..
43. Student 1 : Ok..
44. Interviewer : Soalan seterusnya berkaitan dengan cabaran ataupun halangan lah..
so..pada pendapat anda.. ok..apakah cabaran dalam penggunaan teknologi dalam
pengajaran yang dibuat oleh guru itu sendiri di dalam kelas?
45. Student 1 : Ermm..ok..maksudnya..masalah di dalam kelas lah bila guna
46. Interviewer : Yes..
47. Student 1 : ah.. yang saya nampak kadang-kadang ada computer yang rosak..tapi
cikgu tu tak tahu nak betulkan lah.. jadi bila rosak tu..ahh.. staff pun tak semua
ada..untuk betulkan computer tu.. tu satu.. and then yang saya nampak
macam..kadang-kadang cikgu tu nak ajar nak bagi latihan dalam chapter tu..tapi tiada macam mengganggu la pulak..Ok.. kemudian dari segi cikgu..yang saya
perasan tak semua cikgu pandai menggunakan peralatan teknologi lah..jadi cikgu
yang dia tidak berapa tahu nak mengguna tu..dia akan ambil masa
lah..untuk..siapkan , kadang-kadang kelas satu jam..ahh..dalam 15 minit untuk log in
software tu je..
48. Interviewer : Ok.. bagus..

49. Interviewer : Ok..soalan seterusnya..ah..berkaitan dengan soalan cabaran juga..iaitu
halangan..ok..tapi boleh saya tanya cabaran yang dihadapi oleh anda sendiri..sebagai
seorang murid di dalam kelas apabila ah.. penggunaan teknologi digunakan dalam
50. Student 1 : Kalau macam pada pelajar..kadang-kadang kalau nak guna software
semua..tapi tidak semua computer tu cukup.. jadi ada yang tidak dapat guna..lepas tu
macam cikgu akan suruh kongsi..tapi bagi saya tidak berapa efektif la..kemudian bila
cikgu tu hendak gunakan ‘kahoot’ ke guna yang frog tu..tapi bila internet slow macam
ambil masa la..macam membuang masa..
51. Interviewer : Terima Kasih..


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