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What is the value of the digit 3 in the

• 'riu1~h~r324:1:1 , ·· · ·
s. (r
~ is the same ~s

(A) J
(D) JO 4
(A) -
(C) .300 6
(0) 3 000 ,..
2:. a
0. 7 5 conimqn fraction is
(C) -
(A) 4
I 9
(ll) 2

3 6. If P = (2,3,5,7)
(C) Q = ( 2,3,6)
.... nnd S = (2,4,5).

8 then P" Q " S =

(A) .. ( )
· 1·;, the scq~1ence. I, 6, 13, 22, 33 the next ... '
(D) l 2 )
· tcrrn is CC> (2,) l
(D) (2, ), 4, 5, 6, 7)
(A) 44
(13) .rs 7. Which of the following sets is cquivalcn1 lo
(C) ·16 (a, b. c, cl)'!
(D) 52
(A) ( ~ )
(B) (11. b, c)
4. (C) (p, q, r, s)
I' P' (0) (I, 2, 3, 4, 5)

8. The product of a nun1bcr p and its recip-

Q Q' roca I may be wri llcn as

(A) r' x

Wi1at trahsfonnation maps 6 PQR onto (D) r' x -p

D. P'Q'/\'?
(C) p x-p
(A) Translation
( 13) Rencction
(D) r x
(C) l{olation r
(D) Enlargcmcnl
9. 2"' x Ja = 15.

(A) Sa'
(Bl 6t! 2
(C) Ga'
(0) 12a'

IU. If a= 4, and u = J. Then (-a)"=

(A) -8 I
(D) -64
(C) -12
(D) +12

11. 5x - 2y - Jx + 2y =
hi the figure above, the shaded area can be
(A)' 2x rcprcscnlcd by
(D) Bx
(A) (-3 s
(C) 2x c. 4y x s - 2)
(D) Bx+ 4y (U) ( - 3 ;,, x ;,, - 2)
(C) (- J s y s -21
(0) ( - 3 ;:: y ;,, -21
12. A boy scored 60% in a test. If the maxi-
mum mark possible: wns 80, how many
16. Whic,1 of_ these drawings rcpresems a
marks did he score eon the lest?
sqi1are 1iyra111id?
.(A)· 20
(D) 4B
(C) 60
(D) 75 . (A)

13. I Sx + 12

(A) 17x
(Bl 15x+4
(C) .5x + 12
(D) 5x + 4

14. (a-b)'=
. •:

(A) a' - b'

( 13) a.2 + b'
(C) a' - 2ab - b" {DJ
(D) e1' - 2ab + Ii'
17. How many kilograms are there in one tonne? 22. Which of the following is a subse_t .. of
··.·.·. ...
. { I, 2, 3 f7
(A) .·. 10 ,
(B) 100 (A) ( 1..3)
-(C) . I 000 (B) (0, ·3)
(D) 10000 .<C:> (~. 4)
(D) (l,'2,3,4)

18. "How a housewife divides her budget:"

Which of the following best displays the liem 23 refers to the figure below which
answer? shows the.number ofleaves on rose-stems .

(A) Bar chart·

. ...
(B') · ·· •'His!ogtam
(C) Line graph . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. ·1+···++H· · · ·· · · ·
(D) Pie c;h~rt;
:·. ~

19. In a class of no· students; 100 are·gitls.

Whal is the probabilil.Y Iha! a student chosen'
at random is a boy?

. 1

(B) -51 Number or leaves

1 23. The tot"l number of rose-stems is
(C). -
(A) 36
5 (ll) 40
(D) -6 (C) 100
(D) 110

20. An article bought for $125 was sold for

$175. The percentage profit was

(A) 28.6
(ll) 40
(Cl 50
(C) 71.4

21. 299.4 x 0.05 is approximately

(A) 0.15
(ll) 1.5
(C) IS
CD) 150
24. 26. Tom bought a pen for $60and sold il lo gain
20% on his cost price. How much money
did he guin'I ·
(A) Sl2
(B) S40
(Cj $72
(D) $80
27. · When the sum of x and 6 is multiplied by 2
-1 and the resull added to 3, the answer is 5.
-2 The slalemcnl above may be wrillen as

(A) 2x+6+3=5
The diagram abo\le shows a graph of (B) .. +G(6x2)+3=5
y = x(x -. 2). The·.1ninimum poinl is (C) 6xx·2+3=5 ·
(D) 2(x +· 6) + 3 = 5
(0, 0) .· '
cz:or..,-.< · 28. If x is:an mlcgcr whii:h salislics lhe in-
''"(l • l)•'.•V·
. : . ,, . ', .. ~... equalities ·.
(I, -JL· .:
. . ·.: ' 4 < x -2 < 8, lhcn x may be
. :·;. /"•
25; (A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7

A 29.

AOB is a sector of a circle _such lhal angle

x -4 y

AOB=60°and0Bisrunilslong. The area 2

of AOB is 5-·<-----J.-8

(A) ..L Ttr II 14


(B) l Ttr The arrow diagram above shows a func-

3 tion. Which of lhe following BEST de-
scribes lhc function?
(C) nr
(A) I: x__. y
(B) y=x
(D) !.. nr (C) x=y +3
6 (D) y =x + 3

, ..
JO. · In which of the following a_rc the fractions . 33. ·-· .

. . ··- arraug.ed· from the smallest to the greatest?

I .·6 c111'.
/f · -. 4" )
5 l·
c.-... ·.
{~2 • I I 8
(1::1) -
-5I } '

In lhe figure above, x =
4 )' 2 }
(A) 9 cm
{ 5
-3 4· 2 } (D) .j75 Clll
31. (C) 10 cm
(D) .J12s cm

c 34. Which of the following is NOT a

ADCD is a rcclanglc. The points P, Q. fl quadrilateral?
and S arc midpoints of the sides llD, BC,
.. Square
CD and 011 respectively. The two axes of
symmetry are (B) Pentagon .
(C) Parallelogram
(A) 11 c and no (D) Rhombus
(D) PR and SQ
(C) II C and PR
(D) SQ and DD JS. Js20 is approximately

(A) 2.3 x 10
Item 32refers10 lhe diagram below. (B) 2.J x 10'
l' T CC) · 7.2 X• IO
(0)". 7.2 x IO'
'; ,·

36. Mr Jones paid a fixed charge of $12.50

plus 55 cents for.each Kwh of clectrici1y
used. How much did he pay for using
Q s 7_5 Kwh of ~lectriCity?
32. In lhe diagram, PT is parallel lo QS, and
(A) .$ 13.80
. nrea of t1 TQS
Qll =RS. Then lI1c ral10 • (D)i • $ 41.25
area d /'QR or (Cl $ 53.75
(D) $142.50
(A) I: I
(0) 2: I
(C) J: I
(l)J 4: I
37. During a sale a discount or 15% was gi YCll 42.
. off the marked price or a chair. Ir !he
marked price was $115.00, then the sale .:::-~.+l-·~-·-...1-·-----~t--•t---7
•..· ...
price was -3 -2 -1 0 l .. 3
. I
(A) .$ 97.15 The graph or the inequality in the diagram
(D) ·$ I00.00 abovds de lined by ·
(C) $130.QO
(D) $132.25 (A) -2 <x.< 2
(U) -2 < .< s 2
(C) -2 s
x s2
The exact value or 2.;. \0.01) is (D) -2 s x < 2

(A) 0.002 43.

(B) 0.02 Hem
CC) 200
(0) 2000
6 c111 . ·
6 c1n
39. The width of a rectangular block of wood is
.rcentimetres. trils height is two-thirds its
width and its leuglh is 4 times ils heigh!,
then its volume. in cubic centimetres is
Wha~ i~.lhl' perimeter or the shape ~~ovc?
8.c ,... ' >
(A) (A) 2•1 cri1
(D) 26 cm
16.c J . (C) 28cm
(0) (0) 48 cm

3 44. Tkc set (x : 6 s x < 10, where.< is an
integer) is
(D) -l7x
3 (A) (
(D) (6. 7. 8. 9. 101
40. A car was bought for $10 000 in January (C) (7, 8, 9)
1997. Ir the <:nr depreciates by 10% every (I)) (7,8,9, 10)
year, what was its worth in January 2000?

(A) $3 000
(13) $7 290 ,.
(C) $8 000
(D) $9 000

41. The simple interest on $15 000 for three , .. ·

months al 10% per annum is

(A) $ 375
(U) $ 500
(C) .'S 1 500
(D) $4 500
45. 47. Jerry takes 16. minutes to drive to his .
workplace which is 24 km away from his
home; .His speed in km per himr is

0 16 . I
(A) -x-
24 60
24· 16
(B) -x-
60 . l
32 cm
16 60
{C) -x-
24 1
Iii the figure above; not drnwn to·scnle, 0
is the centre oflhe circle, AD is a chord and 24 60
{0) -x-
OM is perpendicular to AD. If OD= 20cm . 16 . r
. AB = J2 cm, then OM=

(A) Bern 48. Each exterior angle of a regular polygon

(B) 10 cm measures 45°. How many sides has the
(C) 12cm polygon?.
(D) 16 cm
(A) 4
(D) 6
Item 46 refers to the., following diagram. (C) 8
x '• (D) 10

49. If (P - J) is the largest of four odd num-

bers, then lhc smallest is

CA) P- ll
(8) P-9
(C) P+3
(0) /' +5

46. The diagram above shows a regular hci<a- 50. An article costs $161. lfa profit of I 3% is
gon inscribed in a circle. The distance to be made when selling, the selling price,
between X and l' along the arc is in dollars, is

3 (A) 161 (1 + &)

1.nU (0) IJ (1 + :~)

(D) --
(C) 161(13+.&-)
nR 2
(C) (D) n(161+m,)
SI. A company employs 12 gardeners at $'.!6 54.
per day, and 8 clerks al S 17 per day. What
is the mean daily wage, in dollars, of the 20
· employees7 .. .,., Homework Reading

(A) $20.00
{B) .$21.50
(C) $22.40 T.V
(D) .$31.50

Items 52 - 53 refer to the table below. The diagram above shows how a pupil
spends the time between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
A die is thrown and the scores recorded as on Saturdays.
How many hours,does he spe!ld_ on T.V.?
Score· I 2 3 4. 5 6
{A). ·2·
Frequency. 2 I 3 6 5 3 (B)' ·3:
(C) 4
(0) 6

52. The median score is

55. c
(A) 3.
(B) 4
(C) 5
5 cru
(D) 6

53. The mean score is A l l cm 8

(Al 3.7 111 triangle AOC above. AD = 12 cm,

(B) 4 AC·= ·13 cm, DC= 5 cm. Whal is tan C!
(C) 5
(D) 13.3

.... cny·•· -1213


l!cms 56 am! 57 refer to the graph below. 58.

A Scm B
.. H. tt· :t .j::i.~~1: f:IJt1. :_v:·1- ltJ.I i:l I ·1 . :ti:r ~I- :
l ! f-t t ;·1.1: I ti .tt · · ·'·'" l'1 ' I , ..11. ·l't ·
1:f ~i..[ ..'./1~l i·.
t:· .{. , ,.•. 1'_
r.1· 11 ttr:r-,J .L;.
~ ,
pi: .Lt'~:
·('1!:1 i·/ . .,.rr t ..
fl.·l ' "'"'.~I ' :· ·'l.· ·-'l· ·t·· · : . ·l
" I ""·I "' J H' ,., ... ·
il J · "l • :rr ·1.
·J 1. ·ti-,·•·+·
.• . - - J .. . I -
:~+ . ~. . - ·:: .. .. ::·
-.. ·.1:!ff.:t:J:t_+t.>I - ..
2- .. -· .. : I· ...
In the parallelogram ABCD above.
AB = 5. cm, BC = 4 cm and angle

~~" ~1·I ' : .~ : .~: :,'. . :~ .:. •: •' .:~. • r .. ABC = 56°. Whal is the area of 1he
parallelogram ABCD?
'" I : ' :

[:l ,-_1_ J_ ;-ij:l-J -~ . . . . '.: : : _1 : J : : 4 ::1 'j. :: -~

, 1:, . . . t l:, . . . . . . . . . -... (A) 5 sin 56° cm'
[JlI l .j:· .j::fl
1:r.; . . . .
1 .••
. .1
· -lj:. ::;::
I ,. . ..
. {D)
5 cos $6~ cm'.
20 sin. 56° cm'
-(D) 10 cos 56° cm'
56. Which or lhe following represents the equa-
tion or lhe graph above? 59. .

(A) fix) = 3 + 2< - x'

(D) flxJ=.< 1 ~2< -3
(C) fix) = .1>' + 2t - 3
(0) fix) = 3 - 2x - .< 1

57. The values or x for whichj{x) = 0 arc ln°1he figure above, 0 is lhe centre of lhe
circle. Angle PQR is
(A) :c = 3 and x = 4
{D) x = I and x = 4 (A) . 11 •
(C) x=-1 andx=3 (ll) 90°
{t:l) x = 0 and x = 3 (C) IJS•
(0) 1so·

' ..


The poinl 1\ is shown 011 lhcd i:igram abov c.

Whal an: lhe co-ordinalesorthe image of 1\
under rc!lcclion in lhc_v-a><is'I

(A) (-4, J)
(IJ) (4, -J)
(C) (J. _,,)
(D) (-J, 4)

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