Literature Review

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Literature Review

Numerous literature works have been published on the topics of leadership styles and job

satisfaction. In developed countries generally, this literature mostly found significant relationship

between these two variables. According to Mat (2008), leadership definitions remain developing

while scholars attempt to make simpler the meaning to allow people to understand the thought

simply and to make it less difficult and extra practical in everyday big business. For centuries

leadership studies have been passionate with leaders, and with classifying the characteristics

required for useful leadership. Even though it is obviously confirmed that it is hard to give

leadership one definition, people maintain investigating this area of study. It demonstrates that there

is no stopping point for leadership study and it has become a vital element in social science

Democratic leader will make the final decision, he/she invites other members of the team to

contribute the decision making process. This not only increases job satisfaction by involving

employees or team members in what’s going on, but it also help to develop people’s skills.

Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny, such as the promotion they

deserve and so are motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward. As participation

takes time, this approach can lead to things happening more slowly but often the end result

is better. The approach can be most suitable where team work is essential and quality is more

important than speed to market productivity.

Smith (1998) asserts that if the task is highly structured and the leader has good relationship

with the employees, effectiveness will be high on the part of the employees. His findings further

revealed that democratic leaders take great care to involve all members of the team in discussion,

and can work with a small but highly motivated team. Lewin et al (1939) concluded that democratic

style of leadership is the most effective, but Smith and Peterson (1988) pointed that the

effectiveness of group leaders is dependent on the criterion which was being used to assess

leadership. Nadeem Bhatti (2012) said the male and female have same level of job satisfaction. As
both work in similar position Public teachers have high level of job satisfaction because in private

sector job is not secure as it is in public sector. Leadership style has a positive impact on job

satisfaction. People like to work in free atmosphere where they can share and exchange their views.

Employees tell their leaders fearlessly in case of any thing wrong. This creates a sense of ownership

among the employees that gives them satisfaction. Numerous literatures has been published on the

topic of leadership and job satisfaction generally in Developed countries; this literature mostly

found significant relationship between the two variables; here we are going to present different

published work on the topic.

According to Mat (2008), leadership definitions remain developing while scholars

attempt to make simpler the meaning to allow people to understand the thought simply and to

make it less difficult and extra practical in everyday big business. For centuries leadership

studies have been passionate with leaders, and with classifying the characteristics required for

useful leadership. Even though it is obviously confirmed that it is hard to give leadership one

definition, people maintain investigating this area of study. It demonstrates that there is no

stopping point for leadership study and it has become a vital element in social science. Okumbe

(1998) defines leadership as method neither of cheering and serving others to do something of

their own preference, because it is essential nor because of the alarm of result of disobedience.

Leadership is thus a procedure of hopeful and helping others to work actively towards objectives. It

is the human being issue that connects a group together and inspires it towards goals altering the

groups’ potentials into certainty.

While Job satisfaction has been identified as a perceived affiliation between what one

desires from one’s job and what one perceives it as offering (Lund, 2003). Jones and George (2004)

stress that job satisfaction is the gathering of feelings and beliefs that workers have about their jobs.

A study conducted in Isleali investigated leadership style on teacher job satisfaction in

secondary Schools. It also examines the effects of principals’ leadership style, teachers ‘occupation

perceptions on teacher satisfaction from the job and principals’ decision-making strategy. It
also tries to find out how much of the variation in teachers’ job satisfaction can be attributed

to their perceptions of their occupation, as compared to their perceptions about their principals’

leadership style. It was employed sample size of 745 teachers. The data was collected quantitative

Questionnaire using Likert-type scales. The study found that teachers’ occupation Perceptions

strongly affected their satisfaction. Principals’ transformational leadership affected teachers’

job satisfaction both directly and indirectly through their occupation perceptions. Implications

of the study are discussed in relation to supervisors and principals, as well as to policy

makers at the government level. The model of the study demonstrated that the teachers’

perceptions of their principals and of their occupation contribute significantly to the

explanation of the variance in job satisfaction.

However, teachers’ perceptions are subjective, and it may be that their perceptions are

affected by variables that were not examined in this study (Bogler, 2001) Same study in China

with less sample size 539 that utilized structural equation modeling (SEM) to numerous

literatures has been published on the topic of leadership and job satisfaction generally in

Developed countries; this literature mostly found significant relationship between the two

variables; here we are going to present different published work on the topic. According to Mat

(2008), leadership definitions remain developing while scholars attempt to make simpler the

meaning to allow people to understand the thought simply and to make it less difficult and

extra practical in everyday big business.

For centuries leadership studies have been passionate with leaders, and with classifying the

characteristics required for useful leadership. Even though it is obviously confirmed that it is hard to

give leadership one definition, people maintain investigating this area of study. It demonstrates that

there is no stopping point for leadership study and it has become a vital element in social science

point for leadership study and it has become a vital element in social science. Okumbe (1998)

defines leadership as method neither of cheering and serving others to do something of their own

preference, because it is essential nor because of the alarm of result of disobedience. Leadership is
thus a procedure of hopeful and helping others to work actively towards objectives. It is the human

being issue that connects a group together and inspires it towards goals altering the groups’

potentials into certainty. While Job satisfaction has been identified as a perceived affiliation

between what one desires from one’s job and what one perceives it as offering (Lund, 2003). Jones

and George (2004) stress that job satisfaction is the gathering of feelings and beliefs that workers

have about their jobs.

A study conducted in Isleali investigated leadership style on teacher job satisfaction in

Secondary Schools. It also examines the effects of principals’ leadership style, teachers ‘occupation

perceptions on teacher satisfaction from the job and principals’ decision-making strategy. It also

tries to find out how much of the variation in teachers’ job satisfaction can be attributed to their

perceptions of their occupation, as compared to their perceptions about their principals’ leadership

style. It was employed sample size of 745 teachers. The data was collected quantitative

Questionnaire using Likert-type scales. The study found that teachers’ occupation Perceptions

strongly affected their satisfaction. Principals’ transformational leadership affected teachers’ job

satisfaction both directly and indirectly through their occupation perceptions. Implications of the

study are discussed in relation to supervisors and principals, as well as to policy makers at the

government level. The model of the study demonstrated that the teachers’ perceptions of their

principals and of their occupation contribute significantly to the explanation of the variance in job

satisfaction. However, teachers’ perceptions are subjective, and it may be that their perceptions are

affected by variables that were not examined in this study (Bogler, 2001).

Same study in China with less sample size 539 that utilized structural equation modeling

(SEM) to prove the relationship between principles’ leadership style and teacher job satisfaction

among primary and secondary schools. It also investigates the relationship among principles’

leadership style, principles’ decision making and teacher job satisfaction among primary, secondary

and high Schools in Chinese educational systems in China. Questionnaires were posted to teachers

in 180 elementary schools, 172 Secondary schools and 187 high schools situated within the
province of Xinjiang in China. The study showed that significant positive relationship among

principles’ leadership style, teacher job satisfaction and decision making style. Hence, the main

contribution of this study is that the relationship existing between leadership style and teacher job

satisfaction is triggered by the employed decision making style. Therefore, leadership style needs to

be accompanied by a style of decision making to be able to promote teacher job satisfaction in the

school, whereas, in traditional management models, authors mostly combined the styles of

leadership and decision making into one style, thereby ignoring the significant role of decision

making as an independent process (Hui, Jenatabadi, Ismail, & Mohamed Radzi, 2013).

A study conducted in Isleali investigated leadership style on teacher job satisfaction in

Secondary Schools. It also examines the effects of principals’ leadership style, teachers ‘occupation

perceptions on teacher satisfaction from the job and principals’ decision-making strategy. It also

tries to find out how much of the variation in teachers’ job satisfaction can be attributed to their

perceptions of their occupation, as compared to their perceptions about their principals’ leadership

style. It was employed sample size of 745 teachers. The data was collected quantitative

Questionnaire using Likert-type scales. The study found that teachers’ occupation Perceptions

strongly affected their satisfaction. Principals’ transformational leadership affected teachers’ job

satisfaction both directly and indirectly through their occupation perceptions. Implications of the

study are discussed in relation to supervisors and principals, as well as to policy makers at the

government level. The model of the study demonstrated that the teachers’ perceptions of their

principals and of their occupation contribute significantly to the explanation of the variance in job

satisfaction. However, teachers’ perceptions are subjective, and it may be that their perceptions are

affected by variables that were not examined in this study (Bogler, 2001)

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