Grammar Vocabulary: Simple Appearance

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A true friend is someone who is there for you when

he'd rather be anywhere else.

1 GRAMMAR simple present 2 VOCABULARY describing people

a Wrire negarive sentences. Appearance
1 You get up ea rly. You d01t'tgct up earry a Complete rhe sentences.
2 Tr rain s a lor here. It doesn't rain a lot here Does your sister h ave browlf eyes or bl ue eyes?
3 We live in a hou se. We don't live in a house
2 Tanya's dad doesn't have any hair. He's
4 1 play rennis. I don't play tennis b, _
ald _ __
5 He ha s a bea rd . He doesn't have a beard 3 My be sr fri end's hair isn'r srr ______ , Ir's
6 T hey go ro che gym. They don't go to the gym c_
urly_ _ __

7 She writes a blog. She doesn't write a blog 4 A nd y doe sn't shave. He has a b______
ear and él
lll_ _ _ _ __
b Co mpl ete che questions with do or does.
5 You aren't f______
at ar all. 1 rhink you're very
1 When do yO l! meet YOUt friend s? sl_
lim _ _ __
2 Does your la ptop have a webcam? 6 W hen Jake \Vas youn g, he \Vas very th in
3 What time \Ve need ro leave? but no\V he's a litrle ov erweight
4 your m ocher \York fram ho rne? 7 My luir isn't brown, it 's r_
ed _ _ _ _ .A ndJ'm
5 Which websites you use mast? not short, I'm m edium
do h eight
6 ______
Does your bese friend like action movies?
7 _ _ _ _ _ _ your brocher spend a lor of time on Facebook? Persona lit y
e Complete rhe textwirh che correct [orm of che verbs in che box. b C omplete the opposites .
nor come earn get along study invite nor like 1 talkative Ijuiet
live prefer nor see sha re want -wefk 2 shy extroverted
3 generous
4 fri endly
I am ve ry different from my lazy
5 hardworking
best fr iend, Tab itha. Tabitha 6 kind unkind

wQrks as a nurse, and

7 sen ous funny
she 2 earns a lat smart
8 st upid
of mo ney.l'm a student, and
studymusi c in e Match the questions 1- 6 \Vith the answers a- f.
college . I ' _ _ _ _ __ 1 W hat did you look Iike \V hen yOl! were a ehild ? 0
to be a musíc teacher. Dd
2 W hat does your hu sband loo k li ke?

Tabitha 5__lives
____ in 3 W hat's your best friend like?
a small house in the cQunt ry, and 1 share
__ _____ 'n 4 W har does your sister loo k like?
apartment with sorne friends in th e ci t y. We often 5 W hat's George like?
: _______ frie nds for dinner, but Tabitha 6 \Vhat were you like when yo u were at sehool? D
_ _ come
doesn't _ _ _ _" She's really shy, so she doesn't
9 __ __ like__
be i ng with other pea pie. 1'm ve r y extroverted, so a She 's taH and slim wit h long blond hair.
10 prefer
1 to be in a group.
b He's very kind and hardwork ing.
I II Don't see Tabitha much because she's usually e 1had ShOl t cad, hail , alld 1 was ovc. \Vcigh t.
busy. But when we're together, we always 12 _get
_ _ _ __ d He has short dark hair and a mu staehe.
rea lJy well. Sorne pe ople say that opposites attra ct , and for e She 's smart and rea lly ex troverted.
me and my best friend Tabitha, it'5 true.
f 1was ver)' ta lkative and a Hrde lazy.
3 PRONUNCIATION final-s / -es bRead the artide again. Mark the sentences T (true)
or F (false).
a lf.tmm Listen and@theverbwirhadifferenrsound. The people \Vho take part in "Sin gles' Day"
1 5 6 aren't married . L
/IZ/ /IZ/ 2 Many people register for the event on
the lnternet. T
snake snake zebra zebra
3 Al! ofthe dating evenrs are in the rown hall.
works lives knows runs leaves teaches

laughs thinks ralns starts dresses cooks
4 Peop le \Vho don't register for the event can't
<§itc~ drinks likes goes washes misses find a partn er on "Singles' Day."

S Every year, there are more single adults
b ~!imm Li sten again and repear rhe words. in Shanghai.

e linde rlin e rhe stressed syl labJe. e Underline five words you don't know. Check their
meaning and pronunciation with a dictionary.
1 ta ilkaltive 4 gelnelrous 7 curlly
2 exltrolverited 5 mu)stache 8 quilet
3 unlfriendlly 6 serlilous 9 olveriweight 5 L1STENING
d ,.mm Listen and check. Then listen again and repear
rhe \Vords.
a ".149m Listen to arad io prograrn about
online dating. How many people caH the
program? _ _ _ _ __

4 READING b ".1g9m Listen again and match the ca llers with

the sente nces A- F.
a Read the anide. What happens on "Singles' Day" in Shanghai?
1 Alan s::. E
2 Kate
3 Paolo B D

A He I She doesn't have time for a sociallife.

B He I She made a misrake.
e 1le j Sll e get el lgaged w itll t lle pa(tl lel lle j slle
Illet elllille.
D He I She married someone who \Vas married before.
E He I She doesn'r like meeting ne\V people.
F He I She is happily married now, but doesn't have
any children.


November 11 is "Singles' Da( in Shanghai. and every year a dating
Learn these words and phrases.
event takes place where all the single men and women of the city
have the chanee to meet a partner. Last year, it was so popular that guy Igal /
the organizers had to clase online registrarian beca use there were partner I 'partn~rl
no more places. single person /'sll)gl 'p~rsn l
Between 10,000 and 40,000 people attend the event every year. smile Ismarll
It's he Id in a district of Shanghai called Thames Town. At least 50 sociable l'soüJ~b1!
dating agencies take parto They set up stands in the town hall with be into (5th) Ibi 'mt~1
billboards displaying cards with the height, birth date, education, and
feellike (doing somerhing) Ifil lalkl
annual income of thousands of clients. People who did not manage
to register for the event organize their own unofficial dating system
get along well (w ith ) IgEt ~'bl) wd l
by writing their names and phone numbers on pieces of paper and go on a date Igou on d deltl
attaching them to the fence outside the town hall. sen se of humor /sens dV 'hyum~rl
More pea pie take part in ~Singles' Day" every year beca use of the
growing number of single adults in Shanghai. In the city. more than
24 percent of people over the age of 15 are unmarried.

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