Lorenzo J

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603-401-5300| lorenzojricci@gmail.com| https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorenzo-j-ricci/
 Major: Communication
 Double minor: Marketing and Psychology
 GPA: 3.39, Lamba Pi Eta (The National Communication Association Honor Society)
Save The Bay Rhode Island- Environmental non-profit March- May
 Created a mockup marketing campaign that told the story of the organization and promoted their new book
 Collaborated with marketing manager throughout the project to accomplish organizational goals
Dtails Pet Grooming February-May 2019
 Interviewed owner and set expectations for the proposed social media campaign
 Collaborated with team to propose goals and updates for Dtails’ social media
Project Coordinator & Founder, “Imagine That” February 2016 – March
 “Imagine That” program collected new and used art supplies for local middle school art programs
 Contacted schools to recruit them into the program. Organized the collection and distribution of supplies for the schools
 Approved and distributed advertising materials in print and on social media
Director, Bryant Players Production of Happily Ever After Hours August – October 2020
 Led rehearsals and directed cast daily. Pioneered successful outdoor production while adhering to COVID-19 guidelines
 Coordinated marketing, logistics, and set design with other leaders to achieve creative vision
 Led set up and take down of all tech equipment and set pieces for the show’s 3 days of performances
Public Relations, Bryant Improv Troupe May 2020 – Present
 Managed communications and marketing via email account and social media
 Created marketing material for all performance, event, and recruitment purposes
 Created Crisis and Communications Plan to act as a guide for future crises
President, Bryant Improv Troupe May 2019 – May 2020
 Led Executive Board members to grow the club as well as amend and readopt the constitution
 Increased membership and membership retention by 10%
 Planned and coordinated the pricing and logistics of out of state trips
 Contacted other clubs. Partnerships increased by 200%
 Assumed treasurer role. Created budget and presented it for committee approval
 Guided club through COIVD-19 Pandemic until end of term
Secretary, Bryant Improv Troupe May 2019 – May
 Managed internal and external club communications, including taking minutes for Executive Board meetings
 Managed club operation including the securement of performance and practice areas
Games Attendant, Canobie Lake Park May 2019 – August
 Operated and performed basic maintenance on games, explained games rules to guests, and ensured positive guest experience
 Kept money box balanced while handling hundreds of dollars of cash
 Roles outside department include ticket taker and main gate greeter
Camp Counselor/Cabin Lead, YMCA Camp Lincoln June 2016 – August
 Taught children skills such as archery and acting, as well as soft skills such as leadership and teamwork
 Chosen for leadership position. Supervised two other counselors along with a cabin of 30 or more kids
 Learned important leadership and communications skills, as well as how to designate tasks
 Microsoft Office: PowerPoint, Excel, Word, and Outlook, Canva, Basic Video/Photo Editing, Social Media, Podcast Creation
 Leadership, Creative Problem Solving, Detail Oriented, Strong Work Ethic, Collaboration, Interpersonal Skills, Written
Communication, Creative Writing, Public Speaking
Contributing Author, Bryant University’s newspaper “The Archway” November 2018- Present
DJ, WJMF Radio Station- Co-Host of "Sunday Banter” April 2018- March 2020
 Arranged guest appearances, gathered stories to present, ran activities on the show, and created promotional material
 Managed sound board and radio station identifying callouts

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