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V M X - screw compressor

Installation, assembly and operating instructions

for oil-injected screw compressor



V4-020 L EN

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
168 573 000 07-2014

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2 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Declaration of incorporation
Déclaration d‘incorporation

Declaración de incorporación

Dichiarazione di incorporazione

Performance data
C o n t e n t s

Datos de servicio
Dati di esercizio

ENGLISH 1 - 29
Translation of the original instructions


INFO - Seite
Information sheet
Page infos
Info bladzijde
Pagina Informa-
I n h a l t

Technical data tables 33 - 38

Abteilung Technische Dokumentation
Technische Illustration & Redaktion
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik

H.Nickel Technischer Autor

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Einbauerklärung für unvollständige Maschinen gemäß Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
Declaration of incorporation for partly completed machineries in accordance with Machine Directive 2006/42/EC
Déclaration d‘incorporation de quasi-machines selon la directive Machines 2006/42/CE

Die Einbauerklärung für diese Drehkolbenmaschine wird von den technischen Angaben im Kapitel „Leistungsdaten“ ergänzt.
Die dort erwähnten Angaben identifizieren das Produkt und sind in Verbindung mit dieser Einbauerklärung zu verwenden.
The declaration of incorporation for the rotary piston machine is supplemented by the technical specification in the chapter „Performance data“.
The data mentioned there identify the product and must be used in association with this declaration of incorporation.
La déclaration d‘incorporation de cette machine à pistons rotatifs est complétée par les indications techniques du chapitre « Caractéristiques de puissance ».
Les indications qui y sont données identifient le produit et sont à mettre en relation avec la présente déclaration d’incorporation.

DEUTSCH Originaleinbauerklärung

Hiermit erklärt der Hersteller: Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen
dass folgende grundlegende Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzanforderungen nach Anhang I der oben genannten Richtlinie
angewandt und eingehalten sind: Artikel 1.1.2 Grundsätze für die Integration der Sicherheit, 1.1.3 Materialien und Produkte,
1.1.5 Konstruktion der Maschine im Hinblick auf die Handhabung, 1.2.1 Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Steuerungen, 1.3.1
Risiko des Verlustes der Standsicherheit, 1.3.2 Bruchrisiko beim Betrieb, 1.3.4 Risiken durch Oberflächen, Kanten und Ecken,
1.5.6 Brand, 1.5.8 Lärm, 1.5.9 Vibrationen, 1.6.4 Eingriffe des Bedienpersonals, 1.7.1 Informationen und Warnhinweise an
der Maschine, 1.7.2. Warnung vor Restrisiken.
Die unvollständige Maschine darf erst dann in Betrieb genommen werden, wenn festgestellt wurde, ob das endgültige
Aggregat, in das die unvollständige Maschine eingebaut werden soll, den Bestimmungen der
Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG entspricht.
Bei Einbau einer unvollständigen Maschine in eine Gebrauchtmaschine ist zu prüfen, ob dieser Einbau zu einer wesentlichen
Veränderung der Gebrauchtmaschine führt und somit die Maschinenrichtlinie anzuwenden wäre.
Der Einbau unvollständiger Maschinen in Gebrauchtmaschinen fällt ansonsten nicht unter den Anwendungsbereich der
Diese Einbauerklärung bezieht sich auf den vom Hersteller in Verkehr gebrachten originalen Maschinenzustand. Bei nachträglich
durchgeführten Veränderungen und/oder nachträglich vorgenommenen Eingriffen erlischt diese Einbauerklärung.
Der Hersteller verpflichtet sich, die speziellen Unterlagen dieser unvollständigen Maschine, einzelstaatlichen Stellen auf
begründetes Verlangen, in elektronischer Form, zu übermitteln.
Die zur Maschine gehörenden speziellen technischen Unterlagen nach Anhang VII Teil B wurden erstellt.
Dokumentationsverantwortlicher: Herr Irtel Aerzen, 18-08-2009

ENGLISH Translation of original declaration of incorporation

The manufacturer: Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen
hereby declares that the following safety and health protection requirements according to Appendix I of the above-mentioned
directive have been applied and complied with: Article 1.1.2 Fundamental Principles for Integrating Safety, 1.1.3 Materials
and Products, 1.1.5 Machine Design with Regard to Handling, 1.2.1 Safety and Reliability of Controllers, 1.3.1 Risk of Loss
of Stability, 1.3.2 Risk of Fracture During Operation, 1.3.4 Risks due to Surfaces, Edges and Corners, 1.5.6 Fire, 1.5.8 Noise,
1.5.9 Vibrations, 1.6.4 Intervention by Operating Personnel, 1.7.1 Information and Warnings on the Machine, 1.7.2. Warning
of Residual Risks.

Diese Einbauerklärung ist mit dem Inkrafttreten der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG ab dem 29-12-2009 gültig.
The partly completed machinery must only be put into operation once it has been established whether the final
assembly in which the partly completed machinery is to be installed complies with the
Machine Directive 2006/42/EC.
When installing a partly completed machinery in a used machine, it is essential to check whether the installation significantly

Cette déclaration d’incorporation est valable à partir du 29/12/2009 avec l’entrée en vigueur de la directive Machines 2006/42/CE.
alters the used machine and whether the machine directive must be applied.
Otherwise, installing partly completed machineries in used machines is not covered by the area of application of the machine

This declaration of incorporation applies when the Machine Directive 2006/42/EC comes into force on 29-12-2009.
This declaration of incorporation refers to the machine in its original state as marketed by the manufacturer. Any changes
introduced subsequently and/or interventions carried out subsequently will void this declaration of incorporation.
The manufacturer is obliged to transmit the special documents for the partly completed machinery to the national authorities
in response to a request with reasons.
The special technical documents for the machine in accordance with Appendix VII Part B have been created.
Responsible for documentation: Herr Irtel Aerzen, 18-08-2009

FRANÇAIS Traduction de la déclaration d‘incorporation d‘origine

Le fabricant : Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen
déclare par la présente que les exigences fondamentales relatives à la santé et à la sécurité suivantes, définies dans l’annexe
I de la directive mentionnée ci-dessus, sont appliquées et satisfaites : Article 1.1.2 Principes d’intégration de la sécurité,
1.1.3 Matériaux et produits, 1.1.5 Conception de la machine en vue de sa manutention, 1.2.1 Sécurité et fiabilité des systè-
mes de commande, 1.3.1 Risque de perte de stabilité, 1.3.2 Risque de rupture en service, 1.3.4 Risques dus aux surfaces,
aux arêtes ou aux angles, 1.5.6 Incendie, 1.5.8 Bruit, 1.5.9 Vibrations, 1.6.4 Intervention de l’opérateur, 1.7.1 Informations et
avertissements sur la machine, 1.7.2. Avertissement sur les risques résiduels.
La quasi-machine ne doit pas être mise en service avant que la machine finale
dans laquelle elle doit être incorporée ait été déclarée conforme aux dispositions pertinentes de la directive
Machines 2006/42/CE.
En cas d’incorporation d’une quasi-machine dans une machine d’occasion, il convient de vérifier si cette incorporation entraîne
une modification significative de la machine d’occasion et si la directive Machines est applicable.
Sinon, l’incorporation de quasi-machines dans des machines d’occasion ne tombe pas dans le domaine d’application de la
directive Machines.
La présente déclaration d’incorporation se rapporte à l’état d’origine de la machine tel que mis en circulation par le fabricant.
Cette déclaration d’incorporation est rendue caduque par toute modification et/ou intervention ultérieure.
Le fabricant s’engage à transmettre sous forme électronique les informations pertinentes concernant la quasi-machine à la
suite d’une demande dûment motivée des autorités nationales.
La documentation technique pertinente pour la quasi-machine a été constituée conformément à l’annexe VII partie B.
Responsable de la documentation : Monsieur Irtel Aerzen, 18-08-2009

A3-045 A XT

4 1 von 2 08-2009
Leiter Techn. Abteilung Unterschrift des Herstellers
(Herr Irtel) Head of the dept. Signature of the manufacturer
Directeur technique Signature du constructeur
V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Inbouwverklaring voor incomplete machines conform machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EG
Declaración de incorporación para cuasi máquinas, de conformidad con la Directiva de Máquinas 2006/42/CE
Dichiarazione di incorporazione per macchine incomplete secondo la Direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE

De inbouwverklaring voor deze roterende zuigercompressor wordt aangevuld door de technische informatie in het hoofdstuk „Specificaties“.
Aan de hand van de daar vermelde informatie wordt het product geïdentificeerd en de informatie moet in combinatie met deze inbouwverklaring toegepast worden.
La declaración de incorporación para esta máquina de émbolos giratorios es complementada por los datos técnicos que se encuentran en el capítulo “Datos de potencia”.
Los datos ahí indicados identifican al producto y se deberán utilizar conjuntamente con esta declaración de incorporación.
La Dichiarazione di incorporazione per la presente macchina a pistoni rotanti è integrata dai dati tecnici riportati nel capitolo „Dati di prestazione“.
Le informazioni incluse in quel capitolo identificano il prodotto e devono essere utilizzate insieme alla presente Dichiarazione di incorporazione.

NEDERLANDS Vertaling van de originele inbouwverklaring

Hiermee verklaart de fabrikant: Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen

dat de volgende fundamentele veiligheids- en gezondheidseisen conform bijlage I van de hiervoor genoemde richtlijn toegepast
en nageleefd zijn: Artikel 1.1.2 Beginselen van geïntegreerde veiligheid, 1.1.3 Materiaal en producten, 1.1.5 Ontwerp van de

machine met het oog op het hanteren ervan, 1.2.1 Veiligheid en betrouwbaarheid van de bedieningssystemen, 1.3.1 Risico
van verlies van stabiliteit, 1.3.2 Risico van breuken tijdens het gebruik, 1.3.4 Risico‘s in verband met oppervlakken, scherpe

kanten, hoeken, 1.5.6 Risico´s door brand, 1.5.8 Risico´s door geluid, 1.5.9 Risico´s door trillingen, 1.6.4 Ingrepen door het
bedieningspersoneel, 1.7.1 Informatie en waarschuwingen op de machine, 1.7.2. Waarschuwing voor restrisico‘s.
De incomplete machine mag pas in gebruik genomen worden nadat vastgesteld is of het definitieve
aggregaat waarin de incomplete machine ingebouwd wordt, aan de bepalingen van
machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EG voldoet.
Bij inbouw van een incomplete machine in een gebruikte machine moet gecontroleerd worden of deze inbouw tot een wezenlijke
verandering van de gebruiksmachine leidt en of zodoende de machinerichtlijn toegepast moet worden.
De inbouw van incomplete machines in gebruikte machines valt anders niet onder de werkingssfeer van de machinerichtli-
Deze inbouwverklaring heeft betrekking op de originele machinetoestand die door de fabrikant in omloop is gebracht. Bij
veranderingen en/of ingrepen die naderhand uitgevoerd zijn, komt deze inbouwverklaring te vervallen.
De fabrikant is verplicht de speciale documentatie van deze incomplete machine, op gegronde wens in elektronische vorm
aan nationale instanties door te geven.
De speciaal bij de machine horende technische documentatie conform bijlage VII deel B is opgesteld.
Verantwoordelijk voor de documentatie: de heer Irtel Aerzen, 18-08-2009

ESPAÑOL Traducción de la declaración de incorporación original

Por la presente, el fabricante: Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen
declara que se han aplicado y se cumplen los siguientes requisitos esenciales de seguridad y salud según el anexo I de la
directiva mencionada: Artículo 1.1.2 Principios de integración de la seguridad, 1.1.3 Materiales y productos, 1.1.5 Diseño de
la máquina con vistas a su manutención, 1.2.1 Seguridad y fiabilidad de los sistemas de mando, 1.3.1 Riesgo de pérdida de
estabilidad, 1.3.2 Riesgo de rotura en servicio, 1.3.4 Riesgos debidos a superficies, aristas o ángulos, 1.5.6 Incendio, 1.5.8
Ruido, 1.5.9 Vibraciones, 1.6.4 Intervención del operador, 1.7.1 Información y señales de advertencia sobre la máquina, 1.7.2
Advertencia de los riesgos residuales.
No está permitido poner en marcha la cuasi máquina hasta que no se haya comprobado, que el equipo
final, en el que se incorporará la cuasi máquina, cumple con las disposiciones de la
Directiva de Máquinas 2006/42/CE.
Al incorporar una cuasi máquina en una máquina usada, deberá comprobarse si esta incorporación supone una modificación
importante que implique la aplicación de la Directiva de Máquinas.
En caso contrario, la incorporación de cuasi máquinas en máquinas usadas no recae dentro del ámbito de aplicación de la
Directiva de Máquinas.

Esta declaración de incorporación obtendrá validez con la entrada en vigor de la Directiva de Máquinas 2006/42/CE, a partir del 29.12.2009.
Con l’entrata in vigore della Direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE la presente Dichiarazione di incorporazione è valida a partire dal 29-12-2009.
Esta declaración de incorporación se refiere al estado original de la máquina que el fabricante comercializa. En el caso de
realizar modificaciones y/u operaciones posteriores, la declaración perderá toda validez.
El fabricante se compromete a transmitir, en respuesta a un requerimiento debidamente motivado de las autoridades nacio-
nales, la información pertinente relativa a esta cuasi máquina, en formato electrónico.

Deze inbouwverklaring is geldig bij de inwerkingtreding van de machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EG vanaf 29-12-2009.
La documentación técnica correspondiente a la máquina, de conformidad con el anexo VII, parte B ha sido elaborada.
Responsable de la documentación: Sr. Irtel Aerzen, 18.08.2009

ITALIANO Traduzione della dichiarazione originale di incorporazione

Con la presente dichiarazione il produttore: Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen
dichiara di avere applicato e rispettato i seguenti requisiti essenziali di sicurezza e di tutela della salute in base all’Allegato I
della suddetta direttiva: art. 1.1.2 Principi d’integrazione della sicurezza, 1.1.3 Materiali e prodotti, 1.1.5 Progettazione della
macchina ai fini della movimentazione, 1.2.1 Sicurezza ed affidabilità dei sistemi di comando, 1.3.1 Rischio di perdita di sta-
bilità, 1.3.2 Rischio di rottura durante il funzionamento, 1.3.4 Rischi dovuti a superfici, spigoli od angoli, 1.5.6 Incendio, 1.5.8
Rumore, 1.5.9 Vibrazioni, 1.6.4 Intervento dell’operatore, 1.7.1 Informazioni e avvertenze sulla macchina, 1.7.2. Avvertenze
in merito ai rischi residui.
La quasi-macchina può essere messa in funzione soltanto una volta appurato che il
gruppo finale in cui deve essere incorporata soddisfa le disposizioni della
Direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE.
In caso di installazione di una quasi-macchina in una macchina usata, è necessario verificare se tale installazione comporta
una modifica essenziale della macchina usata e, quindi, se deve essere applicata la Direttiva macchine.
In caso contrario l’installazione di una macchina incompleta in una macchina usata non rientra nel campo applicativo della
Direttiva macchine.
Questa dichiarazione di incorporazione si riferisce allo stato della macchina originale messa in circolazione dal produttore.
In caso di modifiche eseguite successivamente e/o di interventi eseguiti in un secondo momento, decade l’obbligo della
Il produttore si impegna a trasmettere la documentazione speciale in formato elettronico relativa alla quasi-macchina ad uffici
a livello nazionale dietro richiesta fondata.
È stata predisposta la documentazione tecnica speciale relativa alla macchina secondo l’Allegato VII Parte B.
Responsabile della documentazione: Sig. Irtel Aerzen, 18-08-2009

A3-045 A XT

Hoofd technische afdeling
Director Dpto, Técnico
Handtekening van de fabrikant
Firma del fabricante 2 von 2 08-2009
(Herr Irtel) Responsabile reparto tecnico Firma del fornitore

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Ersatzteile, spare parts, pièces dé tachée, onderdelen, repuestos, pezzi di ricambio


Ersatz- und Zubehörteile

Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass nicht von uns gelieferte Originalteile und Zubehör auch nicht von uns
geprüft und freigegeben sind. Der Einbau oder Anbau sowie die Verwendung solcher Produkte kann daher

unter Umständen konstruktive vorgegebene Eigenschaften der Anlagen beeinflussen. Für Schäden, die
durch Verwendung von nicht Originalteilen und Zubehör entstehen, ist jede Haftung des Herstellers ausge-

Spare parts and accessories

We draw your attention to the fact that original parts and accessories not supplied by us are also not inspec-
ted and released by us. Therefore, the installation and application of such products might influence under
certain circumstances constructively stipulated properties of the plants. Consequential damages due to
application of non-original parts and accessories release the manufacturer from any warranty and liability.

Accessoires et pièces de rechange

Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que les accessoires et pièces d’origine n’étant pas de notre fourniture
ne peuvent être controlés et pris en considératoin lors d’une réclamation. L’intégration ou le montage ainsi
que l’utilisation de telles pièces peut influencer sous certaines conditions les caractéristiques et performances
de la machine. Pour tout dommage causé du fait de pièces n’étant pas d’origine ou de montage erroné, nous
déclinons toute responsabilité.

Reservedelen en toebehoren
Er wordt uitdrukkelijk op gewezen dat niet door ons geleverde originele delen en toebehoren ook niet door
ons getest en vrijgegeven zijn. De in of aanbouw alsmede de toepassing van zulke producten kan derhal-
ve onder zekere omstandigheden constructief gegeven eigenschappen van de installatie beïnvloeden. Voor
schaden, die door gebruik van niet originele delen en accessoires ontstaan, is iedere aansprakelijkheid
jegens de fabrikant uitgesloten.

Ricambi ed accessori
Devono essere utilizzati solo parti e ricambi originali in quanto verificati dal costruttore della macchina. Il
montaggio o l’impiego di prodotti non originali può, in certe circostanze, provocare un cattivo funzionamento
dell’impianto. Danni causati dall’impiego di parti e/o ricambi non originali esonerano il produttore da ogni
responsabilità e garanzia.

Piezas de repuesto y accesorios

Indicamos expresamente, que aquellos repuestos y/o accesorios no suministrados por nosotros no están
comprobados ni homologados por Aerzen. Su montaje, así como su utilización pueden tener incidencia en
las características prefijadas de la instalación. Por lo tanto no asumimos garantía ni responsabilidad alguna
sobre éstas piezas y de los eventuales daños posteriores y/o alteraciones de las calidades y prestaciones
de origen. Para daños originados por la utilización de piezas y accesorios no originales, se excluye cualquier
responsabilidad por parte del fabricante.

6 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik

Performance data


V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions

Front page ..................................................................................1

Note on information sheet ..........................................................2

Overview of contents ..................................................................3

Declaration of incorporation.................................................. 4 - 5
Note on spare parts ....................................................................6
Performance data .......................................................................7
Contents .....................................................................................8

1. Suitability/General information...................................9
2. Construction, function .......................................10 - 11
3. Precautions ........................................................ 12 - 14
4. Inappropriate operation.............................................15
5. Transport/Storage/Installation .......................... 16 - 19
6. Commissioning .................................................. 20 - 21
7. Recommendation for lubricating oil ........................22
8. Oil injection ................................................................23
9. Shutting down/Taking out of operation ...................24
10. Frequency converter .................................................25
11. Maintenance
11.1 Inspection/Inspection schedule ...............................26
11.2 Maintenance schedule...............................................27
12. Fault diagnosis/Troubleshooting advice/
Repairs ................................................................ 28 - 29
13. Recycling ....................................................................30
14. INFORMATION sheet .................................................31

Technical data tables

8 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Suitability/General information 1

The German version of these operating instructions is the “Original instructions”.

Any version in a language other than German is a “Translation of the original instruc-

Aerzener Maschinenfabrik manufactures VMX screw compressors for use as built-in

components on systems and units for generating compressed air.

Aerzener VMX screw compressors are suitable for conveying and compressing air that

is free of hazardous substances.

The compressor must be operated within the technical performance limits.
For further information, please refer to the data table in the Appendix.
Any failure to observe this data constitutes improper use, risks jeopardising the ma-
chine‘s operational safety/reliability and places the operating personnel in danger. This
can result in serious damage to the machine and personal injury.
The manufacturer can assume no liability for any resulting damage or injury. The risk
is borne by the operator alone.

As far as the pressurised components of the units are concerned, the latest country-
specific rules and standards must be observed in respect of their manufacture and

Non-observance of the safety information shall absolve Aerzener Maschinenfabrik of

its warranty obligations and its liability to pay damages or compensation as a result of
any consequential damage. The same shall apply to defects that can be traced back
to recommended inspections not being performed correctly or on time.

Ensuring appropriate use of the equipment also entails strict adherence to the manu-
facturer‘s assembly, operating, maintenance and servicing instructions.

The maintenance intervals according to these operating instructions must be followed

and carried out properly. Complying with the maintenance specifications will ensure
that the machine retains its value and will also promote operational reliability.

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
2 Construction, function
VMX compressor:
VMX compressors are supplied as compressor stages requiring installation.
Suitable accessories complete the screw compressor, making it ready for use. VMX
screw compressors are suitable for „stationary operation“ as well as for installation
inside „mobile compressor systems“. They may only be operated in mobile systems
when the running gear is in the rest position.

The compressor is driven by an electric motor or a combustion motor using a belt
drive or flexible drive coupling.
The compressor stages are suitable for frequency converter operation. Please also
refer to the „Frequency converter“ section.

Motor connection:
Electrical installation must only be carried out by an authorised electrical fitter.
The motor‘s direction of rotation must be set in accordance with the direction of rota-
tion marked on the compressor.
For details of the permissible belt pretensioning forces, please refer to the data table
in the Appendix. The permissible axle loads must not be exceeded.
The motor and control voltage must be connected to a common network to ensure that
the locking of the power contactor will be disabled if the power supply fails.
Alternative: An electronic monitoring relay must be installed parallel to the drive motor
so that the power contactor can be unlocked in the event of a power failure.
A restart must only be possible once the machine has come to a stop.

Prerequisites for operating rotary piston machines with asynchronous electric motors
on a 3-phase AC supply network:
The machine should only be used on stable three-phase supply networks.
The voltage and frequency limits must be observed.
These are specified in EN 60034-1.
Voltage fluctuations/dips beyond the tolerance zone can seriously damage all ele-
ments that make up the drive system, e.g. couplings, V-belts, V-belt pulleys, shafts,
etc... .
If excessive voltage fluctuations arise in the system,
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik recommends the following measures in order to prevent the
blower, compressor or motor from sustaining damage:
- Use suitable protective equipment that will shut down the motor and safeguard it
against an automatic restart when inadmissible operating data are detected. Observe
also EN 60034-1 and EN 60 204-1.

Intake side:
The intake side must be safely equipped with appropriate accessories for the applica-
tion concerned.
The fineness of the intake air filter can be determined by referring to the data table in
the Appendix.
Please also refer to DIN EN 779 „Particulate air filters for general
The degree of contamination of the intake air or the specifications in the maintenance
schedule provided by the unit manufacturer determine when the filter element is to be
In the event of a „compressor shutdown“ or „EMERGENCY OFF“, care must be taken
to prevent pressurised lubricating oil from escaping via the compressor‘s intake side.
The conveyed amount can be regulated by restricting the air intake.

10 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Discharge side: 2
The discharge side must be safely equipped with appropriate accessories for the ap-
plication concerned.
The oil injected into the compressor stage must be separated from the flow of air by
means of an oil separator inside the oil collector before being subsequently cooled
and filtered.
A corresponding pressure holding valve must be installed downstream of the oil collec-

The system must be designed to prevent depressurisation from occurring via the oil

system and compressor stage in the event of a drive motor standstill.

Due to the high compressed discharge temperatures --> high surface heat emission,
stripping or blistering of the varnish may occur in the vicinity of the discharge side.
However, this does not impair the useful properties of the compressor and does not
constitute a defect.
Machine protection
The VMX screw conveyor must be protected with appropriate pressure and tempera-
ture sensors to ensure safe and proper operation.
Impermissible increases in pressure and temperature can result in explosions, system
damage and personal injury.
The pressure and temperature limits are specified in the data table appendix.
Operation WITHOUT instrumentation, protective devices, etc., is not permitted.

Aerzener screw compressors are rotary piston machines whose rotors turn uniformly
against each other. The rotors feature an internal oil film to ensure contact-free run-
During operation, the medium to be conveyed flows through the intake flange to the
housing and inlet for the rotors. The inlet is closed off due to the rotation of the rotors,
and the medium to be conveyed is directed towards the discharge side. The volume
within the rotors is reduced and the pressure of the medium to be conveyed increases.

Compression heat arises during the compression process. Some of the heat is dis-
sipated into the ambient air via the outer surfaces of the compressor and conveying
Outer surfaces and conveying pipes reach temperatures that can cause burns on
exposed skin.

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
3 Due care to be taken before and during operation
CAUTION! Identifies all hazardous situations

WARNING ! Indicates direct risk to personnel.

Upon arrival/receipt, the rotary piston machine is to be checked against the delivery
and order documentation for both damage sustained in transit and completeness.

Work safety regulations, safety information and operating instructions must all be
Read the INFORMATION sheet prior to commissioning. Any notes or changes stated
Erst lesen - in it must be observed.
dann bedienen! The tasks described below must only be carried out by qualified personnel who are fa-
miliar with the functions of the machine and its components, and have been instructed
Read first, in the relevant safety information.
then operate !
This rotary piston machine conforms to European safety regulations. Nevertheless,
residual technical risks, which could endanger persons and property, may remain. As a
preventive measure, operators must observe the following safety information:

• Assembling the compressor stage in the unit

The compressor stage connections (e.g. on the intake and discharge side, and the
oil supply lines) must remain sealed until they are about to be installed.
The ingress of dirt, burring, sputtering, liquids and similar must be avoided. (Other-
wise the compressor stage can become blocked or sustain serious damage.)

Information about operating data

• Operating data is listed in the data table in the Appendix. The specified operating
limits must be observed.
• The machine must be used appropriately and according to regulations, as well as
within its performance limits.
• Depending on the operating state, the sound pressure level may deviate from that
stated in the operating data. A sound pressure level in excess of 80 dB(A) may
therefore occur for a short period of time.

Information about general operation

• In addition to the information in the operating instructions, general safety and
industrial accident prevention regulations set down by law must be taken into ac-
• The user has an obligation to only run the machine if it is in perfect working order,
safe to operate and in its original condition.
Damaged compressors or compressors which are not in perfect working order
must be replaced immediately.
• Any operation that impairs machine safety is
• The supplier documentation provided with accessories must also be observed.
• Protective equipment such as the belt/coupling guard, blower guard, hood ele-
ments, electrical safety elements, pressure valves, motor protection/EMERGEN-
CY OFF etc., must not be removed or its operational safety restricted whilst the
machine is in operation. Risk of injury!
• Do not operate the machine if electrical, mechanical or hydraulic connections
are defective or missing.

• It is expressly prohibited to operate the rotary piston machine without appropriate

protective equipment or safety devices.

12 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
• The machine must only be used in stable three-phase systems. Voltage fluctua- 3
tions/dips outside the tolerance zone can seriously damage all the elements that
make up the drive system. These include couplings, V-belts, V-belt pulleys, shafts,
etc. .
• CAUTION! If the compressor is to be disassembled, a delay of several minutes
must be observed following completion of operation in order to allow all traces of
gas to be discharged from the container on the unit side and the lines.
Noncompliance will risk a serious oil leak (caused for example by an open seal

plug or similar).

• CAUTION! Oil ageing and soiling will reduce the oil flashpoint. Only suitable oils

with a sufficiently high flashpoint may be used. Viscosity is extremely important.

Noncompliance with viscosity requirements will introduce the risk of explosion.
• CAUTION! Insufficient quantities of oil, overshooting of the oil temperature limit
or mechanical damage inside the compressor stage can result in combustion or
• The risk of spontaneous combustion increases in the case of compression with a
differential pressure in excess of 10 bar.
• The operator must use oil of a suitable quality conforming to the lubricating oil
specifications and observing the ignition temperature of the lubricant.
• The operator must ensure that the oil supply is functioning reliably throughout the
entire operating period, but particularly during start-up and control processes.
• Compliance with the lubricating oil injection temperature is mandatory. Con-
densate can start to form if lubricating oil is cooled to too low a temperature. For
further information, please refer to the data table in the Appendix.
• The operator must use oil of a suitable quality, conforming to the Aerzener lubrica-
ting oil specifications.
• It must be ensured that a stopped positive displacement machine cannot be mo-
ved from the rest position without operating the start function, no matter what the
• Damaged compressoers that are not in perfect working order must be replaced

Safety instructions for commissioning

• You must read and understand these operating instructions before commissioning
the machine.
• Commissioning must only be carried out by persons with the relevant knowledge
and skills.
• Before switching on the machine, ensure that you are familiar with all protection,
operation and monitoring elements by referring to these instructions.
• Prior to first use, check that the intake side is clean.
Any evidence of dirt, dust or foreign bodies must be removed from the intake area.
• A sufficient supply of lubricating oil (e.g. to the conveying chamber injection and
roller bearings) must be ensured during operation and in particular at start-up.
• Compliance with the maintenance schedule is absolutely mandatory.

Qualification of operators
• Each person dealing with the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of
this unit must have read and understood the operating instructions.
• The unit must only be operated by trained and authorised personnel.
• Personnel must undergo training with reference to the operating instructions.
• Responsibility for operation must be precisely defined in order to prevent any
unclear competences.
• Operators must be proficient and instructed and appointed for the work.
• Work on current-carrying components must only be carried out by trained and
authorised personnel. The unit must be disconnected from the power supply.
Fuses must be disconnected.

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Safety instructions in relation to prevailing residual risks
• The warning and information signs on the machine must be observed.
They provide important information about potential sources of danger.
• Prior to first commissioning, check that the machine is not damaged in any way.
• Do not operate the unit if electrical connections are damaged, defective or not
properly connected.
• Do not operate the unit with an open intake or discharge nozzle, as rotary piston

machines are positive displacement machines which present a risk of injury in the
area around the conveying chamber.
• Only suitable tools that correspond to the respective standards and design of the
bolts, nuts and screwed connections must be used.
• When using cleaning agents and sprays, there is a risk of poisoning from inhala-
tion, and a risk of burning from coming into contact with them.

Warning signs for hazardous operations

• Repairs and modifications to the unit must only be carried out by a professional.
If you have any problems, please contact Aerzener After-Sales Service for assis-
• Before carrying out any retrofitting, servicing or maintenance work that requires
protective equipment to be removed, the power supply must be disconnected and
the machine secured to prevent starting up.
• All lubricating and control oil pipes should only be retightened or opened while the
machine is in a depressurized state.
• Depressurise conveying pipes before attempting to remove them.
Allow a sufficient delay of several minutes in order for the lines to depressurise.
• Observe the oil temperature when changing the oil. The oil temperature must not
exceed 60°C. If it exceeds 60°C, there is a
risk of burns!

Personal protective measures

• Conveying pipes or components on the discharge side must not be touched
without adequate protection. Pipes and components can reach temperatures in
excess of 70°C.
Risk of burns!
• There is a risk of burns
Wear protective clothing.
• Close-fitting clothing is required due to the presence of rotating components.
Risk of injury!
• Use hearing protection during machine operation.

Information about the installation site

• It is the operator‘s responsibility to use and operate the machine in accordance
with its intended use and with consideration of local conditions.
• The machine must only be operated in a suitable, well-ventilated installation site.
The installation site must be free from excessive dust, acids, steam and explosive
or inflammable gases.
• The protective equipment provides protection against injury and must not be modi-
fied or bypassed.
• When using diesel or petrol drive motors, there is a risk of poisoning if there is in-
sufficient room ventilation. The installation site must be sufficiently ventilated. The
motor manufacturer’s operating instructions must also be observed.

14 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Inadmissible operating methods 4
• Installation on inclined, uneven and/or sloping foundations
• Failure to observe the operating data specified by the table in the Appendix
• Failure to observe the maintenance intervals
• Incorrect direction of rotation
• Switch-on - During coast-down
- During reverse rotation

• Impermissible pressure increase

• Limit speed undershoot or overshoot

• Overshooting of the limit discharge temperature specified by the data table in the

• Operating the screw compressor without pressure and temperature safety sensors
Risk of irreparable damage!
• Operation without modules designed to ensure the safety of the personnel and
machine or with modules of this kind that are damaged or faulty.
• Operation involving a deformed or distorted compressor stage due to incorrect
• Operation with an inadequate lubricating oil supply
• Operation with low lubricating oil pressure during the start phase. For further infor-
mation, please refer to the data table in the Appendix.
• Empty operation without oil

“Reasonably foreseeable misuse” that can result from easily forseeable

human behaviour:
• Operating the machine without having filled the lubricant.
• Operating the machine with reduced intake performance, e.g. due to a soiled
intake filter, starting strainer etc.
• Assembly and commissioning of the rotary piston machine with intake-side and/or
discharge-side flange sealers, protection covers or similar.
• Insufficient ventilation at the installation site, no insulated lines.
• Open fire or sparks created by welding, separating or similar in direct proximity to
the unit. Risk of fire!
• Operating the machine without an isolated protective device, open belt or coupling
• Risk of injury from rotating components.

Foreseeable incorrect operation or use

• Dust contaminants should be removed before entry into the blower. In particular,
substances which can settle in the conveying chamber or the rotors can jeopardi-
se the operational reliability of the machine.
• The same applies to the compression of resublimating gases containing solid par-
ticles, which can separate from the gas phase and deposit in the machine. Resub-
limation in the blower must be prevented via suitable process control (pressure,
partial pressure, temperature and speed etc.).

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
5 Transport/Storage/Installation/Assembly
• Do not expose the compressor to impact loads.
• The compressor must be transported, empty of oil, using a crane, fork-lift truck, lift
trolley or similar
• The compressor must be suspended and lifted as shown in the sketch using eye

bolts, cables or similar.

• Use suitable hoisting gear that is appropriate for the load concerned.
Failure to observe this point could result in damage or crushing.
• The hoist, cables, chains, or similar, must be designed for the load concerned.
• The hoist must be arranged in accordance with the machine‘s centre of gravity.
• The hoist must not be able to exert any forces on the machine that could result in
• It must be ensured that inadvertent dislocations and harzards due to insufficient
stability do not occur during transport and installation of the rotary piston machine.

16 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Storing a new machine
• Prior to delivery, rotary piston machines are treated and packaged to allow for a
12-month storage period.

• If the machine needs to be stored for longer than 12 months:

- Retreat the conveying chamber with ESSO MZK LD 30.
- Retreat the external bright surfaces with Tectyl 506.

- Replace the shaft sealing ring including the O-ring seal on the housing cover.


- Repackage the machine appropriately.

• If the machine needs to be stored for longer than 24 months:
- The entire scope of supply must undergo a general inspection by
Aerzener trained personnel.
- Retreat the conveying chamber with ESSO MZK LD 30.
- Retreat the external bright surfaces with Tectyl 506.
- Replace the shaft sealing ring including the O-ring seal on the housing cover.
- Check the sealing caps on the connection openings.
- Repackage the machine appropriately.

• If special packaging is to be used, e.g. for transportation by sea, etc.,

specific storage and mothballing guidelines laid down by Aerzener Maschinenfab-
rik must be observed.
• Whilst the units are in storage, please ensure that they are correctly preserved
and packaged. They must be checked every six weeks.
• You must eliminate any adverse influences immediately to ensure ongoing preser-
vation of the units.
• Units must be kept and stored in dry, clean locations that are free of vibrations.
• During storage, no sealing plugs or plastic caps should be removed from bore
holes, flanges, etc. The purpose of these is to prevent any foreign bodies from
entering the machine.

• Check the connection openings on the intake and discharge sides for any signs of
• Check the conveying chamber for any signs of damage.
• Check all connections and screwed connections for signs of damage and to en-
sure they are in perfect working order.
• The compressor must be installed on an even foundation that does not vibrate or
• Sufficient space for maintenance and/or repair work must be allowed for at the
installation site.
• Remove all packaging material.
• Ensure that the installation site is adequately ventilated.
• Check that the rotary piston machine can run easily.
Sluggishness indicates distortion or foreign bodies.
• The compressor must be assembled without any distortion.
A distorted housing can result in serious compressor damage.
Rough bearing surfaces or seats can result in distortion during assembly.
• The forces and/or moments acting on the flange and connections must lie within
the range specified in the data table.
• Take noise protection into consideration. Piping and foundations may be stimu-
lated into producing natural vibrations and the associated sound emissions.

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
5 • If you are planning the system in-house, the safety information, maintenance
information and technical documentation provided by your component suppliers
must also be observed.
• Oil supply connections must be established in accordance with the installation
• When selecting the drive coupling, remember to take account of the cyclic
irregularity associated with combustion motors. We recommend that you
recalculate the speed that is critical from the point of view of torsion assuming the

failure of one of the cylinders.

• A tightly fitted spacer ring must be mounted between the drive element and the
liner for installing the coupling or belt pulley.
• The spacer ring prevents under-pressure from being applied on the seal as a
result of the rotating drive elements.
• The spacer ring must have a width of 8 mm. The spacer ring should not move
loosely on the shaft.
• To prevent the development of noise, attention must be paid to adequate
clearance between the spacer ring and the fixed components. This may be
prevented by a chamfer on the outer diameter of the spacer ring (start of the
chamfer <= outer diameter of the liner).
• The belt pulleys or coupling halves must be assembled and aligned as precisely
as possible. The magnitude of any misalignment will affect the life of the drive
• The vibration behaviour of VMX compressors with mounted belt pulleys or cou-
plings is largely determined by the balance quality of the pistons/rotors as well as
the balance of the drive elements.
• At Aerzener Maschinenfabrik, the piston/rotor driving shafts are balanced using
the „half-key balancing“ technique.
• The belt pulleys/couplings must be used in accordance with the requirements of
balancing type „H“.

18 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
• When assembling VMX compressors, you must ensure that there is no distortion
of the compressor due to the fixing points on the discharge side.

If the compressor stage gets distorted or deformed, there is a risk of the rotors
coming into contact with one another, thereby damaging the compressor beyond


Sizes up to VMX 110

Only 3 of the bores available in the compressor housing may be used for fixing

Permissible fixing points: a, b, c or a, b, d

Either bore „d“ or „c“ must be left free. >>> Three-point fixing <<<.

d a

c b

Sizes upwards of VMX 160

All four machine feet should be used for the purpose of fixing the compressor.
If necessary, shims should be placed underneath the machine feet.


V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
6 Commissioning
You must comply with all the points described in these instructions when
preparing and assembling the compressor stage.

First commissioning
On first commissioning, remember to ensure that the total lubricating oil volume speci-
fied by the system manufacturer

START is provided.
All oil-carrying components on the unit side must be filled with sufficient quantities of

Prelubricate the equipment:

- On first commissioning
- Following a downtime period of more than six weeks

You must prelubricate the compressor on first commissioning or following a downtime

period of more than six weeks.
To carry out prelubrication, fill the compressor‘s intake side with the correct lubricating
oil volume. For details of the required lubricating oil volume, please refer to the data
table in the Appendix.
During filling, turn the drive shaft manually the opposite way to the direction of rotation.
CAUTION! Secure the compressor to prevent accidental start-up.
Risk of injury!

Ensure that the compressor is correctly supplied with lubricating oil.

Use suitable test equipment to check protective devices.
Respect the direction of rotation, see marking on compressor/direction of rotation ar-
row. The drive motor‘s direction of rotation must match the direction of rotation arrow
on the compressor.
CAUTION! Rotation in the wrong direction will damage the compressor beyond
Ensure proper operation and smooth ramping up and coasting down.
Caution! Do not switch the compressor on while the system is coasting down.
If you do, there is a risk of causing serious damage.

Requirements during compressor START

During the start phase, the compressor must be throttled so that the inlet pressure on
the intake side is restricted to < 0.2 bar until the rated speed has been reached.
The required lubricating oil pressure must be built up at the compressor‘s injection
point within four seconds of the drive motor starting.
During the start phase, this pressure must be 1.0 bar higher than the inlet pressure
with the intake throttle closed.

Requirements during load operation

During load operation, the lubricating oil pressure must be 2.0 bar higher than the inlet
For further information, please also refer to the data table in the Appendix.

Insufficient quantities of oil, overshooting of the oil temperature limit or mechanical
damage inside the compressor stage can result in combustion or explosions!
You must ensure that the oil supply is functioning reliably throughout the entire operat-
ing period, but particularly during start-up and control processes.
You must adhere to the maintenance schedule.

20 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Operation of the unit: Please also observe the system manufacturer‘s operating in-
Commissioning information to be observed following maintenance and repair
When commissioning the equipment following maintenance and repair work, you must
ensure that the oil system has been filled with sufficient lubricating oil, including all ac-
cessories such as oil filters, oil coolers, lubricating oil lines, etc.

The oil may need to be poured in manually depending on the component concerned

(e.g. in the case of an oil filter).

The correct oil level must be ensured and checked again after a brief period of opera-

The accessory and additional components built into the compressor system must be
maintained in accordance with the relevant instructions.

Lubricating oil temperature

The lubricating oil temperatures specified by the data table in the Appendix must be

If the oil temperature is too low, condensate will form in the oil.
It is vital that no condensate is allowed to form. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to
the machine due to insufficient lubrication.

If the oil temperature is too high, the minimum oil viscosity will be undershot. This will
result in damaged bearings and worn rotors.

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
7 Recommendation for VMX screw compressor
lubricating oil

Criteria for selecting suitable lubricating oil

• To ensure year-round continuous operation with various ambient temperatures,
you should only use fully synthetic lubricating oils.

• A suitable lubricating oil should be used that is non-ageing, provides protection

against corrosion and is not prone to frothing.
• The lubricating oil must be compatible with the sealing materials used on the VMX
compressor stage. It must not contain any oil additives that could react chemically
with the condensate that is present during start-up.
• The viscosity is very important when selecting a suitable lubricating oil. The per-
missible viscosity is specified by the data table in the Appendix.
• The pour point of the lubricating oil should be at least 5°C below the lowest ambi-
ent temperature.
• The lubricating oil must conform to the properties in the data table.

Dirt in, additions to and impurities in the lubricating oil

• No condensate must be allowed to enter the lubricating oil.
Condensate in the oil will result in gaps in the oil film and consequently lead to
compressor damage.
• Abrasive impurities in the lubricating oil must also be avoided.
These impurities will damage the profile of the rotors and result in damaged bear-
ings. We therefore recommend that you filter the new lubricating oil when filling
the system.

Lubricating oil recommendation

There are a large number of different lubricating oils available on the market and
we are unable to test the suitability of all of them, because this would require ex-
tended time tests to be carried out and because the specific features of individual
systems have a major impact on the life of the oil.
The choice of lubricating oil should be agreed with the lubricating oil manufacturer,
taking this information into account.

The following oils have produced sound empirical results in practice. They are there-
fore recommended by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik.

Oil brand Name

SHELL Corena S4 R
ARAL Motanol SPA 68
ESSO Compressoir Oil RS
Liqui Moly Kompressorenöl LM 900

Other brands of oil can also be used, provided that compliance with the specifications
can be ensured.
Oils of different grades or from different manufacturers must not be used in the same
machine at the same time.
The specified change intervals are fully based on the assumption that the lubricating
oil possesses the properties stated.

22 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Oil injection 8
• VMX compressors do not have an internal function for regulating the oil quantity.
• The connection and injection cross sections have been dimensioned in such a
way as to ensure a sufficient quantity of oil during operation based on the permis-
sible operating data.
• Regulating units can be installed on the unit side provided that this does not result
in the permissible operating range being exceeded.

The lubricating oil temperature specified by the data table in the Appendix must be



If this temperature is undershot, condensate will form in the lubricating oil.

It is vital that no condensate is allowed to form, otherwise there is a risk of dam-
age to the machine.

Oil filter/Oil filter fineness

The oil filter is a component on the unit side.
To ensure the desired levels of lubricating oil purity, you should use filters with a fine-
ness of 10 μm and a filtration efficiency of 99%.
According to ISO 16889, this corresponds to a filtration ratio of β10 = 100.
This means that 99% of the 10 μm particles are filtered out from the lubricating oil.
Please also refer to the data table in the Appendix.

Intake air filter/Filter fineness

The intake air filter is a component on the unit side.
To ensure the desired levels of intake air purity, you should use filters with a fineness
of 20 μm and a filtration efficiency of 99.9%.
The filter should be designed in such a way that improper installation is impossible.
No leaks should occur in the seal in the case of correct assembly.
Dirt particles must be prevented from entering the compressor stage.
Foreign matter and gas admixtures in the intake air can result in damage and impair
the properties of the lubricating oil.
Please also refer to the data table in the Appendix.

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
9 Shutting down/Taking out of operation
• The motor power switch is used to shut down the unit.
• For the purpose of putting the unit out of operation completely, the fuses should be
removed after the compressor has come to a standstill. The slides in the con-
veying pipes must be closed. Condensate must be prevented from entering the
compressor stage.

• In the event of a downtime period of more than six weeks:

- Fill the conveying chamber completely with oil in accordance with the recom
mendation for lubricating oil
in order to prevent corrosion damage.
- Regularly turn the compressor‘s drive shaft manually
in order to prevent damage due to lack of use.
- Treat the external bright work.
- Remove the drive motor fuses in order to prevent accidental
- Check that the unit is correctly preserved in accordance with the maintenance

• In the event of a downtime/storage period of more than a year,

Replace the radial shaft sealing ring and drive shaft sleeve prior to commissioning.
All the necessary spare parts are included in an
Aerzener Service Kit.
Failure to observe this point can result in the seal being damaged beyond repair or
in oil leaks on the drive shaft due to gumming of the oil and sticking of the sealing

START following a downtime period of more than six weeks

• In the event of a START following a downtime period of more than six weeks, the
conveying chamber must be emptied of oil and, where applicable, oil should be
drained from the compressor stage.
You must ensure that the conveying chamber is no longer full of lubricating oil.
A small residual quantity of oil is permissible for the purpose of lubricating the ro-
tors and bearings as are surfaces that are wet with oil.

The conveying chamber must be prelubricated once there is no lubricating oil left
inside it. Please refer to the Commissioning section for details of the prelubrication

CAUTION! If the compressor is started when the conveying chamber is complete-

ly full, there is a risk of serious damage.
The conveying chamber must be inspected visually, the rotors must be rotated
manually and a check must be carried out to ensure easy running.
CAUTION! Risk of crushing, severing and injury!

In an emergency:
EMERGENCY OFF button. For details, please refer to the instructions provided by the
electrical supplier/system manufacturer.

24 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Frequency converter operation 10
• If the electric motor is driven by frequency converters, we strongly recommend
using an engine throttle and power choke. These are specifically designed for the
frequency converter and filter dangerous harmonics from the drive current.
Damage to the motor winding can be prevented by improving the electromagnetic
compatability of the system and reducing reactions of the frequency converter in
the current

• The electrical and mechanical properties of the drive motor must be taken into


• The frequency converter must be designed for operating a driven machine with a

constant load torque.
• The minimum and maximum speeds specified by the data table must not be un-
• For the purpose of setting the maximum frequency, the maximum motor and com-
pressor speeds must be taken into account.
• Recommended speed variation rate: 1 Hz/s
Higher speed variation rates can result in damage to the compressor due to step
changes in torque associated with the motor.
• To prevent breakdowns, the „flying restart“ function in the frequency converter‘s
control must not be parameterised. When the frequency converter is shut down, it
can only be restarted once the compressor has reached a complete standstill.

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
11 Maintenance

Maintenance is to ensure that all functions are maintained or that they can be restored
after a breakdown.

Maintenance includes specifications about inspection, service and repairs.

Maintenance includes instructions for trained and qualified personnel.


If anything is unclear consult Aerzener customer service.

During inquiries please state:
• order and serial number
• prevailing faults / malfunctions as accurately as possible
• steps taken to rectify faults.

Is the machine sent back to the supplier, the following measures are to be carried out:
• Completely drain oil, otherwise it is transport of hazardous goods.
• Treat bare components with preservative.
• Seal flange with blind cover.
• Seal open connections.
• Also observe instructions in chapter “Transport”.

Inspections / inspection schedule

1 A general inspection should be carried out by a service technician from Aerzener after
3 years or 20,000 operating hours.
This includes the preventive maintenance of wearing and replacement parts such as
bearings, seal, etc.
We recommend maintaining a stock of replacement and wearing parts to avoid or
reduce waiting times and downtimes.

26 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Maintenance schedule 11.2
Whenever work is carried out on the rotary piston machine, it must be switched off and isolated from the
electrical mains supply. Failure to observe this point could result in injury or damage.
To ensure a long service life and optimum operating conditions, various steps should be taken. These
include observance of the maintenance operations and intervals specified in this table.

Maintenance intervals

After every subsequent 4000

After every subsequent 8000

op. hours or every 6 months
quent 2000 op. hours
After every subse-

After every subsequent

We recommend that you perform maintenance opera-

Every 3 months

op. hours or yearly

After the first

After the first

After the first

20,000 op. hours

tions on the rotary piston machine at the specified inter-

or after 3 years
500 op. hrs
25 op. hrs
3 op. hrs
vals. The operating hours represent average operating


conditions. The actual life of the equipment may vary de-

pending on environmental conditions and operating data.
If you think this situation applies to you, please con-
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik.
Preservation treatment ●
• Check, in the event of a downtime period of more
than six weeks
Oil level ● ●
• Check
(observe the unit manufacturer's specifications)
Check for oil leaks ●
Lubricating oil ● ●
• Replace
• *For heavy duty, depending on gas composition, *●
performance data, etc.
Radial shaft sealing ring ●
• Check and (depending on level of wear) replace
Radial shaft sealing ring and shaft sleeve The shaft sealing ring and shaft sleeve must be replaced prior to
• Downtime or storage period of more than
a year
Accessories such as oil filters, air filters, etc. Remember to observe the information provided by the unit manu-
• Replace
Main inspection/maintenance
• Check/replace spare and
wearing parts ●
• Check entire machine
Drive motor
Remember to observe the information provided by the unit manu-
• Perform maintenance facturer!
• Observe deadlines for renewal of lubrication
Arrange for the rotary piston machine to undergo a complete check by the Aerzener Service department
at the specified intervals and certainly at least once a year.
Or: Take out a maintenance contract with Aerzener Maschinenfabrik.
Assuming that maintenance work is carried out regularly and professionally,
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik is confident that your machine will offer
maximum reliability for your application.

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
12 Error diagnostics/Troubleshooting/Maintenance

Repairs to rotary piston machines may only be performed by authorised and

trained personnel. Improper repairs may present considerable risks to the user/

Error messages/

Faults Possible Remedy . .

What do I do causes . .
if . . ?
...abnormal running • Damaged bearings • Replace bearings
noises occur? • Rotors coming into con- • Check play settings,
tact with one another or at check cylinder for cracks
the conveying chamber
• Rotors coming into con- • Clean conveying chamber
tact due to soiling • Measure shaft deflection,
• Shaft deflection replace rotary pistons if
...the compressor • Intake filter soiled • Replace filter
becomes too hot? • Ambient temperature too • Ensure that there is ad-
high equate ventilation
• Hood inlet openings • Clean
blocked acoustic hood inlet air
• Hood fan faulty • Replace fan
• Oil level or oil viscosity • Correct oil level, note the
too high viscosity
• Rotor play too great • Replace damaged com-
• Overloaded • Check and comply with
operating data
...the intake volume • Starting strainer/intake • Clean, replace if neces-
is too low? filter soiled sary
• Lines leaking • Seal lines
• Compressor incorrectly • Check design
• Damaged rotors/cylinder • Replace damaged com-
...the motor takes • Operating data does not • Check and comply with
up too much power? concur with ordering data operating data
• Mechanical damage to • Replace damaged com-
compressor or motor ponents
• Decline in motor voltage • Adjust power; see motor
...the compressor • Non-return valve faulty or • Replace valve
turns in reverse not tight
after • Unit-side pressure relief • Check pressure relief
shutdown? on the compressor stage
...if damage to the • Motor and electr. control • Connect motor and
machine occurs as have been connected to control voltage to a single
a result of a faulty two different networks. supply network.
supply point? • Alternatively: Use a cur-
rent monitoring relay.

28 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Error messages/
Faults Possible Remedy . .
What do I do causes . .
if . . ?
...there is a break- • Intake filter or starting • Clean, replace
down due to "intake strainer soiled
pressure"? • Slide valve in intake pipe • Open slide valve

• Blank fitted • Remove blank

...a breakdown oc- • Overload at discharge • Performance limits

curs due to "com- side • Open slide valve
pression discharge • Closed discharge side • Remove blank
pressure"? • Blank installed
...there is a break- • Decrease in intake pres- • Check intake pipe
down due to an sure • Check discharge pipe
increased • Increase in discharge • Check play setting,
"discharge tempera- pressure replace components if
ture"? • Deterioration in volumet- necessary
ric efficiency • Ensure there is sufficient
• Increase in intake tem- inlet air
perature • Ensure there is sufficient
• Too little exhaust air exhaust air
• Acoustic hood exhaust air • Clean
louvre soiled
• Not enough oil injected • Check oil level and injec-
tion lines
...there is a break- • Oil cooler soiled • Clean
down due to an • Oil cooler ventilator faulty • Replace
increased oil tem- • Thermostat controller • Replace
perature? faulty
...there is a break- • Oil filter soiled • Replace
down due to insuf- • Oil level too low • Refill oil; establish and
ficient oil? eliminate reason for lack
of oil
...the compressor is • Shaft seal faulty • Replace seals
not oil-tight? • Screwed connections in • Retighten; replace
oil lines loose
Whenever intervention has been necessary as a result of a fault occurring, the fol-
lowing must be checked:
• Ease of running in rotary piston machine
• Resistance-free rotation
• Lubricating oil level
• Correct functioning and connection
• Compliance with the safety and warning information
• Some of the faults referred to here also affect the unit.
Please also remember to observe the information provided by the unit manufac-

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
13 Recycling / Disposal
• All waste products are to be disposed of or treated not harmful to the environment.
• Used lubricants are to be disposed of properly.
• Contaminated components and auxiliary material are to be packed and

30 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Information sheet Page infos
Info - bladzijde PaginaInformativa


Gegenüber Darstellungen und Angaben dieser Betriebsanleitung sind technische Änderungen,

die zur Verbesserung der Drehkolbenmaschinen notwendig werden, vorbehalten.
This operating- and installation manual is subject to engineering changes necessary for the compressor advancement.
Nous nous réservons le droit dans les instructions de service procéder à toutes modifications techniques utiles visant à améliorer la qualité des compresseurs.
Wat de betrft de tekeningen en gegevens in deze bedienings- en opstellings-hanleiding verbetering van de schroefcompressor noodzakelijk worden, voorbehouden.
Nos reservamos el derecho de efectuar, frente a las representaciones e indicaciones de esta
instrucciones de montage servicio modificaciones técnicas necesarias para perfeccionar.
Rispetto all'illustrazione ed alle indicazioni di questa Istruzioni di Esercizio ci si riserva quelle modifiche tecniche che sono necessarie per migliorare i compressori.

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
Positionen der Betriebsdaten, positions of the operating data, çalışma verilerinin konumları


Dieses Darstellung ist ein Beispiel.

Der Schmieröldruckanschluss kann je nach
Baugröße variieren.
Bitte beachten Sie die entsprechende

Einbauzeichnung !

The above is an example.

amp The lube oil pressure connection can vary
iel depending on the size.
Be Please consider the corresponding installati-
on drawing !

Bu çizim bir örnektir.

Yağlama yağı basıncı yapı boyutuna göre
değişiklik gösterebilir.
Lütfen ilgili montaj çizimine bakın!

deutsch english Türkçe

tu = Umgebungs- tu = ambient temperature tu = Ortam sıcaklığı

temperatur t1 = inlet temperature t1 = Emme sıcaklığı
t1 = Ansaugtemperatur t2 = outlet temperature t2 = Çıkış sıcaklığı
t2 = Austrittstemperatur toil = oil temperature tÖl = Yağ sıcaklığı
tÖl = Öltemperatur
p1 = inlet pressure p1 = Giriş basıncı
p1 = Eintrittsdruck p 2
= outlet pressure p2 = Çıkış basıncı
p2 = Austrittsdruck
p oil = inlet oil pressure p Öl = Püskürtme yağı
p Öl = Einspritzöldruck basıncı
Δ p1 oil = differential
Δ p1 Öl = Druckdifferenz pressure Δ p1 yağ = Püskürtme yağı
Einspritzöl injection oil basınç farkı
Δ p1 Öl = pÖl - p1 Δ p 1 oil
= poil - p1 Δ p1 yağ = pyağ - p1

M = Drehmoment M = driving shaft torque M = Tork

Antriebswelle Tahrik mili

32 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
VMX-Verdichter / VMX-compressor
VMX 15 R
Bezeichnung description Einheit /

Profilbezeichnung Profile designation / VMX 0937

Antriebsart Type of drive / Riementrieb
belt driven

Antriebsrotor Driving rotor / HR

HR = Hauptrotor HR = male rotor
NR = Nebenrotor NR = female rotor

Drehrichtung Direction of rotation / links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Lage der Position of / links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Förderrichtung Direction of flow / oben > unten

top > bottom

Vorschmierölmenge Prelubrication oil qty. l 0,5

Förderraum conveying chamber

min. zulässige min. admissible 1/min 2000

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible 1/min 7500

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible kW 22

Kupplungsleistung PK absorbed power at
coupling PK

max. zulässiges max. admissible Nm 245

Drehmoment torque driving shaft MK
Antriebswelle MK

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 45

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 50

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

min. zulässige min. admissible °C 80

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 100

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

Abschalttemperatur t2 Ab shutdown temperature t2 °C 110


Temperaturdifferenz differential temperature °C 30

Einspritzöl Δt2 Öl Ein injection oil Δt2 OIL In

min. zulässiger min. admissible bar (abs) 0,1

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 1,3

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 14

Austrittsdruck p2 discharge pressure p2

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 15

Betriebsüberdruck p2e operating overpressure p2e

max. zulässige max. admissible bar 13

Druckdifferenz differential pressure
Δp = p2 - p1 Δp = p2 - p1

min. zulässige min. admissible bar 2

Druckdifferenz Einspritzöl differential pressure
Δp ÖL injection oil

gesamt Ölvolumenstrom VÖl total oil l/min 28

max. ± 20% volume flow VOIL
max. ± 20%

min. zulässige Ölviskosität min. admissible oil cSt 10

bei Endtemperatur viscosity concerning
disch. temperature

max. zulässige Ölviskosität max. admissible oil cSt 550

beim Starten viscosity during starting

Festigkeitsprüfung strength test bar (ü) /

Gehäuse, Prüfdruck housing, test pressure bar (g)

max. saugseitige max. suction-sided kN /

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. druckseitige max. discharge-sided kN /

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. zul. radiale max. admissible radial kN 1,6

Wellenbelastung shaft load

erforderliche Ölfilterfeinheit required oil filter fineness μm 10

erforderliche Luftfilterfeinheit required air filter fineness μm 20

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
VMX-Verdichter / VMX-compressor
VMX 22 R VMX 37 D VMX 45 RD VMX 45 RD
Bezeichnung description Einheit /

Profilbezeichnung Profile designation / VMX 037 VMX 037 VMX 037 VMX 037
Antriebsart Type of drive / Riementrieb Direktantrieb / Riementrieb Direktantrieb /
belt driven direct driven belt driven direct driven

Antriebsrotor Driving rotor / HR HR HR HR

HR = Hauptrotor HR = male rotor
NR = Nebenrotor NR = female rotor

Drehrichtung Direction of rotation / links / left links / left links / left links / left
Antriebswelle driving shaft

Lage der Position of / links / left links / left links / left links / left
Antriebswelle driving shaft

Förderrichtung Direction of flow / oben > unten oben > unten oben > unten oben > unten

top > bottom top > bottom top > bottom top > bottom

Vorschmierölmenge Prelubrication oil qty. l 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5

Förderraum conveying chamber

min. zulässige min. admissible 1/min 1200 1200 2000 2000

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible 1/min 4500 6000 7500 7500

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible kW 22 37 45 45

Kupplungsleistung PK absorbed power at
coupling PK

max. zulässiges max. admissible Nm 245 380 560 560

Drehmoment torque driving shaft MK
Antriebswelle MK

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 45 45 45 45

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 50 50 50 50

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

min. zulässige min. admissible °C 80 80 80 80

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 100 100 100 100

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

Abschalttemperatur t2 Ab shutdown temperature t2 °C 110 110 110 110


Temperaturdifferenz differential temperature °C 30 30 30 30

Einspritzöl Δt2 Öl Ein injection oil Δt2 OIL In

min. zulässiger min. admissible bar (abs) 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3
Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 14 14 14 14

Austrittsdruck p2 discharge pressure p2

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 15 15 15 15

Betriebsüberdruck p2e operating overpressure p2e

max. zulässige max. admissible bar 13 13 13 13

Druckdifferenz differential pressure
Δp = p2 - p1 Δp = p2 - p1

min. zulässige min. admissible bar 2 2 2 2

Druckdifferenz Einspritzöl differential pressure
Δp ÖL injection oil

gesamt Ölvolumenstrom VÖl total oil l/min 28 47 57 57

max. ± 20% volume flow VOIL
max. ± 20%

min. zulässige Ölviskosität min. admissible oil cSt 10 10 10 10

bei Endtemperatur viscosity concerning
disch. temperature

max. zulässige Ölviskosität max. admissible oil cSt 550 550 550 550
beim Starten viscosity during starting

Festigkeitsprüfung strength test bar (ü) 26 26 26 26

Gehäuse, Prüfdruck housing, test pressure bar (g)

max. saugseitige max. suction-sided kN 2 2 2 2

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. druckseitige max. discharge-sided kN 1 1 1 1

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. zul. radiale max. admissible radial kN 2,2 / 4,2 /

Wellenbelastung shaft load

erforderliche Ölfilterfeinheit required oil filter fineness μm 10 10 10 10

erforderliche Luftfilterfeinheit required air filter fineness μm 20 20 20 20

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
VMX-Verdichter / VMX-compressor
Bezeichnung description Einheit /

Profilbezeichnung Profile designation / VMX 137 VMX 137

Antriebsart Type of drive / Riementrieb Direktantrieb /
belt driven direct driven

Antriebsrotor Driving rotor / HR HR

HR = Hauptrotor HR = male rotor
NR = Nebenrotor NR = female rotor

Drehrichtung Direction of rotation / links / left links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Lage der Position of / links / left links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Förderrichtung Direction of flow / oben > unten oben > unten

top > bottom top > bottom

Vorschmierölmenge Prelubrication oil qty. l 2,5 2,5

Förderraum conveying chamber

min. zulässige min. admissible 1/min 1500 1500

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible 1/min 5700 5700

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible kW 75 75

Kupplungsleistung PK absorbed power at
coupling PK

max. zulässiges max. admissible Nm 740 740

Drehmoment torque driving shaft MK
Antriebswelle MK

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 - 10

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 45 45

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 - 10

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 50 50

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

min. zulässige min. admissible °C 80 80

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 100 100

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

Abschalttemperatur t2 Ab shutdown temperature t2 °C 110 110


Temperaturdifferenz differential temperature °C 30 30

Einspritzöl Δt2 Öl Ein injection oil Δt2 OIL In

min. zulässiger min. admissible bar (abs) 0,1 0,1

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 1,3 1,3

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 14 14

Austrittsdruck p2 discharge pressure p2

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 15 15

Betriebsüberdruck p2e operating overpressure p2e

max. zulässige max. admissible bar 13 13

Druckdifferenz differential pressure
Δp = p2 - p1 Δp = p2 - p1

min. zulässige min. admissible bar 2 2

Druckdifferenz Einspritzöl differential pressure
Δp ÖL injection oil

gesamt Ölvolumenstrom VÖl total oil l/min 95 95

max. ± 20% volume flow VOIL
max. ± 20%

min. zulässige Ölviskosität min. admissible oil cSt 10 10

bei Endtemperatur viscosity concerning
disch. temperature

max. zulässige Ölviskosität max. admissible oil cSt 550 550

beim Starten viscosity during starting

Festigkeitsprüfung strength test bar (ü) 26 26

Gehäuse, Prüfdruck housing, test pressure bar (g)

max. saugseitige max. suction-sided kN 3 3

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. druckseitige max. discharge-sided kN 1,2 1,2

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. zul. radiale max. admissible radial kN 6,3 /

Wellenbelastung shaft load

erforderliche Ölfilterfeinheit required oil filter fineness μm 10 10

erforderliche Luftfilterfeinheit required air filter fineness μm 20 20

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
VMX-Verdichter / VMX-compressor
VMX 110 RD VMX 110 RD
Bezeichnung description Einheit /

Profilbezeichnung Profile designation / VMX 237 VMX 237

Antriebsart Type of drive / Riementrieb Direktantrieb /
belt driven direct driven

Antriebsrotor Driving rotor / HR HR

HR = Hauptrotor HR = male rotor
NR = Nebenrotor NR = female rotor

Drehrichtung Direction of rotation / links / left links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Lage der Position of / links / left links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Förderrichtung Direction of flow / oben > unten oben > unten


top > bottom top > bottom

Vorschmierölmenge Prelubrication oil qty. l 5,0 5,0

Förderraum conveying chamber

min. zulässige min. admissible 1/min 1500 1500

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible 1/min 4650 4650

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible kW 110 110

Kupplungsleistung PK absorbed power at
coupling PK

max. zulässiges max. admissible Nm 1090 1090

Drehmoment torque driving shaft MK
Antriebswelle MK

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 - 10

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 45 45

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 - 10

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 50 50

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

min. zulässige min. admissible °C 80 80

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 100 100

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

Abschalttemperatur t2 Ab shutdown temperature t2 °C 110 110


Temperaturdifferenz differential temperature °C 30 30

Einspritzöl Δt2 Öl Ein injection oil Δt2 OIL In

min. zulässiger min. admissible bar (abs) 0,1 0,1

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 1,3 1,3

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 14 14

Austrittsdruck p2 discharge pressure p2

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 15 15

Betriebsüberdruck p2e operating overpressure p2e

max. zulässige max. admissible bar 13 13

Druckdifferenz differential pressure
Δp = p2 - p1 Δp = p2 - p1

min. zulässige min. admissible bar 2 2

Druckdifferenz Einspritzöl differential pressure
Δp ÖL injection oil

gesamt Ölvolumenstrom VÖl total oil l/min 139 139

max. ± 20% volume flow VOIL
max. ± 20%

min. zulässige Ölviskosität min. admissible oil cSt 10 10

bei Endtemperatur viscosity concerning
disch. temperature

max. zulässige Ölviskosität max. admissible oil cSt 550 550

beim Starten viscosity during starting

Festigkeitsprüfung strength test bar (ü) 26 26

Gehäuse, Prüfdruck housing, test pressure bar (g)

max. saugseitige max. suction-sided kN 5 5

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. druckseitige max. discharge-sided kN 2 2

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. zul. radiale max. admissible radial kN 9,8 /

Wellenbelastung shaft load

erforderliche Ölfilterfeinheit required oil filter fineness μm 10 10

erforderliche Luftfilterfeinheit required air filter fineness μm 20 20

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
VMX-Verdichter / VMX-compressor
VMX 160 G VMX 160 RD VMX 160 RD
Bezeichnung description Einheit /

Profilbezeichnung Profile designation / VMX 337 VMX 337 VMX 337

Antriebsart Type of drive / Getriebe Riementrieb Direktantrieb
gearbox belt driven direct driven

Antriebsrotor Driving rotor /

HR = Hauptrotor HR = male rotor HR HR HR
NR = Nebenrotor NR = female rotor

Drehrichtung Direction of rotation / rechts / right links / left links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Lage der Position of / rechts / right links / left links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Förderrichtung Direction of flow / oben > unten oben > unten oben > unten

top > bottom top > bottom top > bottom

Vorschmierölmenge Prelubrication oil qty. l 8,0 8,0 8,0

Förderraum conveying chamber

min. zulässige min. admissible 1/min 1400 1400 1400

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible 1/min 3700 3700 3700

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible kW 160 160 200

Kupplungsleistung PK absorbed power at
coupling PK

max. zulässiges max. admissible Nm 1420 1420 2050

Drehmoment torque driving shaft MK
Antriebswelle MK

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 -10 -10

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 45 45 45

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 - 10 - 10

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 50 50 50

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

min. zulässige min. admissible °C 80 80 80

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 100 100 100

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

Abschalttemperatur t2 Ab shutdown temperature t2 °C 110 110 110


Temperaturdifferenz differential temperature °C 30 30 30

Einspritzöl Δt2 Öl Ein injection oil Δt2 OIL In

min. zulässiger min. admissible bar (abs) 0,1 0,1 0,1

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 1,3 1,3 1,3

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 14 14 14

Austrittsdruck p2 discharge pressure p2

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 15 15 15

Betriebsüberdruck p2e operating overpressure p2e

max. zulässige max. admissible bar 13 13 13

Druckdifferenz differential pressure
Δp = p2 - p1 Δp = p2 - p1

min. zulässige min. admissible

Druckdifferenz Einspritzöl differential pressure bar 2 2 2
Δp ÖL injection oil

gesamt Ölvolumenstrom VÖl total oil l/min 202 202 202

max. ± 20% volume flow VOIL
max. ± 20%

min. zulässige Ölviskosität min. admissible oil cSt

bei Endtemperatur viscosity concerning 10 10 10
disch. temperature

max. zulässige Ölviskosität max. admissible oil cSt 550 550 550
beim Starten viscosity during starting

Festigkeitsprüfung strength test bar (ü) 26 26 26

Gehäuse, Prüfdruck housing, test pressure bar (g)

max. saugseitige max. suction-sided kN 6 6 6

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. druckseitige max. discharge-sided kN 3 3 3

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. zul. radiale max. admissible radial kN / 16,25 /

Wellenbelastung shaft load

erforderliche Ölfilterfeinheit required oil filter fineness μm 10 10 10

erforderliche Luftfilterfeinheit required air filter fineness μm 20 20 20

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions
VMX-Verdichter / VMX-compressor
VMX 250 G VMX 250 RD VMX 250 RD
Bezeichnung description Einheit /

Profilbezeichnung Profile designation / VMX 437 VMX 437 VMX 437

Antriebsart Type of drive / Getriebe Riementrieb Direktantrieb
gearbox belt driven direct driven

Antriebsrotor Driving rotor /

HR = Hauptrotor HR = male rotor HR HR HR
NR = Nebenrotor NR = female rotor

Drehrichtung Direction of rotation / rechts / right links / left links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Lage der Position of / rechts / right links / left links / left

Antriebswelle driving shaft

Förderrichtung Direction of flow / oben > unten oben > unten oben > unten

top > bottom top > bottom top > bottom

Vorschmierölmenge Prelubrication oil qty. l 10,0 10,0 10,0

Förderraum conveying chamber

min. zulässige min. admissible 1/min 1000 1000 1000

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible 1/min 3700 3700 3700

Hauptrotordrehzahl nHR male rotor speed nHR rpm

max. zulässige max. admissible kW 355 250 355

Kupplungsleistung PK absorbed power at
coupling PK

max. zulässiges max. admissible Nm 3130 2470 3130

Drehmoment torque driving shaft MK
Antriebswelle MK

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 - 10 - 10

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 45 45 45

Umgebungstemperatur tu ambient temperature tu

min. zulässige min. admissible °C - 10 - 10 - 10

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 50 50 50

Ansaugtemperatur t1 intake temperature t1

min. zulässige min. admissible °C 80 80 80

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

max. zulässige max. admissible °C 100 100 100

Austrittstemperatur t2 discharge temperature t2

Abschalttemperatur t2 Ab shutdown temperature t2 °C 110 110 110


Temperaturdifferenz differential temperature °C 30 30 30

Einspritzöl Δt2 Öl Ein injection oil Δt2 OIL In

min. zulässiger min. admissible bar (abs) 0,1 0,1 0,1

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 1,3 1,3 1,3

Eintrittsdruck p1 intake pressure p1

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 14 14 14

Austrittsdruck p2 discharge pressure p2

max. zulässiger max. admissible bar (abs) 15 15 15

Betriebsüberdruck p2e operating overpressure p2e

max. zulässige max. admissible bar 13 13 13

Druckdifferenz differential pressure
Δp = p2 - p1 Δp = p2 - p1

min. zulässige min. admissible bar

Druckdifferenz Einspritzöl differential pressure 2 2 2
Δp ÖL injection oil

gesamt Ölvolumenstrom VÖl total oil l/min

max. ± 20% volume flow VOIL 448 316 448
max. ± 20%

min. zulässige Ölviskosität min. admissible oil cSt

bei Endtemperatur viscosity concerning 10 10 10
disch. temperature

max. zulässige Ölviskosität max. admissible oil cSt 550 550 550
beim Starten viscosity during starting

Festigkeitsprüfung strength test bar (ü) 26 26 26

Gehäuse, Prüfdruck housing, test pressure bar (g)

max. saugseitige max. suction-sided kN 7 7 7

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. druckseitige max. discharge-sided kN 5 5 5

Stutzenbelastung, vertikal socket load, vertical

max. zul. radiale max. admissible radial kN / 27,5 /

Wellenbelastung shaft load

erforderliche Ölfilterfeinheit required oil filter fineness μm 10 10 10

erforderliche Luftfilterfeinheit required air filter fineness μm 20 20 20

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions

V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions

Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH

Reherweg 28 31855 Aerzen

Postfach 1163 31849 Aerzen

Telefax 0 51 54 / 81-191

After Sales Ser-

 vice
0 51 54 / 81-529

Aerzener International Rental

phone +31 (0) 26 44 64 723
Telefax +31 (0) 26 44 63 570

Aerzen on the
 Internet

40 V4-020 L EN
Translation of the original instructions

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