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Exercise 4: Market Market

Problem: Market Market is a small local grocery store with only one checkout counter.
Assume that shoppers arrive at the checkout lane according to a Poisson probability
distribution, with an arrival rate of 9 customers per hour. The checkout service times
follow an exponential probability distribution, with a service rate of 3 customers per 15
minutes (12 customers per hr). Compute the operating characteristics for this waiting

QUESTION: Is there a need to open another checkout counter? Why? _________

Arrival rate \lambda = 9 customers per hour

Service rate, \mu = 3 customer per 15 minutes = 12 customers per


p = \lambda /\mu = 9/12 = 0.75

Po=1- .75= .25 hour or 15 mins
Lq = p . \lambda /(\mu - \lambda ) = 0.75 * 9 /(12 - 9)= 2.25
L = \lambda /(\mu - \lambda ) = 9 /(12 - 9) = 3
or = 2.25 + .75 =3

Wq = p/(\mu - \lambda ) = 0.75 /(12 - 9) = 0.25 hours

W = 1/(\mu - \lambda ) = 1 /(12 - 9) = 0.3333 hours

Pw = \lambda /\mu = 9/12 = 0.75

Po = 1 - (l /‫)טּ‬
L = Lq + (l /‫)טּ‬
Wq = Lq /‫גּ‬
Lq = l2 / (m(m-l))
W = Wq + 1/‫טּ‬
Pw = l/‫טּ‬
Pn = (l /‫)טּ‬nPo
Lq = ((l /‫)טּ‬kl‫ )טּ‬/ ((k-1)! (km-l)2) Po
Pw = (1/k!) (l /‫)טּ‬k (km/(km-l) Po T
C = (L*Cw) + (Cs*K)

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