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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education




Competency Page

Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses,

and kinds of quantitative research (CS_RS12-Ia-c-1) ---------- 1

Illustrates the importance of quantitative

research across fields (CS_RS12-Ia-c-2) ---------- 11

Differentiates kinds of variables

and their uses (CS_RS12-Ia-c-3) ---------- 17

Designs a research used in daily life (CS_RS12-Id-e-1) ---------- 24

Writes a research title (CS_RS12-Id-e-2) ---------- 31

Describes background of research (CS_RS12-Id-e-3) ---------- 40

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosure No. 2.c to Regional Memorandum No. ___________, s 2020
Policy Guidelines on the Conduct of Online Quality Assurance of Learning Resources

Learning Activity Sheet in PRACTICAL RESEARCH II
Grade 12

Copyright © 2020
Regional Office No. 02 (Cagayan Valley)
Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500

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This material has been developed for the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum through the
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Asst. Schools Division Superintendent(s): MARITES L. LLANES, PhD
Chief Education Supervisor, CLMD : OCTAVIO V. CABASAG, PhD
Chief Education Supervisor, CID : ROGELIO H. PASINOS, PhD

Development Team
Writers : BRAINARD JOHN B. PULA, Sta. Teresita NHS; DARWIN JAKE B. FELINA, Allacapan Vocational HS; ANNA LIZETTE C.
ABINAN, Bukig National Agricultural and Technical School; THAIREL TAPUCOL, Matucay NHS; JOY LEDESMA F. DOMINGO,

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Name of Learner:______________________ Grade Level:__________________

Section:_______________________________ Score:________________________



Background Information for Learners

Quantitative research is defined as a systematic investigation of phenomena by

gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or computational
techniques. Quantitative research collects information from existing and potential
customers using sampling methods and sending out online surveys, online
polls, questionnaires, etc., the results of which can be depicted in numerical form. After
careful understanding of these numbers to predict the future of a product or service,
necessary changes can be made.

Quantitative research is mostly conducted in the social sciences using the

statistical methods stated above to collect quantitative data from the research study. In
this research method, researchers and statisticians deploy mathematical frameworks
and theories that pertain to the quantity under question.

These are examples of Quantitative research.

A. Experimental
- A quantitative research that treats or deals with the object or subject of the
research in a definite or exact manner and determines the extent of the effects or
influence of the treatment on the object/subject, then discovers the causes of such
effects. Two groups are involved in an experimental research; experimental group,
factors which the treatment or influence is applied, and the control group, which does
not receive any treatment. For example if you want to know the effectiveness of flash
card to the mathematical ability of grade 7, you divide the grade 7 into two groups, the
experimental group where you are going to use flash card and the control group where
flash card is not used.

B. Descriptive
- Descriptive research is defined as a research method that describes the
characteristics of the population or phenomenon studied. This methodology focuses
more on the “what” of the research subject than the “why” of the research subject. The
descriptive research method primarily focuses on describing the nature of a
demographic segment, without focusing on “why” a particular phenomenon occurs. In
other words, it “describes” the subject of the research, without covering “why” it
happens. For example, an apparel brand that wants to understand the fashion purchasing
trends among Cagayano buyers will conduct a demographic survey of this region,
gather population data and then conduct descriptive research on this demographic

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 1

segment. The study will then uncover details on “what is the purchasing pattern of
Cagayano buyers,” but not cover any investigative information about “why” the
patterns exits. Because for the apparel brand trying to break into this market,
understanding the nature of their market is the study’s objective.

C. Correlational Research
- Correlational research is a type of non-experimental research method in which a
researcher measures two variables, understands and assesses the statistical relationship
between them with no influence from any extraneous variable and shows the correlation
between two variables For example if you want to know or to find out the correlation
of being an only child and academic performance. We have two variables here, being
and only child and academic performance.

D. Evaluation Research
- Evaluation research, also known as program evaluation, refers to research purpose
instead of a specific method. Evaluation research is the systematic assessment of the
worth or merit of time, money, effort and resources spent in order to achieve a goal.
For example is when you want to know whether Solid Waste Management (RA 9003)
is practiced in the barangays or not.

E. Survey Research
- Survey Research is defined as the process of conducting research using surveys
that are sent to survey respondents. The data collected from surveys is then
statistically analyzed to draw meaningful research conclusions. For example when
you want to know the preference of parents and learners in terms of modality of
learning in the midst of Covid - 19 pandemic.

F. Causal-Comparative Research
- A causal-comparative design is a research design that seeks to find relationships
between independent and dependent variables after an action or event has already
occurred. The researcher's goal is to determine whether the independent variable
affected the outcome, or dependent variable, by comparing two or more groups of
individuals. There are similarities and differences between causal-comparative
research, also referred to as ex post facto research, and both correlational and
experimental research. For example is when you want to know or discover the effect of
Radio - Based Education on learners comprehension.

Learning Competency with Code

• Describes characteristics, strength, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative
research- CS_RS12-Ia-c-1 (MELC 1 Q1/Week 1-3)

Activity 1. Given the scenario below, provide five descriptions of inquiry and five for
Quantitative Research.

An example of quantitative research is the survey conducted to understand the

amount of time a doctor takes to tend to a patient when the patient walks into the
hospital. A patient satisfaction survey template can be administered to ask questions
like how much time did a doctor take to see a patient, how often a patient walks into a
hospital, and other such questions similar to such.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 2

Inquiry Quantitative Research
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

1. Write your own definition of inquiry based on the given five descriptions. (5 pts)

2. Write your own definition of Quantitative Research based on the given five
descriptions. (5 pts)

Activity 2. Write T before each number if the statement is correct and F if the statement
is wrong. Write your answers before the number.

1. Quantitative research design is the most reliable and valid way of

concluding results, giving way to a new hypothesis or to disproving it.

2. Quantitative methods also tend to turn out only proven or unproven

results, leaving little room for uncertainty, or gray areas.

3. Quantitative research cannot be costly, difficult and time-consuming-

difficult because most researchers are non-mathematicians.

4. Methods or procedures of data gathering include items like age, gender,

educational status, among others, that call for immeasurable characteristics of the

5. Quantitative methods cannot be repeated to verify findings in another

setting, thus, reinforcing validity of findings.

6. Quantitative research puts emphasis on proof, rather than discovery.

7. Just like qualitative research, quantitative research has its own set of
strengths, as well as weaknesses.

8. Quantitative experiments filter out external factors, if properly

designed, and so the results gained can be seen, as real and unbiased.

9. Because of a smaller number of the sample of a population, the results or

generalizations are more reliable and valid.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 3

10. Quantitative studies require extensive statistical treatment, requiring
stringent standards, more so with confirmation of results.

Activity 3. In the word pool, classify the following word/group of words if it is

strength or weakness of Quantitative Research. Write only the letter on the table

A. If not done seriously and correctly, data from questionnaires may be

incomplete and inaccurate.
B. It is objective.
C. Much information is difficult to gather using structured research
D. The use of statistical techniques facilitates analyses and allows you to
comprehend a huge amount of vital characteristics of data.
E. It is costly.
F. The numerical data can be analyzed in a quick and easy way.
G. Quantitative studies are replicable.
H. It requires a large number of respondents.
I. The information
J. On contextual factors to help interpret the results or to explain
variations are usually ignored.
K. Less prone to sampling bias.
L. Quantitative is observable.

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Activity 4. Describe each of the characteristics of Quantitative Research and give one
concrete example. (5 pts each)

1. Objective

2. Clearly Defined Research Questions


3. Structured Research Instruments


Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 4

4. Numerical Data

5. Large Sample Sizes


6. Replication

7. Future Outcomes

Exercise 5. Provide two descriptions of the kinds of Quantitative Research. (2 pts each)
Exercise Sheet
1. Descriptive Research

2. Correlational Research

3. Evaluation Research

4. Survey Research

5. Causal-Comparative Research

6. Experimental Research

What is the importance of Quantitative Research in your daily life? (5 pts)

Explain it in not more than five sentences.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 5

Exercise 6. Looking back to the different descriptions of Quantitative Research,
craft a Research Capsule. Make sure that the research you are coming up with
will be in line with your strand.


Brief background

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 6


Significance of the

A. Title
5: Is appropriate in tone and structure to education journals, contain necessary
descriptors (subjects, independent (IV) and dependent variables (DV)), and allows
readers to anticipate design
4: Is appropriate in tone and structure to education journal, most descriptors present;
identifies problem and experimentation, suggests design but lacks all descriptors
3: Identifies problem but does not allow the reader to anticipate the design
2: Identifies one descriptor, lacks design information or is misleading
1: Is not relevant to the intended study.

B. Background
5: Describes the study briefly with supporting details
4: Describes the study with some supporting details
3: Describes the study with no supporting details
2: Describes the study too long
1: Is not relevant to the intended study.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 7

C. Procedures
5: Contains effectively, quantifiably, concisely organized information that allows the
experiment to be replicated, it is written so that all information inherent to the paper
can be related back to this section, identifies the techniques used in data collection in
the appropriate chronology, does not contain unnecessary wordy descriptions of
4: As above, but contains unnecessary information and or wordy descriptions within
the section
3: Presents an experiment that is replicable, all information in document is related,
however, fails to identify some sources of data and/or represents information that is
2: Presents an experiment that is marginally replicable; parts of the basic design must
be inferred by the reader; procedures not quantitatively or clearly described.
1: Describes the experiment poorly in a non-scientific way such that it cannot be

D. Significance of the study

5: The introduction emphasizes contradictory findings and limitations of previous
research and the ways in which the paper will contribute to further knowledge about
the research topic
4: The introduction emphasizes most contradictory findings and limitation of
previous research and how the paper will contribute to further knowledge about the
research topic
3: The introduction emphasizes some contradictory findings and limitations but
makes no predictions how the paper will contribute to further knowledge
2: The introduction provides a few contradictory findings and limitations
1: The study significance is missing
Source - › EDP656 › Rubrics › ProspectusRubric


Complete this statement:

1. With the activities I have undertaken on this lesson, I learned that


Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 8

2. I enjoyed most on

3. I want to learn more




Agacite, Mark Vince (2017). Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Characteristics, Strengths,

Weaknesses, Kinds of Quantitative Research.
Retrieved: August 8, 2020
r engths_Weaknesses_Kinds_of_Quantitative_Research

Cruz, Carla Kristina (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High School: Nature of
inquiry and research. Retrieved: July 1, 2017
Answer key:
Exercise 1: Answers may vary
Exercise 2:
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. True

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 9

Exercise 3:
1. B 1. A
2. D 2. C
3. F 3. E
4. G 4. H
5. J 5. I

Exercise 4: Answers may vary

Exercise 5: Answers may vary
Exercise 6: Answers may vary

Prepared by:

Allacapan Vocational High School

Sta. Teresita National High School

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 10


Name of Learner:______________________ Grade Level:__________________

Section:_______________________________ Score:________________________




Background Information for Learners

Research is of great value to people. Through research, the quality of man’s life
will be improved from conventional to modern. It makes life richer and meaningful.
Moreover, people have found ways to augment their income and alleviate poverty.

“All progress is born of inquiry. Doubt is often better than over confidence, for
it leads to inquiry, and inquiry leads to invention” is a famous Hudson Maxim in context
of which the significance of research can well be understood. Increased amounts of
research make progress possible. Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking
and it promotes the development of logical habits of thinking and organization. The
role of research in several fields of applied economics, whether related to business or
to the economy as a whole, has greatly increased in modern times.

Learning Competency with Code

• illustrates importance of Quantitative Research across fields- CS_RS12-Ia-c-2
(MELC 2-Q1/Week 1-3)


Exercise 1. Explain the importance of Quantitative Research across fields: (5 pts each)

Field/Discipline Importance of Quantitative Research

Behavioral Science
Social Science

Exercise 2. Choose one field and explain the importance of Quantitative Research
through drawing. Draw it on the box below.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 11

1. Explain the impact of your drawing on the discipline you have chosen. (5 pts)

2. Explain the impact of your drawing in connection with Quantitative Research.

(5 pts)
3. What are the salient points in your drawing that you like most? Why? (5 pts)

Rubrics for Scoring

Rubrics Points Total
Relevance to the topic 30
Originality 25
Creativity 20
Color Harmony 15
Visual Impact 10
Total 100

Exercise 3. Present the importance of Quantitative Research across fields/disciplines

through infographic. Examples are presented below:

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 12

Example 1 Example 2

Rubrics for Scoring

Rubrics Points Total
Relevance to the topic 30
Originality 25
Creativity 20
Color Harmony 15
Visual Impact 10
Total 100

Explain your infographic in not more than 5 sentences. (10 pts)


Exercise 4. Choose any field that is relevant to Quantitative Research. Find any
professional in your community with the discipline you have chosen, and conduct an

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 13

interview on how he/she copes with the pandemic (CoViD 19); how did it affect his/her
work and the whole company/institution/sects where he/she is working at. Have a video
recording of your interview, after seeking the permission of your interviewee. Consider
the following in your interview.

1. Determine the purpose of the interview.
2. State the major points clearly.
3. Choose the right person to be interviewed.
4. Consider the date, time, and place of the interview.
5. Outline the interview.
6. Prepare list of questions related to your interview.

Interview Stage
1. Bear in mind the purpose of the interview.
2. Relax and be polite, patient, and considerate.
3. Show courtesy and respect to your interviewee. Do not give your
4. Thank your interviewee after the interview.

Note: You can interview your family member or within your community as
long as he/she is professional.

The videos will be assessed by your teacher using the criteria below:

Rubrics for Scoring

Rubrics Points Total
Relevance to the topic 30
Originality 25
Creativity 15
Art of Questioning 20
Visual Impact 10
Total 100

Exercise 5. In the interview conducted, construct a 500-word reaction paper on the

impact of Quantitative Research/Research itself on the lives of the people and to the
different fields or discipline. To be encoded following the format: Font Style (Times
New Roman), Font Size (12) and double spacing.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 14



Complete this statement:

1. With the activities I have undertaken on this lesson, I learned that


2. I enjoyed most on

3. I want to learn more


Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 15


Lobetos, Mj (2018). Practical Research for Senior High School: Importance of

quantitative research. Retrieved:
importance-of-quant-r-118752468 ( date accessed)

Answer key:
Exercise 1: Answers may vary
Exercise 2: Answers may vary
Exercise 3: Answers may vary
Exercise 4: Answers may vary
Exercise 5: Answers may vary

Prepared by:

Allacapan Vocational High School

Sta. Teresita National High School

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 16


Name of Learner:_________________ Grade Level:__________

Section:_______________________ Score:_______________



Background Information for Learners

A variable specifically refers to characteristics, or attribute of an individual or

an organization that can be measured or observed and that varies among the people or
organization being studied (Creswell, 2002). .
In research, a variable refers to “any entity that can take on different
values. Anything that can vary can be considered a variable (Trochim, 2020) Sex,
for instance, has two properties which are maleness and femaleness. The ages of
different persons have different values; so with their size, height, weight and income.
The phenomenon of variety is what makes life interesting; it is one of the motivating
factors of the research undertaking.
In order to carry out any sort of measurement, we need to think about variables;
that is, characteristics that vary from one person to person, text to text, or object to
object. Simply put, variables are features or qualities that change (Mack & Gass, 2005).
An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands
alone and is not changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. It probably
causes, influences, or affects outcomes. It is invariably called treatment, manipulated,
antecedent or predictor variable. This is the cause variable or the one responsible for
the conditions that act on something else to bring about changes. For example,
someone's age might be an independent variable. Other factors (such as what they eat,
how much they go to school, how much television they watch) are not going to change
a person's age. In fact, when you are looking for some kind of relationship between
variables you are trying to see if the independent variable causes some kind of change
in the other variables, or dependent variables.
On the other hand, dependent variable depends on the independent variable; it
is the outcome or result of the influence of the independent variable. That is why it is
also called outcome variable. It is something that depends on other factors. For
example, a test score could be a dependent variable because it could change depending
on several factors such as how much you studied, how much sleep you got the night
before you took the test, or even how hungry you were when you took it. Usually when
you are looking for a relationship between two things you are trying to find out what
makes the dependent variable change the way it does.

Learning Competency with Code

• differentiates kinds of variables and their uses – CS_RS12-Ia-c3 (MELC 3 Q1/
WEEK 1-3)

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 17

Activity 1. FIT ME RIGHT

Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue.


Share your own understanding of the following concepts by providing words or phrases
to the words presented below.

1 1

6 2 6 2

Variable Variable

5 3
5 3


Construct your own definition of Dependent Variable and Independent Variable based
on the given words.

Dependent Variable:

Independent Variable:

Activity 3. Depend on Yourself

Identify the DEPENDENT and the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. Write your
answers on the columns provided.
1.Increasing Pandemic Survival
of the Students through Proper
2.The Impact of Blended
Learning to the Academic
Performance of Students

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 18

3. Conceptual, Interpersonal, and
Technical Skills of Bank
Managers; Their Relationship to
Personal Efficiency
4. Effectiveness of Exposing
Students in Classical Music on
Reading Comprehension
5.Organizational Commitment
and Teaching Performance of
Elementary Teachers in the
District of Pillla, Rizal

Activity 4. Defend me Deeper

Read the examples below and answer the questions that follow.

Example A Example B
In an experimental study looking at In a study with a similar design
classical music exposure and reading ability as the previous example, researchers
in children, the researcher divided the looked at the effects of nutrition on
children into two groups (Groups A and B). reading ability. In Group A, children
In Group A, the children listened to Mozart ate at least three ounces of dark
for one hour every day for one month. In green vegetables every day for one
Group B, parents were instructed to refrain month. In Group B, children were
from playing classical music around the fed of their regular diet. At the end
child for one month. At the end of the month, of the month, the children took a
all children were given a reading reading comprehension test. Those
comprehension test. who ate the green vegetables every
Those who listened to Mozart daily day for one month (Group A) did not
(Group A) scored significantly higher on the vary in their test scores when
reading test. In this case, the reading compared to Group B.
comprehension test score is the dependent Example C
variable and exposure to Mozart’s music is
Many children who live in the
the independent variable. This is because the
Slums of Tondo, Manila are
test score is dependent on whether or not the
developing asthma. In a descriptive
child listens to Mozart’s music. The
study investigating this problem,
independent variable, exposure to Mozart’s
parents whose children have asthma
music, is independent because it is
are asked about whether they smoke
something that can be manipulated or
around their child, whether they live
changed by the researcher.
near a freeway, whether their child
regularly seeks the services of a
healthcare provider, their family
income level and also if there is a
history in their family of asthma.
Prior research has shown that these
factors may have an influence on the
development of asthma in children.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 19


1. In Example B, what is the independent variable? Why?

2. In Example B, what is the dependent variable? Why?
3. What are the variables that are under investigation in this Example C?
4. If you were the researcher in, what other variables would you study to see if it
may contribute to asthma? Why?
5. Given the variables presented in the Example C and the variables that you
thought of, why would these variables be useful to the researcher?

Activity 5. Time to RESEARCH

Look for journals in your discipline or field of specialization. List down 10

research titles which may serve as a basis for your research undertakings on the table
below and identify the dependent and the independent variable in each of the title listed.
Write your answers on the spaces provided.



Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 20


Complete this statement:

1. With the activities I have undertaken on this lesson, I learned that


2. I enjoyed most on

3. I want to learn more



Complete this statement:

1. With the activities I have undertaken on this lesson, I learned that


2. I enjoyed most on

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 21

3. I want to learn more


Fataldo III R,Medardo B,et al. (2016)Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research for
Senior High School Applied Subjects, Lorimar Publishing Inc. Manila

Retrieved: May 12, 2020


Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 5

3. output VARY
2. Independent
5. changes
7. gender
4. input
6. rankings


1.Increasing Pandemic Survival Pandemic Survival Proper Hygiene
of the Students through Proper

2. New Normal: The Impact of Academic Performance Blended Learning

Blended Learning to the of Students
Academic Performance of

3. Conceptual, Interpersonal, Personal Efficiency Conceptual,

and Technical Skills of Bank Interpersonal, and
Managers; Their Relationship Technical Skills
to Personal Efficiency of Bank Managers

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 22

4. Effectiveness of Exposing Reading Comprehension Exposing
Students in Classical Music on Students in
Reading Comprehension Classical Music
5.Organizational Commitment Teaching Performance Organizational
and Teaching Performance of Commitment
Elementary Teachers in the
District of Pillla, Rizal

Prepared by:

Bukig National Agricultural and Technical School

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 23


Name of Learner: _____________________ Grade Level: _______

Section: _____________________________ Date: ____________



Background Information for Learners

It is undeniably true that research is as good as its finding answers to questions

or even solutions to problems of daily living. This must also be your inference
basing from your readings, exercises done, further studies completed in Research
1 (Qualitative Research)
Research is known to be the band aid of the society for it has the power to find
answers or solves the real-world phenomena; and to making life more colorful and
convenient. The technological-advancements like modern gadgets that we use and
enjoy today, the well-developed medicines which provide us relief, and the tools
and equipment innovated in making our work easier are all products of research
conducted by professionals from various disciplines. Thus, to make sense of our
world and even of our own lives, we need research. In search for answers to
phenomena, people do research as for the different branches of knowledge or
disciplines, as well as corporations, government organizations, or NGO`s.
Our society is undoubtedly known to have these age-old problems like poverty
alleviation, unemployment, homelessness, gender equality, the traffic situation,
preservation and protection of the environment, health care and many more have
been investigated from several angles. To alleviate the growing menace, Metro
Manila`s traffic has caused on the people`s sanity, the economy, the industry, and
the like, experiments and more experiments are done each day in search for the
best solutions to these problems.
One of the many products of research is the VAW (Violence Against Women)
desk, which is done extensively; so with the stamp of approval on the senior
citizens increase in SSS pension.

Thus, research is one of the keys to a better life, health, well-being, individual,
national and global prosperity. No organization, big or small, will approve or
implement any program or action without a well-done research backed up by valid
and reliable findings. For instance, research is a legal requirement for
pharmaceutical companies to obtain marketing authorization (i.e. permission to
sell new drugs, until they have proved to the relevant authorities that the drug is
safe and effective).

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 24

Learning Competency with Code
• designs a research useful in daily life -CS_RS12-Id-e-1 (MELC 4 Q1/Week

Exercise 1. Visualize and Write!

Directions: Think of the possible current issues as many as you can, basing from the
different images below.

____________________ ___________________

____________________ ___________________

____________________ ___________________

____________________ ___________________

____________________ ___________________


school friends /other

___________________ ___________________ students

___________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 25

Exercise 2. Write it up!

Direction: Based on the identified issues, write five possible topics of your choice
inside the arrows in line with your field of specialization and give their importance.

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 26

Topic 5

Exercise 3. Narrow me down

Direction: Choose at least (2) two topics from above and provide the specific related
concepts under them using a concept map.


Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 27


Exercise 4. May I Ask?

Direction: Based from the given specific concepts above, write 3 possible questions
about your chosen topic and identify the variables. You have already learned that
variables are among the fundamental concepts of research that refer to characteristic,
or attribute of an individual or an organizational that can be measured or observed
among people or organization being studied.


Question Possible Variables

Ex. What is the effect of Pandemic, Country`s Economy
pandemic to country`s economy?

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 28

Exercise 5. What`s the problem?

Direction: Write three Research Problems basing from the questions you have asked above
and explain your objective you would like to achieve.

Title Objective


Complete this statement:

1. With the activities I have undertaken on this lesson, I learned that


2. I enjoyed most on

3. I want to learn more



Nelia G. Prieto,Ph.D. Victoria C. Naval, DEM, (2017) Practical Research 2

Quantitative Research for Senior High School

Students as Researchers- Collaborative Inquiry Action-Research Tool Kit

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 29

Answer Key:

Exercise 1: Answers may vary

Exercise 2: Answers may vary
Exercise 3: Answers may vary
Exercise 4: Answers may vary
Exercise 5: Answers may vary

Prepared by:

Thairel Tapucol
Matucay National High School

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 30


Name of Learner: _______________________ Grade Level:_______________

Section: ______________________________ Score:____________________


How to Write a Research Title

Background Information for Learners

Research title is the most important element that captures reader’s attention
and highlights the research problem under investigation. It may seem very easy to
write a research title but the truth is, it actually entails a detailed understanding of
the research problem. If the research problem is not well-thought off, a research
may not have focus and direction. This causes most student-researchers to be stacked
in the early stage of research process.

To avoid this, here are some suggestions:

a. A proposed research title should be within the researcher’s interest so

that he/she would be motivated to work on it throughout the process.
b. Come up with a working research title first rather than coming up with
a final title. If the researcher understands the research problem, he or
she will never lose focus.
c. Know where to locate research problems. Remember that research
problems can be found almost everywhere. These include personal
experience, personal values, everyday life, solving life problems, gaps
in literature or what has not been studied/known, evaluation of a policy,
program or projects.

One important consideration in writing a research title is narrowing a broad

research topic. You might have a broad research topic in mind and your problem is to
make it focused and specific. Here is an illustration of a technique in narrowing a
broad topic.

Given that you are asked to study about heart disease (very broad), is there a
way to narrow it down? First thing to do is, list down words or phrases or anything that
you know about heart disease (old people, cardiovascular disease, age, gender, men,
women) and try to combine at least two or three of these words/phrases (perhaps that
older people die from heart attacks). Then, see if there is a connection from personal
experience (maybe grandfather died from heart disease). The broad category of heart

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 31

disease has now been narrowed into a specific topic (cardiovascular disease among
older men). You can narrow the topic even further by looking at occupation or ethnicity
(Cardiovascular Disease among Teacher and Police Retirees in Cagayan). There you
have a specific and narrow research topic.

The next important thing to do is to write the narrowed research topic as a

research title. To help you do it, here are some suggested strategies and techniques
in writing a research title:

1. Result-Method-Topic-Sample (RMTS)-Technique - This technique follows

the formula: Result: [Result]: A [method] study of [topic] among [sample]A

Example: Positive Discipline Increases Motivation: A Quasi-

Experimental Approach of In-Class Performance Among BNHS

2. Idea: Description-Technique - This technique consists of two-part description

of the paper. It follows the template: “idea: description”. This template may ask
you to have a snappy name or acronym for your approach but make sure that
such acronym is widely used in the field.

➢ GRAMMPS: A generalized mission planner for multiple mobile
robots in unstructured environments
➢ Household Robotics: Autonomous Devices for Vacuuming and Lawn

3. Ask, Suggest and Revise (ASAR) -Technique - Ask the 5 W’s and 1 H
questions, give possible answer, revise the title until it becomes clear and
Original Title: HIV disease, to find out what people do when their
relatives have it and what support they can get and how do nurses deal
with it.

Who? [Who is most affected by the problem/issue?] - relatives of HIV patients

What? [What is the problem/issue?] – what support can people get when they
have relatives with HIV disease.

Where? [Where is the problem/issue occurring?]-Health Center, Community

When? [When is this problem/issue occurring?] - Always
Why? [Why is this problem/issue happening?] – No program/project/intervention is
How? [How serious is this problem/issue?] – quite serious in the community

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 32

Revised Title:
“Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Kalinga Center Health Services among Relatives
of HIV Patients”

Learning Competency with Code

• writes a research title- CS_RS12-Id-e-2 (MELC 5 Q1/Week 4-5)

Activity 1. Characteristics of a Good Title

Directions: In this activity, you are going to assess the two (2) examples of
quantitative research titles based on the ten (10) Characteristics of a Good Title.
Place a check mark if you think each title possesses the given characteristic.

Title 2: Relationship
Title 1: of Video Games and
A Study on the Benefits of Academic
Characteristics of a Good Title Meditation for Nursing Achievement of SHS
Profession students via
Quantitative Analysis

1. Indicate accurately the

subject and scope of the study.
2. Use words that create a
positive impression and
stimulate reader interest.
3. Use current nomenclature
from the field of study.
4. Lists key variables, both
dependent and independent.
5. Reveal the method to be
6. Suggest a relationship
between variables which
supports the major hypothesis.
7. Is limited to 10 to 12
substantive words.
8. Does not include redundant
phrasing, such as, "A Study
of," "An Analysis of" or
similar constructions.
9. Preferably in a declarative
10. Predicts Content and
reflects the tone of writing.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 33

Guide Questions:

Based from your assessment, which title do you think is better?


What should you consider in writing your own title?


Activity 2: Read and Evaluate

Directions: Read and evaluate the given research titles. On the space before each
item, write G if the title is GOOD and NG if it is not .

______1. Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between livelihood projects and

Agricultural programs in Cagayan
_____2. The Impact of El Nino on Rice Production in the Philippines (2007)
______3. The Relationship between the Establishment of Marine Protected Areas and
Biomass Productivity of Municipal Fisheries in the Philippines
_____4. The Effect of School Building Design on Student Achievement
_____ 5. The Impact of the Level of Native Language Proficiency on the Literacy
Achievement of English Language Learners

Activity 3: Random Pick and Pair

Directions: Imagine you are given the broad topic: UNHEALTHY BEHAVIOR.
Narrow the said topic by picking at least two of the random words below then do the
steps of narrowing it down into a specific well-defined topic. Write a working title in
the space provided.

Random Words:

a. Alcoholism f. Artists
b. Obesity g. Academic Achievement
c. Malnutrition h. Time Management
d. Teenagers i. Parental supervision
e. Smoking j. Stress

Working title:
Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times.
_______________________________________________________________ 34

Activity 4: Title-Writing Technique

Directions: Reconstruct the following titles by using any of the given techniques. You
can delete, rephrase or add words if necessary, to make the title better.

1. The Relationship between Low Socioeconomic Status and Student


2. Increasing the Self-Efficacy of Students with Learning Disabilities.

3. The Impact of Parental Involvement on the Academic Achievement of Senior

High School Students.

4. The Effects of Extra Curricular Activities on Student’s Perceived Academic


Activity 5. Proposing A Title

Directions: Construct your own proposed research title that is relevant to the strand
where you belong. Let us adapt the techniques discussed above in narrowing your
research topic by following the step guides below.

a. List three broad topics relevant to your strand or anything that interests you.
b. In each of the broad topic, list at least 10 random words/phrases.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 35

Topic 1____________ Topic 2____________ Topic 3____________
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8 8
9 9 9
10 10 10

c. In each topic, choose and combine two, three or more words/phrases together.

1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3

d. State a problem relevant to the combined words or phrases

Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3

e. Write the research topic and narrow it further by including demographic profiles

Research Title 1: (Use Idea:Description Technique)

Research Title 2:(Use RMTS-Technique)

Research Title 3:(Use any technique)

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 36

f. Choose one from the three titles and submit it for checking and rubric scoring.

Proposed Research Title:

Rubric for Scoring the Proposed Title

Proposed Research Title Scores SCORES

Absence of 4 characteristics, There are no relevance, 5
interrelatedness and appropriateness of elements
Lacks 3 characteristics, There are slight relevance, 10
interrelatedness and appropriateness of elements
Lacks 2 characteristics, There are relevance, interrelatedness 15
and appropriateness of elements
Lacks 1 characteristic, There are relevance, interrelatedness and 20
appropriateness of elements
Characteristics of scope, subject, variables and method are 25
present, There are relevance, interrelatedness and
appropriateness of elements


Complete this statement:

1. With the activities I have undertaken on this lesson, I learned that


2. I enjoyed most on

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 37

3. I want to learn more

References for Learners

Columbia University, QMSS at Columbia. “Quantitative Methods in the Social

Sciences”. [Accessed May 30, 2020] from

Martin Vasilev. Sept. 2012.JEPS Bulletin. How to write a good title for journal

Mccarthy, Michele.“How to Begin Writing a Research Paper”. [Accessed May 30,

2020] from https://

USC Libraries. Choosing a Research Title. [accessed May 30, 2020] from

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 38

Answer Key

Activity 1

Title 1: A Title 2:
Study on the Relationship
Characteristics of a Good Title Benefits of of Video
Meditation for Games and
Nursing Academic
Profession Achievement
of SHS
students via
1. Indicate accurately the subject and scope of the study. Yes Yes
2. Use words that create a positive impression and No Yes
stimulate reader interest.
3. Use current nomenclature from the field of study. Yes Yes
4. Lists key variables, both dependent and independent. No Yes
5. Reveal the method to be used. No Yes
6. Suggest a relationship between variables which No Yes
supports the major hypothesis.
7. Is limited to 10 to 12 substantive words. Yes Yes
8. Does not include redundant phrasing, such as, "A No Yes
Study of," "An Analysis of" or similar constructions.
9. Preferably in a declarative statement. Yes Yes
10. Predicts Content and reflects the tone of writing. Yes Yes

Activity 2:

G 1. Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between Livelihood Projects and

Agricultural Programs in Cagayan
NG 2. The Impact of El Nino on Rice Production in the Philippines
G 3. The Relationship between the Establishment of Marine Protected Areas and Biomass
Productivity of Municipal Fisheries in the Philippines
NG 4. The Effect of School Building Design on Student Achievement
G 5. The Impact of the Level of Native Language Proficiency on the Literacy Achievement
of English Language Learners

Activity 3: Answers may vary

Activity 4: Answers may vary
Activity 5: Answers may vary

Prepared by:

Baggao National High School

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 39

Name of Learner: ____________________ Grade Level:_______________
Section: __________________ Date:_____________________


Describing Background of Research

Background Information for Learners

What is a Background of the Study?

This is a part of the research found in the introduction section

of the paper. This includes an explanation of the area to set
context for the problem at hand. It also includes both important
and relevant studies to show if a study either supports or refutes
the research topic. In addition, the background of the study will
discuss your problem statement, rationale, and research
questions in a logical flow. Thus, it helps readers understand your
reasons for conducting the study. Paying close to some
suggested information contained in the Background information
would help you organize and write it.

Suggested Information Contained in the Background of the

Definition- Define the concepts or constructs included in your
study. Do not forget to cite the reference from which you have
gotten the definition.
Historical Background. Mention previous and notable
researches from which your topic is based. It is advised that
themes should be presented and organized chronologically to
reveal the development of the topic being investigated.
Problem/Issues. Current issues or problems regarding your
specific topic should also be seen in your background. State some
Comparison of ideas/findings. You may compare and contrast
the ideas and methods indicated in previous studies related to
your topic in order to show the gaps in literature.
Methodology. You may cite the methods used in other
researches to address the problem at hand.
Causes and Effects. When discussing the research problem at
hand, you may highlight its causes and effects to the concerned
Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 40
Steps in Writing a Background of the Study

The steps in writing this section are better illustrated through the funnel
structure wherein, it starts with a general idea or information then logically
presents the actual context in specific situation.

Here are the steps:

Step 1. Present the general statement of fact

related to the study. Introduce and briefly define
the variables under study and be consistent with
terms used.
Step 2. Indicate a more specific statement about the
issues or problems. You should provide the reader
with the necessary information to fully understand
the problem you plan to investigate. To do this, you
can cite the most important study or related
literature about the problem presented. Be consistent
with terms used.
Step 3. Indicate statements that lead to the need for
more investigation. Ensure that paragraphs
summarize unresolved issues, conflicting findings,
social concerns, educational or national issues.

Step 4. You must emphasize the rationale of doing

your research by highlighting the research gap and
stating the research question or objectives.

Learning Competency with Code

• Describes background of Research- CS_RS12-Id-e-3 (MELC 6

Q1/Week 4-5)


Exercise 1: Which of the following paragraphs contains the suggested

information in a background of the study? Write the NUMBER of the paragraph
in the appropriate circle where it applies in the figure below.

Clue: Note the transitional signals used to indicate the type of information

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 41

1. Test anxiety is a situation-specific personality trait that occurs before,
during and after a testing session (Michele,2006). It may also be
defined as “the uneasiness, apprehension, or nervousness felt by
students who have a fear of failing an exam” (Ogundokun,2011).
2. Test anxiety has cognitive causes that bring out physiological effects.
A person with test anxiety experiences tension due to fear as
manifested by their increase in heart rate, rapidity of breathing and
3. Test anxiety can be investigated through experimental study. Using
this method, the researcher is asked to create conditions which could
stimulate test anxiety and provide possible treatment to battle it out.
4. Dance may have originated in the form of rudimentary as early as 1.8
million years ago, when the bipedal anatomy of Homo ergaster can
move the body fully which enhanced the communication and body
language ( Mithen, 2005) as cited in Sevdalis and Keller, 2011).
5. Recent studies suggest that Filipino student’s mastery level in
mathematics and science are weak when they graduate from high
school (Espinosa, Monterola, and Punzalan, 2013). In the case of a
private collegiate institution in Manila, tertiary level science teachers
observed that students often get a low grade or failing grade in any
3-unit , 4-unit science subject.
6. Music has also been proven to increase the intelligence quotient of
children when engaging in practical music making (Hallam,2008;
Jenkins,2001). With that it can be said that music can really affect a
person’s task performance. In fact, some studies have concluded
that music, especially classical, aids in the storage and recall of
information in our memory (Berz, 1995). On the contrary, some
studies concerning the effectiveness of background music on task
performance have yielded inconsistent findings. Music has proven
as distracter at times (Alley and Greene,2008).

Definition Historical Background

Causes and Effects Methodology

Comparison of ideas/findings

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 42

Exercise 2:

The paragraphs in colored boxes are jumbled parts of a Background of

the Study. Arrange the paragraphs by indicating the COLOR of the box in order.
Place your answers in the ladder organizer.

Furthermore, holistic assessment of written outputs shows that in a class with a population of 50
students, 50% has an emerging level of writing performance. Emerging level means that students usually have
shorter length of written products. They could hardly form sentences and paragraphs. Their written outputs
usually consist only of bits of phrases. During the writing process, students would often ask English
counterparts for some Filipino words (Nezagatkoo,2011) . In other words, there is a problem with their writing
productivity. This means that these students would find difficulty completing a good length of narratives or
essays much more of a written portfolio. The researcher and other SHS teachers find this as a recurring
problem since the start of work immersion.

Work immersion is one of the specialized subjects of the Senior High School Curriculum which aims to
develop the competencies of 21st century learners necessary in pursuing further education or in joining the
world of work. These competencies are significant for students to succeed in school, work and life. Teaching
the competencies through student’s exposure to the real working environment can lead to development of
21st century skills. One of these 21st century skills that can be enhanced through work immersion is the
communication skill. As such, language teachers have a crucial role to play so that this 21st century skill of
communication especially the skill of writing among immersion learners will be developed. This is because as
required by the subject’s curriculum guide, immersion learners should be able to write their narrative reports,
reflect on experiences, construct essays and compile written outputs to create and submit a written portfolio
at the end of immersion period (DepEdOrder No. 30, s. 2017).

Commonly, these students are identified as low performers and at risk of dropping out. Based on informal
interviews with these non-compliant students, they found difficulty in writing their own portfolio because they
just do not know how to transform their ideas into written words.

The problem is also aggravated by the absence of learning resource material for immersion learners.
The conduct of work immersion in its early years in most secondary schools like BNHS really pose great
challenges. Though the Department of Education has provided the guidelines through DepEd Order 30, s.
2017. The said guideline is too general and implicit that it only encourages schools to innovate their ways of
implementing the work immersion effectively. Said policy also requires that students in the immersion venues
are monitored and assessed regularly by immersion teachers but teachers lack any material or tool for the

Unfortunately, teaching portfolio writing as a skill and assessing the written products are not easy tasks for
immersion teachers due to some factors and writing difficulties students face which include poor spelling,
construction of thoughtless sentences, ungrammatical phrases and inaccurate use of vocabulary. In the case
of Baggao National High School (BNHS), baseline data from school year 2018-2019 shows that a significant
number of Grade 12 students were not able to comply with the requirements of writing and submission of
immersion portfolio. In the eight (8) classes of Grade 12, there were 5 students in each class who cannot
comply with the portfolio requirement on the set deadline and 1 or 2 students in every class would not comply
at all. Based on records of immersion teachers, a total of 36 out of 287 or 13% of the Grade 12 students were
not able to submit their portfolio.

These problems instilled interest to the proponent to develop a contextualized resource material, the
Bilingual Immersion Portfolio (BIP) as an intervention mainly to address the student’s problem on portfolio
writing difficulty and non-submission. Thus, this action research generally sought to determine whether the
use of a contextualized bilingual immersion resource material or the BIP can improve the writing productivity
skill of immersion students.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 43

For Exercise 2, write your answers in this LADDER ORGANIZER.

Exercise 3:

Read the sample Background of the Study, assess and evaluate the
information then answer the guide questions adjacent to it.


In acquiring excellent English communication skills, 1. What is the
students’ reading competence is one of the skills that every general idea or
learner has to be developed. Reading skill becomes very concept that is
important in the world of education. By reading, students may presented and
get beneficial information that they have not learned. This introduced in the 1st
information is useful if the students understood and paragraph?
transcended the pages to become thoughts and ideas. ________________
Comprehension, therefore, is the capacity for understanding _________________
those thoughts and ideas. This skill should be developed as all _________________
lessons and activities require comprehension. It is because _________________
students’ application of these information and their _________________
understanding of what they have read becomes the successful _________________
conclusion. However, there are still students who are below the _________________
reading competency despite teachers’ employment of 2. What problem is
strategies and techniques in developing reading identified by the
comprehension. researcher relative to
the general concept
Moreover, poor reading comprehension is cited as a that is introduced
fundamental feature of academic underperformance in South previously?
Africa (Pretorius, 2002; Granville, 2001; Dreyer, 1998). _________________
According to Nel, Dreyer and Kopper (2004), many South _________________

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 44

African students enter higher education underprepared for the _________________
reading demands that are placed upon them. The findings _________________
further revealed that students experience problems across all _________________
aspects of the reading process especially in reading _________________
comprehension and reading strategy used. Yet, there is little 3. How did the
evidence to suggest that learners at any level will acquire the writers prove their
reading skills and strategies that can improve their reading claim that there
comprehension if they have not been taught (Tannenbaum, exists a problem
Torgesen & Wagner, 2006). along reading
comprehension ?
In the United States of America, it was recorded by the _________________
International Assessment of the Adult Competencies Literary _________________
Scale (2012) that adults achieved an average literacy _________________
proficiency score of 270 on a scale of 0 to 500 or three points _________________
below the international average score of 273. These results _________________
indicate a need to examine current practices in reading _________________
comprehension instruction since it is so complex and requires
multiple cognitive skills and stored memory.
In the Philippines, a study conducted by Cabasan (2011)
revealed that of the 33 students, only two college students (6%)
were categorized in the independent level, 11 college students
(33%) were in the instructional and 20 college students (61%)
were in the frustration level. Only two college students then 4. How do you
could read with thorough understanding of the materials describe the strategy
presented to them without assistance. Moreover, more than half or the way the
of the students are in the frustration level or known as the authors presented
struggling readers. These are the students who need rigid the context of
remedial work and intensive monitoring to be able to come up information in
with the required comprehension level to process information of paragraphs 3, 4, and
textbooks and other instructional materials. 5?
Locally, a study was conducted by Cabardo (2015) in _________________
one of the performing high schools in Davao City to determine _________________
the reading proficiency level of Year 1 to Year 3 students as _________________
basis for reading intervention program. The Philippine-Informal _________________
Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) materials were used in assessing _________________
the level of reading proficiency of Years 1 to 3 students. The _________________
results revealed that majority of the students belonged to the ________________
frustration level of reading proficiency in silent reading while in _________________
instructional level for the oral reading, majority of the males are _________________
less proficient in reading compared to females in both silent and
oral reading.
Many studies conducted and many surveys
commissioned support the fact that many students have

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 45

difficulty comprehending what they read. From these previous
studies, the researchers gained an inspiration to do a research
based on this topic. This research differed from all of those
previously mentioned researches because of some aspects. 5. What is/are the
In this research, the researchers emphasized on the objective/s of
level of the reading comprehension of all Education students conducting this
enrolled in one of the catholic universities in Davao City. Such study?
endeavor was not achieved by previous student researchers let _________________
alone, all college students from the Education department. Also, _________________
there were no published researches yet with exactly similar _________________
topic found in the institution for undergraduate studies. Another _________________
aspect that the researchers dealt in conducting this study was _________________
the possibility of instituting a reading program or supplying a _________________
helpful set of guides on reading strategies and improvement. _________________
Since several teachers in this university observed the lack of _________________
many college students to understand average to difficult reading
type of texts.
Consequently, this study gave students a chance to be
equipped with reading skills and improve their reading
comprehension through reading strategies. This also helped the
students determine their reading performance and evaluate
their strengths and weaknesses on reading comprehension.
Therefore, the researchers of this study aimed to identify
the level of reading comprehension of the Education students
enrolled in the first semester of the Academic Year 2017-2018
in one of the catholic universities in Davao City.

Source: Bilbao, M.E.; Donguila, C.L. and Vasay, M.J. (2016). Level of Reading
Comprehension of the Education Students. University of the Immaculate
Conception, Davao City, Philippines. International Journal of Liberal Arts,
Education, Social Sciences and Philosophical Studies. Volume 4 (1).

Exercise 4:

Directions: Construct an outline of a Background Information about a given

research topic. Choose one from the titles below that interests you or that
applies to your strand and use the ladder worksheet to organize your outline.

A. Comparative Analysis on the Livelihood Impacts of COVID 19 Among
Filipino Farmers and Traders
B. Perceptions of Teachers and Parents Towards Distance Learning: A
Quantitative Analysis
C. Relationship between Entrepreneurial Skill and Business Preference
Among Females
D. The Correlation of Personal Hygiene Practices and Family Health

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 46

Ladder Worksheet

General statement of
fact related to the study

Introduce the problem.

Point out Historical
Background if any

Broad Context of the

problem from a study

Localized context of
the problem supported
with relevant studies

Comparison of
findings and ideas from
at least three relevant

Specify the literature

gaps in those
mentioned studies.

State the objectives of

the study.


Write a Background of the Study section for your own research topic. Consider
the type of information contained in each paragraph and the steps on how to
organize it. If you are conducting a group research, you can collaborate with
other members to come up with a collaborative output.

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 47

Rubric for Scoring

Criteria Corresponding
The nature, extent and salience of the research topic are
comprehensively discussed. Different aspects of the 40
research topic are elaborated showing in depth and critical
analysis of the situation.
Background information is organized and presented
logically from a broad perspective and context to a specific 30
perspective thereby stealing reader’s interest.
Ideas are supported with a critical evaluation of important
and relevant studies and literature with the use of proper 30
citation techniques.

Reflection: Complete the phrase.

One thing I cannot forget from this lesson is




Bilbao, M.E.; Donguila, C.L. and Vasay, M.J. (2016). Level of Reading
Comprehension of the Education Students. University of the Immaculate
Conception, Davao City, Philippines. International Journal of Liberal Arts,
Education, Social Sciences and Philosophical Studies. Volume 4 • number

Enago Academy (2019). “What is Background in a Research Paper?”

[Accessed May 31, 2020] from

Sachdev, R. (Nov 27, 2018). “How to write the background of your study.
Editage Insights”

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 48

Answer key

Exercise 1:
Definition Historical Background
1 4
Causes and Effects Methodology
2 3

Comparison of ideas/findings Problem/Issues

6 5

Exercise 2:



light green




Exercise 3:
Guide questions: (Ideas may be similar or closely related to the given
1. Reading comprehension
2. Poor reading comprehension/ problems across all aspects of reading
3. By presenting relevant studies in different contexts.
4. Information were presented from general or broad perspectives to
specific ones.
5. To identify the level of reading comprehension of the Education
Exercise 4: Students’ answers vary.
Assessment: Students’ outputs vary.

Prepared by:

Baggao National High School

Note: Practice personal hygiene at all times. 49

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