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Listen to the ​recording​ & repeat each sentence out 

Possible Future Result  

1. If you leave now, you'll catch the bus. 

2. If you leave now, you’ll definitely see her. 
3. If you leave now, you won’t meet them. 
4. If you leave now, we won’t join you. 
5. If you leave now, you’ll get there on time. ​© All Rights Reserved 

1. If she invites them, they’ll say yes. 
2. If she invites me, I’ll think about it. 
3. If you don’t ask, you won’t find out. 
4. I’ll think about it if she invites me. 
5. They’ll say yes if she invites them. 
6. You won’t find out if you don’t ask. 
1. What will you do if you miss the bus? 
2. What will you do if it rains tomorrow? 
3. What will you do if Dan comes over tonight? 
4. What will you do if you get a promotion? 

Hypothetical situations.   

1. If I had more money, I would buy a new car. 

2. If I had more money, I would move to a bigger place. 

3. If I had more money, I’d take my family to Spain. 

4. If I had more money, I’d save it for a rainy day. 

5. If I had more money, I wouldn’t work as much. ​© All Rights Reserved 

1. If she had a car, she would drive all day. 

2. If I were you, I wouldn’t go there. 

3. If you were home now, we’d have dinner. 

4. She would drive all day if she had a car. 

5. I wouldn’t go there if I were you. 

6. We’d have dinner if you were home now. 

1. What would you do if you were a bird? 

2. What would you do if you had a car? 

3. What would you do if you had a magic wand?  

4. What would you do if they weren’t your friends?  


Changing the Past.  
If I had known he was there, I would have joined the party. 

1. If I had known he was there, I wouldn’t have come. 

2. If I had known he was there, I would have told Ruby. 

3. If I’d known he was there, I would’ve talked to him. ​© All Rights Reserved 

4. If I’d known he was there, I would’ve said something. 

1. If I'd known it was your birthday, I would've bought you a present. 

2. If we had left earlier, we would have avoided the long line. 

3. If it hadn't been for the coffee, I would've slept in class. 

4. I would've bought you a present if I'd known it was your birthday. 

5. We would have avoided the long line if we had left earlier. 

6. I would've slept in class if it hadn't been for the coffee. 

1. What would have happened if you had missed the bus? 

2. What would’ve happened if you’d studied for the test? 

3. What would’ve happened if Dan had come over? 

4. What would have happened if they hadn’t given you that 

promotion? ​© All Rights Reserved 


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