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Ỳ MẪ ĂM 2018
Môn: Ế
Ngày thi: 19/7/2018

(Gồm 02 trang)
. Ớ Ẫ
1. Giám khảo chấm đúng theo hướng dẫn.
2. Trong quá trình chấm bài thi, nếu có cách trả lời khác so với Đáp án nhưng đúng thì giám khảo
vẫn cho điểm tối đa ý của câu đó.
3. Điểm của bài thi là tổng điểm của các câu trong bài thi.


Mục ố câu hỏi iểm

1. Listening 20 (5+5+10) 40
2. Grammar & vocab. 30 30
3. Reading 40 40
4. Writing 30 30

. ỂM Ế
I. LISTENING (40 points)
Part 1: (2 points/correct answer)
1. 054 269 815 02
Part 2: (2 points/correct answer)
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. C
Part 3: (2 points/correct answer)
11. top give
12. Silicon
13. entrepreneurship and technology
14. Snapchat
15. five percent
16. predominantly
17. Laureates
18. 44
19. exceptionally high
20. most prestigious
II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (30 points)
Part 1: (1 point/correct answer)
21. B 26. C 31. D
22. C 27. D 32. A
23. B 28. A 33. C
24. B 29. D 34. D
25. A 30. A 35. C
Part 2: (1 point/correct answer)
36. unnecessarily 40. unnerves/unnerved
37. Shopaholism 41. nitpicking/nit-picking
38. laughingly 42. landmark
39. inexpressible 43. uproarious

Part 3: (1 point/correct answer)

Online shopping offer consumers the opportunity to shop from the comfort of 0. ____offers_______
their own home. According to those who sit at their computer and shop, the
44. quicker
greatest benefit of this is that it saves time. They feel it is quicklier to surf the
Internet in search of goods than traveling to and from traditional retail outlets to 45. to travel
do their shopping.
46. those
In addition to reducing the amount of time spent shopping, the Internet
47. made
also provides consumers with the chance to buy items from shops around the
world. The variety of goods available on the Internet is far greater than that 48. from
available even in the largest of shopping centres.
49. however
Moreover, purchases can be done without the interference of sales staff,
whose presence is often unwanted. How many of us have returned to a shopping 50. further

trip with something we didn’t really want? We have often been talked into buying it
by a highly persuasive sales assistant. The online shopper, moreover, can spend
hours looking at the goods on sale in one shop without feeling under any
obligation to buy. A farther advantage is that they are not limited by the opening
times of shops and can buy goods at any time of the day or night.

III. READING (40 points)

Part 1: (1 point/correct answer)
Với Part 1 này, Đáp án và Hướng dẫn chấm đã bao gồm từ ngữ gốc và một số khả năng có thể cho mỗi chỗ
trống. Trong quá trình chấm bài thi, nếu có phương án mới, các giám khảo cần thảo luận kĩ để thống nhất.
51. connections 55. as 59. tick
52. daters 56. soul 60. romance
53. further 57. Rather
54. matter 58. other

Part 2: (1 point/correct answer)

61. D 65. D 69. B
62. C 66. C 70. B
63. A 67. C
64. A 68. A

Part 3: (1 point/correct answer)

71. C 75. B 79. C
72. B 76. B 80. D
73. C 77. D
74. A 78. B

Part 4: (1 point/correct answer)

81. D 85. C 89. G
82. B 86. D 90. E
83. E 87. B
84. A 88. H

IV. WRITING (30 points)

Part 1: (10 points/ 1pt for each correct answer)
91. Sonia wishes she had got along (well) with her form teacher.
92. Strongly as/though Kelvin’s/his parents object, he/Kelvin is intent on getting a pet snake.
93. Jack was a liar when he went back on his promise/word to help us.
94. As far as the doctor is concerned, there is no reason for Peter’s/Peter giving up sailing. // … why
Peter should giving up sailing.
95. It is not so much the salary as the workplace that Kelly finds appealing about the job.
96. Nancy would rather that those careless drivers had not been let off with just a fine.

97. Only with the third fire engine did they succeed in putting out the fire.
98. How disappointed the student was when the teacher listened to his problem with (only) half an
99. Nick’s resignation is more to do with wanting to travel than wanting a new job.
100. Most people were taken aback by the way Henry conducted himself at the party last night.

Part 2: (10 points)

1. Contents: (8 points)
- The summary must cover the following points:
 3 reasons why music downloading is considered illegal and damaging to the music industry.
 Music downloading is the same as stealing CDs
 Music downloading damages the recording industry.
 Illegal music downloading hurts small artists.
2. Language use: (2 points)
- The summary:
- should show attempts to convey the main ideas of the original text by means of paraphrasing (structural
and lexical use),
- should demonstrate correct use of grammatical structures, vocabulary, and mechanics (spelling,
- should maintain coherence, cohesion, and unity throughout (by means of linkers and transitional devices).
*** Penalties:
- A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given to personal opinions found in the summary.
- A penalty of 1 point to 2 points will be given to any summary with more than 20% of words copied from the
- A penalty of 1 point will be given to any summary longer than 80 words or shorter than 70 words.

Part 3: (10 points)

The mark given to part 3 is based on the following criteria:
1. Contents: (2.5 points)
a. ALL requirements of the task are sufficiently addressed.
b. Ideas are adequately supported and elaborated with relevant and reliable explanations,
examples, evidence, personal experience, etc.
2. Organization: (2.5 points)
a. Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and unity.
b. The paragraph is well-structured with topic sentence, supporting ideas and concluding
3. Language use: (2.5 points)
a. Demonstration of a variety of topic-related vocabulary
b. Excellent use and control of grammatical structures
4. Punctuation, spelling, and handwriting (2.5 points)
a. Correct punctuation and no spelling mistakes
b. Legible handwriting
Markers should discuss the suggested answers and the marking scale thoroughly before marking
the papers. Thank you for your cooperation.

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