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Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Chicaque National Natural Park

natural park

protect flora
and fauna

Hi, my name is Daniela Diaz Ocampo.

wildlife parks

A wildlife park is a reserved area in nature devoted to protect the flora and the faunaI. the parks
chosen for this activity are Chicaque and Sierra Nevada of Santamarta, these are very important
parks in Colombia because it seeks to take care of the flora and fauna of our country.

The chicaque narutal park is located at kilometer 3, via soacha - la mesa. In contrast, the Sierra
Nevada of Santamarta natural park is located in Santa Marta also Chicaque has conserved and
protected nature since 1891. in comparison the Sierra Nevada of Santamarta since 1964. The
climate of the Sierra Nevada de Santamarta has all the thermal levels, from hot dry to perpetual
snow, in contrast Chicache Park is between cold and humid. In the Chicaque Narutal park it is
important to wear boots and warm clothes. Instead, in the Sierra Nevada of Santamarta natural
park wear a long shirt and thick pants

The chicaque narutal park is similar to the Sierra Nevada of Santamarta natural park in that both
parks . too both parks can be visite too Both in Chipaque and in the Sierra Nevada de Santamarta
you should carry a first aid kit. Like The chicaque narutal park, Sierra Nevada of Santamarta
natural park is visited by many foreigners.
It is very important to highlight that the Sierra Nevada de Santamarta Park is a refuge for the last
indigenous ethnic groups descended from the Taironas, such as the Koguis, the Arsarios and the

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