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Nepal College of Information Technology 4. (a) Draw data warehouse architecture diagram.

Describe Meta data

Assessment in brief. 5

(b) Write down the features of star, snowflake, and fact constellation
Subject: Data Warehousing and Mining Time: 3 hrs
schema of data warehouse? 5
FM: 100
5. Explain the following OLAP operations with proper example: 15
Attempt any ALL questions. Values at the right side indicate their marks
a. Rollup
1. The study of data mining has been possible because of massive data b. Slice
collection, high performance and algorithms. Explain. 10
c. Dice
2. “A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-varying, d. Drill-down
non-volatile collection of data in support of the management’s
decision - making process.” Explain each term used with their e. Pivot.
proper meaning with respect to data warehouse. 10 6. What do you understand by Multidimensional data? How do you
model the Multidimensional data? Explain. 10
3. Use the following data repository to write down the result of the
Rollup aggregation performed by the given SQL statement. 20 7. Mention different types of Data Mining techniques? Explain
preliminary analysis tools of Data Mining. 15
Garment Data Colour 8. Find the data object to Data Object 2 in the table below. Give
Repository Dark Pink White Total reasons to your answer. 10
Skirt 8 35 10 53 Age Income Credit
Dress 20 10 5 35 Data Object 1 80 80000 8000
Clothes Shirt 14 7 28 49 Data Object 2 50 60000 5000
Pant 20 2 5 27
Data Object 3 30 30000 3000
Total 62 54 48 164

SELECT clothes, colour, SUM(amt) AS amount FROM Garment

GROUP BY ROLLUP(clothes, colour)

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