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Candidate’s Professional Action Plan

Candidate Name: Annakah Hall Date: 01/08/2021 University: Brigham Young University- Idaho
Domain Two Goal: 2c- Managing Classroom Procedures
I want to better understand and put into practice strategies for being an effective authoritative figure in the classroom.

Action Steps/Activities Resources Evidence Timeline

(Specific Teacher or specialist Professional Activities that are (Principal, Staff, (How will you know if this (Timeframe for Action
part of this plan.) PD or Materials) goal has been Steps/Activities to be
accomplished) Completed)
Observing how other teachers and administration take Teachers and
Observation notes December 2021
control of their class or another group of students. Administration
Go into classes, during my practicum, and practice being in Completion of Practicum
experience, April 2021
charge of the classroom. Experience
Mentor teacher
Researching helpful strategies for facilitating class Computer and
Compiled list of strategies December 2021
discussions. other teachers

Domain Three Goal: 3c-Engaging Students in learning

I would like to help my students get the most out of their learning, through meaningful activities.

Evidence Timeline
Action Steps/Activities Resources
(How will you know if this (Timeframe for Action
(Specific Teacher or specialist Professional Activities that are (Principal, Staff,
goal has been Steps/Activities to be
part of this plan.) PD or Materials)
accomplished) Completed)
I will set a routine for my students, and post my Syllabus, bulletin Students are ready for
expectations of them, so that they will always know what to board, in-class each aspect of class and Beginning of each unit
expect. schedules anticipate activities

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Students use critical
At the beginning and end of class I will ask students an
White board and thinking skills to prepare
open-ended question to get them thinking about the topic During each class period
supplies them for class/ reflect on
of the day/ what they learned.
what they learned
I will collaborate with other FCS teachers to come up with Peers, other Having activities in my At the beginning of each
meaningful activities to teach concepts. teachers lesson plans unit

Domain Two Goal: 2d- Managing Student Behavior

I want to properly manage and cope with bad student behavior.

Action Steps/Activities Resources Evidence Timeline

(Specific Teacher or specialist Professional Activities that are part of this plan.) (Principal, Staff, PD or (How will you know if this goal has (Timeframe for Action
Materials) been accomplished) Steps/Activities to be Completed)

I will study the school district’s policies on discipline Principal, other Notes from my studies Before working in a new
administration district

I will ask my students to fill out a form, evaluating their emotions Forms and a Have forms that students End of each class
and needs, when they are having a rough time confidential place filled out
for them to return
I will set clear expectations at the beginning of the class, discuss Syllabus and Syllabus and notes made of The start of each term
the type of environment they (the students) want to have and whiteboard student collaborations
add any rules if necessary.

I have reviewed the above Professional Action Plan:

Candidate’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________________________

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University Representative: ______ ________ Date:

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