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acta EVERGREEN SAMPLE QUESTION PAPERS FOR PRACTICE | SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER-1 Class-12 English-Core Maximum Marks : 80 Time Allowed : 3 hours General Instructions: 1. 1. 2. 3. ind B. All questions are compulsory. This paper is divided into two parts : A a wherever necessary. Read Separate instructions are given with each section and question, these instructions very carefully and follow them. 5 Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the question. PART-A 40 (Marks) READING : [20 Marks] Read the passage given below : 1, Ruminating on the impact of internet on me, as a reader, writer and inveterate book- lover, I am developing serious apprehensions about the quality of teaching and research in the country, which, no doubt, is witnessing a phenomenal growth in numbers of literates from primary education to higher learning institutions. Official interest in the quality of education imparted ranges from total apathy to cynical indifference. Indian politicians seem to have developed a strong vested interest in illiteracy as a most dependable vote winner. But all over the world, the real fear of thinking people and intellectuals is that, the more people work oh internet, the less inclination or tolerance they have for “concentration and contemplation”. One American writer, Nicholos Carr wrote as far back as June 2008 a widely debated article posing the question : “Is Google Making us Stupid ?” . This intriguing question raised so much debate in the West that it spurred the writer to write a book titled : “The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains”. It seems true that the very medium of new information technology is affecting our ability to think, ferret out truth by research and deep study. There is mounting evidence that easier access, tied to an abundance of information “is creating a lack of tolerance for the kind of deep research required in an environment of print and paper. We are rapidly losing our ability to be comprehensive in the information we seek to gather for research due to the sheer volume of search results. We become impatient too and fail to take time to choose the best results.” This phenomenon is caused by every change in technology over the millennia. Brena More than two millennia ago, Thoth, alias Hermes ‘ was named after him) invented. writing. He took qi e-elsballr femous.typewri Egypt and claimed that from then on people lon to, the. Pharaoh ‘ ' people need not have to strain their memory ‘ recall things that they would otherwise forget, The Pharaoh thelr memory skillful Thoth,” he said — in Plato's lesser known classi Phactnn impressed. “MY such a great gift that it ought to be kept alive by trainin, ic, Phaedras — “memory # ig it continuously. With you! invention, people will no longer be obliged to train memory. They will remember things not because of an internal effort but by the use of an external device.” . What Thoth did to memory then is what internet does to us in million-fold ways now. Writing, in Plato's time, was like any technological device today. It drastically cut human effort to memorise; just as cars have made us less inclined to walk, as telephones have eliminated our skills to write letters and calculators have wiped out our need to equip ourselves with skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. . People are becoming impatient with anything that calls for deep study; with a million search results on their computer screen, they, especially the students, make a random choice going in for what they think are “good enough”. On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the eleven that follow : (1 x 10 = 10) () According to the passage, it is the quality of education that (2) was neglected in the past (¥) has improved a lot (c) is of great concern to us (@) has got undermined (ii) The author seems to agree that (a) the number of literates has been stable (®) the number of literates has increased (0) literacy level has undergone a change (d) education is of prime concern to our pol (iii) The attitude of the author towards internet is ians. (a) appreciative (©) satirical (6) ironical (@ critical (iv) Choose the option that lists human traits that internet seems to undermine to the author. 1. subjectivity 2. concentration 3. objectivity 4, honesty 5. _rashness 6. contemplation (a) land 4 (b) 2and6 (0) 3and5 (@ 2and3 (o) The article by Nicholas Carr was (a) universally appreciated (®) universally condemned (0) criticised by many (@ welcomed by one and all (oi) What, according to the author, is conducive to deep study and research ? (a) Google (®) Internet (©) books (@ teachers (vii) What is it that the author wants a researcher to inculcate ? (@) honesty (®) patience and reflection () speed (@ comprehensiveness (viii) That external devices are not helpful to train memory is (a) fanciful (0). imaginary (©) doubtful (@) ahard fact (ix) The term ‘good enough’ in paragraph 8, refers to (@) people's impatience to deal with anything comprehensively (b) people's unwilligness to be comprehensive (6) people's level of satisfaction (4) the fact of people being easy-going (x) Memory, according to the author, is undermined by (@) typewriter (b) internet (Q) writing (d) external skills and devices (xi) Do you agree with what the author wants you to think of internet ? (a) definitely (b) totally (©) only to some extent (@ not at all Read the passage given below : After struggling with the Covid-19 outbreak, the state is staring at a dengue epidemic this year. So far, the number of dengue cases is almost 35 per cent higher than the last year. WORRYING NUMBERS | REGULAR CHECKS MUST Year | Cases | Deaths |*Residents must check mosquito 2015 | 14,128 18 __|breeding grounds around them. 2016 | 10,439 15] Otherwise, it will become difficult for Soir | 1608 18 the department to bear the pressure of another outbreak. 2018 14,980 9 2019 | 10,289 4 | 2020" | 3,860 6 _| Dr. Manjit Singh, Director, Heath Services On an average, 180 cases per day are being reported across the state. As per the state's Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme, the state had reported nearly 4,000 dengue cases till Saturday. The number was around 2,600 in the corresponding period last year. In 2019, the state had recorded 10,289 cases and 14 deaths. According to Health Department officials, the way mosquito larvae were being detected in residential areas, the number could easily cross the last year’s count. Ludhiana is the worst-affected district with 790 cases. It is followed by Tarn Taran (394 cases), Moga (330) Ferozepur (326) and Bathinda (261). Alarmed at the situation, the Health Department has era civil surgeons to take necessary steps to control the outbreak. Punjab’s Director, He: Tvices, Dr Manjit i id the situation was alarming. oe a a t check mosquito breeding grounds around them. Otherwise, it will SE ae aa bo to bear pressure of another out-break,” he become difficult for the Health Department oa ae pasis of your understanding of the passage attempt ANY TEN question ‘nm it follow. ‘ : : ie is the epidemic to have hit Punjab this year i : first ‘ (® third ie second (@) only Y | (i) _According to Punjab Health Department, the situation (a) normal () nothing to be worried about (0 sub-normal (a) becoming alarming (i) $0 far 4000 dengue cases have been detected, which are excessive by created by dengue is as compared to those reported in the corresponding period. Spear (a) 1200 (b) 2600 () 1400 js (@) 4000 (iv) Last year (2019) the number of dengue cases reported were .... (@) 10289 (6) 10303 (9) 3860 (d) 386 (v)_ It seems that so far residents have been .. .. about dengue. (a) careful (b) alert (0 negligent (d) quite negligent (vi) Whose responsibility is it to check the spread of an epidemic ? (@)_ of God (b) of the government (©) of the state (A) of the state and society (vii) The state health department seems already (a) over-burdened (b) burdened (0) relieved (@) fatigued (viii) Dengue can best be checked by (a) killing all mosquitoes () avoiding dark places (9. avoiding mosquito bites (@) not allowing any breeding grounds for mosquitoes (ix) In which year dengue hit the hardest so far ? (a) 2018 (&) 2019 (© 2017 (@ 2015 (x) Which district of Punjab shows the most alarming situation, as per the report ? (@) Ludhiana () Jalandhar (0) Amritsar (@) Bathinda (ti) The report ends on a note of (@) caution (0) alarm (0) hope (@) warning LITERATURE [20 Marks] |. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY TWO of the three given, by answering the questions that follow. (4+4=8) “If I start a school, will you come ?” I ask, half-joking. “Yes,” he says, smiling broadly. A few days later I see him running up to me. “Is your school ready ?” “It takes longer to build a school”. I say, embarrassed at having made a promise that was not meant. But promises like mine abound in every corner of his bleak world. () Who is being spoken to by the author ? (@) Saheb (6) Mukesh (0) Savita (@) Savita’s husband (i) The author asked him nonseriously .. - (@) if he would join her Abie (0) if he would join the school when opened (0) if she could be of any help to him (@ whether he would accompany her (iii) The author felt embarrassed because ... - (@) she had never been serious about opening any school () the question asked by the auther was too serious (0) she had no job to offer (@) the respondent was a queer person (iv) What did the author realize ? (a) that rich persons are just hypocrites (®) that people just make promises without fulfilling them (©) that promises should always be made (@) that hope sustains life B. I swam the length up and down. Tiny vestiges of the old terror would return. But now I could Frown and say to that terror, “Trying to scare me, eh ? Well, here's to you ! Look !” And off I'd 80 for another length of the pool. () Where did the narrator swim ? (2) in the sea (®) in the river (0) in the pool (@ in the village pond (i) ‘Tiny vestiges of the old terror’ refers 0 ccm» (a) The narrator's nightmares (b) The narrator's earlier bad swimming experience (c) The narrator's encounter with the bully (@) The narrator's swimming experiences (iii) The narrator tried to overcome his fear (@) by reading good books (6) with his constant practice (© by his willpower (@ by copying others (i) The narrator is a person of ... - (@) nervous nature (®) boastful nature (0) strong willpower (@ amiable nature C. Now Sadao remembered the wound, and with his expert fingers he began to search for it. Blood ‘Flowed freshly at his touch. On the right side of his lower back Sadao satv that 2 gun wound had been reopened. The flesh woas blackened with powder. Sometime, not many days ago, the man had been shot and had not been tended. It was bad chance that the rock had struck the wound. () With his expert fingers Dr. Sadao began to search for 7 (a) the bullet (®) the identity card (0) the wound (@ the weapon (i) The wounded soldier had a wound on the ... ] (a) left side of his lower back (®) chest (©) right side of his lower back (@) tight thigh (iii) The flesh near the wound had blackened with ........... (@) antiseptic cream () gun powder (0. washing powder (@) antiseptic power (io) Tt was clear that the man had been shot but the wound had not been .. (a) treated © om red (0) tended (@) bandaged 4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE of the two the questions that follow. given by aemering (1x 4=4) Put that thought away, and looked out at young trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes, but after the airport's security check, standing a few yards away, I looked again at her, wan, pale as a later winter’s moon () Which thought did the poet put away ? (a) the thought of her mother’s imminent death (0) the thought of some tragic loss (0) the thought of her mother’s sickness (@ the thought that she was losing her mother (i) Why did she look at the sprinting tree’s and cheerful children ? (a) to see how things are very nice (®) to contrast the two situations (c)_ to divert her present painful situation to something pleasant (a) none of these (iii) Which kind of experience is the poet describing ? (a) universal (6) personal (©) happy (@) tragic (iv) The poetic device used in the last line is .... (a) alliteration (c) metaphor A (®) simile @ repetition Or B. Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens of a world of green They do not fear the men beneath the tree, They pace in sleek chivalric certainty. () Which quality of the tigers created by Aunt Jennifer contrasts with her ownself 2 (b) free movement (a) energy (c) fearlessness (@) constraints (i) What are the tigers shown doing on the panel ? (a) grinning (b) roaring (c) prancing (@ eating the prey (i) What colour do the tigers on the screen have ? (@)_ off white (© light brown (0) dark brown (d) bright topaz colour (i) What shows that the tigers are free and fearless ? (a) their certainty (®) their energy (0) their topaz colour (d) none of these questions from the ten given below. (xs8=8) his last lesson in the class, M. Hamel’s mood was (®) upset 5, Attempt ANY EIGHT @ excited (9 While delivering (@ melancholy ad and sombre exci (id) hie name of Saheb-e-Alam, what literary device is used ? i (a) methaphor (®) sarcasm (@) irony oe (a) once bitten twice shy (®) Terror paralyses a weakling (c) Fear is imaginary (4) We should try to overcome ourfears The peddler is a changed man in the end of the story. The change came from .. - (@) Ironmaster’s behaviour (b) Edla’s love, sympathy and care (0). Peddler’s own realization (d) prayer in the church (2) The poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’ focuses mainly on (® Child-mother relationship (8) daughter's concern about her aged mother (c) alienation of children from parents (d) the idea of decay and death The lives of the children in the slum are ‘like bottle bits on stone’. What does the (0) oxymoron ’ / What is being tried to convey through Douglas’ experience ? (2) (i) poet want to convey ? (@) Their lives are petty. (®) Their lives shine like glass. (Q) Their lives are hard, miserable and broken. (d) Their lives are empty. ‘Spite of despondence’ in ‘A Thing of Beauty’ conveys sssunur + (®) malice born out of despair (a) our miserableness (0) inspite of melancholy (@) melancholy and failure Charley in ‘The Third Level’ represents ... (@) funny people (®) persons leading life of insecurities and worries (oii) (ciit) (oc) escapists (4) opportunists The author tries to convey in ‘The Enemy’ that . (2) enemies should not be trusted (®) enemies may be treated humanely (c) a physician ought to rise above nationality (@) war is an opportunity to serve the wounded (2) The wizard in the story ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’ is portrayed as ? (2) humorous (b) obedient (© cynic (@ philanthropist (x) PART-B (40 Marks) WRITING [16 Marks] 6, Attempt ANY ONE of the following : (1x3=3) ‘A. You want to sell off your motorbike which you have been using for five years, since you have decided to buy a car. Write an advertisement in not more than 50 words, to be published under the classified columns of a national daily. Furnish all the necessary details. Or B. As Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation of Ludhiana, draft and issue a notice to those who encroach upon roads and other public places in not more than 50 words. You are Krishan Kapoor. 7, Attempt ANY ONE of the following (1x3=3) ‘A. You have received an invitation to be the judge for a literary competition in St. ‘Ann's School. Send a formal reply in not more than 50 words, confirming your acceptance. You are Mohan/ Mohini. Or B. Draft a suitable Informal invitation on the occasion of your parents’ 25th marriage anniversary. You are Kamal/Simi of 80-D, Sector 45, Chandigarh. 8 Attempt ANY ONE of the following. (1x5=5) A. Along with air and water pollution, our cities are also under an attack of noise pollution. Marriage processions, DJs during wedding receptions, loud music from neighbourhood flats etc. are all sources of noise which is not good/for the old, the ailing and students. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local newspaper describing the problem and making a request to the concerned authorities to solve it. You are Karan/Karuna, M 114, Mall Road, Delhi. Or B. Write an application (including a Resume) in 120-150 words for the post of receptionist advertised in a national newspaper by JKL Publishers, Peéshwa Road, Pune. You are Karuna, M114, Mall Road, Pune, a graduate from SNDT University and have done a Secretarial Practice Course from YWCA, Mumbai. 9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following. 3 (x5=5) A. A newspaper report on a recent terrorist attack in your locality shattered you. You decided to write an article in a local daily on terrorist attacks and the need to maintain peace and harmony in society. Write the article in 120-150 words. You are Madhav/ Meena. You may use the cues given below along With your idéas. * terrorist attacks create panic * fear and insecurity Peace and harmony must be maintained Or jan. As a special correspondent of local daily. You were sent to ration of a Trade Fair where international agencies had put up B. You are Anita/Raj cover the inaugui ——— their stalls for the exhibition and sale of their products. Write a report in 120-15) words. * Trade Fair at Pragati Maidaan a galaxy of traders, VIPs latest models of TVs, Audio video system stalls set up by reputed international companies . . . 10. Attempt ANY FIVE out of the six questions given below in 30-40 words each. Qx5=1 (@ “Survival in Seemapuri means rag-picking”. Elucidate. (#) Who was Miss Edla Willmansson ? How did she succeed in bringing the peddle home ? (i) Why did Gandhi agree to a settlement of 25 per cent refund to the farmers ? (2) What would be the effect of quiet moments on the warmongers ? (©) What is the role of a beautiful thing in our life ? (@))_ What impression do you form of Aunt Jennifer ? 11. Attempt ANY TWO out of the three questions given below in 30-40 words each. (2x 2=4 @ “That ain’t money, mister”, When did the ticket clerk utter these words and why’ (i) “That was a stupid mommy”. Who said it ? How did Jack react to it? a ieee Pome 80 ? What shocked him ? ‘ he Wace ny the following questions in 120-150 words. Ceoe “’ainel say is his address to his student little Franz ? Or ‘i ; Row armen Sena must learn to overcome if we want to succeed in el 13, Attempt ANy ont os Set over his fear of water ? axsed A hat pgs the following questions in 120-150 words. ; 3 m did Dr Sadao face? How did the general plan to solve it B. Denry Or fe. How ? Laml ds life. and Lamb are persons with totally different attitude towar

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