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HRM- MBA: Assignment # 2

Assignment Topic Employee Testing and Selection

Date Given 28-07-2020 Due Date 03-08-2020
Group/Individual Individual Maximum Marks 5


1. Attempt question on the same page.

Q1: How to conduct a reference check? Elaborate with examples at least four measures of background
investigation and reference check in the organization.



Reference check is the screening method utilized for HR department or a company’s recruiting manager for
purpose to compile additional information moreover check the past data regarding experiments, educational
and addiction of an applicant through interviewing his / her for job. T


The person who might determine and evaluate the result will also not perform the inquiry. Ordinarily, the
prosecutor should be selected from a number of senior staff who have been properly trained, and would not
be a director of the organization involved by any side. The whole process is done by previous employees
and referrals to verify the quality of the application document. Review of credentials and protected rights
and job Background history Felony histories was often generated. Character reference tests provide further
visibility into another details the respondent provides and permit assurance of its reliability.


1. Ask the candidate for experience or workplace connection.

2. Prepare a question for reference that mention by candidate.
3. Conduct meeting on call or one to one for at least standard time 15 minutes.
4. After collecting data according and surmount hurdles.
5. After above point combine all measures and start evaluate result.
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6. Now the last but not least step make final decision about hiring yes/no.


Employers perform background examinations and record tests on workers to ensure that the applicant is
eligible for the position based on their past history, before hiring them. The reference test can include calling
the past boss, supervisor or peers to validate their prior work qualifications, personalities, and role
The below measures can be used for reference and background check

1. Former Employees
2. Current supervisor
3. Written references
4. Social networking sites


1. In the history of employment. Because certain individuals can use fake resumes to compete for
work, it is important for Human Resource to investigate their former employers and check the details
on the resume received.
2. Background in Education. Nowadays it is a common phenomenon for people to misrepresent their
history in workplace or said that fake certification, it is important to test how real there given or
submitted documentation is.
3. Crime story. Criminal records will say a great deal about a prospective employee 's character. For
stealing or abuse in the workplace someone might have been dismissed from their employment.
4. Money records. For applicants running for financial roles this is especially relevant. This study will
help to explain whether the financial, mental, educational and physical condition of an applicant that
he/she may pose a challenge in an organization circumstance and in matters.
5. Now a days new commers and youth be more efficiently active on social media example: linked-in,
Facebook, Instagram etc. to show the profile and match to requirements.

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