Tarot Defininitions

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Deep connection to femininity, beauty, Compliment to Empress. Masculine principle,

sensuality, fertility, creative expression, the patriarch, representing power and
nurturing, necessary for creating balance in authority. Carries the Egyptian Ankh, the
men and women alike. symbol of life and an orb, representing the
world in which he rules. Long white beard
Get in touch with your sensuality through all 5
represents wisdom.
Father figure of the Tarot deck.
May represent birth of a new idea or a new way
of doing things and a nicer way of treating Provides, protects, and defends his loved ones.
yourself and others in your life. Could also He brings security and comfort to those
represent a pregnancy. arounds him.

Empress encourages you to experience and Emperor also represents structure and stability.
relish the beauty of nature and mother earth. He can create order out of chaos, mapping out
what needs to be done with wholistic
She highlights that you are grounded in the
consideration. Strategic and organized,
material plane yet you can reach into higher
planes of consciousness through your
connection with mother earth. Reflects rules and regulations. Law and order.
Powerful leader demanding authority and
Deeply nurturing and caring card.
Take a moment to reflect on all the love that
Solid foundation built. Not afraid of conflict or
surrounds you and build on this energy to
standing up for what is right and just, organized
create even more abundant love in your life.
and controlled. Father figure.

Emperor card indicates that you have a strong

KEYWORDS: desire to see your ideas manifest on the
physical plane in the form of material gain and
Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance, accomplishment.
self-love, compassion for others and yourself An opportunity will arrive that could be the
foundation for a very successful future.


Authority, father figure, structure, solid


Masculine counterpart to the High Priestess. “I love you not only for what you are but for
Also know an as Chiron, the pope, and the what I am when I am with you. I love you now
Shaman, ruled by Taurus. only for what you have made for yourself but
what you are making for yourself but for what
While the magician takes raw power form the
you are making of me. I love you for the part of
universe and manifests it into making things
me you bring out.” -Roy Croft
here on earth the Hierophant channels that
power through society (as in the religions of the Associated with Gemini. Represent the
world. The crossed key represents the refinement of earthy desires. The angel above
represents balance between the conscience and the man and woman is Rapheal the angel of air
unconscious minds and unlock the mysteries. (Gemini ruled) air is necessary for a healthy
relationship. The purple robe Rapheal is
He symbolizes entry into all types of institutions
dressed in a purple cloak, representing how
where there is a shared group identity. This
important communication is.The 5 apples on
includes clubs, groups, companies and society.
the tree signify the 5 senses, indicating how
The Hierophant is conventional, he suggests important sex and intimacy are important.
that you may be wise to follow established Temptations. 12 zociac symbols reflected on
social structures and traditions. A need to card, all of humanity, time and space. 12
honor some tradition in your life. flames: desire of male (mars, male power).

Consider exploring YOUR spiritual or religious The Lovers represents perfection, harmony and
heritage. Hierophant is a symbol for institutions mutual attractiveness. The trust in one another
and their values. Education and the pursuit of gives them strength and confidence to
knowledge. Sometimes we need to follow a overcome life’s obstacles. Bond is strong.
program or embrace tradition, while other Marriage, soul mate connections. Desire to be
times we need to trust ourselves, now we need intimate. Post Hierophant ready to establish
to focus on the group of society and learn from own beliefs and traditions of own or as a
humanity what we can to increase compassion, couple/collectively. Figure out what is
earthy knowledge to grow personally both here important to you form lessons from the
and in the ethers. Hierophant.

He is revered for his compassion, blessings and The Lovers represent perfection, harmony. The
understanding. Pope or trusted mentor of trust the Lovers have is strength and confidence
earth and the Devine knowledge. Conventional to navigate life’s challenges. Est. of personal
blessings and understanding. beliefs and becoming clear about personal/joint
morals and values. Own/joint philosophies.
KEYWORDS: Stay true to self though. The choices made now
Religion, group identification, conformity, are important an will shape or continue to
tradition, beliefs shape with family and marriage and union. Be
true you self and seek the divine.


Love, union, relationships, values, alignment,

and choices

“If you have the willpower you can change

anything. It is usually said you are your own
master.” -Dali Lama

7 Devine number: 7 chakras. Sacred number.

Heaven and earth. Powers of both. Use thme

to become a more well rounded person,

Obtaining the ability to use all of the Devine and

earthy things to get what you want out of life.

Remain focus, beat the competition. Know who

I am fundamentally.

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