03-List of Vacant Positions-Central Office - 0

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PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 NO.OF ‘PLACE OF ASSIGNMENT cE QUALIFICATION STANDARDS Pes [Slvacmces| eeenmieinenioo’ | ccccemoe | mxremence | anne | evasuer | PaNTUA en CENTRAL OFFICE 200 serene act aeorieae inaaare Dogs or yeaa Ries Re aeiea | catia mae eee ene eet 'sadestipana [management ranagorent fy anpomes herialewreenet— leamitgane lose lent Imerventon lake tin neha oat [ers Spec a] 3 —Joreones PHD adage “la J ious pang [GS Potansional — POATSTATSREIOTE rtereiyin tastes asmonetiedabityJrterasy on [Secor tere Mtematin, [nthe statsica, |satcten matoas, [ey esters tecnica snore fats pret feem by eecuee tamer [computor Scone, eral sapaca ct” |pocesan ora [eciogyorcther’ |soeocstonamcito, [nmortion end 40 lseestoomoarnr lotaatitn au” aorta lcewteste in |prect management |managoment and feetend nen ae Nessa ition tial era haa lese operon ren poste. imate Preece toe Ken reoeaae Inomessotwee fea) sremeost fe anes resets) croones eH bexcerasazan T0088 $50 bsacsTarsaszots SSO.MAS-ENRAD psacstaTsooz015 SOAS INTEGAD secsrars.22018 sso.E555150 Psa-csrare-1262016 / page 10838 wy PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY. List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 Oa PLACE OF ASSIGNMENT ‘QUALIFICATION STANDARDS: POSITION TITLE 561 vacancies] FH?" atatnd neering SaUGRTION SE ENGE Taian Tuswmamy | PLANTILLAITEM No, (Ghar Stateteal Specials 7 [SSOESES PSD Masters degree |S yeas [40 hours Waining |S Professional) |PSACSTATS 152015 preferably in Statistics |semonstrated abilty [preferably on | Second Level Mathematics, inthe statistical, statistical methods, [Eligibility Economics, echnical and ICT — ftoois, project Engineering, loperations, surveys management, [Computer Science, in all aspects of processes and [Sociology or other socio-economic fe, /supervision and 40, related courses or data analysis and" |nours of taining in Cerificate in project management management and Leadership and and date lsupervision [Management from the |visuaizaton, Four csc. la) years of which are in posiionis. involving management and lsupervison; and has working knowledge in Office software e.g) spreadsheet, lnwced processing and} presentation) [350-5858-5080 PSACSTATS 84.2016 [SS0-SSSS.IESO lpsa-cSTATS-104.2016 Information Technology Offer —| 2a 3 Jereo.T0s-s00 IMasters Degree or [4 yearsin posiion’s {a0 hours of [CS Professional’ [PSAI103-85-2075 ICertficata in involving supervisory |Second Level lLeadorship end |managementand |management [Eligibility Intanagement irom the [supervision leaming and Icsc’ |development intervention undertaken within the last 5 years. [cTCo-T0S-SQAD, lpsa.r03-56-2016 Internat Aucior V mh 7 JONs1aD Masters Dagree or [4 years in position’s [4D hours of IGS Professional’ [PSAALDE- 164-2076 ICerticate in invoiving supervisory! ISecond Level lLeadership and |management and management _|Etiibilty IManagement from the [supervision learning ane lose development intervention ‘undertaken within the last § years Page 2 of 13 PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 WelGe PLACE OF ASSIGNMENT ‘QUALIFICATION STANDARDS mm : 259 500 attached meaning of PLANTI No. cee SSl vacancies) Fete es EDUCATION. EXPERIENCE | TRAINING ELIGIBILITY ne [Superaing Statistical Specaist | 22 a ONS TCU [Bachelors Degree 4years [S2hours veining [CS Professional” | PSASVSTATS. 70207 preferably in Statistics |demonstrated ability [preferably on [Second Level IMathematics in data analysis and |statistcal metheds, |Etigibiity Economies, project ols, project lEnsineerng Imanagement, data management, IComputer Science, visualization and processes andlor Sociology orother statistical surveys other related field feted courses and has working knowledge in Ofice sofware (os spreadsheet. word processing end Presentation) [SSO-SSSS HOSS IPSRSVSTATS- 100-2075 [SSO-ESSSTS0 [PSA.SVSTATS.106-2016 [SSO-MAS-ENRAD JPSASVSTaTS.r47-2015 PRorney a 2 jonsis [Bachelor of Lane | year of epparience [Whours of raining [RA 1080 (Aitomney) —[PSHATYSZT 201 lonsis [PSAATYS 22.2016 PRecountant Ta} a |ORSOFASAD Bachelors degreein_ [2 years ofrelevant [& hours ofrelevant RA T080 PEARS DOT ITE ICommercerBusiness. experience [raining (Accountant |Administation major in Accounting [oRCSOFAS-AD [PsAas200 2515 Information Systems Anaya 79} 1 oTCOTOS REND [Bachelors degree [2 years of relevant |B hours of relevant [CS Professional’ |PSAINFOSASSE DOTS relevant to ihejob _ Jexpererce rcining [Second Level Eligbity Page 30f 13 PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY. List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 Telkace. LACE OF ASSIGNENT QUALIFICATION STANDARDS ce TON TILE ec ‘VACANCIES: EDUCATION EXPERIENCE TRAINING aT ELIGIBILITY RLANTILLA ITEM NO: Beir Sata Spec ey Baaiwars Deore —fryeas nau vaning [CS Preensional —|PENSRSTATEVE2OTS etry in stasis [somoneated aay [peter on [acon evel IMaomates, — |ndateanasis and [staisical motos, [eigaty Eeonomics, priest foot projet Enaneerra. management data. fnanagoment JComenter Sconce, evalzaton and processes ardor Sosoigy or other frais! sureys other slate fs jeatedcourses and hes worang kroweago n Ofce sotware (os sreedsheet ors pecesing ana Presentation) [ons-sw PSAsRSTATET ae lons.pus [Psasestars-7aa0is loncso crews PPsasRsTars.r20%6 lercones.cpc0 psasReTars.129.018 [ssoaas-€00 PsasesraTs.e2.2015 [SS0.NAS:ITEGAD PSASRSTATS:61.2915 ISsoEsss.rs0 PPsASRSTATS-1052015 sso-ssssiisaso PsasnsTars.116.2018 s50-59s5 £089, PSASRSTATS-1772018 Parana oa ea oRCS ORAS Bachatare degree years oreavant” [Sours afraevant [CS Potessonal” —|PSRRCOFE TST — [oa fslevarite holes loxprence fearing Second Level eae elgeiy Joon sme cen RESORT HRD [pSRADOFEtaeaoTE [oRCsO-FAS.HRO [FSAADOFS-191-2015 on OT Te 3 [eros RES Bashers degree [2yearecFrowrant_ [Shure alaevant [CS Ptessonal” —|PSRRFOSSTIOS — Trae Jewerence fran Second Level jr Egy eon nom lereonros.ec5 pSanecs aa lerco.nos een PSANroo.ea2018 ge oft Ww PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 Eee LAGE OF ASSIGNMENT ‘QUALIFIGRTION STANDARDS PRONE _[PPfvacincies]| | Promecssomsmeewoet | eoueanon | ovenence | reanno | eusmury | "AWTELAmen vo, lara Ao a} rs Bachelors degre —[Pyear of loan [Shaws fran [OS Pateaional — PSRRUDTSIOTS Foran esc eee ceed oars Secor! Eat psasronar GT ea eee bschctors cages [Pyar of Sievert Shou elvan [0S Potearonal —PSARESOTSSIOE oars oes eee! Eto EROSCCRECRED pSeRESo eI inaatan Stems Ararat — [78 | a — FOTOS SOO leachlrs cares — [1 yar of waren — [spas a tevant (CS PToRGnaT PSR NFOSAPSERTS fsevoreie ie ||owenentn [eden Second tee! Egon amit: SRMFOSATESaTE ioe rea BSANFOsAZe6a0%8 isteo Toes PaAFOSESRSeTE Seer PSAIWoSer rants jtcomross5o peRnrosra Taare [eTeoTbs So eaAWFossaTeane eoupesa PSAINEOSAAToaDtS Saar Seo 73] a rere Bachoars Degree —[Dyear iat cated pecans rere Statats |demanstaedabityfrtrsyor [Sear tsa tata nes ees |i eras we lecseest ee (Sco sore roel feos proper egacoee eee Pee es | Sempre Scones Pecans ceil | aes Soctenyandcter |satinealsuvon, [sreretced tea floc sreoe lente vein fowfedoe in Otce Seawae oretcton word eesuiae recente rere saserran Sen paar Tears leTooNcSaRED PsASsRa2o018 icieases ates acre tooncs SD aA eSe se sE ae PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 er PLACE OF ASSIGNMENT | — ‘QUALIFICATION STANDARDS osmonTms _[Se|vacuncies| | @rewrsetacmamannacr T~coucanon | exrenence | Teanwe | suceumy | PAANTILA EWN. oo 7 frcoNCSTRED arcs Dasee fas Bone arng [Ss Passed — PASSAT itsnencs,"|naa nape a [eterna ens Rowers (pd es rcs Enspoore, _(ratagerns cate frangure, Eamace Scene, \Weaitonans” [soeos ta Sccoeeyanocner [usumcsuneys, [brcrcees ou feudonmne [edtecwoiie froweige theo fcowneteo |spreadsheet, word lorocessing andt presentation) leroo-ss-sco PSASS2.268.2015 lorco-ss-sco PsAsse-067 2015 lorco.ss.sPPD PsA.ss2-303.2015 [oTco.ss-sPPO PSA-S82-304-2015 [oroo-ss-sPPD. PSA-SS2.305.2015 lcrco.ss-ss0 Jpssa-ss2-490-2015 [SSO-E5SS-150 PsA.ss2-04.2015 [SS0-E88S-18D PSA-SS2-162.2015 SSO.ES8S-FS0 lpsass2.716-2015 [sso-Esss.csp [Psa ss2-220.2015 [sso-esss.csp_ IPSA-$82.733.2015 [sso-Esss-c50_ IPSA-ss2-244-2015 |sSO-ES$S-LPS0 [PSA-S82-204-2015 [SSO-E8SS-SS0 lPsa.ss2-402.2016 [sso-mas-PAD IPSA-$s2-60:2015 [SSO.MaS-PAD [PSA.ss2-22.2015 [SS0-MAS.EAD lrsa.ssa.271.2016 [SSOmAS-EAD IFSa.ss2-273.2015 Pape 6 of 12 PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 Waar PAGE OF ASSIGNMENT ‘QUALIFIORTION STANGARDS Posini 230 ce atactod meer ILLATTEM NO, ONITIE _[PS]vacancies | Peereseeetzomcesrinaor | Eouearion | exremtence | tRANNe ]euomury ~) PANTILLATTEM No Sie SecararT 7 SOMASERAS Bacwors Deore —[Pyears FB ous aning [OS Poteesonal —|PRESATOATE veterstiyin Statsies [demonstrate airy fprtoraby on [Baconduevel IMatomats, jn daia analysis ond [sttstal moths, [eigty Economics, cient ets, procs Enoinern Irenagement, date |nanagemont, [Computer Science, [isualzaton and. processes, ena Souoiogy ara ctner_[statscal survey, fier ets els feletd courses and tos worting frowecgoin Ofice ottware fog eereedsheet word lrocessng ane prseniaten) sSomAS aA psaseamazo [sso-nas-aaD Psassza2rz0i8 [ss0-ssss.sn60 Psass2297 2016 Isso-ssssPH0s0 psa.sse-as20i5 jss0-5559.5080 Psassza52015 SS0:S988-5050. sa.ss2.098 2018 Parana Ger BPRS RST Bachelors degree [1 yearoTrelovant [aoe atevant |S Potaional’ —PSRAGOPS RBIS felevantoinejeo —fexsoronce (raning Second Level Eigen arnaton Oar 1) 2 arco Bachiors agree [tyearof elavant [ftw Samvan JOS Brlesional —|PSRRFORIESOE ecperonce [eating Second Level Eipeity creas m0 [Psanrozarso% Ineo Epa ones Bachelors depres [7 yearafrelevant [4 fous ofelovant OS Pelessional’ —PSAIAUDES20 Ietvanttotej00 experience rang [Secon Level Etgiy anise OFT a) aR [Bachelors degree [year fretvant [thous oflevant [GS Protesional | SARDOFSSREIOTS fetevarttooj0d_lemperence [raring [Second tevet Etgbity ; ge 70633, (Hy PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 noon) RAGE OF RasaRRIENT ALCRTON STARORASE 7 POsmONTE [Se ]vacaiciss| Peeesmaticiedmeemacr | Sousamon | ewwentence | teawna | auoeury | PUANTLLAITEWNO, Peskin oar a) a — ores Bers dee [arora [ahora va |OS Pleo —PORRESOETOATE pore [rane Sean teve beth RESORT aR errs 5] orcsocRSaD Socers Dare year sananeae Fore varng [05 Pomona —PSRSSTEO TE Prory nSeaie|atiy mate [petebyon® [oeconaiove Mstamatcs, ana and pc tte mands, esp Ecorse,” raragernon sat [os nase Eronecin, __fimuataton ane [menooeer, Emrecer uence, [otstcasenaye [parses oar ecseayoromer’ eniimevoning Jer senso foaic Stoves” fron One isaweteo ease wore roma and bros [Sconesaep PasnmaE [toons seo possi ie eons arco psusstos zie stoones are5 psussiarie ooues ereD Psxssianars Irconrcs no ssi rconcs ic bseseii ars ercosesso sass sco SoS 50 Psxssissays sSssss 50 pease i201 sSoEses 50 Psnssiroars ssoeses5s0 Psxssiaa0ie ssorsss.os0 psasei ize ssoess.os0 Psasi016 ssoss8T59 Psassiicozes ssoesss 30 sass esse ssoesss.s0 sassiiessois ssoes55 550 cassie mec PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 ator PLAGE OF ASSIGNMENT "QUALIFICATION STANDARDS, POSITION TITLE S5| vacancies] (eH? Se sacha merig of SUcRnOR SSREREnGE Te Tuomi) PLANTILLAITEM NO. [Stateveal SpeciatstT 7 ISSO-ESSSSSD Bachelors Degree |i year demonstratod|& hours warring [CS Professional’ |PSA-SS1-147 2075 ireterably in Statistics, |abiity in data Jereferabiyon [Second Level Mathematics, lanalysis and project [statistical methods, |Eligibilty lEconomics, Jmanagement, data tools, projact Engineering, visualization and management, {Computer Science, _|sitistical surveys processes andior [Sociology or other and has working other related field felated courses —_anowledge in Office softwere (e.g spreadsheet, word processing and loresentation) [sso-Ess8.S50 lPsa-ss1-148.2016 [ss0-Ess5.F50 zs Psa.ssi-1542015 [SSO-ESsSLPsD lrsa-ssi-156-2016 [sS0-4AS-PAD JPsa.ssi-69-2015 [SS0-#AS-ENRAD [Psasss1-r15.2016 |SSO-MAS-ENRAD lPsa-s5i-155.2015 [sso-s5s5-£050_ IPSA'SS'-06-2015, |sso-ssss.E0s0 PSA.ss1.90-2018 [sso-ssss.04s0_ PSASS1-08-2015 [sso-ssss.04180_ JPsa-ssi-107-2015 [sso-ssss.D4s0 lpsassi-113.2016 [sso ssss 1ee0 JPSA'SSi-122.2015 ISS0-SSSS-IESD_ Prsa-s87-136.2015 [Accountant @ 2 [ORCSOFAS-AD Bachelors degree in [None Requred [None Required —|RA7080 PSKAT- 1602016 |Commerce/Business Accountant) JAdministration major in Accounting JOROSO-FAS.AD Pax r6r2018 oge 90f13| WO PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 moor) RAGE OF SSMMERT UAL FIGATION STANORRDS rosmontme [se], NO. Panay TLLA TEM NO. so S|vacancies| | Meeocn ctecmnreenoct | epueation | exrenence | eanme | eucmumy 7] PLANTULArTen | inaras Saaremaa — [=] ae foe Bacher dares [None Rented None Raqured [OS Proeesonal —PSNRTOSATTEIOE fecror’e wciee Second ve levee ereonoSse0 ERROSATO leroosTos soo Pesanrosate15 lctooiTbs-soo PsninrOsAt-te2008 etoorTos son Psninrosat-r20is ereostossom PsAWrOsAtaba0%8 lctcombs-so esxnFosa 018 jtco.rossoo Pesxirosatasaois letcorTos sox pexirosataracis [cto.Tos sano Poxinrosnsana0ss too roseon Eons sTeouToS ADHD paunrosarotaor farmarame mae Pr] —a—feresocoons \Ganptin of year [zens ction hous waar SS Spee POROSTTTS Inutes neato" Jonas leanne Frttova Eon [ToS DENS PRADO bases Ona 7} 7 ones Isat gis Rone Reaired None Rated [SS Ptemonad — PSC feowmorere Seo tve Eigen GRSSORASSS FaRASoRE Sane lexesorasso Pskanorzsants oResD-FASeG Sxanor2rB2015 tare i Se costes scar degree Noe Rasred— Wore Rauied [RA 060 any PSRUETIO ry ence tmaton Scere actors Senco scat ne Intbray Sconce Page 10 of 13 PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 woe] RESP RSSTENT SUA EATON TANOAROS resmowrmie [se] vacancies] | rersweatetiedrannact | Soucarion | exrennce | reanwo | eucmumy | PLATMLAITEMNO, Seam 77] as REREAD ERIS Dapae__ ioe — ane weed — oS Pao — POR ORSERT Fry nS Secndte hironctes, ete ren er ett Boece Saco or che Sat caret FcoREESCS ame SsOeSsS750 sts a so.estrs5 Sask tsozt8 soussc80 2 pectin so.sscs0 Pak ise Ssossecso ses sere sess, seks SOESSSTED paket erate ssusess0 sistemas ssossieb Poxocseats SSOESSSED psastseoms SMS A rskaniesane ssouns ap psestzreane ssouasoue sustains soso sash SINS jpsestasrans ssoumssnrecao pskstaoase SSO.SSSS ESD pststiseats SSOSSSSESD ever Ss.SeSe050 fststaoae sossss step pskskarezs SSO.SSSS5H000 psasasis meen PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Vacant Positions at Central Office as of 08 December 2017 oF] ene Posmontme — [$}yscanoses| — ¢ rom | eoucarion [ exeerence | TRaNNG | cuiceury | PCANTILLATEMNO, Sse aaa Ecos PacaeTSCaRE = ena fees secret RSC PSE (ar PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY. List of Vacant Positions at Central Office ‘as of 08 December 2017 PLACE OF ASSIGNMENT ‘QUALIFICATION STANDARDS NO. OF E 0 $80 attaghed meaning of Pal . POSITION TE io | vacancies | Geese rene eroiec meen EDUCATION | EXPERIENCE | TRAINING ELIGIBILITY Rano [Ramnisratve Ae Vt e © |GROSOGRS CRED |Compietion of 2 years | yearofrelevart __|@hours of relevant |CS Subprotessional |PSAADABST-2015 Isucies incollege experience leaning First Level Etgibity [GRCSO-GRS-CRMD |PSAADABSOZOS [oRCSO-CRS-CAND PSAADAGES-2015 [CRCSO-FAS-HRD. PSAADAG 222-2016 ISS0.ESSs.cs0 PSAADA6. 24-2015 [Ss0-s88s.8055 [Psa-aDA6-29.2015 Satstcian Ade 7 [io SSOESSSPSD [Compton of years |None Required |None Required [CS Subprofessional’ |PSASTATATS-2016 stucies in college First Level Elgbiy [Sso-E85S50 [PSA STATAZE2016 [sso-esss P50 lPSa-STATA25-2016 Isso-csss-1s0 Pse-sTATAS3.2095 [Ss0-Esss-150 PSA-STATA32.2015 [sso-Esss-rs0 PSASTATA-39-2015 [sso-Esss-180 [PSA-STATAS5.2016 [SS0-SSsS-e0SD [PSA-STATAG0.2015. [SS0-SSS5-0450 [PSA-STATA42-2075 lcrco.ncs-PHoO IPSA-STATA46.2075, Pagans ofa wn

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