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When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration.

To what extent do you

agree or disagree?

As you know, the number of unemployed people is increasing rapidly so profession is the most
remarkable problem nowadays. And the salary is one of the most important elements choosing
a job-> What is the most significant elements when choosing a job is an age-old debate. Many
people argue that income is key consideration when selecting a job. , so is this the most
essential factor? I disagree with this opinion since there are a great number of factors should be
prioritized when it comes to job decision.

Firstly, people always want to find a good job with high salary so whose another jobs belong
to?-> pursuing a well-paid job is synonymous with venturing a stable life. While they are
engrossed in finding good jobs, others are already settling down work and can take care of their
own lives->In other words, when individuals keep switching to higher-paying jobs, they could
loose a chance of proving their ability and being promoted to a higher position in their former
companies. Furthermore, job-hoppers even have to move from city to city because of job
requirements, which means they are unable to settle down and take care of their family. For
example, even though labors, loaders only have low income, they still look after themselves

The second reason->element is suitability of the job to oneself. Although you choose a good
job, you don’t coincide it. So you will be easily tired and bored, you can’t finish work well.->
Generous earnings alone will not bring joy and a sense of fulfillment to workers if working
environment or tasks make them feel monotonous, exhausted and discouraged. This might lead
to low productivity and …. Is a high-paying job really a good job?- Many people do
unauthorized things to get many money such as abducting children, smuggle, ect. And when
you->people want to do something, passion, diligence and suitability are the deciding factors
for the long-term of the job-> presisting in their job in the long-term.

Besides, many people’s feeling of job satisfaction come from professional achievements, the
skills they learn, and the position they reach, rather than the money they earn. If there are
people who only see work as their money- making tool, they will never have a skill, a
experience->gain any skill or experience when working.

To conclude, the salary->income is an important aspect for picking a job but other factors in
combination play more vital roles and have more significance than the money.

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