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20 knowledgebase { customer satisfaction }

By Elisabeth A. Sullivan//Staff Writer

marketingnews 10.30.09

Happy Endings Lead

to Happy Returns
In this customer-focused marketplace, many companies
now realize that customer service is at the root of
many satisfaction and loyalty issues, online and off

Consumers all have stories popular online video featuring the song,
about trudging through a company’s door United Breaks Guitars. It’s been viewed Denuo CEO Rishad Tobaccowala
as a disgruntled customer in need of help, 5,554,474 times and has received a five-star says customer service improve-
muttering under their breath that this is rating from a total of 35,739 reviewers on ments sometimes can be tough
the last time they’ll do business with these YouTube as of this article’s publication. In to institute because they require
people; but to their surprise, they found that song, musician Dave Carroll sings the organizational changes, but
themselves skipping out the door singing catchy refrain, “United, you broke my here’s how you start:
the company’s praises. They tell everyone Taylor guitar. United, some big help you
they know how capably the XYZ team
resolved their issue. And, in this day and
are. You broke it, you should fix it. You’re
liable, just admit it. I should have flown
with someone else or gone by car ‘cuz
1 “Listen to what people are saying
about your brand,” he says.
age, satisfied consumers log onto their
computers and spread the good word about
the XYZ brand. That’s powerful stuff.
United breaks guitars.” Carroll laments the
customer service gone awry, singing, “So 2 “You need to have a dedicated
team [responding to consumer
issues] who report to someone very
It’s also powerful—and harmful to began a year-long saga of pass-the-buck
your brand—if a disgruntled customer’s ‘Don’t ask me’ and ‘I’m sorry, sir, your claim senior, like the CMO or higher.”
issue isn’t resolved in a fair and timely can go nowhere.’ ” After the video bowed
manner, and that customer walks away
feeling more disgruntled than before. Even
on YouTube, United did offer Carroll
compensation for his broken guitar, but he
3 Look for trends in customer
service issues that might serve
as a sign that it’s time to “rework
the most basic customer service slip-up or requested that United donate the money to
your products and services.”
rude interaction can result in the kind of a charity of its choice, according to a video
word of mouth every marketer fears: viral response Carroll posted on YouTube.
brand trashing. United did not return Marketing News’
“When you think of an influencer, request for comment. Marketing Association’s MarketingPower.
an influencer is both an advocate and This incident—and the resulting online com.) Barnes found that 95% of respon-
a detractor,” says Rishad Tobaccowala, backlash against the Elk Grove Village, Ill.- dents said they’ve chosen companies or
CEO of Denuo in Chicago, a Publi- based carrier—could have been prevented brands based on their customer care expe-
cis Groupe brand strategy and inno- very easily with a simple and equitable riences, and 74% said they choose compa-
vation company with clients such as customer service response, Tobaccowala nies or brands “based on others’ customer
Allstate, Hewlett-Packard and Procter says. “Why couldn’t somebody basically say, care experiences shared online.”
& Gamble. “A detractor is far more ‘Hey, let’s take care of this person’?” Companies across the board are find-
likely to speak than an [advocate], so More and more companies are begin- ing ways to ramp up customer service and
you have to defang the detractors. The ning to realize how significant a role ensure that dissatisfied customers get timely
only way you defang a detractor is customer service plays in defanging detrac- responses to their issues, Barnes says. For
[through] customer service.” tors, and in boosting customer satisfaction example, Dell Inc. has become adept at
According to Bruce and loyalty. “We looked across 12 indus- handling customer service issues by open-
Temkin, a principal analyst tries [and] we found that more consumers ing the door for employees to use Web 2.0
at Cambridge, Mass.-based look for good customer service more often tools like Twitter. And Sprint Nextel Corp.
Forrester Research and a than low prices,” Temkin says. For example, has hired a chief service officer to ensure that
customer experience expert, a 2008 Forrester survey found that while customer satisfaction is a C-level concern.
“A person is more likely to 78% of retail consumers think low prices During the first quarter of 2009, Sprint’s
talk to someone about a good are important, 85% choose retailers based American Customer Satisfaction Index score
[customer] experience, but they on the customer service they offer. And increased 12.5% to 63 out of 100, the biggest
talk to more people about a bad expe- those service-oriented customers tend to gain of any company that quarter. (However,
rience.” For example, a 2008 Forrester be “much, much, much, much, much more Sprint’s ACSI score still trails those of Veri-
survey of more than 4,500 consumers loyal than price seekers,” he says. They’re zon, T-Mobile and AT&T.)
found that consumers talk about good willing to try the company’s other prod- With empowered customers looking
airline experiences with an average of ucts, they’re reluctant to switch to another for companies that treat them well—
4.4 people, while they tell 5.6 people provider and they’re likely to recommend all the while keeping their fingers poised
about bad airline experiences. “That’s the company to their peers. above their keyboards, ready to write a
a problem, and it’s also an opportunity. Nora Ganim Barnes, director of the positive or negative review online—
customer satisfaction//kb

It just raises awareness that [companies] Center for Marketing Research at the investing in customer service training
need to do things right to begin with,” University of Massachusetts, together and online “response teams” to handle
Temkin says. “The answer to [generat- with the Society for New Communica- dissatisfied customers is a wise move,
ing positive word of mouth through] social tion Research, published a study earlier this experts say. After all, one of the most
media is providing better [customer] expe- year called “Exploring the Link Between powerful things in marketing is “taking
riences in the first place.” Customer Care and Brand Reputation someone who is a detractor and turning
You’ve most likely heard about the in the Age of Social Media.” (The execu- him into an advocate,” Denuo’s Tobaccowala
United Airlines incident that resulted in a tive summary is available on the American says. m

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