Banking Law Nri

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First and foremost I thank the almighty for the inspiration and strength to complete this
project report successfully.

I would firstly like to thanks professor Ajay pradhan who has provided me the kind
opportunity to do this project and finish it in a successful manner.

My heartily thanks to Dr. Ganeshji Tiwari the principal of Sikkim government law college
and other faculties who provided all the facilities to completed this project.

I consider it my proud privilege and immense pleasure working under the guidance of
professor Ajay pradhan who gave me constant guidance valuable suggestions, an inspiring
encouragement to make my project success.

My sincere thanks to my professor Ajay pradhan has done me the correction and formatting
of project report and helped me by providing details and quotations of my topic, this helped
me make my project very precise and accurate to a great extent.

On a personal note, I wish to thank my family members and friends for their constant support
in helping me accomplish my mission.

NRI banking is becoming popular among the non-resident customers. As India is showing
progress more and more NRI investing in the country. Banks should try to give their top class
service to the NRI’s as they are looking for convenience speed high yield on investments
with manageable risk, reasonable cost and quality services.

Bank should lower the minimum balance requirement which is rs50, 000 for NRI,s as
compared to resident who have to keep rs 1000.the documentation procedure in case of
opening of account in banks, investing in any property, for buying shares and debt. Should be
reduced and in case of loan at a faster speed. The services of banks should be fast, accurate
and up to the standard as they have to face competition not only from the local banks but also
from the banks based overseas. Banks should also extend their services by providing ATM’s
abroad-banking with efficient facility and balance inquiry message through mobilizes.

Investment of NRI would help to bring more inflow of foreign exchange through taxes and
investment policy and this would help Indian government to repay is debt to the world bank.
Indian government should give their best services and efforts to encourage NRI to invest in
India. This would help our economy to flourish and grow in future.
An Introduction:-

As per RBI guidelines, the residential status of an Indian changes to that of the non resident,
in the event of his stay abroad being more than 183 days. This period of 183 days is not
applicable in certain case like going overseas for employment or business. It is mandatory to
inform the bank of your change of your residential status.

With a view to attract the savings and other remittance into India through banking channels
from the person of Indian nationality / origin who are residing abroad and bolster the balance
of payment position, the government of India introduced in 1970 Non- Resident
(external)Account rules which are governed by the exchange control regulations. The funds
held in non –resident (external) Account (NRE Account) qualify for certain benefits like
exemptions from taxes in India, free repatriation facilities, etc.

NRI banking facilities are available to NRIs and PIOs.


A Non Resident Indian (NRI) As per FEMA 1999 is an Indian citizen or Foreign National
of Indian origin resident outside India for purpose of employment carrying business or
vocation in circumstances as would indicate an intention to stay outside India for an
indefinite period An individual will also be considered NRI if his staying India less than 182
days during the preceding financial year.

To meet the specific needs of non-resident Indians related to their remittances, savings,
earnings, investments and repatriation, the government of India introduced in 1970 non-
Resident(External) Account Rules which are governed by the exchange control regulation.

“Non Resident Indian” (NRI) means an Indian citizen or a foreign citizen of Indian origin
(excluding citizens of Bangladesh and Pakistan) residing outside India. Students staying
abroad are also treated as NRIs.

Indian citizen who stay abroad for an indefinite period on employment , business or any
vocation is a Non-Resident. Diplomats posted abroad , [persons posted in UN Organisation
and officials deputed by PSU on temporary assignment are also treated as Non-Residents.1

Bhaskar,p.vanantha(2005 march) 3 trend towards universal banking with strategic alliance.IBA

Overseas Corporate Bodies (OCBs) are bodies predominantly owned by individuals of

Indian nationality or origin resident outside India and include overseas companies,
partnership firms, Societies and other corporate bodies which are owned, directly or
indirectly, to the extent of at least 60%by individuals of Indian nationality or origin resident
outside India as also overseas trusts in which at least 60% of the beneficial interest is
irrevocably held by such persons. Such ownership interest should be actually held by them
and not in the capacity as nominee. The various facilities granted to NRIs are also available
with certain exceptions to OCBs so long as the ownership/ beneficial interest held in them by
NRIs continues to be at least 60%.

NRIs/OCBs are granted the following facilities:-

 Maintenance of bank accounts in India.

 Investment in securities /shares of, and deposits with Indian firms/companies.
 Investments in immovable properties in India.2


NRI-Banking follows a modular structure; the various modules render our NRI Banking
solution offerings (which are stated bel0w) in a seamlessly integrated fashion.

The master module permits maximum parameterization to be done, enabling the end user to
make all changes with regard to interest rates or with regard to any changes as per directives
from head office /RBI, maintains bank .branch and holiday details.

Facilities maintenance of instruments, Interest rates and overdue interest rate details masters.
Inventory ,currency, country, exchange rate and return reason details are also maintain
favours opening, authorization and freezing of accounts transaction entry and passing is made
easy provisions availed for issuing passing and stop payment of cheques

Support account closure prelature, renewal and overdue renewal of deposits.Aids day begin,
day end and month end processing processes quarterly ,and transfer to inoperative and half
yearly – SB interest calculation .Hastens deposit receipt printing, changing to RFC, interest
payment process. Supports acceptance and execution of standing instruction.3

Types of accounts:-

NRI accounts are maintained by banks which hold authorized dealers licences from the
Reserve Bank Of India. Some cooperative and commercial banks have also been
specifically permitted to maintain NRI accounts in rupees even though they are not
authorized dealer. The financial budget for 2007-08 extends NRI accounts to regional rural
bank ( RRBs) as well. This would boost remittances from NRIs particularly in Bihar, Kerala,
Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat where a large number of persons from rural areas are employed

BANKING LAWS OF NRIS allow for accounts with authorized dealer to be maintained in
Indian rupees and in foreign currency.

Various Accounts:-

NRE A/C- Non residential (external) rupee account.

FCNR-B A/C- Foreign currency non residential account.

NRO A/C- Non resident ordinary account.

RFC A/C- Resident foreign currency account.

All NRIs can open such accounts, with the exception of individuals residing in Pakistan and
Bangladesh who require special permission from the RBI. Joint accounts of two or more non
residents and nomination facility are permitted.

While the FCNS (B) is a team deposit only, the NRE and NRO accounts can be operated as
either savings, current , recurring or fixed deposit accounts as for interest rates. FCNR(B) and
NRE are subject to a cap, and should not exceed the LIBOR?SWAP rates in the case of NRO
accounts, rates are determined by the banks. The interest rates, currently at 3.5% apply to a
period of 1 to 3 years.

The total NER/FCNR deposit during 2006-2007, as per RBI statics, are USD 37,751 million
and expected to grow with regional rural bank also mopping up funds banks are expected to
Chandrasekar.r.(2008) 1,.the subprime crisis implication for regulation, incentive and bank
management,theindian banker,III(12)
offer lucrative interest rates to holster NRI funds. Banks offer two types of accounts to NRIs,
based on reparability.4

Repairable accounts

Funds that can be transferred or repatriated abroad are maintained in a Non Resident
External bank accounts, generally, funds remitted from outside India are credited to this
account. Investments made from foreign funds can be repatriated overseas, and such
investments are maintained in a repairable demit account.

Non-Resident (External) rupee NRE account

 Both principal and interest can be repatriated/ transferred out of India.

 Savings rate on NRE accounts is at par with savings rates in resident accounts.
 Term deposits can be made for 1 year.
 The interest rates on (NRE) term deposits cannot be higher than LIBOR/SWAP rates
as on the last working days of the previous month, for US dollar of corresponding
maturity plus basis points.

The interest rates on three year deposits also apply in case the maturity period exceed three
years. The change in interest rate also applies to NRE deposits renewed after their present
maturity period. 5

SBI definition –under foreign exchange management act 1999

Definition of an NRI;-


An Indian abroad is popularly known as an NRI, but the same has two important definition-
one coined under the foreign exchange management act, 1999[FEMA] and the other as per
the income text act 1961.

FEMAs definition

Ibid,15 &16
The most relevant definition conceding an NRIs various bank accounts and investments in
movable and immovable properties in India is the one provided by foreign exchange
management act, 1999-[FEMA], which has replaced the foreign exchange regulation act,1973
[FEMA] with effect from June 1,2000.

 Person residing outside India is the term used for an NRI, being a person who has
gone out of India or who stays outside India for the purpose of the course of the
presiding financial year but does not include.
 A person who has gone out of India or who stays outside India ,in either case-
a) For or on taking up employment outside India. Or
b) For carrying on outside India a business or vocation outside India, or
c) For any other purpose, in such circumstances as would indicate his intention
to stay outside India for an uncertain period.

 A person who has come to or stays in India ,in either case otherwise than-
 For or on taking up employment in India, or
 For carrying on in India a business or vocation in India or
 For any other purpose , in such circumstances as would indicate his intension to stay
in India for an uncertain period :
a) Any person or body corporate registered or incorporate in India,
b) An office, branch or agency in India owned or controlled by a person resident
outside India.
c) An office, branch or agency in India owned or controlled by a person resident
in India;

2(W) “person resident outside India” means a person who is not resident of India

 Non resident Indian, the phrase is for the first time define d in the regulations as ‘a
person resident outside India who is either a citizen of India or a person of Indian
 Recently RBI has clarified that students studying abroad also be treated as NRI under
FEMA and definition be eligible for foreign investments and NRE\FCNR accounts.
 And the definition of ‘a person resident outside India’s simply put as ‘a person who is
not resident in India.’
 Now, reading both residing outside India and also
 A foreign citizen of India origin residing outside India are defined as non-resident

Anand,shweta(October 2009)emerging challenges for Indian banking industry in the backdrop of global crisis,
paper presented at 9th global conference on business and economics, Cambridge university ,UK

 FEM.[deposit]regulations define a person of India origin [PIO]as;

 A person, being a citizen of any country other than Pakistan and Bangladesh, who at
any time held an Indian passport. or
 A person who himself or either of his parents grandparents were citizens of India or
 A spouse of an Indian citizen, or
 A spouse of a person covered under {I}or {ii}
 ’person of Indian origin “means a citizen of any country other than Bangladesh or
 He at any time held Indian passport; or
 He or either of his parents or any of his grandparents was a citizen of India by virtue
of constitution of India or citizenship act 1955{57 of 1955}
 The person is a spouse of an Indian citizen or a person referred to in sub-clause.
 Person of Indian origin defined under regulation re immovable property in India.

This definition is further narrowed when it comes to rules regarding acquisition and
transfer of immovable property in India .probably with an intention of ensuring and
restriction control of immovable properties in the hands of strictly defined person of
Indian origin only, this definition is further narrowed to exclude individuals being
citizens of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Silence,Afghanistan , China ,Iran, Nepal and
As regards immovable property transaction it may be noted that herein the person’s
father or grandfather is included unlike parents or grand- parents and spouse in earlier


 No, doubt, foreign exchange management act 1999 definition has also incorporated an
NRI’s stay of 182 days or less during a year in India, but simply speaking if a person
of Indian origin has gone out of India for settlement he is to be treated as an NRI
irrespective of number of days he has stayed in India.
 Stay in India during visits
 The act also lays down that such a person will continue to be an NRI during his
visit \stay in India provided he has not returned to India for taking unemployment or
carrying on business or vacation or any other circumstances as would indicate his
intention to stay in India for an uncertain period. Accordingly, an NRI settled
aboard ,irrespective of the number of days stay in India will continue to be an NRI
during g=his visit to India provided he has returned to India foe permanent

Darshan,nv.(2006) 18 the growth of banks as financial super markets. the Indian banker, I
 Overseas corporate body means, a company partnership firm, society etc. wherein
60%or more ownership lies with NRI or a trust wherein 60% or more financial
interest is irrevocably held by NRI.


Non resident Indians and person of Indian origin can open and maintain NRE accounts with
authorised dealers and with banks {including corporative banks }authorised by reserve bank
of India to maintain such accounts

The accounts has to be opened by the non resident account holder himself and not by the
holder of the power of attorney in India .opening NRE accounts in names of
individuals\entitles of Bangladesh\Pakistan nationality \ownership requires approval of RBI

TYPES OF ACCOUNT; saving, current, recurring or fixed deposit accounts.

Debits and credits;

Payments for local expenses and investments are allowed freely. Credits to an accounts, of
fund emanating from a local source would be permissible only if the funds are of a reparable.

Permitted credits

 Proceeds of remittances to India can be in any permitted cy=urgency.

 Proceeds so personal cheques drawn by the account holder on his foreign currency
account and of travellers cheques, banks drafts payable in any permitted currency
including instrument expressed in Indian rupees for which reimbursement will be
received in foreign currency, deposited by the accounts holder in person during his
temporary visits to India provided the authorized dealer\bank is satisfied that the
account holder is still resident outside India ,the travellers cheques\drafts are
standing \endorsed in the name of the account holder and in the case of travellers
cheque and they were issued outside India

Permitted debits

 Local disbursements
 Remittances outside India
 Transfer to NRE\FCNR accounts of the account holder or any other person eligible to
maintain such accounts .
 Investment in shares\securities \commercial paper of an Indian company or for
purchase of immovable property in India within prescribed regulations.
 Any other transaction if covered under general or special permission granted by the
reserve bank.8

Ibid,19 & 20
Rate of interest; as per the directives of the reserve bank of IndiaLoan against security of
funds held in the accounts

 To the account holder;

 {i} for personal purposes or for carrying on business activities {except
agriculture\plantation activities \investment in real estate business}
 For making direct investment in India on non-repatriation basis.
 For acquisition of flat\house in India for his own residential use
To third parties;
The loan should be utilized for personal purposes or for carrying on business activities
{other than agriculture\plantation activities\real estate business}.the loan should not
be utilized for re-lending.

 Change of resident status of account holder

NRE accounts should be re-designed as resident account or the fund held in
these accounts may be transferred to the resident foreign currency accounts {if
the account holder is eligible for maintain RFC accounts}at the option of the
account holder immediately upon the return of the account holder to India
{except where the account holder is on a short visits to India}


 Joint accounts-in the names of two or more non resident individuals may be
opened provided all the account holders are persons of Indian nationality or
origin .when one of the joint holder become residents, the authorized dealer
may either delete his name or allow the account to continue as NRE accounts
or redesign ate the accounts as resident account at the option of the account
holders .opening of these accounts by a non resident jointly with a resid3ent is
not permissible.
 An account may be opened in the name of eligible NRI during his temporary
visits in India.
 Operation by power of attorney-resident power of attorney holder can operate
on the NRE accounts but only for local payments to be made on behalf of the
account holder. The power of attorney holder cannot credit proceeds of foreign
currency notes\bank notes and travellers cheques to the NRE accounts.
 In cases where the account holder or a bank designated by him has been
granted permission by the reserve bank to make investment in India ,the POA
holder is permitted to operate the accounts to facilitate such investment.POA
holders cannot, however makes gifts from NRE accounts9

Ibid ,23

Eligibility to open and maintain FCNR accounts;

 With the exception of person of Indian origin from the Bangladesh and Pakistan, all
NRI and PIOs are eligible to maintain an FCNR accounts with an authorised bank in
 Accounts may be opened with funds remitted from outside ,existing NRE\FCNR
accounts etc.
 Remittances should be in the designated currency.
 Conversion to currency other than the designated currency also permitted vat the risk
and cost of the remitter.

Features of FCNR accounts

 The accounts can be opened with funds reemitted from abroad or transferred from an
existing NRE\FCNR account.
 FCNR accounts can be opened with designated currencies, which are; GBP, USD
,deutsche mark ,Japanese yen and the euro.
 Conversion to another designated currency is permitted at a cost to the account holder
 Only term deposits can be maintained in FCNR accounts ,in a time of range 6 month
to 3 years.
 As per the RBI guidelines ,banks are freed to offer interest on FCNR deposits below
LIBOR rates less 25 basis points for deposits between 6 month to one year, and
LIBOR rates plus 50 basis points for deposits over a year.
 Banks are also free to decide on a fixed or a floating rates of interest on FCNR term
 The account holder can choose the periodicity of interest, from half yearly to annual
payments .the interest can be credited to a new FCNR {b}accounts NRE or NRO.
 For permissible debits and credits the regulations for FCNR accounts are similar to
the NRE accounts.
 Fund from the FCNR accounts are allowed to move within the country at no extra
from cost to the account holder.


 Any person or entity residing outside India is entitled to open a NRO account with an
authorised dealer or an authorised bank for transaction conducted in Indian rupees.
 Individuals or entities of Bangladesh or Pakistani nationally or ownership require
approval from RBI10

Das,abhiman &das,sangeeta (2007) 565,scale economies, costs complementarities and technical progress in
Indian banking; evidence from Fourier flexible functional form, applied economics 39
Types of accounts;

NRO accounts can be opened as current, saving , recurring, or fixed deposits accounts. the
RBI determines the rates of interest on these accounts and issues guidelines for opening
,operating and maintain them.

 Joint accounts with residents \non-residents

 Permissible credits\debits


 Remittances from outside India through normal banking channel received in freely
convertible foreign currency.
 Any freely convertible foreign currency can be deposited into the accounts during the
account holder’s visits to India. Foreign currency exceeding USD5000\- or its
equivalent in the form of cash has to be supported by a currency declaration form,
rupees funds must be supported by an encasement certificate ,if they are funds
brought from outside India
 Current income earned in India ,such as rent, dividend, pension or interest. even
proceeds from sale of assets including immovable property acquired out of rupee or
foreign currency fund or through inheritance

 All payments towards expense and investment in India
 Payments outside of India of current income like rent, pension, interest etc, in
India of the accounts holder
 Repatriation up to US one million per calendar year, for all bonfire purposes
with the approval of the authorised dealer.

Remittance of assets out of NRO account by a person resident outside india. other than

A foreign national whines not a citizen of Bangladesh, Nepal, or Bhutan and who

 Has retired as an employee in India,

 Has inherited assets from residing outside India and has inherited assets of her
deceases husband who was a residing Indian can remit up to USD one million per
calendar year on production of documentary evidence to support the acquisition by
way of in heritance or legacy of assets to the authorised dealer11


For all Indian citizens who are liable to pay tax under the income tax act 1961,or are required
to either into financial transaction in India. it is mandatory to have a permanent account
number. the permanents account number is a combination of 10 alphanumeric number issued
by the income tax department .the department has entrusted UTI investor services
ltd{UTISL} with the task of managing IT pan service centres wherever the IT departments
has an office in the country. the national securities depository limited has also been engaged
to allot PAN cards from TIN facilitation centres.


From 49A, which is the application from for a PAN can be downloaded from the income tax,
UTIISL and NDSL websites; and

The forms care also available at the IT PAN service centres and TIN facilitation centres.
A’tatkal or priority service has been provided for, to enable speedy allotment of the PAN card
through the internet. The PAN is allotted through e-mail on priority in 5 days as against the
normal 15 days to the applicant upon online payment through a credit card. The PAN has a
lifetime validity.


Apart from income returns which must carry the PAN, it is mandatory to submit the PAN in
all financial transactions, like the purchase and sale of property in India ,payments for
purchase of vehicles, foreign visits, securing a telephone connection or making time deposits
in a bank worth over rest 50,000

For NRI’s PAN is necessary to conduct monetary transaction in India ,invest in stocks and
pay tax on their Indian income.

The application for PAN must be accompanied by ;

 A recent collared photograph of size 3.5cms x 2.5 cams on the application form.
 A proof of residence and identity {attested school leaving \matriculation
certificate\degree\credit card\voter identity\ration\passport\driving license\telephone
Electricity bills, employee certificate and Code of the concerned assessing officer of the
IT department obtainable from the IT office where form is submitted. 12


There is no doubt in saying that India is one of the fastest growing countries when it comes
to economics. as per several economic estimation reports and research data here come to
know that India’s growth is around 6 to 7 percent annually. its significantly higher as
compared to the economies of the other countries where the growth is nominal or no growth
at all. that is why India is always the referred choice for NRI’s investors.

As per the foreign exchange management act {FEMA},people automatically planning to

move aboard for their professional growth for an indefinite period. however,below are few
thing people should do before from investment point of view.

Bank accounts;

 Don’t forget to make a few changes in your bank accounts and convert the same into
non-resident ordinary bank accounts. it is possible that you may have accounts and
converting all of them in NRO will not be a wise thing in place of same consolidate
accounts. It will be a challenging thing multiple bank account in term of accurate

Bank lockers;

 If you are not going to use your bank accounts then it does not make any sense to
keep and pay the annual fee for the same. think about giving up bank locker as well if
u did not wish to keep valuable and documents in it.

Mutual funds;

 It is vital to make changes in your KYC on becoming an NRI and make sure that
reflect the current residential address. it is also get your folio changes from normal
and basic account to the afro bank account and that will help you avoiding several
unwanted problems that can occur because of mismatched information.

Lastly but not the least I want to suggest; almost everyone has dreamt of setting
aboard. people are planning and doing preparation in order to get reputed job in
foreign country. before you achieve what you have planned for, it is advisable to keep
yourself aware of all financial tips that will provide a peaceful life in foreign countries
and surely assist a lot.

NRI’s irrespective of their citizenship can freely acquire and transfer residential as also
commercial properties in India barring agriculture land and plantation ,with repatriation of
foreign exchange equivalent of costs of acquisition and no restriction as regard holdings

 Rules for acquisition and transfer by foreign citizenry;

There is a general permission to acquire any imp movable property {other than
agriculture land, plantation or frame –house property}by way of purchase, provided
the payment is made out of foreign exchange in ward remittance or any non resident
bank account in India; i.e. NRE.FCNR,NRO accounts

 Acquisition by way of inheritance;

General permissions granted for inheritance of immovable property including
agricultural land, plantation or frame-house from
-a person resident in indicator
-a person resident outside India who may be an Indian citizen or foreign citizen of
Indian origin provided such person had acquired said property in accordance with the
provisions so foreign exchange law in force at the time of acquit ion i.e., FERA 1973
or FEMA 1999.

 Mode of payment;
The payment for purchase of immovable properties is required to be made from
NRI’s bank account, being;
a) Non resident external account
b) Foreign currency non resident (b) account (FCNR)or
c) Non resident ordinary account
d) Foreign exchange inward remittance from abroad.

 It is advisable to retain records of payments made i.e. banker’s certificate.

 All incidental expenses such as stamp duty, registration fees, etc should also be paid
through bank only.
 Repatriation of sale proceeds;
-an NRI being an Indian citizen or a foreign citizen of Indian origin is allowed to
repatriate the sale proceeds of an immovable property subject to the following
a) The acquisition should be in accordance with the existing foreign exchange
b) The purchase price was met out of foreign exchange inward remittance
ornery\FCNR (b) accounts, and case of residential properties, repatriation is
restricted to a maximum of two properties13.

Venu,mk,(2010 march) 4 Indians need to scale up, the financial express

NRI banking today stand as one of the most profitable business for the banks. India having
one of the largest NRI populations and a very prospectus one too, NRI banking is one hot
business no bank can afford to ignore today. India needs foreign exchanged reserve for
reserves for its developing economy. Realizing this, banks are shaping up their strategies in
order to attract this NRI money. further with India pushing for capital accounts convertibility,
and the success of privacy Bharatiya diwas, prospectus for NRI has been so good than today.
 Anand,sweata,emerging challenges of Indian banking industry in the backup of global
financial crisis ,9th global conference 2009
 Venu,mk(2010 march)Indian banks need to scale up.yhe financial express.
 Bhaskar,p.vanantha,(2005 march)strategic alliances IBA bullentin,XXVII(3)
 Das,abhiman &das sangeeta(2007)technical progress in banking,
 Darshan n.v (2006 October) the growth of banks as financial super market, the Indian
banker I
 Chandra shaker,(2008),the supreme crisis implication for regulation incentives and
bank management III

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