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eet | 3 Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems PREVIEW In this chapter procedures for cnrthauake analysis of sractores, idealized as humped mass systems, are developed. The presentation is organized in two pars, Part A is concerned ‘with the calculation of structural response as a function of time when the system is subjected to a given ground acceleration ii(t). This response history analysis (RHA) procedure is frst presented for an arbitrary stractural configuration and subsequently specialized for malstory buildings wih a symmetric plan, and for moltistory buildings with an unsymmetric plan. A brief discussion ofthe torsional response of symmeti plan buildings is also included, Part A is devoted mainly to a single component of {round motion, typically one of the horizontal components. Combining the stictral re- sponses determined from such independent analyses for each excitation component gives the response of linear systems to mufiple-component excitation, Also developed is 8 procedure to analyze the response ofa structure subjected to differen prescribed motions tt ils various supports. Part A ends with a brief section on the principal requirements thatthe structural idealization must satisfy so that the response of a structure predicted by analysis agrees satisfactorily with that recorded during an earthquake. Part B is concerned with procedures to compute the peak response of a structure during an eartaquake directly fom the earthquake response (or design) spectrum withoat the need for response history analysis of the strocture. Known 8 response spectrum analysis (RSA), this procedure is not an exact predictor of peak response, but it provides fn estimate that is suficently accurate fr strctoral design applications. The procedure is first presented for an arbitrary structural configuration and then specialized for mulistory buildings. 487 468 Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 13, PART A: RESPONSE HISTORY ANALYSIS 13.1 MODAL ANALYSIS. In this section we develop the modal analysis procedure to determine the response of a structure (0 earthquake-induced ground motion ii,(¢), identical at all support points of the structure, 13.1.1 Equations of Motion ‘The differential equations (9.4.8) governing the response of an MDF system to earthquake induced ground motion are repeated: mii + c+ ku = pag) a3.L) where Pen(@) = ~My. (13.1.2) ‘The mass and stiffness matrices, m and k, and the influence vector ¢ are determined by the methods of Chapter 9. The damping matrix e would not be needed in modal analysis of earthquake response; instead, modal damping ratios suffice and their numerical values can be estimated as discussed in Chapter 11. The modal analysis procedure developed in Chapter 12 to solve Eq, (12.4.1) is applicable to the solution of Eq, (13.1.1). 13.1.2 Modal Expansion of Displacements and Forces ‘The displacement w of an N-DOF system can be expressed, as in Eq, (12.3.2), as the superposition of the modal contributions: 10 =D oaanlt) (13.13) ‘The spatial distribution of the effective earthquoke forces puy(t) is defined by 5 = me. This force distribution can be expanded as a summation of modal inertia force distributions s, (Section 12.8): Lime, 3.14) T= Lys ofm Mh = ems, 3.15) Equation (13.1.5) for the coetcient, can be derived by premeltiplying both sides of Eq. (13.1.4) by 7 and using the orthogonality property of modes, or by specializing Bq. (12.8.3) fors =m. The conbution of the mh mode othe excation vector me is = Pang 13.1.6) which is independent of how the modes are normalized. Sec, 18.1 Modal Analysis 469 13.1.3 Modal Equations Equation (12.4.6) is speciatized for earthquake excitation by replacing p(t) in Eq, (12.3.4) by pan(t) to obtain Gn + Batondn + ede = —Prilg(t) 3.1.7) ‘The solution ga(t) can readily be obtained by comparing Eq, (13.1,7) to the equation fof motion for the nth-mode SDF system, an SDF system with vibration properties— natural frequency a and damping ratio {of the nth mode of the MDF system. Equa- tion (6.2.1) with ¢ = &, which governs the motion of this SDF system subjected to aground acceleration i(t), is repeated here with w replaced by Dy to emphasize its connection to the nth mode: By + Unt Dy +.02Dy = iig(t) 3.1.8) ‘Comparing Eq. (13.1.8) to (13.1.7) gives HD =D 3.1.9) ‘Thus qq(*) is readily available once Eg, (13.1.8) has been solved for D,(), utilizing numerical time-stepping methods for SDF systems (Chapter 5) 13.1.4 Modal Responi ‘The contribution of the nth mode to the displacement w(t) is a(t) = badal) = Toba Dalt) (13.1.10) ‘Two static analysis procedures described in Section 9.10 are avallable to determine the forces in various structural elements—beams, columns, walls, ete—from the displace- ‘ments ug({). The second of these procedures, using equivalent static forces, is preferred in earthquake analysis because it facilitates comparison of dynamic analysis procedures with the earthquake design forces specified in building codes (Chapter 21). Equation (12.6.2) defines the equivalent static forces associated with the nth-mode response, where qa() is given by Eg. (13.1.9). Putting these equations together and using s, (Eg, (13.1.6)} leads to fl) = Sent) 3...) ‘where, similar to Bq. (64.3), Anlt) = 05Dq(0) (13.1.1) ‘The equivalent static forces fy(t) are the product of two quantities: (1) the nth-mode contribution s, to the spatial distribution mu of Per(), and (2) the pseudo-acceleration response of the nth-mode SDF system 10 iig(. The nth-mode contribution ra(t) to any response quantity r(¢) is determined by static analysis of the structure subjected to external forces f,(f), As in Section 12.9, the ‘modal static response rt denotes the static value of r due to extemal forces sy; this may 470 Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systoms Chap. 13, be positive or negative and is independent of how the mode is normalized. ‘Then tall) = rBAalO (3.1.13) Equation (13.1.13) also applies to the displacement response, although its derivation had been motivated by the desire to compute forecs from the displacements, The static displacements due to forces s, satisfy ku = s,.. Substituting Eq. (13.1.6) for sy and using Eq, (10.2.4) gives wf = i'Cymp,) = Substituting this in Eq. (13.113) gives uu, (13.1414) which is equivalent to Eq. (131.10). 18.1.5 Total Response Combining the response contributions of all the modes gives the total response of the structure 10 the ground motion. Thus the nodal displacements are w » Wt) = Dual) = YPadeDalt) (3.1.15) ‘wherein Eq. (13.1.10) has been substituted for uy(?). Using Eq. (13.1.13) gives a general result valid for any response quantity 1) = nO = tao (3.1.16) “The response contributions of some ofthe higher modes may, under appropriis circumstances, be determined by the simpler static analysis, instead of dynamic analysis {As shown in Fig. 6 84, fr SDF systems with very short periods the pseudo-aceleration ‘A() is essentially identical to the ground acceleration i). For the design spectra of Fig. 693, A= ig for Ty < 4h s00. If this period range includes the natural periods of modes Nj + 1 10'N, then Eq, (131.16) can be expressed os r= Soeao~ie (x = ) 3.1.17) where r* is the static value of r due to external forces $ and ‘This solution is in two parts: the first term is the dynamic response considering the first ‘Ng modes and the second is the static response of the higher modes. Equation (13.1.17) is the static correction method and can be derived following Section 12.12. Sec. 131 Modal Analysis an 13.1.6 Interpretation of Modal Analysis In the first phase of this dynamic analysis procedure, the vibration properties—natural frequencies and modes—o the structure are computed and the force distribution vector mx is expanded into its modal components 5,. The rest of the analysis procedure is shown schematically in Fig. 13.1.1 to emphasize the underlying concepts. The contri- bution of the nth mode to the dynamic response is obtained by multiplying the results of two analyses: (1) static analysis of the structure with applied forces s,, and (2) dy- namic analysis of the mth-mode SDF system excited by iig(t). Thus modal analysis requires static analysis of the structure for NW sets of forces: 8), = 1,2,....Ns and dynamic analysis of N different SDF systems. Combining the modal responses gives the earthquake response of the structure Example 13.1 Determine the response ofthe inverted L-shaped frame of Fig. £9.63 to horizontal ground ‘motion, Solution Assuming the two elements 10 be axially rigid, the DOFS are a) and u> (ig, E9.6a). The equations of motion are given by Bqs. (13.1.1) and (13.1.2), where the influence vector # = (1 0)" (Fig. 9.44) and the mass and stifiness matrices (from Example 9.6) are Sn oerp s Pal Ls a] ® ‘The natal frequencies and modes ofthe system ae (from Example 10.3) fer fer oy = 06007) ag = ita o Vines MTV Gers ° 1 1 {ton} #={ta} ° Substituting for m and « in Bi, (13.1.5) gives the frst-mode quantities: tinefmwa 2000/9", ]{] = a=otmo =a son [ 5] Lim hy 7 739% ne = 0.406 Similar xeltions forthe second mode give La = am, My = $04, and F = 0594 The flctve earth fees te amp am ml {o}ieo=-{% ‘The force in the vetical DOF is zero because the ground motion is horizontal o est) = —maitg Static Analysis | Dynamic Analysis of Modal Contbation to Sineture SDF System Dynamic Response Forces O-no 1 ae rao yt io mon Fores O-40 2 orks no=rFAo io Forces 4,0 x Sy n= tA id Zino i pen woakran igre 131.1 Conceptual expansion of mods analyst an Sec. 19.1 Modal Analysis 473 Subiting Fo, mad yn E1816) sien ved = 0406/7", ]( oor} = casi} ® Im 1 1.782 n=tames =0355["" 6] {Lai} = L-oasi “Then Eg. (13.14) specializes to 3 1218 1.782 m{a}=mfoss|+m| oss ® “This modal expansion of the spatial distribution of effective forces is shown in Fig. E13.1 (Observe that the forces along the verical DOF in the two modes cancel each other because the effective earthquake frce in this DOF is zero. Substituting for and dy in Eq. (131.10) gives the frst-mode displacements © = [1] = reid =0.406 [4 og, | n= [040% | pun wh 2097 ssi and the second-mode displacements w=["!) =ren =0594{ 1, Jom=[_ om el, {aan oi Combining Eas. (h) and () gives the otal displacements: 13) = 04060) +0.594D2() —_ua{t) = 0851D)(0) -0851D.0 ® ‘The earthquake-induced bending moment My atthe base of the column due to the mth mode (from Eg. (13.113) is Maal = Mis Aatd> ® Static analyss ofthe fame for he Frees ands give Mf and fa shown in Fig. E13.) Sabstiting for fg, and combining medal contributions gives the tal bending memset Mo = Mat = 2068mLA (9 +O98ImLAR 0 “The thre response quanties considered have been, and other responses can be, ex greed inte of Dy) and Ay) These respec ofthe vn SDF apse five sound sclera 6 () can be deere by miei inetepping etd, (hope 085i Lain 7m 085im OM = 200m dag totine Figure F134 474 Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 13 13.1.7 Analysis of Response to Base Rotation ‘The modal analysis procedure is applicable after slight modification when the exci- tation is base rotation. As shown in Section 9.4.3, the motion of a structure due to rotational acceleration 9,() of the base (Fig. 9.4.6a) is governed by Eq. (13.1.1), with, Pen(t) = —mué, (1) 3.1.18) where ¢ is the vector of static displacements in all the OFS due to unit base rotation, 6, = 1. For the system of Fig. 9.4.6a, this influence vector is ¢= (hn has). With, ‘deteained, the structural respoase duc to base rotation is calculated by the procedutes of Sections 13.1.1 to 13.1.5 with iig(1) replaced by 6,(t) 13.2 MULTISTORY BUILDINGS WITH SYMMETRIC PLAN In this section the modal analysis of Section 13.1 is specialized for multstory buildings with rigid floor diaphragms and plans having two orthogonal axes of symmetry subjected to horizontal ground motion along one of those axes. The equations of motion for system, Bg. (9.44), are repeated: ni eih-+ ku = ~mbii(2) (13.2.1) where w isthe vector of lateral floor displacements relative tothe ground (Fig. 13.2.1), m is a diagonal matrix with elements myj =m), the lumped mass atthe jth floor level: k is the lateral stifiness matrix ofthe building defined in Section 9.4.2: and each element of 1is unity. The modal analysis procedure developed in Section 13.1 is applicable tothe ‘multistory building problem because its governing equations ae the same as Eg. (13.1.1) with the influence vector « = 1. For convenience, we present the analysis procedure with reference to a single frame (Fig, 13.2.1), although it applies to # building with several frames (see Section 9.4.2), Floor x uy i my 2 1 uy Figure 132.1. Dyramie degrees of Greedom of x mulistory frame: lateral we hehehe lsplcemonts eave othe ground. Soc. 132 Multistory Buildings with Symmetric Plan 475, 13.2.1 Modal Expansion of Effective Earthquake Forces Substituting ¢ = 1 in Egs. (13.1.4) and (13.1.5) gives the modal expansion of the spatial distribution of effective earthquake forces: Dram, 0322) where Land (0323) {In Eq, (13.2.2) the nth-mode contribution to mi is §, a vector of lateral forces sy at the various floor levels: S2=Famdy Sin = Tay djn (13.2.4) Example 132 AA tworstory shear frame has the mass and story siffnesses properties shown in Fig. £13.23, Determine the modal expansion ofthe effective earthquake force distribution associated with horizontal ground acceleration ti) Solution The si faes and mass matics rom Example 9.1 ae “i 20 i} ma[o 1] where k= 248 7./h°, and the natural frequencies and modes (from Example 10.4) are fe [iE Vin OV } - 4 S i} @={ “The modal properties Ms, 12, and Me are computed from Bq, (13.2.3), For the first mode: My = 2m (J) +m(iy? = 3m/2; LY = 2m (4) +1) = 2 Ty = LAM =, Similarly, cy m jm dn k x 2 » m= m mn = ee B 2% ai Made 1:81 Mode 2:2 ° » Figure E132 (0) Two-story shear frame; (0) modal expansion of mt 476 Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 13 forthe second mode: Mz = 3m, £4 = ~m, and Ts =}. Substiting for Ta, en, and dy in Eq, (13.24 gives 42 748 mf? Def = a dU EN ‘The modal expansion of mal is displayed in Fig. E132. 13.2.2 Modal Responses ‘The differential equation governing the nth modal coordinate is Eq, (13.1.7) with I defined by Eq, (13.2.3). Using this, Eq. (13110) gives the contribution up() of the ‘mth mode to the lateral displacement w(¢). In particular, the lateral displacement of the ‘th floor of the building is yl) = Ted ie Da 132.5) The drift, or deformation, in story j is given by the difference of displacements of the floors above and below: Spl) =P Hla — byt.) Delt) 0326) ‘The equivalent static forces fy(7) for the nth mode [from Bq, (13.1.11)] are Ly(0) = SAndt) full) = sin) 1132.) where fyy isthe lateral force at the jth floor level. Then the response ra(t) due to the inth mode is given by Eq, (13.1.13), repeated here for convenience: alt) = Ant) (1328) ‘The modal static response ris determined by static analysis of the building due to extemal forces s (Fig, 13.2.2), In applying these forces to the structure, the direction of forces is controlled by the algebraic sign of oj». Hence these forces for the fundamental ‘mode will all actin the same direction, as shown in Fig, 13.2.2a, but for the second and higher modes they will change direction as one moves up the structure ‘The modal static responses are presented in Table 13.2.1 for six response quantities: the shear V; in the ‘th story, the overturning moment Mf; atthe éth floor, the base shear’ V,, the base overturning moment Mp, floor displacements w, and story drifts ,. The first four equations come from static analysis of the problem in Fig. 13.2.2, which also provides modal static responses for intemal forces—bending moments, shears, etc —in structural elements: beams, columns, walls, etc. The results for uy and A, are obtained bby comparing Eqs. (13.2.5) and (13.2.6) to Eg. (13.2.8). Parts of the equations for Vi and Mg, are obtained by substituting Eg. (13.2.4) for sj using Eq. (13.2.3) for £4, and defining My and jal) — wall y= oe (13.2.9) Sec. 13.2 Multistory Buildings with Symmetric Pian 477 Story Floor 4 ——7—— Ni ” Sn tn i te 6—p—— i Im ac Mh co) O) Figure 1322 Computation of modal static rexponses of story Fores (rom force vee- tor se) hase sheer and base verring momeat:(b) ih stony sheat and is oor ‘verti moment ‘TABLE 132.1 MODAL STATIC RESPONSES Response, r Modal State Response, ri w Vim Djaisin M ME = Diy — hse Me VERT aye = Pall = ME My ME, =D) isn = Pak = AMS eden ay AG, = Palos) COin ~ By-1.0) where = DV hymjbn (13.2.9) r and fy is the height of the jth floor above the base. Observe that My and hy are independent of hows the mode is normalized unlike My, U3, and Ty. In Section 13.2.4 physically meaningful interpretations of Mi and hy are presented 478 Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 13 13.2.3 Total Response Combining the response contributions of all the modes gives the earthquake response of the multistory building: 1) = Yo rat) = Dorn) (13.2.1) wherein Eq. (13.2.8) has boen substituted for (1), the mtb-mode response. ‘The modal analysis procedure can also provide floor accelerations, although these are not necessary to compute earthquake-induced forces in the structure. The floor accelerations can be computed from WO) = il) + YT ad eDo 3.2.) using the values of B, available at each time step from the numerical time-stepping procedure used to solve Eq, (13.1.8) for D,(t). 13.2.4 Summary ‘The response of an N-story building with plan symmetric about two orthogonal axes t0 earthquake ground motion along an axis of symmetry can be computed as a function of time by the procedure just developed, which is summarized next in step-by-step form: 1, Define the ground acceleration iig(¢) numerically at every time step Av. 2. Define the structural properties a. Determine the mass matrix m and lateral stiffness matrix k (Section 9.4) b. Estimate the modal damping ratios &, (Chapter 11) 3. Determine the natural frequencies e, (natural periods T, = 22/ay,) and natural modes ¢, of vibration (Chapter 10). 4. Determine the modal components s, (Fa. (13.2.4)] ofthe effective earthquake force distribution, 5. Compute the response contribution of the nth mode by the following steps, which are repeated for all modes, n = 1,2,...,.N: 4, Perform static analysis of the building subjected to lateral forces s, to determine ‘the modal static response for each desired response quantity r (Table 13.2.1). }, Determine the pseudo-acceleration response A(t) ofthe nth-mode SDF systema (o iég(), using numerical time-stepping methods (Chapter 5) . Determine r4(1) from Eq. (13.2.8), 6 Combine the modal contributions rq‘) to determine the total response using, Eq, (132.10), ‘As will be shown later, usually only the lower few modes contribute significantly to the response, Therefore, steps 3, 4, and 5 need to be implemented only for these modes, and the modal summation of Eq, (13.210) truncated accordingly Sec. 182 Muttistory Buildings with Symmetric Plan 479 Bangle 1.3 Dress (tn deen dh ry she fr esr fae Oram 2 be ond me 0) Saion Sips 14 of te proctre smmay Have sadly hen nln in Fx 132 (Fa doce. Shang Ty and om Example 18.28 £9 (1828) vu gsc eo eh oe af {22} = foo (20), Combining the contibutons ofthe two modes gives the for displacements i} 20 © io hy 20 wi = 4 +H = FO) + $20) 6) se) = an) +a) = DU) — $A © (b) Story shears. State analysis of the frame for external floor forces S» gives Vj. sand 2, shown in Fig, E133. Substituting these results in Eg. (13.28) gives vat = $mareo o Yantt) = 4m art) © Combining the conbutions of two modes gives the story soars Vide) = Vist + Vine) = Jnl) + fnAato> © Voit) = Vai) + Vax6t) = GmAy(t) — fmAre) ® Tho oor displacements and story shears have been expressed in terms of Dy(*) and ‘Aa(t). These esponses of the nh-mode SDF system to prescribed g(t) can be determined by mumerical rime stepping methods (Chapter 5). Example 13.4 Derive equations for (a) the floor displacements and (b) the element forces forthe two-story frame of Fig. E13.4a due to horizontal ground mation ie() Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 13 * EL a Ti) ee 2er Zw @ a Solution Equation (9.34) with py(#) = —m g(t) governs the displacement vector u; = (uy ms where my and ky, determined in Example 99, are 2 g, -ELP S88 1751 meme?) f= Lnst nal) where f= 10 f. The natural frequencies and modes of the system, determined in Exam- ple 10.5, are an = 5. 10 o of] ee(] ° ‘Thos steps 1 t0 3 of Section 13.2.4 have already been implemented. (a) Floor displacements and joint rotations. The floor displacements are given by Eg. (132.5), where Ty ate computed from Eq. (13.23): My = 2m(0.3871)? +m)? = 1.3000, L = 2m(0.3871) 4m(1) = 1.774m, and Py = 1.774m/1.300m = 1.365. Siei- tat "Ssimsand T= 0368 Stating thw i by (1323) with 1 gives the floor displacements due to the first mode: 110) 03871) 5 gy [08284 ty = [£2], = 1365{7|] r= [2254] ue ‘The joint rotations associated with these Roor displacements are determined from Eq. (d) of ‘Example 9.9 by substituting uy from Eq. (2) for w: a) ~04N26 -02459 a} | 1] 04825-02459 | posose w= Fo] “| ome W070 | [T368 [2 wt) J 0.9836 0.7869, 0.5686 1 | ~0.5696 = PY 056 | avy © 0.5544 Sec. 13.2 Multistory Buildings with Symmetric Plan 481 Similarly, the lor displacements w(t) and joint rotations wyo(*) due to the second mode ae determined: 10 0.4716 wat f= {3a ] 20 a3) 0.1189 o wa) | 1} -o.s9 | m= ys f =A) o7sir {PP wot}. o7s11 Combining the contsibutions of the two modes gives the floor displacements and joint rotations: 8 =H) U2 wit) = writ) + wpa @ (b) Element forces. Instcad of implementing step 5 of the procedure (Section 13.2.4), ‘we will illustrate the computation of element forces from the fioor displacements and joint rotations by using the beam stiffness coefficients (Appendix 1). For example, the bending troment a the let end of the ist or beam (Fig. E13 ab) is 4EL, , 2, , 6, _ GEL Wet ee oe o The vercal displacements uy and wy ate zero because te columns are assumed as axially rig ont rotations 2 = un and dp = a, where wand uy are Known fom Fas (0, and (); thus 0.5696 oes SR a=-pwy ar = 00 o Substituting for ua, aby Bo, and Oh in Bag. (hy, replacing ET by 267, and using Dy(t) = Aalifery gives Mg(0) = mh[-O.FO77A\(1) = 002094219] MY(O= MKD) o qutions for forces in all beams and columns can be obtained sii Compering the two tems in Eq) for Ma(r) with Eq (1328) indicates that = —0.707imh and , = ~0,0208meK. These modal static responses could have been obtained by static analysis of the structure due oy deternined from Eq. (1324). ‘The various response quanitie hive been expressed in terms of Daft) and Ay(t): these responses ofthe mth-mode SDF system to given i) ean be determined by numerical time stepping methods (Chapter 5). 13.2.5 Effective Modal Mass and Modal Height Jn this section physically motivated interpretations of Mj and Hg, introduced in Eq, (13.294), are presented. The base shear due to the nth mode is obtained by special- ining Eq, (13.28) for Vs Vea(t VpbAn(e) (132.128) ‘hich aftr substituting for Vj from Table 13.2.1 becomes Vint) = MEAN) (13.2:120) 482 Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 18 ‘Comparing Eqs. (13.2.12a) and (13.2.12b) indicates that Mz is equal to Vjt and may therefore be interpreted asthe resultant of the forces (Fig 13.2.2a);simailey, Viu(?) 1s the resultant of equivalent static forces fjn(t) associated with the nth-mode response ofthe building (Fig. 13.230. In contrast to Eq. (132.12b), the base shear in a one-story system with mass m, natural froquency cy, and damping rio &, is [fom Eq. (6.7.3)] Ant 3.2.13) Comparing Eqs. (132.12) and (13.2.13) indicates that the base shear in a onesstory system with lumped mass M (Fig. 13.2.3b) is the same as the nth-mode base shear in 1 multistory system with its mass distributed among the various floor levels, Thus Mz is called the base shear effective modal mass or, for brevity, effective modal mass. Equation (13.2.13) implies that the total mass m of a one-story system is effee- tive in producing the base shear. This is so because the mass and hence the equivalent static foree are concentrated at one location, the roof. In contrast, only a portion of the mass of a multistory building is effective in producing the base shear due to the rnth mode because the building mass is distributed among the various floor levels and the equivalent static forces vary over the height as mjd)... This portion depends on the distribution of the mass of the building over its height and on the shape of the mode, as indicated by Eqs. (13.2.9a) and (13.2.3), The sum of the effective modal masses Mz ovec all the modes is equal to the total mass of the building (see Deriva- veo Sid yt Ma ie MAK) ‘ +o |} ks —L_e tal — Sat —— Mall a) Mra Mont) @ b) Figure 132.3 (9 Equivalent static forces and base shear fn he mth mode; () one-story system wih effective modal mass and effective mada height Sec. 13.2 Multstory Buildings with Symmetric Plan 483 tion 13.1) Fut =m) (3.2.14 ‘Now we compare the base overtuningtmoment equations for malsory and one- story systems, The base overturning moment ina muliory balling de oi mth pode is obtained by specializing Eq. (13.2.8) for My: Man(t) = MfAn() which after substituting for Mj from Table 13.2.1 becomes Mon(t) = WyVonlt) 3.2.15) In contrast, the base overturning moment in a one-story system with mass m lumped at height ft above the base is given by Bq. (6.7.3), repeated here for convenience: My(2) = bY) 3.216) Comparing Eqs. (132.15) and (13.2.16) indicates that the base overtuming moment for 8 one-story system with mass M; lumped at height hy (Fig. 13.2.3) is the same as Msn, the mth-mode base overturning moment, in a multistory building with its mass distributed among the various floor levels. Thus his called the base-moment effective modal height on, for brevity, effective madal height. It may also be interpreted as the height of the resultant of the forces 8, (Fig. 13.2.2a) or of the forces f(t) Fig. 13.2.3). Equation (13.2.16) implies thatthe total height h of the one-story system is effective in producing the base overtuming moment. This is so because the mass of the structare and hence the equivalent static force is concentrated at height h above the base. In contrast, the effective mada! height his less than the total height of the building because the lumped masses and hence the equivalent static forces are located at the various floor levels; A depends on the distribution of the mass over the height of the building and on the shape of the mode (Eqs. (13.2.9) and (13.2.3)]. The sum of the first moments about the base of the effective modal masses M; located at effective heights hy is equal tothe first moment of the floor masses about the base (see Derivation 13.2) v Laym, (13.2.17) a height may be negative. A negative value of fh; implies that at any instant of time, the ‘modal static base shear Vf and the modal static base overturning moment Mf for the nth mode have opposite algebraic signs; the Aff, and Vj for the first mode are both positive, by definition Derivation 13.1 remultiplying both sides of Eq, (13:22) by 17 gives mt = )r,a7me,) 484 Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 13, [Noting that m is diagonal matrix with mjy = my, this ean be rewritten as Sn adr ‘This provides a proof for Eq, (12.2.14) because the nth term on the right side is Mf. Derivation 13.2 [A modal expansion of the force vector mh where = (iy f+ ity) is obtained by subscituing $= mb in Eqs. (12.82) and (12.8.3) mh =) thme, Premuliplying both sides by 1" gives ‘Noting that m is a mo theca be ein ae ad wherein Eq, (13.2.9) has been used. This provides a proof for Eq. (13.2.17), Kxample 135 Determine the effective modal masses end effective modal heights for the two-story shear frame of Example 132. The height of each story ish Solution In Example 132 the m, kc and gy fr this system were presented, and UM and My for each of the wo modes computed. These are lisied next, together with the new computations for Mj and hj. For the frst mode: LY = 2m, My = Sn, Mj = Cay = fo, Uf = Aan) 2K = Bh ad = 24/4 = Sn = 15h. Similarly, for the second mode: LE = —m, Mz = 3m, My = (L3)?/M2 = 4m, 15 = hQm)(—1) + 2hGm)l = 0, and #5 = L3/L4 ‘Observe tha ff-+H3 = 3, the otal mass of the Fame, confirming tht Eq, (132.14) is sais; also note thar the effective height foe the second move is ero implying hat the base ovetuming moment Mia(#) due to that mode will be zero at allt, This is an ilusration of a more general result developed in Example 136 Example 13.6 ‘Show thatthe base overturning moment ina multstory building due tothe second and higher modes is zero ifthe first mode shape is linear (i. the floor displacements are proportional to floor heights above the hase) Solution Equstion (13.215) gives the nth-mode contribution to the base overturning. mo- ment. finear fist mode implies that gj = hyj/ly, where hy is the height of the jh Sec. 18.2 Multistory Buildings with Symmetric Plan 495 floor above the base and hy isthe total height of the building. Substituting hy = Aydt in (132.98) gives smi din = vO Mon and this is zero for all x # 1 because ofthe oxthogonality property of modes. Therefore forall n # 1, hy =0 trom Bq, (13.2.9) and Min(t) = 0 from Bq, (13.2.15). 13.2.6 Example: Five-Story Shear Frame In this section the earthquake analysis procedure summarized in Section 13.2.4 is imple- ‘mented for the five-story shear frame of Fig. 12.8.1, subjected to the El Centro ground ‘motion shown in Fig. 6.1.4. The results presented are accompanied by interpretive com- ‘ments that should assist us in developing an understanding of the response behavior of multistory buildings. ‘System properties. The lumped mass m) 100 kipsig at each floor, the lateral stiffness of each story is kj = k = 31.54 kipsfin., and the height of each story is 12 ft. The damping ratio for all natural modes is 4 = 5%, The mass matrix m, stiffness matrix k, natural frequencies, and natural modes of this system were presented in Section 12.8. For the given k and m, the natural periods are T, = 2.0, 0.6852, 0.4346, 0.3383, and 0.2966 sec. (These natural periods, which are much longer than for typical five-story buildings, were chosen to accentuate the contributions of the second through fifth modes to the structural response.) ‘Thus steps 1 to 3 of the analysis procedure (Section 13.2.4) have already been completed. Modal expansion of m1. With the modes d, known, the modal properties My, Li, and Lf are computed from Egs. (13.2.3) and (13.2.9) (Table 13:22), The Tr, are computed from Eq, (13.2.3) and substituted in Bg, (13.2.4), together with values for my and j_, to obtain the s, vectors shown in Fig. 13.2.4 The contribution of the fundamental mode to the force distribution s = m1 of the effective earthquake forces is the largest, and the modal contributions to these forces decrease progressively for higher modes. TABLE 1322 MODAL PROPERTIES. Mode Mfg Lh Lj 1 1000 1.067 3.750 2 1.000 0.336 0.404 3 L000 0177 0135 4 1.000 -0.099 0.059 5 1000 0.045 0.023 4968 Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 19 am a8 362m 0156m 083m (0015m ‘ 1.1500 Lota 0.1130 1150 Loom Lom | 09s6n 02150 0.9 .0033n 053m Jom = | cnotin * Lassi * Joos * Joon * — oo%em Jem fess 0301n 0208" 0.106 0.025 mi = * * = ‘gure 1324 Modal expuasion of ml Modal static responses. Table 13.23 gives the results for four response quantities—base shear Vs, fifth-story shear Vs, base overturning moment Mb, and roof displacement us—obiained using the equations in Table 13.2.1 and the known jn. Oss and 02. The effective modal masses My = Vji and effective modal heights ‘Mj /V js are shown schematically in Fig, 13.2.5; note that the algebraic sign of ft is ignored in the values shown. Observe that 37M; = Sm, confirming that Eq. (13.2.14) is satisfied. Also note that S7A;Mz = 1Smb; this is the same as hymy = 13mh, confirming that Eq. (13.2.17) is satisied. TABLE 1323 MODAL STATIC RESPONSES Mode Vikfm Vik/m mi 4398 1952 1545 0.127 0436-0362 —0.525 0.008 0.121 0.159 0.982 0.0008 0.037 0.063 —0.022 —0.0002 0.008 9.015 0.04 0.00003 Earthquake excitation. The ground acceleration ip(¢) is defined by its numer- ical values at time instants equally spaced at every Ar. This time step Ar = 0.01 sec is chosen to be small enough to define i,(1) accurately and to determine accurately the response of SDF systems with natural periods 7,, the shortest of which is 0.2966 sec. Response of SDF systems. The deformation response D,() of the nth-mode SDF system with natural period 7, and damping ratio g, to the ground motion is de- termined (step 5b of Section 13.2.4). The time-stepping linear acceleration method (Chapter 5) was implemented to obtain discrete values of D, at every At. For conve- nicnce, however, we continue to denote these discrete values as D,({). At each time instant the pseudo-acceleration is calculated from A,(@) = @2D,(). These computations are implemented for the SDF systems corresponding to each of the five modes of the structure, and the results are presented in Fig. 13.2.6. =5h seh S00. 13.2 Mullistory Buildings with Symmetric Plan 487 igo eT 2 3 4 5 igure 1825 Eifectve medal mies and ffectve oda eh é 5378 ‘i cass re 0 0 Pa 6 4 6) 2583 1) 0.5628 2 O AeA ° Lealimoa nein 6 4 6 ° 8 1 3 | ptm ot + afliiyratomiente ws d im 07837 Sogn, i 4 OO rn ° 6 1 6 1 5 oT eee a vif 4 “1? 0758s 5 3 10 15 6 3 10 Time, see Time, see Figure 132 Displecement Dy(0) and pseudo-seceleraton Aq(t) responses of modal SDF ‘tens. As seen in Chapter 6, the peak values of D,(f) and A,(t), noted in Fig. 13.2.6, ‘can be determined direetly from the response spectrum for the ground motion, This fact ‘will enable us to determine the peak value of the nth-mode contribution to any response ‘quantity directly from the response spectrum. Part B of this chapter is devoted to this development. 488, Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 13. Modal responses. Step Sc of Section 13.24 is implemented to determine the contribution of the mth mode to selected response quantities: Vp, Vs, Moe, and us. The ‘modal static responses (Table 13.2.3) are multiplied by Ay (Fig. 13.2.6) at each time step to obtain the results presented in Figs. 13.2.7 and 13.2.8. Observe that the contribution of the nth mode to every response quantity attains its peak Value at the same time as Ani) does, Figures 13.2.7 and 13.28 give us a first impression of the relative values of the response contributions of the different modes. The modal expansion of the excitation vector (Fig. 13.2.4) had suggested that the response will be largest in the fundamental smode and will tend to decrease in the higher modes. Such isthe case in this example for roof displacement, base shear, and base overturning moment but not for the fifth-story shear. How the relative modal responses depend on the response quantity and on the building properties is discussed in Chapter 18. £0469 40. 17.211 Mode 1 Lp hanes op RR AAA Pee a0! 78) casa 40) 2 0 YAN AAAAAR AAA RAA 40) 20.382 40) 3 2 9.867 ao Sag) ase “0 4 ——— eee a5 aoa 1 oy a 0 O58 Tar “0 sate oH 35217 Tot oan! 5 3 ry is 6 5 0 is Time see Time, ee Figure 1827 Base scar and Aithstory shear: modal conbutions, Vig) sd Ven) id tot responses, Ys) and VC. Total responses. The total responses, determined by combining the modal con- tributions r4(€), according to Eq, (13.2.10), are shown in Figs. 13.2.7 and 13.2.8. The peak value of the total response occurs at a time instant different from when the i 8 Sec. 13.2 Mulstory Bulldings with Symmetric Plan 489 6731 A 25494 Mode 1 0 al 3 2 ° 0936 5438 a £3 3 0,239 2° 90.402 23 i + 0.035 y 20.986 3 3 5 oo 378 ean 25932, To 6 3 70 is io is ‘Time, see ° 2 ‘Time, sec igure 132.8 Roof displacement and base verturting momen: moval contributions, s(t) and Mn (?, and wil responses s(t) 20d My) Vidual modal peaks are attained. ‘The peak values of the total responses for the four response quantities occur at different time instants because the relative values of the ‘modal contributions vary with the response quantity. ‘The results presented indicate that it is not necessary to include the contributions of all the modes in computing the response of a multistory building; the lower few modes may suffice and the modal summations can be truncated accordingly. In this particular example, the contribution of the fourth and fifth modes could be neglected; the results would still be accurate enough for use in structural design. How many modes should be included depends on the earthquake ground motion and building properties. This issue is addressed in Chapter 18 13.2.7 Example: Four-Story Frame with an Appendage ‘This section is concemed with the earthquake analysis and response of a five-story shear frame that as a very light and flexible fifth story. This may represent an idealization of 2 four-story building witha light appendage—a small housing for mechanical equipment,

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